Vashmere Family/Elfabah: Difference between revisions

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When the three brothers were sent across the ocean to the "new world" to find wealth and power, Elfabah requested to be sent as Victor's personal scribe. Her desire was to live in peace and love with her sweet Victor away from the horrible Vashmerians in the lands of Atamara in a kingdom named Abington.
When the three brothers were sent across the ocean to the "new world" to find wealth and power, Elfabah requested to be sent as Victor's personal scribe. Her desire was to live in peace and love with her sweet Victor away from the horrible Vashmerians in the lands of Atamara in a kingdom named Abington.

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'''Escape:'''Soon Vatticus angered all of Abington and got attacked in his sleep. Elfabah escaped her captive while he lay wounded. Never looking back, she headed to the Ash Sea Islands in hopes to find a place to hide, and a common enemy of Abington to help her obtain revenge.  
'''Escape:'''Soon Vatticus angered all of Abington and got attacked in his sleep. Elfabah escaped her captive while he lay wounded. Never looking back, she headed to the Ash Sea Islands in hopes to find a place to hide, and a common enemy of Abington to help her obtain revenge.  

====Ash Sea island==
'''The Witch of ASI:'''Forgeing the proper documents to appear as a true Vashmerien Noble, she hid from vatticus in ASI for some time.  In ASI she had adopted the title of Witch and a Knight of the Noble order of Mapo. Fighting Abington she drew blood in the epic battle for Wayburg.  
'''The Witch of ASI:'''Forgeing the proper documents to appear as a true Vashmerien Noble, she hid from vatticus in ASI for some time.  In ASI she had adopted the title of Witch and a Knight of the Noble order of Mapo. Fighting Abington she drew blood in the epic battle for Wayburg.  

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Her heart is dedicated to Ash sea island's politcal system and king. Seeing both as wise and inteligent, she dubs ASI as a standing light in a sea of darkness. She wishes to serve as a offical of some sort some day in ASI, alongside her heros of law and order.
Her heart is dedicated to Ash sea island's politcal system and king. Seeing both as wise and inteligent, she dubs ASI as a standing light in a sea of darkness. She wishes to serve as a offical of some sort some day in ASI, alongside her heros of law and order.

She hails Doc's Reveng as the greatest leader of the greatest nation in the world.
She hails Doc's Reveng as the greatest leader of the greatest nation in the world. She loves ASI for all its glory and truly sees it as the height of man's acheivments
==Far east Island==
Elfabah's adventures in FEI began with her visit to [[Nighthelm]] where she was confronted by a man named Senoske. Senoske ordered the girl to come to the barrecks for questioning on the murder of Vincent Vashmere, who was recently found with his tongue and eyes removed. A black book was left by his side with a note-
"A gift from the family".
Elfabah's shock and horror in finding out Vincent was killed dropped her to her knees, leaving her a sobbing heap of black robes and whimpering green flesh.
Senoske and Scion offered her religeion and directed her to a local church of a local group of good gods. The Witch, never one for gods, declined saying "she was tired of men bringing her gods."
The two were very helpful and gave her directions to the south, where she hopes to find [[Ikrif]]an herb used in many mystical spells and communions with the dead. The herb is in fact a drug that some warn "causes insanity" when abused. Elfabah hopes to locate this drug and see if with it she can contact the lost souls of Vincent and he beloved Victor Von. She marches torn with guilt and saddness over the now dead Vincent. She blames he anger for Abington keeping her from getting to Nighthelm fast enough. If she wasn't so lost in wanting to war the entire kingdom of Abington she would have not be in war. If she was not in war, Vincent would be alive.
Or would they both be dead?

Revision as of 18:51, 23 August 2006

WARNING: "You may take this all as lies or just laugh your butt off. The vashmere family is part of a small group of players now among you who wish to roleplay people from another world that you may not allow in your mind to be real. If you have a problem with these players harmlessly roleplaying accidental victims of a dimensional vortex then there is no reason to read this. The players involved with this intend to make a guild or church of pagan gods and ideas of this world they hail from. Of course they can be seen as psychotic dreamers for your own happyness"

Elfabah: Her hair is scragly and black, nose slighty too big for her face, but her ruby lips and oddly attractive features somehow shine through her apple-green skin.

At 4ft8 and 89lbs, Elfabah was never a lover of brualtiy or strength through force. Never from a wealthy or famous family, her upbringing was that of a commoner slave and servant of House Vashmere. Purchased in a small slavetradeing town in Uncivil Brakken, Elfabah began her childhood as a house maid's servant. she was trained early to clean and cook, read and write, count and and do proper maths. As a servant she was well worth the eight copper peices she went for. Chooseing to save a few coins by taking home the runt of the little proved a wise choice. Elfabah's ability to learn quickly and retain all things she studied proved worthy reason enough to keep her from being thrown to the viper pits of the rose garden, where most slaves ended up in sooner or later.

The green Skin The oddest thing about elfabah would be that she is apple green. Few have ever been told why, and she seems to want to avoid all mention of it. Asking her "why are you green" is a sure way to get her angry and quick to walk out.

