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North Mediterranean
Farming, Fishing

Ammando (pronounced: ah mawn-doe) is an expansive region that stands to the south of the city of Gelene. Traveling through Ammando is the major route to get to the city of Eidulb from Gelene, and as such is immensely important to intercontinental trade and commerce. Ammando is also an important gateway region to both the townsland regions of Eidulb Outskirts and the Gelene Outskirts.


Ammando is a rural area of beautiful land and wild animals and plants. The climate of the region is rather mild, but it does occasionally have extreme weather. The climate is typically insular, and as a result of the moderating moist winds which ordinarily prevail from the north-western great sea, it is temperate, avoiding the extremes in temperature of many other global areas sharing similar latitudes.

Precipitation falls throughout the year, but is light overall, particularly in the east. The west, however, tends to be wetter on average and prone to the full force of northern-oceanic storms, more especially in the late autumn and winter months, which occasionally bring destructive winds and high rainfall totals to these areas, as well as snow and hail. Ammando has a higher incidence of lightning than many of the northern regions of Dwilight. For all its moderate climate, Ammando does experience a large amount of snow, though the accompanying temperatures are typically tolerable.

Inland areas of Ammando are warmer in summer, and colder in winter than the coast - there are usually around 40 days of below freezing temperatures, but only 10 days at the coast. Ammando is sometimes affected by heat waves as well.

Native Plants and Animals

Ammando is also popularly known for its diverse wild life. Under Everguard's rule, the wild horses of Ammando ran wild and free in the rolling prairie fields, considered by many to be one of the strongest and most graceful creatures of the land. One of the more unique oddities of the land are the many kinds of small creatures that make Ammando home, such as the Ammandon Red Chipmunk, which has found this region to be quite hospitable, much to the disdain of the local farmers.

The plant life of Ammando mostly consists of fields and orchards cultivated by the native farmers, ranging from wheat to olive trees and vineyards. The orchards and vineyards are new to Ammando since Astrum's rule. However, Ammando also provides perfect conditions for the growth of herbal remedies and it's grown to be a very profitable and useful business for the locals.

During Everguard's rule, trees were not in over abundance, rather the coastal sands, rolling hills and prairies ruled the landscape, offering a visual delight to those who resided there. The peasants of the land especially loved the soil of Ammando, which is perfect for the cultivation of wheat, barley and several other crops which fed the people of the realm.

After Astrum's conquering of the region, a terrain change policy was instituted. Now the terrain of Ammando is mainly flat along the coast, developing into low hills inland. Fields and orchards are everywhere in abundance. The region is well known as the breadbasket of the north shore, producing vast quantities of agricultural products for the two major cities close by.

Trade through Ammando

As Ammando is the main region between Gelene and Eidulb, it is an immensely important region to continental trade. This trade route represents the easiest and most direct route between the two great cities, and is thus a very busy area full of trading towns good roads and boisterous populations. That fact has made the rural region of Ammando a highly trafficked are, which houses many ports and small harbors that take in merchants, traders and sailors alike.

When Everguard took control of this region, they created a large series of trade routes and constructed many wayside inns close to the ports and harbors of the region for the merchants to travel through. Ammando is one of the main sources of culture in the area. People from both sides of the island visit often and many have begun to migrate to the land. Since it fell under Astrum's control, Ammando has also become a route for pilgrims to travel to Eidulb from the north, from which they embark on the long journey to Corsanctum.

Military Culture

The people of the region are civilized and kind by nature, given to farmwork rather than fighting, but outsiders should be warned not to see this as a sign of weakness, for when the community is threatened a strong militia tradition exists, dating back centuries. An ancient building known as the Arcaeum has served as Ammando's armory for centuries, where the men of Ammando have gathered to train for defense. While lax compared to a professional army, Ammando's people are accustomed to fighting with long polearms such as pikes. Grouping themselves into dense formations, they are able to present an impenetrable wall to their enemies.

Recently Astrum has constructed its own training center that is beginning to produce higher quality professional soldiers from Ammando's growing population of young men. While also armed with pikes, these soldiers are equipped with superior armor from Astrum's powerful industry and train four days a week instead of one.

The militia system fosters a sense of pride and involvement with the larger community, and as a result people in Ammando are remarkably close to each other, even those from distant towns, because of this shared identity.

Regional Information

  • Investment cost: 230 gold