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The Tai Lo Monthly December Edition

Price: A suitable donation Editor: Telemechus Barthalemus Issue: Winter 07

Gathering in Tarasac

Father Zadar Nargath issued a call earlier today for all followers of The Order to come to Tarasac to celebrate the promotion of myself and Pamella Pontipee to the ranks of Father of the Sun and Mother of the Moon, respectively. This gathering is prdicted by many to be one of the greatest gatherings our faith has ever seen. All priests are expected to attend, along with some of our most distinguished followers, including Countess of Rauxod, Count of Lamoni, and possibly the Executor of Tara himself. Anybody that is a part of The Order is invited to attend the ceremony and followeing festivities later in the day.

Written by Telemechus Barthalemus

Order of Ered Luin Leader Reappears After Mysterious Absence

Sing Fung- Vanguard Morrigan has finally come back to the Cagilan Empire after an extended and mysterious absense from the realm. Morrigan was the nominal leader of OEL after Tsubaki retired from military life and led the guild through some tough times before the establishment of The Order. The reasons for Morrigan's dissapearance has been the subject of much speculation these past few years, but now that she has returned her personal explanation has cleared up all of the previous heresay. She claims that she had a deeply spiritual experience that included visions of clocked beings, beautiful gardens, and burnt herbs. Morrigan does not proclaim this vision to have any relevance to The Order or any other religion.

Morrigan is has openly denied support for any form of official religion for personal reason, choosing not to divulge too much information on her beliefs. However, her return will no doubt breath life into OEL once again

Written by Telemechus Barthalemus