The Daily Toren

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Revision as of 10:05, 2 February 2006 by Shadow (talk | contribs)
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Price: 2 Gold Coins Creator: Shadow Updated as Needed
Three opposing Realms, no allies, there can be only war

Editorial note: Please do not post any work in this paper without first asking me via the discussion option

The Great Divide
Date: Feb 02 2006

With the local lord of Figobar betraying Sandalak the Island is now cleanly split into two halves, with each side controlling 21 regions, two major strategic points and a similer amount of regions a high gold rate. Ironically the battles have been happening over Figobar, Moeth and the Cave of Guilt, such regions serve little productive value over the regions to the north, however with both sides having heavily intrenched miltia forces around Ikalak, and as such the battles have been concentrated to the south. The future battles around Moeth and the cave of guilt will likely be the fiercest this island has seen, far outclassing the war with Ikalak. Only time will tell how this war will play out. Only one thing is certain, one realm must fall.

Castimir - The new general of Taselak
Febuary 2cd, 2006

There has certainly been alot of confusion over why Castimir has been given the most important Job in Taselak when he had just lost his realm. Many Taselakians believed that Penny was a worthier general, however for reasons that escape many, he now controls the forces of Ikalak. Sebastian has been rumoured to of joked about this saying hewill be the first man two lead two realms to defeat in a matter of months. Although currently Castimir has been doing a highly successful job, he has led the Taselakian army to the victory and capture of the Cave of Guilt as well as defeating the Sandalakian looting partys to the north. Whether his appointment will be ultimatley successful is still debatable.

Ikalak city Taken!
Date: Jan. 05 2006

Ikalak city has finally fallen, to a sandalakian army! Many expected Taselak to take the city with there vastly superior force although for some reason they decided to end the treaty and allied with Ikalak to destroy Sandalak. So far this has been an utter disaster for all sides. Taslelak lost a large portion of its army attacking Sandalak city earlier this week. Such an attack has baffled many, however the Daily Toren can reveal that Penny is no longer in charge. Sandalak also took heavy losses, but not from Ikalak city, but from a battle in Korlock with the entire Ikalakian army. Tojira, a well known hero in Sandalak fell towards a vastly superior force along with the rest of the local militia forces. Sandalak then brought its army to bear on the Ikalakian force and the resistance in Korlock fell, and the attack on Ikalak city begun. After many days it has finally fallen. The question remians, has the mighty realm of Ikalak fallen, or can they regroup in Berakor and try one final attack.

Recent events on the South-East Island
Febuary 2cd, 2006

Figobar rejoins Sandalak as the local lord switches sides

Cave of guilt captured by Taselak

Berakor taken by Taselak

Looting parts from Sandalak destroyed

Sandalak takes Berakor

Sandalak takes Ikalak city

Taselak sends army against Sandalak city and is defeated

Taselak sends small groups to loot a defenceless Sandalak

Sandalak attacks Ikalak city