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Miniasena6.jpg Asenian Courier
1 Silver with Honour and Valour Issue #3 - December 2010
An uneasy peace for Westmoor!
Dale Taken by Sirion
30 December 2010 (Oroya) by Grand Vezir Leandros Galvez, Baron of Pedrera
Sirion has taken control over the former rogue region, Dale. It was claimed by Fontan for it has always flown the flag of the democracy for as long as I can remember. Will they strike back, or will we take the opportunity to bring Dale under our control? Time will tell.
Have We Seen the Last of the Order of the White Three?
30 December 2010 (Oroya) by Grand Vezir Leandros Galvez, Baron of Pedrera
Due to a peasants uprising in Caqueta, led by Priest Hetdrow it seems that Priest Sapphire Cobalt of the Order of the White Three now falls under my jurisdiction. Yesterday I decided to banish the priest as enemy of the realm. The same day however, my fellow editor, Sir Josheph Ironheart, managed to capture him again and brings him into our custody. I was going to deport the priest, but it seems he committed suicide today. And as the last priest of the Order, he took the legacy of his faith with him in his grave.
Royal Passes Away
29 December 2010 (Oroya) by Grand Vezir Leandros Galvez, Baron of Pedrera
Lady Catharina Danlawer has left the mortal plain this morning. She served the realm as marchioness of Pucalpa, Duchess of Kazakh and Grand Vezir. But most importantly her reign as Sultana of our fine Sultanate shall never be forgotten. Sultan David Ironheart spoke about a his dear friend: "She was amongst if not the finest of my mentors. Had she continued as our Sultan for some time, she would have proven herself a most marvelous ruler. This is indeed a great and sad loss to Asena..." And it is indeed a sad day to all, but we rest in the comfort that she is now with her brother-in-law, Gaius Julius Danlawer and of course two close friends, Korkut Kalkandelen and Randolf Galvez. May they rest in peace.
Diplomatic News
25 December 2010 (Pedrera) by Grand Vezir Leandros Galvez, Baron of Pedrera
The realms of Diocese of Aix and Sultanate of Asena have joined into an alliance. Praise Sultan David Ironheart for uniting us with these honourable people of the south.
Prime Minister Meristenzio Challenged to the Death
26 December 2010 (Oroya) by Grand Vezir Leandros Galvez, Baron of Pedrera
The Prime minister of Sirion was challenged; a duel till death! And who else than I, Grand Vezir Leandros Galvez, issued the challenge. It happened two days ago, in a dark night in Obando. I journeyed to the encampment of the Sirionites to challenge the Prime Minister for the death of my uncle, Randolf Galvez. The duel was accepted, although for other reasons than I hoped for. He claims not to have murdered my father, but wants to duel me for the acts I committed as Grand Vezir against their assassins. Either way, we raised our swords at sunrise. And as Prime Minister Meristenzio is still dictating the plains of Sirion, and I am the one writing you this article, you might wonder who won the duel. It was the Prime Minister of Sirion. The Gods have been merciful lately that I am still alive. But respect for my skilled opponent.
Public Execution in Krimml
24 December 2010 (Obando) by Grand Vezir Leandros Galvez, Baron of Pedrera
Assassin Silunaia Galmel, was banished from Fontan, and when they imprisoned her again, Supreme Justice Gabriella Kinsey made her pay for her actions. Praise be to Lady Gabriella, may justice rule the plains of the East Continent.
Sirion's Main Army Crushed!
11 December 2010 (Salta) by Joseph Ironheart, Knight of Pedrera
Our enemy has been (and rightfully so) feeling rather full of themselves as of late. A host of 8K CS arrived at our second biggest rural region Salta, and started marauding and destroying the region. In addition, they brought a unit to start a Takeover. Our forces meanwhile were refitting at Kazakh, the order was given for them to move quickly. 12K CS of Asenian units were on the move immediately. The enemy meanwhile were receiving more reinforcements. When the sun of the following day sat, a huge battle occured at Salta. 18 units led by 18 Asenian nobles, in addition to two units of hundreds of peasants for a total of 11K CS lined against 26 units led by 26 Sirionite nobles for a total of 10K CS. There was a strong storm, and the enemy's numerous archers proved almost worthless. Our brave soliders managed to slaughter those of the enemy, many nobles of Sirion were either captured or wounded. Only the last of the enemy archers managed to save their comrades from a total humiliation by forcing the Asenian cavalry to retreat.
Casualty Report of The Battles of Salta
12 December 2010 (Salta) by Joseph Ironheart, Knight of Pedrera
Below is a list of the wounded and captured of both sides, in addition to military losses.
  • Alexander Acies Dux Ducis, Duke of Parm
  • Atsuko Sanada (Dame of Slimbar)
  • Sir Tavius ut Daris, Baron of Csopa
  • Anurak Invictus, Count of Blaastambar
  • Kine Kruger (Knight of Elmbar)
  • Celine von Genf (Dame of Sir Temple)
  • Caelitus Acies Dux Ducis (Knight of Parm)
  • Zidane Soulja (Knight of Rollbar, Sirion)
  • Trinity Fleisher, Countess of Rollbar
  • Durion Eyolf Serpentis (Knight of Parm, Sirion)
  • Iana Lance (Dame of Limbar, Sirion)
  • Urimesai Sanada (Lord of Sirion)
  • Genghis D'Han (Knight of Salta, Sultanate of Asena)

