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Ranks and hierarchy are central to a feudal system. Your rank, i.e. your position within the hierarchy, determines your potential positions, tax income, information available to you and many other details of importance. Advancing within the realm hierarchy is an important personal goal for every noble, but only few can stand at the top.
For tax purposes, every rank equals one point, multiplied by the weight given in the tax distribution.


<a name="Freeman">Freeman</a>
The lowest rank of the game, reachable only through a judge accusing you of treason or a ruler disputing your title of nobility. A freeman can still walk about as he pleases, but can only recruit a limited number of armed men and many pieces of internal realm information are not available to him. He also can not visit tournaments.

<a name="Noble">(Lesser) Noble</a>
Your initial rank whenever you join a realm, the lesser noble is a noble without alignment, not having sworn fealty to any lord. Like the freeman, he can only recruit a limited number of soldiers. A few advanced options within the realm are hidden from him, and he can not be elected nor appointed to any government position or given a region to command.

<a name="Knight">Knight</a>
A full noble, having sworn fealty to a lord and thus having integrated himself fully into the realm hierarchy. The most common rank within most realms. A knight has full access to all functions available to a noble and can be appointed as a local lord. Knights can also be elected to all government positions except that of ruler.

<a name="Lord">Lord (Baron/Count/Marquis/Duke)</a>
Landed nobility, a knight who has been entrusted with a region of the realm. In addition to knightly activities, landed nobility also controls the region entrusted to them and has many local command options. Only landed nobility or royals can be elected as ruler of a realm.

<a name="Royal">Royal Relative</a>
Nobles with direct ties to the royal family. This rank is limited to the current ruler and members of his family, as well as former rulers and their family members if they were within the realm at the time of his rulership. Nobles joining the realm later may claim royal blood, but their claims are usually disputed or weak and do not affect the effective rank.
Royal relatives are always royal knights at least and are above the judge's ability to accuse or any new ruler's dispute option. They also can not be banned from the realm.


A lesser noble can swear fealty to a lord, by meeting with the lord or visiting the region he commands. By doing so, the lesser noble integrates himself into the realm hierarchy, and advances to knight rank.
Fealty has little in-game effect right now, but will become more important with further development.


Minor lords (barons, counts and marquises) can swear fealty to a duke, adding their region to his duchy. A duchy is a local power structure below the realm level.
Like fealty, there are only a few minor in-game effects of duchies right now, but more are being added.