Volcano Nightscree

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Revision as of 02:02, 17 June 2010 by Valhalla (talk | contribs)
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Region Details
Continent Dwilight
Region Type Badlands
Geographic Area West Barren
Population 115
Economy N/A
Realm / Duchy Zuma Coalition / Nightmares

Volcano Nightscree is an ancient and mysterious place. It is said that the Volcano is a breeding ground for creatures of the darkest kind as the thick clouds of poisonous ash and sulphur drown out any sign of daylight and provide their dark guard. It is said to be a place where every breath is a poisonous fume, where the heat from the pools of lava, spurting fire and ash into the air and raining down upon the lands beneath, destroy even the strongest man's will.

Very few dare to enter the fiery chasm and even fewer have returned alive or sane... the few who return, return broken, barely alive and rambling, whispering into the night... the screams they say, the screams in the night coming from the depths of the Volcano, Gods only know the torture of the poor souls captured in the dreadlands.

Volcano Nightscree is a place where even the Gods of man dare not venture.