Avamar (Realm)/The Mother of All Battles

From BattleMaster Wiki

This page records the current second largest battle in the world of BM. So future generations can study the play of the battle, and marvel at the huge numbers of troops.

The Fall of Amavar

Battle of Amavar, Turn: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5


No. Role Unit Commander Realm Unit Formation CS
1 A Vorax Vengers Vorax Sirion 36 MI line   384
2 A Edwardians Edward Fontan 32 Inf box   313
3 A =PG= Dagger of Dracilis Dracilis Old Rancagua 21 Inf box   270
4 A Dhiaperastiko Kryo Friedrich Sirion 50 Arch line   640
5 A Dmitri's Guard Demitri Vlad Sirion 35 Arch line   330
6 A =PR=Red Legion XII Thalanteus Old Rancagua 36 Cav wedge   342
7 A Belar's Honor Belar Fontan 40 Inf box   400
8 A ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers Tzarmeister Sirion 70 Arch line   643
9 A =PG= Veni, Vidi, Vici Brandan Old Rancagua 21 Inf line   397
10 A Primus Family Guard Doc Sirion 51 Arch line   771
11 A =PG= 1st Oroyan Cavalry Regiment Jean-Luc Old Rancagua 26 Cav wedge   401
12 A Haunacauri Warriors GTL Jaguar Old Rancagua 26 Inf box   408
13 A Argonian Warriors Rats Old Rancagua 20 Inf line   271
14 A Freelancers Goliath Scorpion Sirion 20 Inf line   218
15 A Fontanese Strike Force Quanto Fontan 23 MI line   355
16 A ~GTL~ Forone VI Tonan Old Rancagua 25 Arch line   349
17 A Friends of Yeti Atos Fontan 30 Inf box   330
18 A Elven Sentinels Adrian Sirion 30 MI box   589
19 A Stromhund Arkanskaya Sirion 41 Inf box   320
20 A <GTL> Dragon Crushers Shadowbeast Old Rancagua 40 Inf box   375
21 A Blaastambar expedition Ju Sirion 75 MI line   672
22 A Glinmar Hussars Andrei Sirion 26 Cav wedge   297
23 A McKay Guard Ethan Sirion 36 Arch line   320
24 A RHG Mantur Lexon Old Rancagua 40 Inf box   476
25 A My New Unit Otranto Fontan 11 Inf line   191
26 A Viseu Bowmen Tzarina Fontan 41 Arch line   418
27 A Raven shield swift Old Rancagua 30 Inf box   340
28 A Ora Sugary Food Movlat Old Rancagua 34 Inf box   386
29 A Doc's Republican Guards Dark Sirion 49 Inf box   439
30 A 3th Hungary Archers Skald Fontan 27 Arch line   390
31 A Lady Wowures People wowure Sirion 35 SF line   814
32 A Monster Mulchers II fergus Sirion 32 Inf box   437
33 A Democratic Guards StopItNow Fontan 29 Inf line   314
34 A Warmongers Sparky Fontan 90 Arch line   982
35 A PG-People Killers Alden Old Rancagua 36 Arch line   381
36 A REF Heartseeker Dargaard Old Rancagua 25 Arch line   352
37 A GTL - Ajax Dogs of WAR Ajax Old Rancagua 22 Inf line   260
38 A ~={E.E}=~ Invisible Pain Xulicus Sirion 55 Arch line   742
39 A RHG Arusse Atmar Old Rancagua 30 Inf box   378
40 A Killer Tofu Areku Sirion 36 Inf box   460
41 A Elven Blades Makaz Sirion 40 Inf box   439
42 A Elephants Hannibal Fontan 25 Inf line   373
43 A Pathfinders Aeron Sirion 30 MI line   438
44 A Senate Mel Sirion 40 Arch line   484
45 A Splinter Cells Darfix Sirion 36 Inf box   338
46 A Toogoodoos Papier Sirion 54 Inf box   534
47 A Horsemen of An Najaf lolaap Fontan 36 Cav wedge   563
48 A red hand perrin Fontan 49 Arch line   592
49 A Throatcutters Bogie Fontan 21 SF line   482
50 A Graf's Harem Graf Sirion 31 Inf box   347
51 A Protectors of the star Phavian Fontan 17 Inf line   213
52 A Senate Gaurd Boom Boom Sirion 160 MI line   1537
53 A 181st Jerix Fontan 55 Arch line   545
54 A DemonShard Bows Inuasha Old Rancagua 41 Arch line   183
