New Westmoor

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Revision as of 11:15, 10 June 2011 by Mathros (talk | contribs)
New Westmoor.jpg
Regional News
09 June 1011

Panic is spreading in Poitiers after peasants spread rumours of an undead horde. The peasants are living in fear and barely dare to leave their homes.

People fleeing from Greatbridge are spreading horror tales of the terror and brutality with which an enemy army (Fontan) is taking control of their homeland.

 Coronation of a new king! 10 June 1011

All hail our new king Maedros Itaran king of all Westmoor! Our new king Maedros received a good majority of the votes and will soon be giving new decrees to the realm as a whole. Below is a copy of the voting turn out given out by the tax office.

  • 48 votes for Maedros
  • 28 votes for Gregor
  • 21 votes for Jor
  • 10 votes for Gabrael
  • 9 votes for Guster
  • 0 abstentions
  • 28 votes were not cast

Below is a copy of the king’s first announcement to Westmoor!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Thank you for your confidence in me. To be elected King of the land of my birth is a great honour for both me and for my family. I will be immediately writing to my colleagues in Perdan, Caligus, Sirion and Fontan, seeking an end to the conflict between their realms and our own…

…With my election as Monarch, I will be stepping down from the post of Lord Treasurer. Those nobles who feel capable of filling the office should write to me, explaining their credentials. The office of Lord General should be filled before the end of sunset today. Should any of you wish to ask something of me, do not hesitate to write.


So there you have it if you’re interested in either the job of Lord Treasurer or Lord General then get cracking on it although Thomas Foxglove seems tipped for the job of Lord General with several highbrow figures declaring their support, bookies odds 1 to 2. Get applications in to the king soon if you’re interested in filling either of these positions.

 New Westmoor paper founded! 09 June 1011

It is with great pleasure that we can announce the foundation of a new paper for Westmoor. Recent events have seen the removal of Flaylen our former king from power after a long silence, and the breaking of our federation by Fontan over the right of ownership to Krimml.

There are multiple enemies for us in the north and south and there has perhaps never been a better time for news what with the recent loss of Evora.

Within the next few days (providing all goes well) a new king will be elected to rule over our realm. The candidates thus far are:

Gabrael Gregor Gustor Jor Maedros

All nobles are greatly encouraged to vote in this referendum and read the manifestos of the potential rulers. As for the paper it is based loosely on the Obsidian News with stylistic influence from the old Westmoor Times. Hopefully both the paper and Westmoor will flourish in the years to come!

