Long-lost Flute of Qual

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Revision as of 23:56, 19 November 2011 by JackSmith (talk | contribs)
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Type Accessory
Discovered By Benedicta Marlboro
Discovery Date Nov 19 2011
Discovery Location Qual, Beluaterra
Abilities Prestige +2
Current Owner Benedicta Marlboro

This instrument was once played by a particularly patriotic minstrel who left it embedded in the eye socket of his murderer, a tremendous brute of a monster. Its notes inspire courage and hope in those that hear it. A rather gaudy thing, it looks to be made of ivory with golden inlay. It was recovered by a monster-hunter (and subsequently wiped thoroughly clean), thus its official name is technically a misnomer. However, it serves to distinguish it from the many other flutes of Qual, most of which are much less remarkable and very few of which have been used as impromptu weapons.