Giblot (Realm)/Timeline/Rebellion/Giblot Civil War

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Revision as of 20:03, 9 January 2006 by Revan (talk | contribs) (Rebellion Expands)
Yssdragill.gif The Giblot Civil War

May History forever mark today, the eighth day, of the sixth year, of the second millenium, as the day when the first ever Rebellion in Giblot began! Sera Osha, Minster of Defence of Giblot announced this morning that it was finally time to reclaim Democracy and a new Future for Giblot! He made several references to the Length of Thanatos and his Close Allies tenure in Power in Giblot and claimed that this stagnation was making Giblot weak. Here is his campaign speech in full

Declaration of Rebellion

Fellow Giblots,

I rise to tell you that we have been led astray, I rise To right the wrongs of our generation, to expell those that now do nothing more but weaken us.

I thought after two years of conflict we could finally end this war. Alas, we cannot, but through no fault of our own. It is down to the failures of Old that we didnt see the end of this war long ago. Apparently higher powers do not wish us to fulfill this destiny we have dreamed of.

So something different is needed now, a new zest, a new idea, something to replace the rotten old corpse of our Republic. For right now, the Western Realms on our borders have amassed 19k in Outer Tilog to repell our advances. We wouldnt be in such peril, but alas Lukon has brought less CS to the table than we have! But doubtless to say, anything we do from here on in is going to harm us more than Outer Tilog. We have weakened ourselves mightily in pursuit of the Golden Headball in Outer Tilog

In short Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my great displeasure to announce that we are no closer to completing our Goal of Assimilating Outer Tilog than we were a year ago - and back then we hadnt even managed to annoy all our Neighbours like we have now.

But fear not my friends! Strength and Honour shall be restored to this realm and the Weak shall be cast out for their Sins - or more preferably, be turned into the finest Sandwiches Money can buy! I swear to you that once I'm in power the Old shall be swept aside and replaced with the new. I cannot stand the rot and the stagnation any longer.

In Sera's Giblot, Thanatos has GONE!!

Day One

Since the morning, the Nobles of Giblot have erupted, spewing forth endless Scribe Notes encompassing their views. We feel truly sorry for the Noble that lay sleeping off a Hangover today, for he will have an even bigger headache tomorrow when he finds his mountain of messages we can assure you!

Currently the Rebel/Loyalist supporters are fairly evenly spread, though the Rebels currently hold the balance of power, for at this time they sit unopposed in the Capital. It's anybodies guess as to whether the Rebellion shall Succeed in the morning when the first Loyalist troops make their way to Giblot City. We'll keep you posted!

Day Two

The first Battle of the War took place this morning in Giblot City! One Loyalist managed to reach the Capital from Rollsovar, though he was was quickly surrounded and soundly beaten! The Rebels Numbered at 2870 CS in this Battle. The Loyalists managed a Lowly 595 CS.

In the mean time, the Assassins Guild and Outer Tilog have taken advantage of Giblots disarray and they attacked Rollsovar at the same time the Loyalists were beaten. Fortunately, they were unsuccessful in taking the Region. Though with the Mass Exodus of Loyalists and Rebels alike, some wonder whether the Battle in Rollsovar tomorrow will be as easy.

Fate however, deigns it necessary that in the morning, the Nobles of Giblot shall fight the mother of all Battles in the Capital. The Rebels fighting for Democracy and Free Speech and the Loyalists fighting to save the Pseudo-Dictatorship that Giblot has come. The Battle comes of course, at a Great price for the Nobles of Giblot as it is almost certain that the Army shall find itself completely brusied and broken from this Battle. Several commentators have made estimates that the Rebel forces in the Capital are approaching nearly 6k CS whereas the Loyalists lag behind, having only near 5k CS. Giblot has never been so divided!

Who's, Baron of Dalverdy and Minister of Finances has today reset the Tax Weights and called an Early Tax Day whose proceeds will be distributed around Giblot tomorrow, when many Loyalists and Rebels alike are expected to arrive in the Capital. Tax Weights are as follows:

  • Ruler, weight 5
  • Banker, weight 5

This is a great indicator that Thanatos will not quickly Surrender his position to the Rebels - regardless of whether half the realms Nobles back the push for Democracy or not apparently. Sera Osha has already denounced the actions of Who's and Thanatos as "venomous," because as recently as this morning, Thanatos himself was making pleas for a quick end to the bloodshed! This tax will most likely fuel it however...

Rebels Neutral/Undecided Loyalists
Aiden - Imprisoned Lord Goergyboy Alexander (Royal)
Alesna Grossingar Bremen, Baron of Steepglades
Darkbyte Lord Hugg Erwin
Detinu Jack Gotchaz, Duke of Giblot
Frodo Reborn Lord Maj. Gen. R. H. Anderson Idzit
Geofrey Marson James
Haroldin Sarah Kenshin
Jinvar Whinny Lisa, Grand Justiciar of Giblot
Lord Kardon Will Mosku
Morton, Baron of Drenga - Wounded Rand
Orlak Robert
Renal, Count of Ammersfield Sam, Count of Briarull
Sadi Thanatos, Prime Minister, Loyalist Leader
Lord Sera, Minister of Defence, Rebel Leader Trasnar
Shaman, Count of Rollsovar TwistedKitty, Countess of Koolaris
Shinu Who's, Baron of Dalverdy, Minister of Finances
Lord Zhar