Hinamoto Family/Ryu

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Ryu Hinamoto - The pride of the lions

"I borrow my name from my ancestors. I must return it to them unharmed. I borrow my honor from my descendants. In shaming myself, i shame them as well"

Ryu is the second son of the three that Hiroshi Hinamoto and Mai Kurokomo had and he follows the strict code of the Bushido as his father wanted to.

As a child, Ryu studied with Akodo Ginawa, the leader of the Lion clan and developed some incredible swordfighting skills. At the early age of 14 the elders of the Clan predicted that his strenght of will and spirit will bring nothing but great things to his family and the empire. Hiroshi was very proud of Ryu thing that pissed Kojiro and turned him more like a rebel.

At the age of 17 he arrived in Sirion, after the extense journey to free Rokugan from the Shadowlands. Lord Duhr from Trinbar took him under his wing and made him a knight of Trinbar. The General Romul Galmel at that time had great plans for the young Samurai. With the departure of Lord Duhr, he swore a new oath to the new Marquis of Trinbar, Erik Eyolf Serpentis who quickly understood who was Ryu and with his keen elven insticts knew that the young Samurai was a promising knight, it took a very few time until both became great friends.

As a member of the Army of Sirion, Ryu met Marshal Meristenzio Peristaltico , who tought him in the arts of strategy and army coordination beside guiding him on the basics of how this war was going on and the kind of enemies Sirion was facing. After some years as a soldier of the Army of Sirion, Ryu gain enough renown to be considered as a great knight.

Romul Galmel had to step down from the General position and so Sotomayor Al-Khali took it. After some months the time was come when Romul approached Ryu and mentioned a new project, a new army composed by loyal and devote nobles who will serve under a Red Dragon flag. Ryu took this opportunity and became the Vice-Marshal of the new Red Dragons.

Ryu became the Vice-Marshal but started to work as if he was the real Marshal. He put in practice thousands of new maneuvers and shaped this nobles until reached a point where the army was devastating. Every battle was won, every enemy region was burned to the ground, Red Dragons became the nightmare of his enemies, was then when Romul considered that Ryu was ready to take full leadership of the new army by himself. The Samurai choosed Brom Vats as his new Lieutenaut. A young and brave knight from Osslamar that as Ryu showed great skills in the army of Sirion. Together and with the Red Dragons they accomplished epic missions like the major raid on the southern part of Fontan lands where they came back intact.

Sirion militar progress was magnificent. Romul Galmel became the new Prime Minister of Sirion and Erik Eyolf Serpentis became a Red Dragon aswell. Meristenzio became the new general of Sirion and together with Ryu, Sirion was a war machine. Every battle was for Sirion, even Perdan with his great infantry and cavalry died on the Sirionite field.

General Meristenzio got captured, and it was Ryu the one in charge of the General position. He managed to set Sirion in an aggressive mode where the enemies who where many, had to take defensive positions and managed to have the most powerfull military force that Sirion ever saw.

Family issues forced the Samurai to abandon the militar aspect of Sirion and currently Ryu, has the Vice-Marshal position in the mighty Red Dragons, following the lead of Romul Galmel who once more took the leadership.

Code of Conduct


As a Samurai, Ryu follows a strict code of conduct named "Bushido"

-GI: Rectitude Rectitude means doing the right thing. It is important to always act in the ethical right. This refines your spirit, and makes you a more complete person.

-YUU: Bravery Bravery is standing in the face of injustice, and having the strength to do what is right. It is NOT stepping in where not needed, imposing yourself upon others. Bravery is also standing up for what you believe in.

-JIN: Compassion Compassion has many dimensions. The first of which is the ability to see into a person's situation without bias or prejudice. One must have compassion for the innocent to guard them from injustice. Compassion is also knowing when to not step in, not allowing them self to become a crutch to those who can stand on their own but won't if no one makes them.

-REI: Courtesy To have courtesy is not always saying what people want to hear, but saying what must be said with respect and dignity. Courtesy is treating others as equals or superiors, no matter their true position, so as to show humility.

-MAKOTO: Sincerity Sincerity and truthfulness go hand-in-hand. Never lie to someone, even to make them feel better. Never misrepresent yourself or those in your charge. Always tell the most complete truth possible, no matter the consequences.

-CHUUGI: Loyalty Never betray those who trust you. Never turn your back on your obligations. Never lie for another person, and never lie about them. Never reveal a hurtful truth to another. Never give out the secrets you're given. This is loyalty.

-MEIYO: Honor Honor is the hardest to know. Honor is not causing a fight, nor is it found in revenge. Honor is not a medallion you show off to those who will listen. Honor is not tales of the past to impress those of the present. Honor is living with discipline, control, and humility. Honor is being Loyal, Sincere, Polite, Compassionate, Brave, and truly Righteous. Honor is NOT face! Often times, in taking a loss of face, an insult, without reaction or retaliation to it, one's Honor grows!

Ryu's Statistics

Age: 28 years

Continent: East Continent

Realm: Sirion

Main Class: Warrior

Sub Class: Hero

Title: Count of Limbar, Marshal of Red Dragons

Other Titles: Knight of Trinbar, General of Sirion, Vice-Marshal of Red Dragons

Honour: 163

Prestige: 35 (with items 52)

Weapons: "Kenku Hinamoto daisho" It looks like a Katana but lighter and more sharped. It is said to have magical properties that appear with time and only while a Hinamoto is wielding it.

Items: Gauntlets of Protection (+9 prestige, +14% infiltration), Glowing Ring of Freedom (+8 Prestige)



Important Battles