Peristaltico Family/Meristenzio/duel Galvez

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Roleplay from Leandros Galvez
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in the region Obando (19 recipients)
The battle of Obando was lost, and Leandros was injured during the fight. When the scout report came in, he notices Prime Minister Meristenzio was still in the vicinity. Leandros closes his eyes and covers his face in the palm of his hand. He nods his head forward, slowly sliding over the palm of his hand. He had to think. "This is the time to confront him, this is the time for revenge", he thought. He just sad there. Not knowing what to do. "It could mean my death." His breath became heavier and his hart was beating harder and harder.

But his heart beats like drums of war. It was time to avenge his uncle.

When he finally found the courage within him to confront the Prime Minister, he pulls on his armour and puts on his cape and helmet. He then grabs his shield en sword. His shield in his left hand, and his sword in his right. Sword and hand he lays on his heart, looking to the sky, "For you, uncle Randolf. For the honour of the Galvez!"

And when he was about the leave the camp, Captain Gernar stops him. "Lord Galvez, where are you going to!", he yells. Leandros turns around towards his captain. Walks towards him, looking him in the eyes and laying his hand upon his captain's shoulder. "I am going to the Sirionite camp. I have some unsettled business to take care of", he told him with a low voice. "But that is suicide my Lord", the captain tried to explain him. "I know the danger. And if you do not hear from me by sunset tomorrow, take my gold and lead the men safely back to Kazakh and enjoy your freedom." "But, but...", the Captain tries to speak but Leandros silences him. "No! I made up my mind! Gernar, I will go now and you will stay here with the men. And no word about this to them!" And with those last firm words, Leandros turns himself away from his captain and starts walking.

And what do you do when your Lord is about to do something stupid and ask you to stay in the camp? Of course, you follow him.

It is a silent night. Leandros could hear some loud Sirion soldiers. Probable feasting over their recent victory. He extinguishes his torch, hoping to get closer without being spotted. But in vain. While sneaking towards the camp of Prime Minister Meristenzio, he is spot by a soldier. Before he knows it, he is surrounded by five archers, all ready to fire. Someone else ties his arms and takes Leandros' sword and shield. "You can not do this to me! I need to speak to Prime Minister Meristenzio! I am Leandros Galvez, Grand Vezir of the Sultanate of Asena!" Leandros could yell whatever he want, but it didn't got any better, and he got punched in the stomach with the handle of a sword.

They bring Leandros before the Prime Minster, and put Leandros on his knees. One of the soldiers gets in the tent, but Leandros can not hear what they are talking about. Later Meristenzio gets out. "Prime Minister Meri-", Leandros says but was interrupted before he could finish his sentence. Interrupted by a kick in his back, with his head now laying on the wet and muddy ground. Someone yells, "you will talk when the Prime Minister tells you to!" Leandros tries to get on is knees again, but with his hands tied on his back, it isn't easy. On of the soldiers grabs him by his hair and pulls him up so he can face the Prime Minister. Meristenzio, "Now speak. Are you saying who you are or are you merely wasting my time?" "The name is Leandros Galvez, Grand Vezir of the Sultanate of Asena and Baron of Pedrera. Years it took me to find out who killed my father, and I know now that you, Baron Tavius or Count Ryu is responsible! Six years ago, in Csopa. Randolf Galvez, Pasha of the Sultanate, Duke of Oroya, my uncle was laying wounded on the field of battle. In the last round of battle, one of you put a wounded noble man to the sword and I will not rest until you all met the steel of my blade!" He had to gasp for breath, because he was speaking very fast. And he continued, "I hereby challenge you, Prime Minister Meristenzio Peristaltico to a dual till death in name of my uncle and family!"

Leandros Galvez

Grand Vezir of Sultanate of Asena, Baron of Pedrera
Leandros Galvez

Roleplay from Meristenzio Peristaltico
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in the region Obando (19 recipients)
The challenge was set, and the men surrounding the Grand Vezir stood back for a moment for a moment, as if stunned by such display of determination and bravery.

"Pull him up - said Meristenzio - I shall answer a standing man, not a kneeling one."

The soldiers, still half shocked by what was happening, reluctantly let the Grand Vezir stand his ground.

"Grand Vezir Leandros Galvez, Baron of Pedrera, you come here and break into my camp, sneaking like an assassin and challenging me to death for avenging the demise of your uncle even you are not sure was killed by me. I hope you understand how meaningless this sounds: not only one would expect a challenge to death to be based upon certain accusations, but you do not even hold the status for coming here and challenging the ruler of Sirion to duel with you."

Meristenzio waited for few seconds, his gaze fixed on the Grand Vizir's face in search for an emotion. He let his words fall down and make the desired effect, and then added

"However, Grand Vezir, I hereby accept your challenge.

Our confrontation represents and incarnates the fuel that fires the hearts of every Sirion noble, and that gives us every day the determination to keep fighting and winning this war. You, Grand Vezir, know neither honor nor your place. You inhumanly tortured repeatedly nobles of Sirion, in a desperate attempt to discharge your frustration and hate, and threatened them with execution. You come here and awkwardly attempt to kill me with mixed feelings of vengeance and desire to keep my head as a trophy for your Sultan. Your actions perfectly incarnate what has been the history of the Sultanate: a series of honorless actions performed by a realm that knows nothing else but opportunism and sadistic retribution, achieved by all available means, setting aside all which characterizes noble life in itself. A realm born without an identity that strove to build a name for itself by brute force and sheer extermination of its enemies, defending its mischiefs with lies and deceit, hiding its honorless actions behind the justification of usefulness, without understanding that what makes us nobles is all contained in how we behave and how we perform our deeds.

Sadly over and over again I had the hope to see a new generation of Sultanate nobles pulling the name of your realm out of the mud of the past, but every time my hopes were deluded.

It is for these reasons that I will not withdraw from your challenge: as the highest ranking noble of Sirion I have the duty to give the example to my realm mates, and this example is that we shall never give up our fight against the Sultan's forces, that we shall never lower ourselves to perform the same inhuman acts that dotted your history and that you in first person kept performing, that we shall punish with righteous retribution those that stained their honor.

The only honorable sentence to death is the one pronounced by the same man that swings the sword, and not against a defenseless target. A judge that orders his minions to arrest and drag a prisoner under the executioner axe is nothing but a coward. And the Sulanate fielded several of these individuals in its ranks. I will once again show how different Sirion is."

Silence fell between the challengers. The few soldiers witnessing the Prime Minister's speech were silent and thoughtful, probably displeased to see that their ruler couldn't set aside his pride and answer a challenge he would have had all the rights to refuse. The time and place were set, at sunrise blood will be shed.

Meristenzio staggered back to his tend, once the Grand Vezir was thrown out of the Sirion encampement, and fell on his bed. Holding his head thoughts started to swirl in his mind at an uncontrollable speed. Few hours to sunrise, too many things to do. He quickly grabbed paper and started writing.

Sir Meristenzio Peristaltico

Prime Minister of Sirion
Meristenzio Peristaltico

Roleplay from Meristenzio Peristaltico
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in the region Obando (9 recipients)

After Leandros was set out of the Sirion camp, he tried to sleep a little. He found a nice three and gots comfortable. But many thoughts occupied his mind, and sleep was not one of them. Just a few hours away from a duel with the Prime Minister of Sirion. If he would win the battle, what immense consequences could this have for the war. He would return to Kazakh as a legend, just like his uncle.

Meristenzio could not sleep either. He spent the night writing letters to make sure if anything happens Sirion would not fall in complete chaos. Just before dawn he started dressing himself. No armor, no elaborate garments, no ornaments. He was a duelant, comfort must come before apparence today.


It was time. The sun was about to rise. And Leandros was already back at the Prime Minister's camp. He yelled: "It is time. Sunrise you said. I am here!"

Meristenzio walked out from his tent with slow moves. Every movement was felt in its entirety. The Sirionite camp was silent, keeping their breath. Things took place at such a quick pace that several of the Sirion nobles were probably not even aware of what was going on. The Prime Minister left the camp only with his esquire and an healer, instructing no one to come nearby before the duel would be over.

One in front of the others, the duelants met. Leandros was visibly nervous, perhaps not yet aware of the consequences of his challenge. On the other side, Meristenzio was silent and calm, but that was merely an apparence. Never he dueled to the death before.

Leandros shouted: "You might only accepted this duel for the torture of Silunaia, or my threats towards Jun. But their dishonour in attempting to assassinate noble men and women of the Sultanate brought that upon them. No true noble from your Republic have I touched. But I am here for the honourable death sentence you so desire, this if for uncle Randolf, for my family!" And with those last words, Leandros unsheathed his sword, pointing it towards the Prime Ministers and getting ready for duel.

