Aetheris Pyrism/Pantheon/Charkh

From BattleMaster Wiki


  • Late justice is served by a rusty blade.


Pity is the doom of men. Empowering the weak and those who do not deserve it corrupts any system or society. There should be no given rights, for if those who cannot survive for themselves are taken care of they will become dead weight on the shoulders of those who can. The heavier the load, the higher the chance of perishing against the enemy.


Justice should be as fair as quickly dispensed. Long and fruitless legal debates only serve to delay the delivery of justice, thus promoting injustice. The blade of the judge should be swift and clear. The laws should be simple, clear and unquestionable. The law must be followed, however seemingly unjust, for only by maintaining order it can be corrected.


Bad weeds must be uprooted. Evil and corruption are inherent and natural to some, and only purging the world of these order and morality will be achieved.