Taron's Staff of Destruction

From BattleMaster Wiki
Revision as of 04:21, 9 August 2008 by Tinsley (talk | contribs) (corrected Category: Unique Items link)

From the journal of Joline Rasthaven:

While exploring the caves and crypts of Beleriel in the realm of Falasan, I ran into a large group of zombies. After fighting through them I found the walking skeletons and then the ghouls. There were a lot of them and they were fighting as if lead, not with their usual mindless thrashing. As I fought my way through I found their leader. It was the mummified corpse of a large human. It moved with a speed not seen on the lesser undead and it fought with a black, steel shod staff.

After a long and brutal fight, I was victorious and the mummy was destroyed. I found that the staff was a unique item that was made by a master weaponsmith. The wood was mot painted, instead it was made from the black oak tree of Shiverwood far to the north. The end caps were of highly polished fine steel and the balance was perfect. This on I am very tempted to keep for myself.