Meristenzio drew his sword, not adding any word to what he said the day before, and studied his enemy. Leandros was considerably younger than him, and thus probably slightly less experienced from having joined fewer battles, while the Prime Minister joined so many as to have lost the count since long. On the other hand, the actions of the Gran Vezir clearly showed that this revenge occupied his mind since long, maybe even forever. Thus, he was likely to be quite well trained for the day he could see his challenge accepted. Meristenzio thought that only surprise could give him the upper hand, skill and endurance were probably both in favour of his enemy.

The Prime Minister kept a serious and calm attitude, just as when challenged, and tried to stick to a defensive posture for a while, readying himself to turn the table at the right moment.

With the big red ball of the sun still glued to the horizon, the duel began. Leandros proved to be a skilled swordman, approaching Meristenzio's defensive stance with feints and tricks. After a few exchanges, Meristenzio noticed the increased boldness with which Leandros was attacking him, sure that sooner or later he would fall in the right feint.

That was the right moment. Meristenzio leaped forward and started swinging his sword strongly and savagely, raining a hail of furious blows on Leandros' guard. The clang was deafening, Meristenzio recklessly keeping up his aggression, not giving to the Asenan the space for breathing, let alone counterattacking.

Leandros, still visibly surprised of the sudden turn of events, failed to keep his guard strong for long enough to tire Meristenzio. One blow was deflected far from his head but Meristenzio's sword slided to the side and cut a deep wound into Leandros' left arm. The sharp pain, a momentary lost of focus, and the duel was over.

Meristenzio seized the moment and with a spinning movement he first hit with the side of his sword Leandros' blade, near the hilt, opening his guard, then to the end of his counterclockwise turn he grabbed two handedly his weapon and plunged it deeply into the Grand Vezir's chest. The sword cut through the flesh and bones, coming out from Leandros back, freezing his expression like in a nightmarish painting.

There they stood for few moments, as if in an awkward hug. Leandros bent forward, his arms open wide with the right hand still clutching to the hilt; Meristenzio leaning forward, forming a sharp angle with the ground and with his sword as the natural continuation of the line of his body, straight into the curve formed by Leandros body. Warm, dark and dense blood started dripping on the Prime Ministers hand, in a moment that seemed eternity.

Then, the picture was broken in a moment. Meristenzio pulled out his sword, and Leandros fell. His sword hit the ground with a loud clang, he followed crumbling like a disarticulated rag doll, lifting a gentle wave of dust around him. Nothing could be heard, save the wind gently blowing on Meristenzio's face.

The Prime Minister watched the defeated opponent then, slowly, he pulled out a white tissue from his pocket and started cleaning his sword. Watching the bright sky, he said softly:

"Here in front of me you now lay wounded. Whether his wound will prove to be fatal, it is a matter for the Gods to decide, not for men. Yet, even if your fate is still undecided, I shall not deliver to a defenseless enemy like you a coup the grace, just as never I did to your defunct uncle."

He folded the tissue bearing the Peristaltico emblem, crimson from the blood, and dropped it near Leandros' body. Meristenzio turned and took a couple steps then stopped and added.

"Do not challenge me again, Baron, for I shall not duel against you a second time."

Sir Meristenzio Peristaltico

Prime Minister of Sirion
Meristenzio Peristaltico

Challenged to a duel (11 hours, 47 minutes ago) Leandros Galvez, Grand Vezir of Sultanate of Asena, Baron of Pedrera has challenged you to a duel of honour till death. You have 3 days to answer the challenge. In order to resolve the duel, both of you have to be in the same region. His challenge was accompanied by these words: To avenge the death of my late uncle, Randolf Galvez. You should answer his challenge and either accept or reject it.

Duel (6 hours, 13 minutes ago) Sir Meristenzio Peristaltico, Prime Minister of Sirion meets his challenger Leandros Galvez, Grand Vezir of Sultanate of Asena, Baron of Pedrera for the agreed duel till death. Leandros has decided to use the 'trick moves' strategy while Meristenzio has choosen the 'aggressive' strategy, giving Meristenzio the advantage. The duel runs its course, until Meristenzio delivers a fatal blow. The healers carry Leandros away, seriously wounded but still breathing.