55 A New hands of Mais Mais Fontan 40 Inf box   498
56 A Cormack Kildare's Men Cormack Kildare Sirion 35 Inf box   321
57 A <GTL> Sam's Soldiers Sam Old Rancagua 23 Inf box   300
58 A Warriors of Blackfire Tarklos Sirion 42 Inf box   428
59 A ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Cavalry Assault Alexander Sirion 15 Cav wedge   314
60 A Fontan Close Combat Fighters Col. Kilo Fontan 28 SF line   604
61 A Silver Elves Fangir Sirion 40 Inf box   504
62 A Strategis Knights Araia Sirion 30 Inf box   282
63 A REF - Westfalen Vornamen Old Rancagua 26 Inf box   459
64 A Glacies Preliator Glacious Sirion 61 Inf box   605
65 A Dark Riders Billy Bob Brubaker Old Rancagua 19 Cav wedge   462
66 A Gondolin Elves Turgon Sirion 40 Inf box   417
67 A Bladesingers Azran T'alynn Sirion 51 MI line   655
68 A Tempest Knights Tempest Fontan 26 Inf line   363
69 A Fontan Polo Club Alexi Fontan 29 Cav wedge   467
70 A Longbowmen Roronoa Old Rancagua 41 Arch line   274
71 A Pop goes the weazel Popsi Sirion 80 MI line   772
72 A Fallen Angels Tyrael Sirion 47 Inf line   398
73 A 1st Hungary Infantry Kristof Fontan 52 Inf box   418
74 A Oroya Archery Club Charlie Murphy Old Rancagua 60 Arch line   208
75 A The Templars Pride bell Sirion 59 Cav wedge   810
76 A Knights Of The Round Lancelot Fontan 45 Inf box   483
77 A Rough Riders Heinrich Sirion 24 Cav wedge   315
78 A Aslan II ausom Sirion 65 Inf box   608
79 A GTL TO Boom 2 Old Rancagua 101 Arch line   535
80 A Date's striking arrow Lansour Valon Fontan 27 Arch line   341
81 A Pirates and Naives Black Beard Sirion 30 Inf box   320
82 A Acceptale Loss Phillippe Fontan 48 Inf line   513
83 A Wrath of the Almighty Thellenus Fontan 24 Inf line   202
84 A Headcrushers Hag Fontan 31 Inf box   403
85 A ~GTL~ Stonefighters Shina Old Rancagua 22 Inf line   266
86 A Fires of Sirion Ardor Sirion 48 Inf box   458
87 A Minutemen III Abigail Fontan 34 Inf box   424
88 A Kid's Platoon kid Sirion 51 Inf box   460
89 A The Annihilators Circle Sirion 70 Inf box   744
90 A RHG Belegrist Syban Old Rancagua 27 Inf box   289
91 A Flismar rangers Ghost Sirion 20 SF line   271
92 A RHG Bormegil Antan Old Rancagua 30 Arch line   335
93 A Monster Mulchers III Toohey Fontan 19 Arch line   296
94 A 1st Hungary Archers Justice Fontan 56 Arch line   568
95 A Minions Asdrubal Sirion 58 Inf box   623
96 A Night Guardians Night Ocean Sirion 30 MI line   397
97 A Avian's Till Death Avian Fontan 51 Inf box   452
98 A Guards of Oroya Marcus Pius Old Rancagua 20 Inf line   269
99 A For Fontan and For Honor Amanda Fontan 43 Inf box   477
100 A My killers Wolf Sirion 61 Inf box   601
101 A ~REF~ Frog Throwers High Guard Old Rancagua 27 MI line   378
102 A RHG Nolemacil Talius Old Rancagua 26 Inf box   300
103 A GTL Guards of Oroya Olaf Old Rancagua 24 Inf box   305
104 A Nnix's Men Nnix Fontan 40 Inf box   374
105 A RHG Cirthalion ShadowWolf Old Rancagua 53 Inf box   659
106 A Fodder XXVI Private Fontan 63 Inf box   504
107 A Legion of the Moon Eledhir Sirion 115 Inf box   979
108 A Elite Kaydron Dragons Kaydron Sirion 21 Cav wedge   509
109 A Archers of the Pinetree Tung Sirion 31 Arch line   489
110 A Human Shield Henri Fontan 34 Inf line   359
111 A Minions of Cthulhu Sizz Lor Fontan 5 SF line   211
112 A RHG Glinluin Fuinur Old Rancagua 46 Inf box   516
113 A Tax Doggers Imperial Old Rancagua 12 Arch line   114