Love: The evil Victor Von Vashmere II kept Elfabah as a scribe and translator for his house. Allowing her to learn and enjoy the ways of paperwork and complicated contracts. Her interest in books and writing soon became the driving force in her life and as long as she balanced the Vashmerian books, she had direct access to the house library. Her first love was for art and then came philosophy, so she adopted history and science. Reading feverishly Elfabah became quite the self taught student.

During her stay in House Vashmere she met the young Victor Von Vashmere III (son of II). Victor shocked Elfabah that a Vashmerian could be kind, sweet and innocent while they debated the ideas of peace and freedom. They became great friends in the gardens of the mansion. Enjoying long summers of deep talks of politics, science and of all things fantasic and insightful.

The two became hushed lovers behind the family's watchful eye. Not ever sharing the tender secret that they were common of mind and body, planning to escape someday to be married in a hidden corner of the world.



When the three brothers were sent across the ocean to the "new world" to find wealth and power, Elfabah requested to be sent as Victor's personal scribe. Her desire was to live in peace and love with her sweet Victor away from the horrible Vashmerians in the lands of Atamara in a kingdom named Abington.

Vatticus Rex Vashmere (the oldest and most vile brother) saw desire in her eyes and decided to crush it by ordering his father to issue Elfabah to him not Victor. Being the oldest son he argued the need for the best scribe. Eever hateful of his weak son Victor, the lord allowed the prized scribe to be sent with Vatticus not Victor. That night she tried to say goodbye to Victor before he left, but Vatticus stopped her and kept her trapped in a celler until her lover left for Abington, never allowing her a last kiss or even a fairwell.

On the long ship's voyage to Atamara, her horrors where long and plenty. The ordeal was a living nightmare of Vatticus and his men providing and inventing unspeakable horrors for her daily. The savages spoke much of the occult and of devil worship. She spent her days contiplateing suicide and her nights thinking of Victor. She vowed to herself that somehow she would reunite with her sweet love, and escape Vatt's awful camp of monsters.

Crushed:Elfabah learned of Victor's death in Abington shortly after arriving in Sudfern. Victor was reported haveing had died due to a duel in agaist a well trained Knight. The young Knight was foolish and tricked into a death over false honor at the hands of a well trained superior in age and skill. Elfabah swore death on the Noble known as The Grand Poobah after this day. The man who laughed at the brother's death, and publically spat on his name and body after the duel.

Escape:Soon Vatticus angered all of Abington and got attacked in his sleep. Elfabah escaped her captive while he lay wounded. Never looking back, she headed to the Ash Sea Islands in hopes to find a place to hide, and a common enemy of Abington to help her obtain revenge.

==Ash Sea island

The Witch of ASI:Forgeing the proper documents to appear as a true Vashmerien Noble, she hid from vatticus in ASI for some time. In ASI she had adopted the title of Witch and a Knight of the Noble order of Mapo. Fighting Abington she drew blood in the epic battle for Wayburg.

Recently elfabah has made friendship with a Noble by the name of Artemis who seems to seek her attention and perhaps love. A dear friendship began but Elfabah is far from over the death of her lover Victor Von.

Urgent news now brings her to nighthelm to try and stop a murder of the last "good" Vashmerian Noble (The charming and brave "Vincent Von Vashmere) she has reason to suspect his life indanger. She vows to return, but first she must rescue vince from a sure death at the hands of some evil she fears greatly.

Note: She has much heart for life and no desire for death of any creature (other then the few Nobles who tricked poor Victor to his death and Vatticus). She is a loner and a shy thing of slim figure. Often seen in her black robes scuttling around the kingdoms she is in, or in her Armor too big for her- looking for the front line of war. Her heart is dedicated to Ash sea island's politcal system and king. Seeing both as wise and inteligent, she dubs ASI as a standing light in a sea of darkness. She wishes to serve as a offical of some sort some day in ASI, alongside her heros of law and order.

She hails Doc's Reveng as the greatest leader of the greatest nation in the world. She loves ASI for all its glory and truly sees it as the height of man's acheivments

Far east Island


Elfabah's adventures in FEI began with her visit to Nighthelm where she was confronted by a man named Senoske. Senoske ordered the girl to come to the barrecks for questioning on the murder of Vincent Vashmere, who was recently found with his tongue and eyes removed. A black book was left by his side with a note-

"A gift from the family".

Elfabah's shock and horror in finding out Vincent was killed dropped her to her knees, leaving her a sobbing heap of black robes and whimpering green flesh. Senoske and Scion offered her religeion and directed her to a local church of a local group of good gods. The Witch, never one for gods, declined saying "she was tired of men bringing her gods."

The two were very helpful and gave her directions to the south, where she hopes to find Ikrifan herb used in many mystical spells and communions with the dead. The herb is in fact a drug that some warn "causes insanity" when abused. Elfabah hopes to locate this drug and see if with it she can contact the lost souls of Vincent and he beloved Victor Von. She marches torn with guilt and saddness over the now dead Vincent. She blames he anger for Abington keeping her from getting to Nighthelm fast enough. If she wasn't so lost in wanting to war the entire kingdom of Abington she would have not be in war. If she was not in war, Vincent would be alive.

Or would they both be dead?