Talk:Dwilight Daily/2008/October/2

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What is this outrage? You've allowed a rogue to report for you? This is a violation of our very feudal hierarchy! -- Sejieda, Vita Family 09:35, 2 October 2008 (CEST)

Rogue I may be, but I am scouting the west for a force far greater than your being. Goodday, Hericus Le-Fay

More than a few worthy nobles have been or currently are in these regions. -Chénier 15:52, 2 October 2008 (CEST)
Exactly, we can accept news reports from our fellow nobles, not threats to our very way of life, like you rogues are. -- Sejieda, Vita Family 23:06, 2 October 2008 (CEST)
A noble is a noble, regardless of the status of his current oath of service, or lack thereof. Nobility is a trait of the blood, not beholden upon the status of service. You may not like him, or you may not care for the fact that he is sworn to no lord, but you cannot deny the nobility that runs in his veins. --Brance Indirik
Yet he openly rejects our noble hierarchy, which is a danger to all of us. He should be scorned, not honored with being listened to. -- Sejieda, Vita Family 17:38, 3 October 2008 (CEST)
There are times in a noble's life when he is forced to walk a path alone to follow where his honor and duty lead him. Is this duty that is dedicated to a lord, or to a realm? No, it is not. But there may still be honor in it. Perhaps it is a duty to his gods, or a duty to all of humanity. This path is not a path for all nobility. That does not, however, declare him an enemy of nobility. I, for one, am no so insecure in my position that I insist that all of nobility follow the path that I have chosen. --Brance Indirik
Yes, one can be an unaligned noble. That is the path you speak of. But one doesn't have to reject the entire hierarchy. Such a noble sets a dangerous precedent. Hericus has been banned from many realms too. Why does he have such trouble fitting in with his fellow nobles? -- Sejieda, Vita Family 21:52, 3 October 2008 (CEST)
Perhaps Sir Hericus has not yet found the place where he fits in. Some nobles take longer than others to find their proper place. I personally have had no personal contact with him. I will reserve my judgment of him until I have had the opportunity to meet the man for myself. --Brance Indirik
Yes, but not finding your place shouldn't mean rejecting the entire hierarchy of our society. You can't just reject it because you don't fit in. If you do, it begins a crack in our entire way of life. It shouldn't be hard to find a realm where he can be an unaligned noble if he wishes. If it is, perhaps it speaks of his character? -- Sejieda, Vita Family 22:07, 3 October 2008 (CEST)
Have you any evidence that Sir Hericus has rejected the feudal hierarchy of the nobility? Do you know him personally, and have you talked with him regarding his viewpoints? Or are you merely making such an assumption because at present he has no liege lord? --Brance Indirik
No, but plenty of nobles have had no liege lords and I have no issues with them. He has flat out refused to join any society. He flirts in a world of no allegiance to anyone. The very fact he is rogue is evidence of that. -- Sejieda, Vita Family 01:14, 4 October 2008 (CEST)
Yes, I know of him and his kind all too much, which is why I granted him a generous two minutes as a noble of D'Hara. The gods willed the feudal system which made us who we are. Hericus swears to no one, what, does he think that makes him a king now? He is the scum of the world, and it is a disgrace to even mention his name. That people would actually work with him is disgusting. --Machiavel Chénier
The reason I am a rogue is because of a campaign of slander against me spearheaded by ex High King Fisc Arylon, and Lady Lyse and Judge Banker Machiavel Chenier. They contrived to have me banned from realms that I join, to fulfill a petty vendetta. Goodday,Hericus Le-Fay