Westmoor (Realm)

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Disambig gray.svg This article outlines the realm of Westmoor. For the region of Westmoor, see Westmoor.
Westmoor (Realm)
Banner uceek.jpg
Capital Westmoor
Largest City Oligarch
Government Type Monarchy
Food Production 2,574 bushels
Region Number 10 regions
Population 192,169
  • King
  • Lord General
  • Lord Justice
  • Lord Treasurer

Jor Tanos
Thomas Foxglove
Antonious Turner
Maliki Nautilus

  • Westmoorian Column
Ravier Nebehn


Edward Anthony

Westmoor is a mid sized Kingdom on the East Continent founded by friendly secession from Perdan. Its crest is recognisable by the sword and rose, the red rose signifying passion and the sword is the will to enforce it.

The realm motto, 'Causarum Amicitia et Memoria' , means simply, for the cause of friendship and memories, and reminds the knights of Westmoor of the reason for the realms founding and the history of lost allies on the East Continent.


See Also: Monarchs of Westmoor

The idea of Westmoor's creation began with King Nightmare of Perdan, who desired to see the rebirth of his long lost ally, Oligarch. His successor King Sangue reinforced the idea and brought Perdan a step closer by leading the realm in a successful campaign against Fontan, capturing the city of Westmoor. Lady Evangeline, former Queen and General of Perdan, was chosen for appointment to lead the idea. However, since decades have come and gone since the falling of Oligarch the idea became a new realm, with it own identity and the opportunity to create its own position within the continent. The idea became Westmoor.

Immediately after its establishment, Westmoor found itself at war with Fontan. The reason given was because of Perdan's war on Fontan and the capture of the Westmoor duchy. Chancellor Mikhail of Fontan stated he wished to see Westmoor destroyed, but would not encroach on Perdanese lands: Chancellor Mikhail's address explaining war declaration. Despite Fontan's superior size and wealth, Westmoor had prevailed with aid from Perdan. The war was ended when Fontan sued for peace and surrendered, and Westmoor's allies were needed elsewhere.

At the time Fontan was also engaged in war with the northern neighbours, Sirion. In response to the peace negotiations Sirion offered to ally with Fontan and assist them in destroying Westmoor in exchange for territorial concessions. The suggested treachery was refused by Fontan and Westmoor responded by joining them in the long running war against Sirion. Despite the efforts of no less than five realms, the war descended into a stalemate, with the coalition of Fontan, Asena, Obsidian Islands, Perdan and Westmoor unable to break the fixed defences of Sirion.

Meanwhile, tensions between Perdan and Caligus erupted into fullscale war between the the former close allies. With the agreement of all parties, Queen Micna of Westmoor reduced relations from alliance to peace with both Caligus and Perdan, to the ire of those in Westmoor who wished to help their mother realm. To near universal surprise the war went badly for Perdan, who eventually called for aid from Westmoor and the Obsidian Islands. The armies of Westmoor suffered badly against the veteran Caligan troops and Perdan continued to crumble. A cabal of younger nobles under the leadership of Scheckyos Achillien seized the throne whilst most knights were absent from the capital, bringing to an end the long reign of Micna and beginning a period of instability.

A counter rebellion was swiftly organised, and with Duke Corwin of Oligarch at the helm, the usurpers were easily overthrown. The actions of the cabal had awakened the ambitions of numerous nobles though and King Corwin found his position precarious. While Perdan surrendered to Caligus and Ibladesh, Westmoor choose to continue the war alone, hoping that their natural defences could make up for deficiencies in organisation and number. Unrest amongst the nobility continued, with some openly criticising King Corwin not seeking confirmation of his right to rule. Facing an uncertain military situation, Corwin stepped down to allow a new monarch to take the throne.

The ensuing contest was decided by the narrowest of possible margins, with Count Jor defeating Duke Flaylen by a single vote. From the very beginning the reign of King Jor was controversial, with accusations of tyranny and defeats on the battlefield. Ultimately he was protested from the throne after following Perdan into alliance with Sirion and Caligus and breaking the existing federation with Asena, Fontan and Ibladesh.

Duke Flaylen comfortably took the throne this time and immediately reversed the diplomatic movements of Jor; unfortunately the series of volte-faces left a mark on Westmoor’s reputation. Initially Westmoor focused its attention on Viseu, fighting a series of battles with Sirion and Caligus; despite some tactical successes little lasting damage was done despite heavy losses. At the same time, the realization of just how bad Fontan’s situation was began to sink in. During Westmoor's near year long absence from the north eastern front, Sirion had secured a decisive advantage.

With Sirion’s armies on the doorstep of Fontan’s capital city and less than a day away from Westmoor’s lands, the focus shifted northwards. Insufficient in number to face the invaders in open battle, they could do little but pick off stragglers. Krimml was stormed by Sirion while Westmoor’s troops remained pinned down in Oligarch. After being sacked, the city turned to Westmoor for protection. With the result of the war in little doubt, Westmoor resisted returning Krimml to Fontan, believing it would merely be conquered again by Sirion.

