Muninn Newsrag

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Revision as of 20:50, 17 August 2010 by X-anne-x (talk | contribs)
Lead Editor: Davendrall (User:X-anne-x)
Editor and Agony Aunt: Anneliese (User:Audacity)
Cost: 3 cookies August 2010

The Muninn Newsrag! The Newspaper about the glorious vikings of gloriousness of Norland! The Muninn Newsrag is named after Muninn, the owl of memory. This owl is owned by Odin, one of the Viking Gods of The Way of the Hammer. Although Norland has...mysteriously disappeared (but secretly we all know Xaphan forgot where he put it), the memory of Norland still lives on in the Norlanders who continue to seek a way to make a new Norland. As such, a paper about Norlanders, is named the newspaper of the memory. The paper is currently based in Barad Lacirith, Capital of Eston, where there is a current infestation of Norlanders. The main editor is Davendrall Felhand who also owns the newspaper as part of her business; The Cute Cookie Corporation. In her offices there are rows upon rows of mini desks. And in each one, is a rabbit. And in each rabbit's fury little paws is a pencil. And with that pencil, they have been trained to write. And thus this newspaper is written.

Adventures of one Drunk and her Rabbit

Also read the Adventures of one Drunk and her Rabbit, tales of the editors of this Newspaper, published by the Editors of this Newspaper available for your personal entertainment now!


This Months Paper

Ask Anne the Agony Aunt
• Dear Aunt Anne, I think I am in love with this man, and I was going to tell him, but then he proposed to my sister. I feel confused and heartbroken and I don't know what to do - Tilly
• Dear Tilly,

I can't believe you can't see the obvious answer here. You need to kill your sister. With her dead, he's sure to settle for second-best. - Anneliese

Leprechaun Wine.JPG
Pest Control.JPG
Norlandic Duel! Friday 6th August
There has been much questioning, debate and general confusing recently about whether one particular Norlander, who wishes her name not to be revealed, is male or female. The discussions amongst the army, Blood Crazed Norland Loyalist, has lead to much petty squabbling and name calling. The guards in the local area have been keeping a eye on the ringleaders of this despicable behavior in case it got out of hand, which it did this morning. (The guards didn't do anything...the we're just watching). As the Marshal of the army, the Squirrel Xaphan, continued with his pestering and abuse towards Davendrall...I mean...the unnamed female, calling her male names and claiming she was a plummer, she announced she would prove her gender to all who challenged it. And so, Xaphan challenged Davendrall to a duel, and this morning both took part in a naked Mud-Wrestle. The fight was gruesome, but in the end the squirrel claimed victory by smashing his opponent round the head with a conveniently attached Mangle. Nevertheless, Davendrall indeed proved she as female.

Now they both face a spanking from the Judge as for some preposterous and unknown reason, Dueling is illegal in Eston. They both expect a fine, which again, is completely pointless as they will merely request more gold of other people.

Editor: Davendrall

The Squirrly Marshal imprisoned! Friday 6th August
After our single success in battle, the following battles ended in disaster for the Norlanders and the Barony. As our troops moved out and more Ithilian troops moved in, we were outnumbered, to the point that this afternoon the remaining troops in Dunstoke were mearly surrounded and arrested. Unfortunately for us the one that was arrested was our squirrel marshal Xaphan. But now the Ithilians face an even greater worry than several armies attacking them; their Dungeons are now infested with squirrels
Editor: Davendrall
Eston and the Barony of Makar attack Minis Ithil Thursday 5th August
Finally after many many months of sitting in Eston doing nothing, we finally move out to attack Minis Ithil! Then finally after spending many many days sitting around in random regions waiting to attack Minis Ithil, half of us run out of money, some loosing troops, and have to go back to the cities during the start of the attacks. Despite loosing the first battle in Dunstoke due to an unorganized two turn move, and the second battle, the most recent battle that took place this morning was a victory! The Rabid Squirrel Brigade of Norlanders (though officially part of Eston at the moment) were lead into battle valiantly by Sir Xaphan Squirrellypants wearing his Shinny Girdle of Command alongside the armies of the Barony of Makar. The weird and crazy battle cries of the Norlanders could be heard throughout Minis Ithil. The battle lasted many amounts of some form of time, but vastly outnumbed the armies of Minis Ithil fell and victory was ours! Now we get to loot! Yaaaayyy!
Editor: Davendrall