Glowing Ring

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Revision as of 02:14, 10 November 2009 by Darksun (talk | contribs) (Updated Prestige)

The Glowing Ring was discovered by an unknown adventurer.


Deverka Cryfdwr, first Grandmaster of Morek is known to be the first owner of the ring. After his death, fighting monsters in Nifel, the adventurer Melial Starfall went to the region and retrieved the ring after three days of extensive search.

As directed by the then High Inquisitor, Branthorpe Silverbear, Melial delivered the ring as a gift to Rohk Darksun. The seemingly innocuous ring was hesitantly accepted by Rohk, as he did not want to anger the then Grandmaster Sammael Haine. Upon Sammael's abdication of the Grandmastership of Morek, the ring called to Rohk.

Through a vision of his lost grandfather, the ring told Rohk of the troubles that would face Morek in the near future and the need for a strong guiding hand. It restated his family's duty to protect the Stronghold of Nifelhold (the then capital of Morek) against aggressors in both the north and the south. Apparently in a daze, the ring compelled Rohk to announce his candidacy for the vacant seat of the Grandmaster and in short time he won a landslide victory.


+4 Prestige

Type Ring
Discovered By (unknown)
Discovery Date 20 January 2009
Discovery Location Dwilight
Abilities Prestige +5
Current Owner Rohk Darksun