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<center>'''January 5'''</center>
<center>'''January 5'''</center>

<span style="font-family: Garamond; font-size: 14pt;">A</span> few hours after sunset, an unexpected noble joined the ranks of the Heenites. What was already common knowledge in the Holy Council from the day before, was new to the rest of the Heenites: Wolfgang Lucifer, former Chancellor and Minister of Finances of Varyamo Nolvo, has left the nobility of our hatred enemy Varyamo Nolvo and joined the ranks of Heen. The mistrust towards Wolfgang among the Heenites was expectable and very understandable: Wolfgang was a follower of Scion the Skilled during the rebellion Scion started in Varyamo Nolvo, and he supported Heen even while in Varyamo Nolvo, yet this support ended when Wolfgang became Minister of Finances of Varyamo Nolvo and started to like it.
<span style="font-family: Garamond; font-size: 14pt;">A</span> few hours after sunset, an unexpected noble joined the ranks of the Heenites. What was already common knowledge in the Holy Council from the day before, was new to the rest of the Heenites: Wolfgang Lucifer, former Chancellor and Minister of Finances of Varyamo Nolvo, has left the nobility of our hatred enemy Varyamo Nolvo and joined the ranks of Heen. The mistrust towards Wolfgang among the Heenites was expectable and very understandable: Wolfgang was a follower of Scion the Skilled during the rebellion Scion started in Varyamo Nolvo, and he supported Heen even while in Varyamo Nolvo, nevertheless he stayed in Varyamo Nolvo.

<span style="font-family: Garamond; font-size: 14pt;">W</span>olfgang however did his best to avert the questions that Medium sent to Wolfgang to test his loyalty. He said that he didn't strive for the survival of Varyamo Nolvo, but to see the desert lands united under one banner. "<i>Throughout my time in Varyamo Nolvo I have had but one goal, to ensure the best lives for our people. This is why I initially supported the rebellion under Scion. However, after it had 'failed', I felt it necessary to continue to serve the legitimate Government, and seek to unite our lands and our people once more under one state. I serve whoever is best able to serve our people and the most able to reunite our lands. That role has now been turned over to Heen, and it is with no regrets that I now join you in your efforts to reunite what belongs to our people. It is imperitive that the lands and people of the realms of Heen, Varyamo Nolvo and Vice join to create one powerful realm. I believe the time has finally come when this can be acheived, and it will be Heen who is strong enough to acheive this.</i>"
<span style="font-family: Garamond; font-size: 14pt;">W</span>olfgang however did his best to avert the questions that Medium sent to Wolfgang to test his loyalty. He said that he didn't strive necessarily for the survival of the realm Varyamo Nolvo, but to see the desert lands united under one banner, and as Varyamo Nolvo had the most chance to fulfill that according to him, he supported Varyamo Nolvo. "<i>Throughout my time in Varyamo Nolvo I have had but one goal, to ensure the best lives for our people. This is why I initially supported the rebellion under Scion. However, after it had 'failed', I felt it necessary to continue to serve the legitimate Government, and seek to unite our lands and our people once more under one state. I serve whoever is best able to serve our people and the most able to reunite our lands. That role has now been turned over to Heen, and it is with no regrets that I now join you in your efforts to reunite what belongs to our people. It is imperitive that the lands and people of the realms of Heen, Varyamo Nolvo and Vice join to create one powerful realm. I believe the time has finally come when this can be acheived, and it will be Heen who is strong enough to acheive this.</i>"

<span style="font-family: Garamond; font-size: 14pt;">H</span>e also that he had strived for peace among the desert realms, but did not hear anything useful from Vice's side. "<i>I was in contact with Scion concerning a lasting peace and end to the conflict. True, these peace agreements were nowhere near final, but they were the best we could have hoped to come to considering the general opinions of the majority of my countrymen. Furthermore, ask him how I supported Heen throughout this period. Anyone can see that those in Vice are incompetent. It did not matter who was ruling them, but I couldn't hope to receive a decent answer from them regarding anything.</i>"
<span style="font-family: Garamond; font-size: 14pt;">H</span>e also that he had strived for peace among the desert realms, but did not hear anything useful from Vice's side. "<i>I was in contact with Scion concerning a lasting peace and end to the conflict. True, these peace agreements were nowhere near final, but they were the best we could have hoped to come to considering the general opinions of the majority of my countrymen. Furthermore, ask him how I supported Heen throughout this period. Anyone can see that those in Vice are incompetent. It did not matter who was ruling them, but I couldn't hope to receive a decent answer from them regarding anything.</i>"

