Old Takeover System

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A takeover occurs when one realm occupies the territory of a realm they are at war with, and attempts to add that territory to their land. To run a takeover, large amounts of troops are required. Not necessaryily large amounts of CS, but large numbers of men. Thus, any large unit of very expendable men might be entitled a "takeover unit". A common abbreviation for takeover is TO(Takeover).

Effects of Takeovers

A successful takeover results in the region being removed from its original realm, and becoming part of the takeover realm (i.e. the realm that started the takeover).

However, BM being a middle ages game, where people were considered legitimate king of countries they had never been to, the original realm will retain a Region Claim until the war is concluded by a cease fire or peace treaty.

Types of Takeovers

There are three basic types of TOs. They are friendly, Hostile, and Brutal.

Friendly Takeover

A friendly takeover is helped along by civil work. It can only be run when the realm sympathy to the TO force is high (possibly over 50%, can someone confirm this?). Friendly TOs work on increasing the sympathy of the local people to your realm.

Hostile Takeover

A hostile takeover is helped along by Police Work. It can be run on a territory almost regardless of their opinion of your realm.(can someone confirm the exact requirements for a Hostile TO?). Hostile TOs work on increasing realm loyalty to your realm(aka- decreasing loyalty to the enemy realm).

Brutal Takeover

A brutal takeover is helped along by Looting. It can be run on a territory regardless of their sympathy to your realm. Brutal TOs work on destroying the morale of a territory, thus, basically, pummeling the peasents into submission.

Colony Takeover

A colony takeover can be performed only on a city or townsland region that is not adjacent to your realm. It will create a new realm, with that region as its capital. It functions nearly identically to a Friendly Takeover otherwise.