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The duties of the Elders are to ensure the purity of The Order of Ered Luin-Les. All elders must have a deep understanding of the teachings of our most holy order and be trusted to share understanding with those who do not understand.
The duties of the Elders are to ensure the purity of The Order of Ered Luin-Les. All elders must have a deep understanding of the teachings of our most holy order and be trusted to share understanding with those who do not understand.

One Elder shall reside over all others and conduct himself as a leader should.
One Elder shall reside over all others and conduct himself as a leader should.<br>
One Elder shall reside second over all others.  
One Elder shall reside second over all others.<br>
One Elder shall reside over priests.
One Elder shall reside over priests.<br>
One Elder shall represent our order to the governments and religions of man.
One Elder shall represent our order to the governments and religions of man.<br>
One Elder shall reside over the Tai-Lo and command them in battle.
One Elder shall reside over the Tai-Lo and command them in battle.<br>
One Elder shall reside over our temples and shrines.
One Elder shall reside over our temples and shrines.<br>
One Elder shall reside over our archives, histories, and laws.
One Elder shall reside over our archives, histories, and laws.<br>
One Elder shall reside over the dispensing of discipline as necessary for those who would break our laws.
One Elder shall reside over the dispensing of discipline as necessary for those who would break our laws.<br>

The ejection of a member from our order shall fall under the power of the discipline Elder. A person’s ejection must be made public, a reason for ejection must be given, and a vote by the elders must be made. If a majority of Elders agree, then that person will be ejected. If an Elder is to be ejected, a majority of all members of our order must vote. If a majority agrees, then the elder will be ejected.
The ejection of a member from our order shall fall under the power of the discipline Elder. A person’s ejection must be made public, a reason for ejection must be given, and a vote by the elders must be made. If a majority of Elders agree, then that person will be ejected. If an Elder is to be ejected, a majority of all members of our order must vote. If a majority agrees, then the elder will be ejected.

Revision as of 23:00, 15 August 2007

The Constitution of The Order

It is the second year after the destruction of the Great Dragon. The world has come to know peace and order. Finding it necessary to preserve this peace, the elder lodge of The Order of Ered Luin-Les (note-the Les on the end is an added word from the ancient times, its not important) finds it necessary to construct laws and guidelines for the day-to-day business of our holy order.

The permanent ranks of The Order of Ered Luin-Les shall be as follows: Aspirant, Blue Lantern, Follower, Brother, Tai-Lo, and at least 8 elder members. Ranks may be added at the discretion of any member of the elder lodge. However, ranks shall not be taken away without the consent of a majority of the elder lodge, and the permanent ranks shall not be adjusted without the consent of ¾ of the elder members. The names of each rank must be appropriate to the duties of the rank, unless tradition should require otherwise.

The duties of the permanent ranks shall be separate from each other. No rank will be required to share their duties with persons in another rank. Such an atrocity would disrupt balance and order of the institution. The adjustment of duties shall be left to the discretion of the elder lodge. Any adjustments made must be agreed upon by a majority of the elders.

The duties of an aspirant are to recognize the superiority of The Order of Ered Luin-Les and aspire to spread goodwill throughout the world.

The duties of a Blue Lantern are to recognize the superiority of The Order of Ered Luin-Les and to aid in the spreading of goodwill.

The duties of a Follower are to recognize the superiority of The Order of Ered Luin-Les and to begin to dedicate themselves to the spreading of goodwill.

The duties of a Brother are to recognize and understand the superiority of The Order of Ered Luin-Les and to fully dedicate their lives to the spreading of goodwill and order and the eventual defeat of chaos and destruction. A Brother must be a truly understanding believer in all of the teachings of our holy order.

The duties of a Tai-Lo are to recognize the superiority of The Order of Ered Luin-Les and to dedicate their lives to the points of the Tai-Lo oath. A Tai-Lo must understand his oath and know that he shall give his life when the goodwill of man is at stake.

The duties of the Elders are to ensure the purity of The Order of Ered Luin-Les. All elders must have a deep understanding of the teachings of our most holy order and be trusted to share understanding with those who do not understand.

One Elder shall reside over all others and conduct himself as a leader should.
One Elder shall reside second over all others.
One Elder shall reside over priests.
One Elder shall represent our order to the governments and religions of man.
One Elder shall reside over the Tai-Lo and command them in battle.
One Elder shall reside over our temples and shrines.
One Elder shall reside over our archives, histories, and laws.
One Elder shall reside over the dispensing of discipline as necessary for those who would break our laws.

The ejection of a member from our order shall fall under the power of the discipline Elder. A person’s ejection must be made public, a reason for ejection must be given, and a vote by the elders must be made. If a majority of Elders agree, then that person will be ejected. If an Elder is to be ejected, a majority of all members of our order must vote. If a majority agrees, then the elder will be ejected.

All temples and shrines must be built according to the religious building code, regardless of the Elders’ desire. No chaos shall enter our temples.

The use of the Tai-Lo in battle must be approved by ¾ of the Elders, and the Elders must recognize that a greater good will come of their use. Under no circumstances shall the Tai-Lo be used without consent of all Elders, no Elder may order a Tai-Lo to conduct an action that would break his oath.

Our histories and documents must never be knowingly mistranslated or skewed so that their original meaning is lost.

To amend any part of these laws, all Elders must agree to what will be amended. To undo a past amendment, the process must be repeated. The unanimous agreement on amendments to these laws is necessary to prevent corruption or our word. To add a law unrelated to this document, a simple majority of elders must agree to the law before it is put into action.

May these requirements serve many in the future and help maintain order within our institution. May you find yourself in good times and order in your day. This is the will of the first Elder Lodge of The Order of Ered Luin-Les.