Arcaea/Dining Hall Late 08-09/Lynx's Last Letters

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"Ah Lord Lynx, how wonderful to see you."

Lynx was walking up the stairs to his room in Ornaz when he heard a voice from behind him.

"I thought it was you, great to see you sir. It's been so long since you returned home sir"

Lynx turned round and recognised the face, however thanks to the nights drinking, he was having trouble putting a name to this person.

"Ahh! it'!" Lynx replied, trying to keep both his balance and the contence of his mug. "I haven't seen you since...that time! How are things..back home?"

"Not bad sir, Attlel isn't what she used to be, not since you left. My sister and I left a while back and came here. She's somewhere around here, she'd love to see you again"

Suddenly Lynx realised who this young man was, and the sister he spoke of. With a large spring in his step he bolted up the siairs into his room and locked the door.

"Please, merciful gods, open up the ground and swallow me up."

But it was too late, three loud knocks emitted from Lynx's door and it swung open with a loud crash.


Lynx Tribal (Noble)

Lynx woke up to find his niece standing by his window. She heard him sit up and ran towards him.

"Uncle Lynx Uncle Lynx! A man who smelt of fish and the sea came while you were asleep. He said Mummy was coming home!"

Lynx got out of bed and gave Helena a hug

"That's great! We better get this place cleaned up before she arrives then!"

The excitement seamed to burst out of the little one as she rushed around, cleaning up Lynx's room, making it tidy for her "Mummy", Lynx's sister Tabatha.

Lynx Tribal (Noble)

Lynx limped back into his room: the poison from Eversio’s blade had already gotten to work, but Lynx knew he had to see Helena one last time before he died. He made his way to the room where his little niece was sitting by the door, waiting for him to return. She jumped up to hug him, but as she moved away he felt her arms covered in something warm. The sleeves of her dress changing from Lily white to crimson as her uncle’s blood seeped through his cloak. Lynx remembered last hearing Helena’s screams and her shouting for him to stay awake, while the inn keeper called for the local healers to get inside. He could feel that his body was no longer able to keep his spirit within. Lynx closed his eyes felt himself fall into his final deep sleep.

Lynx woke up, sitting next to a stone memorial on top of a small grass-covered hill. Looking out he could see the familiar blue waters of the lake and feel the same old spring breeze ruffling his hair.

“So you’re finally here.” Lynx turned around, and saw a group of familiar faces. His bother Zero, along with his sister Gloria. Both came over and gave Lynx a hug, each still young and full of youth. Lynx felt at home again, the surroundings reminding him of what life was like when he was still so young to the world. They all sat on the neatly cut grass of the mound, when another voice was heard. The Tribal family turned around and after seeing who had arrived, stood up and left, leaving Lynx alone with the visitor.

Lynx stood up and clung on to the new arrival, never wanting to let go. Tears began to stream down his face as he was finally with the one person he truly loved.

“Madelena – I’ve missed you so much. I have wished I could have seen you one last time…. I…”

Madelena pressed her finger against Lynx’s lips and took his hand.

“It’s ok, you’re here now. We have all the time in the world together.”

Madelena kissed Lynx and they began to walk down the hill, back towards the village in the distance.

Finally, life was how it should be.

Lynx Tribal (Noble)