Church Of Ibladesh/Book of Tersea

From BattleMaster Wiki

Tersea, noble goddess of wisdom - grant us divine knowledge, bless us with your wisdom and lead us to glory.
.) 4th member of the Panteon
.) divine colour: green
.) main attributes: wisdom, knowledge, intelligence

All charming Tersea is our most lovely connection to the Panteon. She is the goddess of wisdom but she also represents beauty and compasion. Her main atributes are wisdom, intelligence and knowlege and Tersea combines them in a divine way. She is the power of diplomacy and the very essence of communication.


While Tersea brought the concept of trading and the begining of economics to us in the ancient days she now guides our ways whenever we are in need of her divine attributes. So usually courtiers, traders and ambassadors are choosing her as their patron goddess but Tersea also is very present in the minds of the common folks. We find Tersea at markets and town halls as she always is present whenever people are trading or negotiating.


While Kokini was bringing the concepts of stealth and mischief to humanity Tersea brought knowledge and wisdom. Some are seeing diplomacy as the divine game between Tersea and Kokini, as the two very different goddesses both are are very important for negotiations and diplomacy.


Tersea endowed us with the concepts of economics and trading and she did so smilingly. While trading will lead to prosperity and wealth it will destroy us, if we forget about wisdom. This is why we always should remember Tersea, when we are doing business.


To become a follower or a devotee of Tersea one has to be a member of the Church of Ibladesh. If you are a trader or if you are concerned with diplomacy or negotiations think about bevoming a follower of Tersea. The blessings will be priceless.

Also Tersea is the all charming goddess, so if you - by whatever reason - are attracted by her come to the temple and think about becoming a follower of Tersea.

May Tersea bless you, dear reader.

~by Aeolus Ironsun Ironsun Family/Aeolus

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