Ni'Tessine Family/Karden/Roleplay/Monkeying Around

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Monkeying Around

The fallout of Lord Toshuk's bad day

Part 1: Bad Day

The sun was rising, and Toshuk was upset, he couldn't sleep in all night because of the nearly hundreds of letters he had to read on a daily basis.

"Captain Jodokus, come heeereee!" all the men could hear.

"Yes sir, what happened?" the captain said.

Obviously the captain knew about this situation, having all his men stationed at the gates of Avamar, now some of them demanding payment, it was not an easy task.

"What do you think? We have 75 men waiting here, doing nothing! Hundreds of letters steal my sleep, and to complete it, we have no money at all, not even to pay the materials to make training dummies, and now THIS!!!" Showing a red letter on his hand, shaking it in the air as he shouts "THIIISSS!", throwing the letter to the ground and putting his boot on top of it ripping it against the rocky ground.

"I want 5 men to come with me. NOW!"

Trying not to upset him more, he sends 5 men with him.


Later on...

On one of the streets that surround the inner wall, there it was, Toshuk with 5 armed guards. Terribly upset and annoyed he pinpoints one of the peasants who was at the wall with a bag and a bunch of other stuff.

"Guards, after him!" In a swift movement the 5 guards apprehend the peasant and bring him to Toshuk.

It was at that precise moment when Toshuk punches him hard, tossing him onto the ground, kicking his head and jumping up and down in his abdomen like a monkey.

After a brief moment to catch his air he tells his men:

"Arrest him, he was nothing more than a punching bag. Make sure he survives, later on I will pay a visit."

Three of the men bring the wounded man to the prison and ask for him to be treated as is badly wounded.