Ni'Tessine Family/Corwyn/Unit

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Paladins of Elune

Jan 10 to Present
Deciding that he wanted to take vengeance and be up close and personal to his foes, Corwyn recruited some of the most stalwart warriors he could find, pure in faith and strong in arms.

Paladins of Elune
Captain Karl (+12)
Type: Infantry
Strength: 38 men
Training: 72 %
Weapons/Armour: 70% / 65%
Damage: 7 %
Morale: 97 %
Cohesion: 86 %
Combat Strength: 584

Ni'Tessine Marskmen

Oct 11 to Jan 9
Corwyn's first unit, the Ni'Tessine Marskmen earned their namesake. They were some of the most highly trained archers.

After the disastrous battle in Dale, Corwyn was imprisoned and his unit of archers was hunted down to a man. His captain and child-hood friend is presumed dead.

Ni'Tessine's Marksmen
Captain Erkenbrand (+4)
Type: Archers
Range: 4 lines
Strength: 31 men
Training: 95 %
Weapons/Armour: 78% / 63%
Damage: 0 %
Morale: 100 %
Cohesion: 100 %
Combat Strength: 605
Designation: army