114 A S.M.O.R.E.S Atlas Fontan 14 SF line   328
115 A {TOR} Vindicators Dekion Old Rancagua 50 Inf box   546
116 A ~GTL~ Queen's Daisies Ragnell Old Rancagua 21 Arch line   341
117 D Grenadiers Bertrand Avamar 20 Inf box   205
118 D Merlin II's Rangers (militia/guard unit) Avamar 35 Arch line   319
119 D Assassins of Alamut (militia/guard unit) Avamar 17 Arch line   192
120 D Black Hand Institute Loquan Avamar 35 Inf line   364
121 D Floroi Estella Avamar 19 Arch line   197
122 D private big bad dangerous Avamar 16 Inf line   160
123 D Shadow Walkers Nerudaneth Avamar 50 Arch line   442
124 D Black Hand Institute Mao Avamar 16 Inf line   199
125 D Vampyres of Valentine Vincent Avamar 23 Arch line   212
126 D Black Hand Institute (militia/guard unit) Avamar 11 Inf line   114
127 D Merlin II's Legion Merlin II Avamar 28 Inf line   275
128 D Bitsmasher's Bowmen Glargh Avamar 44 Arch line   420
129 D Wood Elf Guard Awen Avamar 45 Inf box   562
130 D Pencil Pushers Fionn Avamar 9 Inf line   144
131 D Kira Yamato's KoP Battalion (militia/guard unit) Avamar 15 Inf line   175
132 D Drow's Offense (militia/guard unit) Avamar 30 Inf line   259
133 D Personal Guard Jimminy Avamar 20 Arch line   179
134 D Ichigawa's Longbowmen Nanatsusaya Avamar 10 Arch line   241
135 D In Angust Idem Avamar 26 Inf box   261
136 D Personal Guard Gender Avamar 16 Arch line   198
137 D Revenge! Bladesinger Avamar 27 Inf line   366
138 D Ayashi no Ceres Ayashi Avamar 4 Inf box   78
139 D Big Red 1 (militia/guard unit) Avamar 26 Inf line   334
140 D 1st Inf Div Shaun Avamar 20 Inf line   199
141 D Kultan's Defenders (militia/guard unit) Avamar 12 Inf line   143
142 D Attacker Darky Avamar 21 Inf line   193
143 D Elite Drow Command Naira Avamar 37 Inf line   485
144 D Black Hand Defenders (militia/guard unit) Avamar 15 Arch line   169
145 D Black Arrows Kamenos Avamar 47 Arch line   521
146 D The Warmongers Juuke Avamar 15 Inf line   231
147 D East River Rogues Aramir Avamar 15 Inf line   189
148 D Black Hand Guardians (militia/guard unit) Avamar 15 Inf line   186
149 D Dark Elves Command (militia/guard unit) Avamar 16 Arch skirmish   185
150 D Mao Followers Janus Avamar 6 Inf wedge   106
151 D Obsidian Death Kolya Avamar 25 Inf line   353
152 D Ammeria's Angels Ammeria Avamar 8 Inf box   169
153 D Barbades BarbaYimelos Avamar 28 Inf line   314
154 D Last Hope SansTort de Mapo Avamar 60 Arch line   511
155 D Swift Blades Thanfedal Avamar 35 Inf line   341
156 D Drow's Offense Amraedil Avamar 31 Inf line   303
157 D The Warmongers (militia/guard unit) Avamar 19 Inf box   192
158 D Avamar's Golf Club Lalakis Avamar 37 Arch line   402
159 D Personal Guard Brutist Avamar 21 Arch line   194
160 D Kai Do Ma's Elite Archers (militia/guard unit) Avamar 21 Arch line   231
161 D Flaming Rage (militia/guard unit) Avamar 22 Arch skirmish   273
162 D Wrath of Amazons (militia/guard unit) Avamar 61 Arch skirmish   456
163 D Lalakis Wrath (militia/guard unit) Avamar 21 Arch skirmish   266
164 D Black Hand Archers (militia/guard unit) Avamar 33 Arch skirmish   315
165 D Second Guard Petrus Avamar 45 Inf line   584
166 D Tis All Geek To Me (militia/guard unit) Avamar 28 Inf line   288
167 D Avamarian Guards Peinalas Avamar 10 Inf wedge   132
168 D Forest Guards (militia/guard unit) Avamar 13 Arch line   181
169 D Black Hand Revenge (militia/guard unit) Avamar 21 Arch skirmish   225
