Enchanted Belt

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Type Accessory
Discovered By Onamont
Discovery Date March 18, 1011
Discovery Location Azohib, Far East
Abilities Prestige +4
Current Owner Onamont

A thick, solid leather belt, once used by a ranger of the woods, it eventually was lost when the ranger died. After many years, it was discovered by a monster, who tangled himself in it yet, wearing it so, was imbued with its powers, and became mighty and feared among the monsters of those parts. For years he raged, and was feared as the "Beltmangler of Azohib." Yet, at long last, Onamon the Freeman stalked the Beltmangler through the woods, quietly, raising no blade against him for some time, but then eventually fell upon the Beltmangler's horde in great fury, scattering them. In single combat against the monstrous beast, Onamont slew it, and reclaimed the Enchanted Belt for humanity.