Revision as of 15:18, 6 January 2007

Heenbannersmall.PNG Heenite Highlights Heenbannersmall.PNG
Price: 1 gold Creator: Medium January '07

Territorial News
The sacking of Tahgalez

January 2

Early this morning, the army of Heen gathered in Watersdown, the biggest army in the desert in a long time. As soon as all were present, High Marshal Martana gave the order to attack Tahgalez, the stronghold capital of Varyamo Nolvo that has a Keep to defend.

The Keep turned out to be pretty useless, however, since there were only 47 soldiers of Varyamo Nolvo to hold off the Holy troops of Heen, which counted a total of 193 men. The defenders were outnumbered and quickly overmastered by the troops of Heen. On the side of Heen all commanders remained untouched, while Mao, Duke of Tahgalez and Marshal of the army of Varyamo Nolvo was seriously wounded, and Wolfgang, Chancellor of Varyamo Nolvo, was seriously wounded as well.

After the battle had ended, not a single soldier of Varyamo Nolvo was still fighting fit. The few that were still alive fled into the alleys of Tahgalez with their commanders, and the troops of Heen quickly spread out to intercept any transports of tax gold from Varyamo Nolvo. Surprisingly many bushels of food were also intercepted and burned, to prevent the troops of Varyamo Nolvo from finding high-moraled and well-fed recruits.

King Scion the Skilled, who couldn't make it to Tahgalez in time, congratulated his High Marshal with this victory and declared that he was very proud of his troops. Lady Martana was, well, modest as ever, and said the victory was obvious. Still, you don't succesfully attack an enemy's capital every day. At last the long expected sacking of Tahgalez has begun. (MTS)

Dead Angel flees

January 2

After the overwhelming victory of the Holy army of Heen in Tahgalez, all the units from Varyamo Nolvo were scattered from the battlefield.

Among those scattered units was the unit of Dead Angel, one of Heen's biggest foes. Surprising to see was that after he had rallied his men, he ordered them to set out to Kording. The coward ran away from his capital and sought help in a region with barely a few men of population left. It is stunning that the peasants of Kording even allowed Dead Angel to come, knowing that he and his fellows of Varyamo Nolvo have let the population of Kording get massacred by the rogues, and that Dead Angel was giving up his capital. The remark of Count Erin of Kif after hearing about Dead Angel's flee was completely justified:

"Hahaahhahaha look! Dead Angel is running to kording! hahahahaha! Coward won't make a last stand in his own capital. If I were him I would stay and let the men of Heen kill me." (MTS)

Conquering of Hcallow and Watersdown

January 4

This morning, a few hours after sunrise, King Scion the Skilled arrived in Hcallow. He was there not just as a passerby, he had a goal: he wanted to spread the word of Heen and bring Hcallow under the same banner as Ling, Heen and Kif. His men quickly spread out to seek the local peasants and convince them that Heen was their home rather than the dying Varyamo Nolvo. Hcallow had been under the banner of Heen before, and Heen still had the claims over Hcallow. Considering the brutality Hcallow was conquered with by Varyamo Nolvo last time, the convincing process shouldn't take too long. Hoping that the peasants would be convinced quicker, more troops entered Hcallow.

At about the same time, Beatrice and the unit she had brought from Joppo had the same goal. The takeover in Watersdown was practically the same as the one in Hcallow: it had been under Heen's banner before as well, it was brutally taken by a hatred enemy and now Heen tries to recapture it with a takeover-unit and other forces to support it. The only difference is that the hatred enemy that took Watersdown was Vice.