170 D Black Hand Shooters (militia/guard unit) Avamar 13 Arch line   186
171 D Oligarchian Cavaliers Qin Wah Oligarch 21 Cav wedge   309
172 D Justice Longrangers (militia/guard unit) Avamar 19 Arch skirmish   198
173 D Always Alive Donna Ragna Avamar 40 Arch line   431
174 D Furious Axemen Bruce Avamar 38 Inf line   469
175 D Avamar's Pride (militia/guard unit) Avamar 20 Arch box   223
176 D Drow Elite Infantry (militia/guard unit) Avamar 24 Inf line   290
177 D Swift Mick Avamar 25 Inf line   329
178 D Black Hand's Pride (militia/guard unit) Avamar 21 Inf line   170
179 D Students of Destruction Cyrus Avamar 21 Inf line   253
180 D White Company (militia/guard unit) Avamar 24 Arch box   207
181 D Yimelos' BH Shooters (militia/guard unit) Avamar 18 Arch line   269
182 D Avamar's Guard (militia/guard unit) Avamar 18 Arch line   203
183 D Drow Defenders (militia/guard unit) Avamar 13 Arch line   136
184 D Leathals Malice Avamar 49 Inf line   538
185 D Revenge until Death (militia/guard unit) Avamar 33 Inf line   338
186 D (1) Light Bringers Matthaeus Avamar 30 Inf line   353
187 D --- Elairans Elaira Oligarch 23 Inf line   324
188 D People's Stealth Volunteers (militia/guard unit) Avamar 15 Inf line   202
189 D Whatever (militia/guard unit) Avamar 36 Inf box   335
190 D 1st archer Detachment (militia/guard unit) Avamar 17 Arch line   187
191 D Leibstandarte (militia/guard unit) Avamar 25 Inf wedge   230
192 D Avamar's Golf Club (militia/guard unit) Avamar 27 Arch line   261
193 D Dark Elf Archers (militia/guard unit) Avamar 20 Arch skirmish   261
194 D Defenders of Avamar Saruyama Avamar 31 Inf box   420
195 D Obsidian Tears (militia/guard unit) Avamar 20 Inf box   203
196 D Thumbelines Thumbelina Avamar 34 Inf wedge   486
197 D Kerians Elite Cavalry kerian the lioness Oligarch 3 Cav wedge   109
198 D Bitsmasher's Revenge Thrump Oligarch 25 Inf line   305
199 D Hell's Troops Takeo Avamar 38 Inf line   366
200 D Amazons of Freedom (militia/guard unit) Avamar 18 Inf line   182
201 D Kain Command (militia/guard unit) Avamar 22 Arch skirmish   233
202 D 42nd Inf. Reg. (militia/guard unit) Avamar 17 Inf line   186
203 D Swift Blades (militia/guard unit) Avamar 25 Inf wedge   235
204 D Yimelos' Black Guard (militia/guard unit) Avamar 52 Inf line   460
205 D Sirion Slayers (militia/guard unit) Avamar 14 Arch line   185
206 D Dark Elves Command (militia/guard unit) Avamar 29 Inf line   259
207 D Chargers Charger Oligarch 3 Arch line   56
208 N Silent Slayers Kay Z Oligarch 10 Arch line   94

116 attackers (2448 Inf, 542 MI, 1124 Arch, 291 Cav, 123 SF)
91 defenders (1307 Inf, 890 Arch, 24 Cav)
Total combat strengths: 51344 vs. 24620

1 neutral observers (94 combat strength).

Silent Slayers successfully evade the foreign troops.
The region owner Avamar and their allies defend.
The Sirion troops attack because they are at war with Oligarch.
The Fontan troops attack because they are at war with Oligarch.
The Old Rancagua troops attack because they are at war with Oligarch.

It is quite windy and the archers will have to aim very carefully.
The defenders have the benefit of fortified positions (level 5).
Marshal of the army of Fontan takes command of the attacker forces.
The attacker are set up in none formation.
Marshal of the army of Avamar takes command of the defender forces.
The defender are set up in none formation.