Black Aegis of Protection

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Type Shield
Discovered By Jasith
Discovery Date 29 August 2011
Discovery Location Unger, Beluaterra
Abilities Prestige +3
Current Owner Jasith

The adventurer Tiki had hunted the monsters of Unger and was hot on the trail of their leader. As he made camp Jasith approached his camp and over some ale and bread he told his tale of valour and martial prowess. Not to be outdone Jasith left him with her thanks and picked up the trail to the monsters lair. Using her knowledge of the region she tracked the creatures through the foothills and hidden meadows until finally she came upon the ruined mill in which they made their lair.

Unleashing a warcry worthy of her ancestry she rushed at them with her blade striking to her left and right, caught up in the glory of combat. After what seemed an eternity the combat stilled, the remaining monsters fell back and she cried out feeling her spirits lifting! They were fleeing, undone by her wits and skill. As she took a breath to calm herself a sudden roar shattered the silence, there was one more, the pack leader. It was an immense brute, fully 8 feet tall and clad in discarded pieces of leather and mail. In it's hands was a large two handed blade, much to large for Jasith's slender stature but almost vanishing in the brute's paws.

With a roar the brute charged at Jasith, madly trampling his cowering brethren. The blade slashed towards her head with sufficient power to slay even a knight clad in plate. Finally gathering her wits she takes quick step backwards, feeling the air rush past her as the blade passes but inches from her face. The beast looks bemused at her for an instant, surely such a small thing should fall easily by it's hand, then with a bellow it follows up with a great overhead swing.

Knowing that to parry those tremendous swings is certain to break her blade Jasith leaps back another step, once more avoiding the clumsy blows of the brute, but this time she manages to strike back. Her swing strikes true, avoiding the patchwork armour it wears, but the brutes thick hide turns the ferocious strike aside with nothing more than a thin line of blood welling from of the cut. Dismayed by her lack of success Jasith is almost struck by the return blow of the enraged brute. It hammers at her relentlessly forcing her to weave and wind her way away from the rusty greatsword. Her strikes have no other effect than bringing the brute to a frenzy, causing it to swing wilder and wilder at Jasith and leaving her no choice but to back further into the monster's lair. After no more than a few minutes her back is almost at the inner walls of the cave and she casts her eyes around looking wildly for anything to distract her relentless foe. She sees a piece of wood behind herself, in desperation she picks it up and turns back to launch it at the brute. Suddenly it is as if the world around her stops for three beats of a heart, surely she must be going mad from fear, for clear as day she hears a voice. "Fear not little one, you have fought valiantly against this beast. Turn now fearlessly and let the monster's rage strike at this shield and no harm shall come to you."

Having little choice she grits her teeth, grips the shield in her left hand and cries out in defiance. Having finally cornered it's elusive prey the beast roars and swings mightily at her. The blade breaks. The brute blinks. She slips past it, and swings at the brute's tendons with all her strength. Finally she wounds it! It's left leg collapses uselessly beneath it, soon followed by the right leg. The beast, froth running from it's mouth as it bellows, tries in vain to gather it's legs and rise. Jasith taking heart from her success weaves in and out, avoiding the clumsy beast she slashes it again and again. First one paw opens uselessly, then the other arm dangles at the beast's side. Finally realizing that it's overmatched the beast tries to crawl away, and at last Jasith has the opening she needs. She leaps on it's back, and puts all her strength into the final blow and she severs the beast's spine.

A silence falls over the lair. A scrabbling noise fades in the distance, the last beasts making their escape. After catching her breath Jasith follows the time honoured tradition of adventurers and starts collecting the valuables. Only as she leaves the lair does she recall the voice she heard during the battle, but now the shield is once again silent.