Belton Family/Gwain/Gwain's Archives

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A series of letters, constantly updated by family scribes, that chronicle the life of Gwain Belton.

Fantastic Introductions but Terrible Directions

Sir Gwain of Belton stepped off the boat and set foot, for the first time, onto the colonies. He asked for directions to Outer Tilog, received them, and took his oath. And so, our story begins:

(OOC: All this was entirely intentional. I saw that OT was no longer in possession of their namesake, and thought it would make an interesting backstory...)

Roleplay from Gwain Belton
Message sent to Members of the realm of Outer Tilog Giblot
A messenger arrives bearing a parchment tied with an uncomfortably flabuyant bow. He then unfolds said parchment and begins to read in an annoyingly pompous voice:

"The noble and grandiose Gwain of the Belton family sends his reprieve." At that, he pauses, giving you a moment to reflect on how incredibly annoying this man is, and whether he had actually meant 'regards.' You then seek an explanation as to why you suddenly feel the urge to trample a peasant with your horse -leading you to the realization that the messenger has begun to speak again: "...and those are the events that have shaped Sir Gwain's character and led him, on this night, to join the impressionistic realm of Outer Tilog."

One cannot articulate how soul-slayingly disappointed it feels to have missed such a fascinating thing as this new noble's life story and take a moment to lament the lost opportunity to learn what dull and unoriginal character traits have been introduced to your realm. He appears to have begun speaking again:

"...and that's why he's seeking a liege, for there is no more scrumptious du..." The thought of killing this messenger crosses your mind, as he continues speaking, and you continue not listening...
Gwain Belton (Noble)

Roleplay from Gwain Belton
Message sent to Members of the realm of Giblot
That messenger is back again. This time, he is flanked on either side by a pair of armed soldiers. He unrolls the parchment and begins to read aloud:

"It has come to my master's attention that I did not properly read the letter which I previously brought to you. This is because I am a god-forsaken, common, foul-smelling fool. My master is entirely aware that he is not in Outer Tilog. He never had any intention of joining Outer Tilog. He is in Giblot. I am a member of Giblot. I am in Giblot. And so it shall stay."

He pauses briefly, his eyes widening. The guard on his left hits him with great force. A sickening crack echoes throughout the hall as one of his ribs crumbles beneath the force of the blow. "Finish it!" Now requiring great effort to speak, or even breathe, the pomp in his voice is gone-it has turned to something vulnerable, almost pitiful:

"It is my pleasure to invite each of you to my execution, to be held tomorrow on the steps of the government building. There will be food. There will be gratuitous female companionship. There will be general merriment. I will be hanged in front of my wife and children."

He turns solemnly and exits, still flanked by his armed escort. As they leave, you can hear the guards speaking to him. "'at aren't so bad, were it? Jus eleventy seven more o' dem ta visit, by my count. Though ye best keep a good head on yer neck, pray somethin' real awful might happen ter 'at pre'y lil' wife o' yers."
Gwain Belton (Noble)

Roleplay from Black Recluse
Message sent to Members of the realm of Giblot
Sir Belton, welcome to Giblot. Word of your introduction has come all the way to Outer Tilog City. Rumour also has it that the buffoon who was unfortunately chosen to announce you is to be hung for his performance. In Giblot such offenses usually are met with a sound beating and sometimes a brand to assure that the guilty is never again entrusted with language skills.

Word is that the performance was quite unpleasant to behold, but now it seems the event is bringing much merriment in most taverns. Perhaps the delight of others might be found reason for you to stay the execution.

Again, Welcome.

Find a liege to serve and an estate from he or she. They will instruct you further.
Black Recluse (Ruler of Giblot)

Roleplay from Black Recluse
Message sent to Members of the realm of Giblot
Sir Belton, welcome to Giblot. Word of your introduction has come all the way to Outer Tilog City. Rumour also has it that the buffoon who was unfortunately chosen to announce you is to be hung for his performance. In Giblot such offenses usually are met with a sound beating and sometimes a brand to assure that the guilty is never again entrusted with language skills.

Word is that the performance was quite unpleasant to behold, but now it seems the event is bringing much merriment in most taverns. Perhaps the delight of others might be found reason for you to stay the execution.

Again, Welcome.

Find a liege to serve and an estate from he or she. They will instruct you further.
Black Recluse (Ruler of Giblot)

Letter from Gwain Belton
Message sent to Members of the realm of Giblot
If it's branding that you want, then branding you shall have, good king.
Gwain Belton (Noble)

Roleplay from Gwain Belton
Message sent to Members of the realm of Giblot
Night watchmen of the city of Outer Tilog report that three unfamiliar figures march the streets of Outer Tilog, at an hour when none but the drunken peasants ought be awake –and on the eve of such an important battle!