Having restored some order to Krimml, King Flaylen ordered an ambitious raid against the city of Fontan (controlled by Caligus). The offensive floundered on bad roads and despite managing to breach the walls of Fontan city, they found their route home blocked by two enemy armies. Few soldiers made it back and soon after Fontan made peace with Sirion. As Fontan redoubled their demands for the return of Krimml, Caligus launched a fresh offensive on Evora. Westmoor’s brave counter attack had little chance of success because its armies had still not recovered from the ill fated attack on the city of Fontan, and almost the entire military leadership was wounded or captured. Simultaneously, Fontan declared war on Westmoor and marched on Krimml supported by armies from their former enemy Sirion (to the utter astonishment of Westmoor). Shortly afterwards Sirion bribed Krimml’s city official to change their allegiance. King Flaylen was believed to have survived the battle in Evora, but was never heard from again; protests removed him from the throne.

Promising to make peace with Westmoor’s neighbours, Lord Treasurer Maedros was crowned King. The diplomacy that followed proved to be long and difficult. The first breakthrough came when a truce was negotiated with Caligus, but the low-intensity war with Fontan rumbled on. Sirion, concerned about its own territorial interests, sought to place limits on Westmoor's military activities in the Fontan war. Eventually, this complicated diplomatic situation led to a misunderstanding involving a Westmoorian assault on the Fontanese capital of Krimml. In a major setback, this caused Sirion to declare war on Westmoor.

Nearing the end of the wars with Sirion and Fontan, Westmoor went through what is now known as the “October Crisis.” Westmoor eagerly crowned King Maedros with the hope that he would improve the realm after the detrimental reigns of King Jor and King Flaylen. As time went on a small group of Lords grew dissatisfied and disappointed with the King’s lack of performance and gathered to discuss the issues of the realm. At the end of a short time of brainstorming and discussing they decided that the best solution to many of the realm’s issues was to install a constitution. The idea behind the constitution was to create a system of standards and measures to judge the King by and to organize the Monarchy more efficiently. When Count Armstrong Ironsides and the Reformers introduced the realm to the constitution it was met with quick tempered criticism.

A long and large argument broke out which led one of the more radical members of the reform group, Lady Arica Maldives, to launch an ill-fated rebellion against the King. After the rebellion further dissatisfaction arose against the King leading to another round of debate and argument. To solve the issue as peaceably as possible Count Armstrong launched a referendum. The vote of no confidence was defeated and the King was reaffirmed to his Crown. This event and the documents pertaining to it are all recorded in the archives of the New Westmoor newspaper.

Although border skirmishes between Westmoor and Fontan continued, Westmoor took the decision to prove its peaceful intent towards Fontan by switching to a defensive position and making no further attacks against Fontanese lands. Also, in a bold diplomatic move, Westmoor chose to allow Fontan to retake the contested regions of Oberndorf and Commonyr without a fight. Initial peace terms were presented, and truces with both Fontan and Sirion ensued. Within days more good diplomatic news followed when a peace treaty was signed between Westmoor and Perdan.

As the days after the truce with Fontan drew on, Lords became concerned with the lack of progress with the negotiations. It became clear the burden of the Crown had worn down King Maedros. When pressure was put on him in the House of Lords, he chose to abdicate the Throne. Though he had faded as his time on the Throne came to an end, his legacy would be that he safely guided Westmoor through one of the most dangerous times in its history.

And so Jor Tanos became the next King of Westmoor. Taking the Throne for his second time, the age of the Restoration began.

The Geography

Map of Westmoor

Westmoor located near the centre of the continent, largely made up of fertile plains. To the north is the Kazakh peninsula, presently home to the Sultanate of Asena. The eastern border is shared with Fontan and marked by a shift from farming to woodlands. In the south, beyond the highlands of Evora is the Kingdom of Caligus. Finally rivers seperate Westmoor from its parent realm, Perdan, which lies to the west.

The Military

The Westmoorian Column

Marshal: Ravier Nebehn
Second-in-Command: Mathros Hagakure

This army, funded by Lord Maedros in Westmoor city, replacing the Westmoor Tactical Force as Westmoor's main army.

The Royal Guard of Westmoor

Marshal: Edward Anthony
Second-in-Command: Cassandra Foxglove

Westmoor's elite army was originally founded by then-Count Jor Tanos as the Poitiers Crusade to function as something of a home guard army. Though the idea never caught on, during his se pnd reign as King of Westmoor he rebranded it as the Royal Guard, dedicated to the defense of the principles of Westmoorian monarchy, honor, and courage.

Armies no longer in use can be found below:
Defunct Armies

Diplomacy & Treaties

Diplomatic Relations

The Kingdom's diplomatic relations are presently in a state of mild flux. Presently Westmoor's sole alliance is with its northern neighbour, the Sultanate of Asena. Traditionally Westmoor enjoyed close alliances with Perdan and Obsidian Islands, but these were broken in the rule of King Flaylen and have not been repaired despite some efforts. An indefinite ceasefire exists with Caligus, although Westmoor desires friendlier relations. There is little contact with Ibladesh. The ongoing low intensity war with Fontan continues to cause tensions with Sirion.

Friendly Neighbours

Westmoor took a controversial stance when they decided to cement their friendship with their small and struggling neighbours, the Sultanate of Asena. At this time, Westmoor promised to be a peaceful buffer to the Sultanate's southern border.


New Westmoor
Editor Mathros

The Westmoor Times (Defunct) - The voice of truth in all things newsworthy from Westmoor
Chief Editor & Writer in Charge Hiddukel Kiri-Jolith