Cursed Book of Good and Evil

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Type Book
Discovered By Lucifer P. Lowenbruck
Discovery Date 9 February 2007
Discovery Location Masahakon, Far East
Abilities Prestige +1
Current Owner Sir Scion Calanar

Information on the Item

Background Story

This Book was originally written by a priest who long studied the divinities of good and evil. He wanted to discern a way to eliminate evil. And studied divine and dark magics to try to stop it and find a weakness in evil. The priest, however studied evil to an extent that was far beyond what he should have. He studied everything down to the curses of the undead and how they were created. In an attempt to gain immortality to finish his studies, and find a way to destroy evil, he placed the curse of the undead upon himself.

Many years went by and the priest filled his book with knowledge. In time though, he finally died. A powerful monster struck him down. As he lay dying he wondered where his immortality studies had gone wrong. Upon his death he was left to the wilderness, however he did not stay dead for long as he rose again committed to destroying good. He placed a curse on his book to affect anyone who held it for too long to become undead like him. This undead champion used its knowledge to add to the book until he could no longer wait. As he gathered undead to rally to his cause he stepped out to conquer good armed mostly with his book and the magics that lay within.


The Acquisition

In the woods of Masahakon, many tried to confront him but kept falling one after the other by the undead lord's magical powers. A young man named Lucifer who was on the seek of his cousin to claim Nobility, heard of the undead Archmage's power and decided to stop him by himself before more fortune seekers were wounded.

During the battle, the young man used mostly his mind and with much intelligence managed to drive the undead champion back to the underworld. The battle lasted for almost 4 hours leaving Lucifer with some broken ribs and much pain on his body at the end.

Since then his name became a legend amongst the People of Masahakon who created tales of a farm boy taking down an undead champion, but due to his low stature in the noble society his face was quickly forgotten.

More at the
Heroic Tale of the Cursed Book of Good and Evil


The First Trade

Being very little known about the Book, the first trade was accomplished between Lucifer P. Lowenbruck and Sir Scion Calanar, while in the region of Masahakon, for the bargain price of 5 gold and a written recommendation coming from the Knight for the adventurer. Lucifer had traded his first unique item and was one step closer to be acknowledged as a Noble.

More at the
Lucifer Meets Laura's Husband (under construction)