SoA began the battle with 10,007 CS mobile force, ended up with 5470 CS, for an estimated loss of ~4500 CS

Sirion began the battle with 10,717 CS mobile force, ended up with 2625 CS, for an estimated loss of ~8000 CS

For courtesy sake, we are not taking into account further losses by the enemy in the small battle that followed soon after.

Peace or Interbellum?
8 December 2010 (Oroya) by Grand Vezir Leandros Galvez, Baron of Pedrera
Caligus and Westmoor have laid down their weapons and signed a peace treaty with each other. The Sultanate is grateful that these two nation finally agreed on a ceasefire. But nothing could be further from the truth. And there is even an third and fourth party involved and why is it not surprising that one of those realms is Sirion. Caligus is dictating the treaty, and this peace is forced upon our federation partners. And of course, we have a copy of the content:
1. Peace treaty is to last 6 months after signed of the deal. No realm can lower relations with another below peace.
2. Caligus is maintaining a defensive pact with Perdan therefore if Westmoor are the aggressors in a war against Perdan Caligus will be forced to lower relations and thus void clause 1. This does not count if Perdan are the aggressors however.
3. Westmoor is to pay Sirion 1000 gold in repairs for years of attacks on Sirion.
4. Westmoor is to promise not to give any sort of aid to Fontan or SoA.

I won't be surprised if this peace won't last, and this will certainly be a story with a tail.

Retaliating Raid At Csopa
4 December 2010 (Kazakh) by Joseph Ironheart, Knight of Pedrera
After clearing Obando from enemy forces, our units paid a visit to Csopa in order to repay Sirion a little, and to conduct some harem collection. After ensuring that the region was emptied from all that is valuable, our forces went north to shake the already weak Sirionite control at Caqueta
Pontifex Sinted Abdicates
10 December 2010 (Oroya) by Grand Vezir Leandros Galvez, Baron of Pedrera
It seems that Pontifex Sinted abdicated from the thrown of Ibladesh. His reason is still unknown, but word is that he suffered from heart failure after he stepped down. But the daily lives in Ibladesh continue; The realm of Ibladesh has elected Theuderik Cuvelier as its new Pontifex. He received 42% of the valid votes cast.
Murphy Appointed Pasha
3 December 2010 (Kazakh) by Joseph Ironheart, Knight of Pedrera
After a while of distinguished service to the Sultanate as Pasha, Lord Viseslav has elected to step down. The Sultan had several candidates in mind, but eventually chose Lord Murphy to re-assume his duties as General once more. The courier wishes to offer thanks to Pasha Viseslav for leading our military for the past months. In addition, we wish success and the best of fortune to Pasha Murphy in his post.
A missing prisoner
3 December 2010 (Kazakh) by Grand Vezir Leandros Galvez, Baron of Pedrera
Lord Justice Antonious Turner of Westmoor: "It has come to my attention that Sir Dominik Stublic, Priest of The Triumvirate has been taken prisoner. I would appreciate it if the Judge of the realm holding him captive would be so kind as to get in contact with me." Those words echoed through the mostly silent canals of the Judges of East Continent. The Courier wishes our allies from Westmoor the best of luck in finding their priest.
Obando plundered and marauded
3 December 2010 (Kazakh) by Grand Vezir Leandros Galvez, Baron of Pedrera
Sirion was running a brutal takeover of Obando, and for days they have plundered and marauded Obando. The armies of the Sultanate had to act, and they were on their way to liberate Obando after they had refitted in Kazakh. But the army was not fast enough, and on the 2nd of December, after Sirion even attacked the food stores the resistance had fallen and the civil leaders slain. Obando was taken over by Sirion. But on the 3rd of December, the Sultanate's Striking Fury and the Iron Wolves of Asena arrived in Obando and attacked Sirrion. But there presence was already diminished, and those who had not left Obando were put to Asenian steel. A combined force of 780 men against the 110 men of Sirion. They were no match, it was a slaughter. They were a wolves' meal!
Allied success in Braga
2 December 2010 (Kazakh) by Grand Vezir Leandros Galvez, Baron of Pedrera
The Elves were bold enough to attack Braga. Deep into the forests of Fontan. But such attitude could not go unpunished, and with severe numbers gathered in Krimml and from there attack the Sirion forces within their lands. 680 men were counted at the side of our allies, while the Sirionite army merely brought halve that strength in men to the fight. And with deadly precision Fontan made use of the woodland environment and were victorious today! Praise be to our Democratic allies.