Serpentis Family/Durion

From BattleMaster Wiki
Dürion Eyolf Serpentis

Name: Dürion Eyolf Serpentis

Age: 23 years

Continent: East Continent

Realm: Sirion

Main Class: Warrior

Sub Class: Warrior

Titles: Lord

Old Titles: Knight of Parm, Margrave of Negev and Baron of Sermbar

Religion: Church of the Holy Sacred Grove [Path of Elune]

Religious Title: Root of the Light

Honour: 53

Prestige: 29

Time of Service: 57

Weapons: Elvish Sword & Daggers


Army: The Red Dragons

Troops: The Dark Ones

Type: Infantry

Captain: -- --

Old Captain: Captain Aldebrand (+3) and Captain Leopold (+6)

Favorite Designation: Vanguard


In development...


2010-09-23 * Durion Eyolf * Began his career in Sirion.

2011-06-18 * Durion Eyolf * Elected as Baron of Sermbar

Roleplay Archive

The Rise of the Bastard Son

The Secret Ritual - Elune Welcomes a Young Dragon

The Dark Elf

Lady Gabriella - Loving you was like loving the dead
