Metsamees Family/Cursed bloodsword

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Blood servant

Blood servant is a sword Edmund made with his own hands.
During its crafting, every strike of the hammer was accompanied by malice and whispered words commanding to thirst for blood.
And the blade was quenched, in water and blood mixture, there was enough blood in the water to tint it red.
Edmund attempted to create a sword that would hunger for blood, and slice through any defense to quench its thirst for blood.
The outcome was not what he expected.
The blade is always razor sharp but induces its yielder to madness.
The more blood is spilled on the sword the more feral the yielder becomes.
Releasing mental restraints and calling forth the utmost power of the yielders body, but in turn berserks the mind.
Thus the maximal potential of the body can be called forth but in turn the yielder will only seek to kill, and will not be able to tell friend from foe.(its effect lasts as long as the person holds on to the sword)
Not to mention the strain on the body.
Thus he had his wife Silvia to create a sheath, to balance the sword. The sheath will satisfy the swords hunger for blood, annulling the blades effect on the yielder.
The sheath is made by Silvia, it is a normal seath material wise, but Silvia had woven sealing spells on it.

When the yielder of the blade holds the sheath, he/she will not succumb to madness, but wont get the blades benefit either, in other words it becomes a normal sword.

It had became a unspoken rule not to use that sword, for its potential danger, and is hidden from view and reach.