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Region Details
Continent Beluaterra
Region Type Rural
Geographic Area Central Lake
Population 6847
Economy Farming, Fishing
Realm (rogue)

This is the region of Vale. It's located near the big city Wudenkin and has it's own coast of the big Central Lake of Beluaterra. It's first count was Michael, the Minister of Defense of Avalon. But after he left to Fontan, soulreaver got the lordship, becoming the Count of Vale.

The people of Vale are calm and hardworking, most of them are farmers. The vertile land and the location next to a large lake makes it a very good rural region. It's not a rich region goldwise but its high natural resources makes it wanted by many.

Vale is a central point to many large cities, like Wudenkin, Zod, Vur Hagen and Cteduul. That is part of the reason why it's so hard fought for. For a time it belonged to Fronen but it changed allegiances countless times during the latest daimon invasion. Vale was linked to realms like Valhus, Bara'Khur, Fronen and now Avalon.

It is now officialy recognised as a part of Avalon.

last updated on 2009-01-06 by Thorry

A Story

Investment of Michael

A mild storm was going on outside and the wind made the people of vale shiver. Its probably because of the weather a lot of people showed up in the heated Main Room of the towns largest building.

  • People get your mind of the weather and listen to me. I bring before

you Michael Minister of Defense of Avalon and soon to be count of Vale!

The people turned silent and took a good look at Michael. Almost nobody dared to speak up. It looked like they were all impressed by the great warrior that stood before them.

  • Approach the table plz Michael, and would somebody pz close that window!!
    • Got on with it Grim my men are waiting outside...
  • Well get them in here its no weather to be outside not even for

Avalonien soldiers. And by the way they'll never forgive you for not inviting you on your appointment ;)

    • I guess your right. Captain go get my men tell them that they are invited for the cerimonie!

the captain quickly runs out and returns with 45 men armed to the bone.

  • Can we continue?? i got more work to do today...
    • Sure go ahead.
  • Kneel Sir Michael. You will be named count of Vale. Do you swear to

protect these people in times of need, and against any foo who tries to defy our realm?

    • I do
  • Do you swear loyalty to the Avalonien council and the people of Avalon?
    • I do
  • Do you swear never to abuse your power against the inhabitants of Vale or against the entire realm?
    • I swear!
  • Then with the power vested in me by the avaloniën population i Name

you Michael Liverpool Count of Vale. Rise Lord Michael and serve your people!

    • Thank you My lord. LET THE FESTIVITYS COMMENCE!!!!

The people rejoice the occasion and the soldiers start hitting their schield s with their swords to honour their commander. But one man is already leaving...

  • I need a Holiday i'm terribly overworked... lets appoint another count...