By the guards’ telling, two wore light armor, similar to that of the personal guard to a noble (but less expensive). The other wore nothing at all, but he appeared to be freshly branded. The following letters, the guards say, were etched hotly on the front of his torso:

"Drinks! Prostitutes! Merriment!"

And on the back:

"Don’t miss my execution tomorrow!

RSVP, Please"

One of the guards reported that the lettering is skewed where one of his ribs appears to be greatly disfigured, but none of the others saw it.
Gwain Belton (Noble)

(OOC: The subtle wordplay here was lost on the nobles of Giblot-for good reason, as it's not the most obvious thing in the world. The king suggested that my messenger be "branded," so I launched an advertising campaign. Made myself laugh, and that's half the battle.)

Roleplay from Gwain Belton
Message sent to Members of the realm of Giblot
The time predetermined for the execution of Sir Gwain's messenger has arrived. There are no drinks. There are no prostitutes. There is no merriment.

Rudimentary gallows have, however, been constructed in front of the steps of the government building, making it appear as though the execution will proceed as planned. Hooray.

In front of the gallows stand three men, who many nobles of the realm may recognize –these men have visited each of them several times over the last few days. Non-nobles recognize these men, as well, for they have been walking the streets all morning promising drinks and prostitutes and merriment -there is none, by the way.

But the peculiar thing about them today is this: If yesterday the two men were guards, they show no signs of it now; they wear clothes similar to those of the third man (who might’ve been the messenger, had he shown any signs of yesterday’s injuries to his torso and his ego.)

Muttering commences from the crowd that now surrounds them, but is quickly quieted as the messenger –for what may be the last time –unrolls a parchment. Clearing his throat, he begins:

“Ladies, Gentlemen, and peasants of Giblot –we have fooled you. My master and I have played you like a lute. For you see, it was never our intent to join Giblot. When we arrived on this continent we asked for directions to Outer Tilog, not realizing that the city was no longer a part of the realm. We journeyed here, and my master took his oath-only to discover that what he thought was Outer Tilog was not Outer Tilog at all, but some other realm. My master was not so easily discouraged, and what I believe to be a brilliant plan was hatched.”

He pauses, clearing his throat and remembering a time when no one could be bothered to pay attention when he spoke. That time was over, he thought happily. The guards still stood like guards, but they stood like guards with very stupid, smug grins on their faces.

“I was to be the scapegoat, taking the blame for what the pretended mistake –which extend the time we had to escape over the border before somebody caught on to our plans. It was all an act. And now he is over the border somewhere, I presume, breaking his bread with the folk of Outer Tilog. And I am in Giblot. I will always be in Giblot. And…”

His voice trails off, and his face turns pale. The parchment falls to the ground with a soft thud, and the crowd grows restless. His eyes begin to scan the crowd for a route of escape –there is none, by the way.

“Well?” says a noble whose name no one could recall. “Let’s see it then,” and at that he picked up the letter and continued reading. “I will always be in Giblot. And there are gallows behind me, and you are no doubt angry because you have been betrayed; you should put them to good use. Do with me and the men who stand beside me as you see fit.

No longer are the guards grinning. They are now scared. The messenger, too, is scared-and yet strangely happy, for a very short time ago, none could be bothered to listen to what he said. They listen now -but he does not speak.

Sir Gwain is nowhere to be found.
Gwain Belton (Noble)

NOBLE EXILED FROM REALM! Black Recluse, Ruler of Giblot has exiled Gwain Belton (Noble) from the realm! As a consequence, Gwain can no longer use most of the realms infrastructure, however he retains all titles and is still a member of the realm unless he leaves. Black is, if you want to see it that way, engaging in a power contest with a hated enemy here. The longer Gwain can stay in the realm despite being exiled, the more honour and prestige Black will lose.

The reason that Black gave for his action was: dogman scum!

Roleplay from Gwain Belton
Message sent to Occupants of the Region of Nidalery
A messenger arrives bearing a parchment. He pauses for a moment, reflecting on the fate of the man who previously held his position. He unrolls his letter and begins to read aloud, with a very nervous tone:

"My master, Sir Gwain, a member of the pitiful realm of Giblot for two miserable days, and a son of the Belton family would like to express his desire to defect to Outer Tilog. His intent to defect was publicly announced yesterday.

Should it interest anyone to know the series of events that led Sir Gwain to Nidalery, Sir Gwain would be more than happy to provide an explanation.

Please inform your ruler of my master's intent, and send a response letter advising Sir Gwain how best to proceed."
Gwain Belton (Noble)