Riombaran Herald/Archives/Issue 6

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Chronicle of truth
Issue 5 - July 2010. Price: 2 silver.

July 27, 1010
Secession in Rines

Readers of the Herald- This will be my final article in this paper. I have attached a copy of my last speech in Riombara below.

Lords and Ladies of Riombara,

The invasion has forced all of us to make difficult decisions. Choices that could determine the future not only of Riombara, but of humanity, of Beluaterra itself.

The battle lines have been drawn. Already some humans including Enweil and Sint have chosen to align themselves with the daimonic scourge. Now is the time we must decide, we must choose a side to align ourselves with, to ensure the survival of humanity. We must choose the monsters. Although they took our land, they respect our warriors, and the lands they take are yet habitable to man. You cannot say the same for the daimons.

I would like to inform you that I continued my talks with Wisdom to try and convince him to spare some part of Riombara, even after we declared war on them. He agreed to spare the Isles, on the condition they formed into a new realm, and accepted the nobles of the Dominion. The monsters will help us to defeat the daimons, and gain northern territories and the food our island regions need.

After due consultation with Dukes Khaludh and Ercole, and other prominent members of the realm, it was decided to accept the terms offered by Wisdom, and form a realm that will take the steps necessary to survive the invasion, and defeat the scourge creeping down from the volcano.

It is a sad step we take today, but it is the only way to ensure a part of Riombaran culture stands, a part of humanity survives that is uncorrupted by the taint of the daimons. I wish Riombara well, know that you shall always be welcome in the Meridian Republic.

I finish with a quote by Tirinius- Quite the paradox, I think, to ponder if by casting aside your sacred honor, you can indeed gather an even greater honor: the accomplishment of your true goal. I ask you to remember our goal- the defeat of the daimons, and the triumph of humanity over the invaders.

For the Isles,

For the Republics,

~ Mordred Lefanis, Ambassador and Grand Chamberlain of Riombara

July 25, 1010
Enweil signs agreement with the Netherworld

In a shocking development, Enweil, home of the late Nicolas Chenier, one of the leaders of the daimon worshiping Blood Cult, has formally announced a peace treaty with the daimons. They are already being referred to by the Enweilians as allies. One wonders what atrocities they have planned to commit on Beluaterra, alongside their daimonic allies.

Enweil has sold its soul to the snakes of the Netherworld, and they shall pay the price for their treachery. Riombara shall stand firmly against the daimons and daimon lovers.

~ Mordred Lefanis, Ambassador and Grand Chamberlain of Riombara

July 3, 1010
Riombara goes to war, Tragedy in the South

It is now official- The Democratic Republic of Riombara is now at war with the Monster Swarm.

Monsters were beaten back from Grehk, but Irombro, Mio Dupaki, and Ardmore are being taken over by Monster forces. Sadly, Duke Kammar of RInes perished in the valiant attack on Ardmore. He served Riombara long, and was one of its most loyal warriors. He was a true statesman, one who always put the state of Riombara first. He wont ever be forgotten.

All hail Duke Kammar!

May he live forever in Qyrvagg's blissful city.

~ Mordred Lefanis, Ambassador and Grand Chamberlain of Riombara

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