The Order of Da Great Goat/Sayings inspired by Da One

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Sayings in keeping with Da Way

  • "For he who is intelligent and wealthy is not necessarily Da Greatest Achievement of My Being. I do not mean to bring the brightest ones to glory. It's just I fart loud sometimes, and somehow it makes people smarter". -ry2n BloodDiver
  • "Self discipline is even more important than regular gas passing". -ry2n BloodDiver
  • "For he who draws a lance in a bar fight is like a dead flower in green, juicy grass. Still smells horribly but at least it's decomposing". -ry2n BloodDiver
  • "A thousand roads leading to nowhere, but Da Smelly One showed me which road is leading to his Goatly Wisdom. I wish it wasn't such a bumpy road, because my back is hurting". -Omenn Unitea
  • "So after Rosegarden Guy was defeated again, a crowd gather around Da Great Goatcheering and waving. One from this crowd asked Da One:

Does walking Da Path make one sure of eternal happiness?

And Da One answered: BURP because he was full of beer and sleepy." -ry2n BloodDiver

  • As Da Goat once said, "If two of you fart, blame the other." -Leonard Enstance
  • "First impressions that you make on unbelievers are very important," said Da Hairy One. "Nobody cares how beautiful the souffle is if the appetizer was terds-in-a-blanket." -Shamus O'Shea

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