De La Coeur Family

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The De'La Coeur family made their fortunes in the Copper mines of Westerfield and through generations accumulated a large power base in the area. The Lords presided over this fortune for seven generations becoming influential in both military and political pursuits of the region.

Lord Caliban, is the current master of the family fortunes, but is elderley and frail, as his health has descended so has his ability to govern effectively. Worse still he was left with only heiresses and no male heir. The Westerfield Peninsula was always governed by Salic principles whereby the daughters could not inherit.

To prove their worthiness and attempt to gain the skills to retrieve their estates, the daughters of Lord Caliban are now crossing swords with and for foreign realms. Eventually their skills will see them return victorios to challenge the rule of their home land. Or at least that is their aim.


Iolanthe is the fourth child and the elder of the twin daughters of Lord Caliban and his second wife Marianne. Her mother died when Iolanthe was five years old during the birth of one of her sisters. As a child she was educated by her governess Elodie, her fathers older sister. Elodie had remained single following the death of her betrothed in an accident at sea. Her education was largely focussed on pursuits which would aid her in becoming a good match for one of the local Lords. She has a keen mind, very like her Aunt, and was set to attend a finishing school so that she may assume a Courtiers life. Her personal maid and playmate, Roxanne, was a regular feature of her childhood and education. Widely regarded as a great beauty in the household, Roxanne gained the often unwanted attentions of many of the lower standing men folk. After an attempt upon her chastity, both Elodie and Roxanne left the household.

Iolanthe's education was allowed to languish for the next two years and she spent many hours with her fathers gamekeeper, walking the boundaries, and learning how the lands worked, as well as mixing with some of the more unsavory characters within her fathers estate. At the age of fourteen her fortunes were to change when a sickness was visited upon her family. Her three elder brothers were struck down and her father was left frail, and at times feeble minded. Letters were sent to Lady Elodie for her to return to the household as the most senior member of the direct relatives of the family. She was at once embattled, as female rule was regarded as both incorrect and virtually illeagal within the Westerfield penninsula. She immediately refocussed Iolanthe's education, comissioning tutors in both politics and fencing. After her wild years with the gamekeeper, she thrived on the combat training and was soon besting many of her male counterparts.

Accusations were made that Elodie was training the daughters of Lord Caliban in pursuits unbefitting of a noblewoman. The household was visited at greater frequency by more distant relatives, and the pressure grew upon both the infirm Caliban and the redoubtable Elodie to find a match for the daughters of the lord. The presence of so many male relatives made Elodie's position untennable and she was eventually forced to marry . Iolanthe was il-equipped to take her aunt's place at the side of her father and the estate began to buckle under increased pressure from the cousins of Lord Caliban, including the proposition that Iolanthe should marry one of their number. One evening her chamber was invaded by the proposed gentleman, who was intent on forcing the issue with her. Instinctively relying on her combat training she felled her attacker with a mortal blow. Wilson, the gamekeeper was to be Iolanthe's salvation once again. He arranged for her transport to the household of Lady Elodie. From there she met with Roxanne once again and both were sent with a retinue of the household guard to Iolanthe's sister Livia in Massillion.

Elodie's instructions were clear and Iolanthe travelled on with the guard who were to be known as "The Bloodwych" to the East continent where she found an estate in Oroya, part of the realm of Nivemus. Distinguishing herself in battle and by her loyalty to the Crown, she was elevated to become Countess of Pucallpa, a North Western Townsland region on the penninsula.

Iolanthe's arrival in Pucallpa

As she arrived in Pucallpa, there was no great welcome, she could appreciate the reasons. The lands although lush and green, were neglected and over grown, paint peeled from the facades on the housefronts, exhausted adults and grubby children regarded her as she passed. The grey stone of the buildings was matched by the mood of the people. Grown men nodded their asent to her as she greeted them, but few approached. She was barely a girl in most of their eyes, brought up in seclusion she maintained the palor of nobility, but nobility was not aloof, she was there to serve and they would learn in time, she hoped, to trust and respect her commitment.

Yet the picture was not all bleak. The facades could be repainted, the fields could be tended, buildings could be repaired, the foundations were all there. And every so often, in the eyes of the people she caught sight of the light of hope. This warmed her, she would nurture that hope into a better reality for these people who were now her charges. A youth was guiding her progress through the town, he was rangy and wiry framed and moved with a stoic grace.

"Last 'uns took appartments here Miss." The youth indicated the rather better repaired house to his left. She regarded the house, it was huge. As she approached the gates she stepped back in horror.

"This was... it was the School" she stammered.

The youth looked puzzled. "It's the biggest building in town Miss, last 'uns said they wouldn't be living in the Manor."

She stepped back from the gate. "I'd be grateful if you'd show me to the Manor." The youth shrugged and started walking again.

They walked for another half hour, following the coast road, the houses were more sparse as they walked on. They arrived at a covered bridge, inside the gates were locked. The youth sifted through two rings of keys before he found the small brass key that opened the lock. The gates squealed open revealing a pathway that was perhaps two horse breadths wide.

"Nobody mentioned a moat. Does it surround the Manor?" She asked.

The youth chuckled: "Not much of a moat if it don't Miss." But she was barely listening now, the house was simply that, a large fortified house. But beautiful, it was nestled amid the overgrowth of gardens. The limestone walls were old and solid, honeysuckle clung to the walls and even in this late month assaulted the senses most pleasantly.

"What is your name?"

"Jack, Miss" he replied.

"Well Jack, I will be needing a gardeners services, and I'd like you to tell the Schoolmaster that the Lady of Pucallpa will no longer be infringing on his hospitality." She turned to her men. "We have much to do!"


Twin sister of Iolanthe, she is the fifth child of Lord Caliban by his second marriage to Marrianne of Massillion. The house of Lord Caliban had prospered and as the fifth child, and a daughter, Lady Marianne, convinced her husband of the merits of a continental education, governed by her own parents in Massillion.

The Massillion hierarchy had a much more open view of the merits of female nobility and Livia was educated in politics and government, as well as the usual female pursuits of needlecraft, music and the fine arts. Although she missd her family desperately, the Valen line of her mother were coming to an end and she was treat well by all of her relatives. After her mothers death at the age of five, Livia became all the more cherished by her grandparents and was brought up in luxury. Things changed for her though as she reached the age of fourteen. news of a pestillence in Westerfield came to her from her Aunt Elodie, and the dire consequence that her three brothers had all perished and her father remained ill.

The Valen were not without ambition, and saw the potential for this grand-daughter and so she was tutored in the art of warfare and strategy, with aims of preparing her to return triumphant to Westerfield. The plans were disrupted by the death of her grandfather and the arrival of her sister some years later. She came to realise that theory and strategy would ill prepare her for a return to the province, and so set out with her household guard to become the Dame of Azzal. Since that time she has continued to serve in the army in the wars of attrition for Darka.

Captured in Cantril, her men were put to the sword and she spent some time in prison. Now with new resolve and an eye for vengeance she commands her Elyssian Warriors on the field.