Lapallanch Family/Hernfelk

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Born in the outskirts of Eidulb, Hernfelk set out to East Continent to join Sirion originally. But after meeting Zakilevo, he changed his destination to Perdan as he could not stand Zakilevo and his lectures.


Nick Ravenfield

  • Hernfelk's childhood friend. He has followed Hernfelk around for years. Nick usually commands Hernfelk's men. He died in the awe-inspiring temple district spanning 3 blocks of Church of Ibladesh, in the city of Ibladesh.


Chapter 1 - Hernfelk, a young knight from Dwilight

Hernfelk's Roleplays - Hernfelk travels from Brive (Perdan) to Ibladesh (Ibladesh)

Hernfelk's Roleplays II - Hernfelk's story in Ibladesh (Rogue) until the death of Nick Ravenfield.

Chapter 2 - Hernfelk, a mad knight of Lorient

Hernfelk's Roleplays III