Golden Feather of Warding

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Golden Feather of Warding

Item was crafted by a sage. The location was Ansopen. Item was commissioned by Luc Tancred de Bardt (Freeman). Item is an accessory that gives +1 prestige. Condition was 81% when created.

The History Behind the Feather

After many years of living in the forests of Ansopen, Luc Tancred was quite familiar with the hermit Adlil who sometimes lived in the cave by the Cold River Falls. As he had many times before, Luc went to visit the old hermit and show him recent trophies from Luc's adventures. It was during one such visit that the old man's eyes lit upon the monster claw, crystal globe, rare woodland flower, and small silver mirror... with a speculative gaze, the old man mysteriously mentioned he knew how to make a charm to defend one from evil magical powers. Given the things the old man had made before, it seemed as though such an item would be of great use.

The Feather

This beautiful silver and crystalline charm is carved and crafted int the form of an eagle feather. At the base of the feather, a hand-worked claw is carved into a loop so the charm can be worn on a chain. Finally, gazing into the crystal body of the feather, one can see a rare woodland flower preserved permanently as if in amber.

Anyone gazing at the preserved flower within the crystal is warmed by a feeling of safety and protection.

Adventures with the Golden Feather of Warding

Upon acquiring this rare item, Luc Tancred immediately knew that Duke Valgar of the Kingdom of Cathay, who possessed so many other items made by the old sage Adlil, would be very interested in something that might ward him from evil magics.

The old sage Adlil mentioned that he could perform a ceremony that would somehow bind the charm to Duke Valgar, making its protective magics work that much the better. He asked for a monster skull from Luc Tancred, placing the charm within the skull and chanting spells over it all night. When the charm was removed from the skull, it practically sparkled with light (100% condition)!

After the Battle of Topenah, Duke Valgar asked Luc to see what could be done to repair the charm. As always, Luc sought out old Aldill in Ansopen. The old sage and Luc were well acquainted by this time and Aldill grumpily agreed to smooth the ruffled feather but only for a price. For some reason, he wanted an Expensive Toy as payment -- some sort of porcelain doll in the shape of Duke Valgar. Luc shrugged and made the arrangements to commission one from a craftsman in Anacan City. Satisfied, old Aldill worked his magic upon the charm (OOC: 32% to 55% condition). Seeing the quality of the item upon finishing, Luc shouted loudly and threatened to beat the old man about his head and shoulders -- Aldill just laughed and stroked his new doll.