During these takeovers, it's becoming more and more clear that this strike has utterly destroyed Varyamo Nolvo: Tahgalez is looted halfway to the ground, one region is being taken over and the last one is completely wrecked by rogues. The few troops Varyamo Nolvo had left were beaten while trying to defend Tahgalez. Rumours are already spreading that some prominent figures from Varyamo Nolvo would seek hail under the banner of Heen, hoping for mercy and a better life, better than the life they have been living in Varyamo Nolvo the past months. (MTS)

Shocking news from Joppo

January 4

Once again, Joppo has the unpleasant honour to be part of the hors d'oeuvre of the undead invasion. A scout report from Roland, Duke of Twillen (Mesh) has shown that a horde of almost 2000 undeads was seen plundering and destroying Joppo, the capital of the realm Joppo - while it still lasts. With a total of 25.000 CS, they are a huge danger for the troops of Mesh. This horde will surely not leave the local population unharmed either. The 7500 citizens that have served Joppo for so long will all suffer from this. My sincerest condolences to the former Jopponites amongst our ranks, this must be a horrible news for them to see their former home being destroyed like that.

It is not the first time that Joppo was targetted by undeads: Last month there were three undead hordes raging in Joppo, each of them smaller, but together as big as the one now. I am still wondering what the citizens of Joppo have done to enrage the gods like this. (MTS)

Wolfgang joins Heen

January 5

A few hours after sunset, an unexpected noble joined the ranks of the Heenites. What was already common knowledge in the Holy Council from the day before, was new to the rest of the Heenites: Wolfgang Lucifer, former Chancellor and Minister of Finances of Varyamo Nolvo, has left the nobility of our hatred enemy Varyamo Nolvo and joined the ranks of Heen. The mistrust towards Wolfgang among the Heenites was expectable and very understandable: Wolfgang was a follower of Scion the Skilled during the rebellion Scion started in Varyamo Nolvo, and he supported Heen even while in Varyamo Nolvo, nevertheless he stayed in Varyamo Nolvo.

Wolfgang however did his best to avert the questions that Medium sent to Wolfgang to test his loyalty. He said that he didn't strive necessarily for the survival of the realm Varyamo Nolvo, but to see the desert lands united under one banner, and as Varyamo Nolvo had the most chance to fulfill that according to him, he supported Varyamo Nolvo. "Throughout my time in Varyamo Nolvo I have had but one goal, to ensure the best lives for our people. This is why I initially supported the rebellion under Scion. However, after it had 'failed', I felt it necessary to continue to serve the legitimate Government, and seek to unite our lands and our people once more under one state. I serve whoever is best able to serve our people and the most able to reunite our lands. That role has now been turned over to Heen, and it is with no regrets that I now join you in your efforts to reunite what belongs to our people. It is imperitive that the lands and people of the realms of Heen, Varyamo Nolvo and Vice join to create one powerful realm. I believe the time has finally come when this can be acheived, and it will be Heen who is strong enough to acheive this."

He also that he had strived for peace among the desert realms, but did not hear anything useful from Vice's side. "I was in contact with Scion concerning a lasting peace and end to the conflict. True, these peace agreements were nowhere near final, but they were the best we could have hoped to come to considering the general opinions of the majority of my countrymen. Furthermore, ask him how I supported Heen throughout this period. Anyone can see that those in Vice are incompetent. It did not matter who was ruling them, but I couldn't hope to receive a decent answer from them regarding anything."

To Medium's question why Wolfgang strived for peace as Chancellor, a peace that would make the three realms live on together where he wanted to see one, Wolfgang responded that he was under the pressure of his people. "You have to realize that, despite my dreams of our lands once again being under one banner, I was ruling over a people whose only goal was to destroy Heen. The only way our lands could be reunited again would be to see my own realm taken over, and that was not an appealing thing to do willingly."

At last Wolfgang declared that Hedonism was a danger to all as it strongly influences the politics, especially in Vice: "I have no interest in religion whatsoever. I am a politician and firmly believe religion has no place in anything concerning the state. I can say, however, that as Hedonism is a religion which is heavily involved in the politics of Vice, that I am against it and any other religion which gets in the way of more important things for that matter."

After this series of questions to test Wolfgang's loyalty, it turns out that the Heenites are willing to give it a try with Wolfgang. Now it is up to Wolfgang to prove that he is worth the trust. (MTS)