Arcaea/Dining Hall Late 08-09/Dungeons Deep and Nobles Nervous

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Keffer had been placed in the North Tower of the prison in Remton, given over to the incarceration of the nobility. The Imperial Magistrate Madelena Rossini knew that both his Majesty King Jenred and Chancellor Aerywyn would want to pay him a visit, but she decided that she would go first. Without ceremony the door was unlocked and she entered and curtsied to her new guest.

"I presume you know who I am your Grace so I will not stand on ceremony...." She paused. "I am sure that these are not the accommodations you had hoped to find for yourself here in Remton, but I trust that you have everything you need at this present time...

There will of course be questions asked of you, and an account will need to be given. The King and Chancellor Aerywyn will be coming to see you. You had better be obliging and answer them for right now we do not take too kindly to the dishonest and despicable way in which you have neglected your own lands and invaded those of your neighbor Papania.

I care not for the pretense you have used in taking these actions, nor in fact am I particularly interested in international politics, but I am interested in the virtues of honor, trust and loyalty. Where are they to be found in you Sir?"

Madelena was getting wound up by now. Her fists were clenched and it was all she could do not to spit at him. Instead, she walked swiftly out the door which was immediately locked in her wake.

Lady Madelena Rossini Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea