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"But to make up for that, and to celebrate your anniversary, please accept this small gift." Tsingu handed over a wrapped package, not too big but still heavy. Inside was a small sculpture of two women resembling the Queen and Lady Isana, holding hands in a dancing motion, faces close to each other, an expression of love and passion on their faces. "I hope you'll like it."
"But to make up for that, and to celebrate your anniversary, please accept this small gift." Tsingu handed over a wrapped package, not too big but still heavy. Inside was a small sculpture of two women resembling the Queen and Lady Isana, holding hands in a dancing motion, faces close to each other, an expression of love and passion on their faces. "I hope you'll like it."
The Queen spoke cordially and nodded along respectfully to the courtier as he talked about how great the tournament was, when a city guard quickly sidled up beside her and whispered something in her ear.  She said something quietly to him and looked over to a pair of Royal Whiteguards standing at attention by a nearby corridor.  She gave them a nod in the guardsman's direction and the three of them quickly departed the ballroom.  Alyssa turned her attention back to her guests and continued speaking with them, after a few more tedious encounters she caught the eye of Lord Tsingu Orobar who smiled and approached.
He bowed respectfully and took her hand to kiss it.  Instinctively she bit the inside of her lip at the gesture.  It annoyed her, but she typically allowed it without sign of discomfort as she understood the importance of ceremony in her role, whether she liked it or not, part of her duty was maintaining tradition.
"My Queen, words can not express how thrilled I am to see you again. It has been far too long. Of course my little excursion to Eponllyn is to blame for that. I heard it even made me miss your wedding. Must have been quite the party. I wish I could have been there."
He gave her a little wink as he returned form his bow, smiling warmly.
"That's quite alright, our ceremony and reception were private amongst family and friends actually.  Though it was a beautiful, impromptu affair, it was one of the happiest days of my life."
"But to make up for that, and to celebrate your anniversary, please accept this small gift." Tsingu handed over a wrapped package, not too big but still heavy. Inside was a small sculpture of two women resembling the Queen and Lady Isana, holding hands in a dancing motion, faces close to each other, an expression of love and passion on their faces. "I hope you'll like it."
"Oh." Alyssa said curiously, as she accepted it.  A small, happy smile came across her lips as she inspected it.  "This is quite a treasure." She looked up at him, her lips still turned slightly upward, icy blue eyes watching him lightly.
She turned her attention back to the sculpture.  Memory flashed in her mind of Smiddich's gala he held aboard his mighty ship, and of the first dance she and Isana had shared, those many years ago.  Their first real dance, as partners.  She thought of the way their dresses twirled to the music.  Of the laugh they shared as they both tried to lead, of the gentle touch of Isana's hand on her back.
Alyssa found herself smiling again, and met Lord Tsingu's eyes once more.  "Thank you my lord."

Revision as of 05:05, 1 December 2021

The Tournament of Peace and Love was a tournament hosted in Perdan City by Alyssa during her second reign as Queen of Perdan. Despite tensions in Perdan (Realm) with Eponllyn and Yssrgard at the time, the tournament went successfully. Below are the Roleplays from that event.

Roleplay Participants



Latínã enters the Tournament grounds and immediately heads over to the sword training area. Though seeming depressed she sits and watches others train. She clearly has a lot on her mind.....


"My turn, Berwin! Let's have a round of cider to change things up." Isana lifts her mug in a toast to the already-grinning fisherman.


"Let's make it another three! One is hardly enough to get the tastes!" Berwin chortles, motioning back to the serving-folk to bring more tasty modern-Ikalak-inspired beverages in response to the Dawnstars' lovely toast.


Prince of Perfection

“Stay close my golden son, you could get lost” spoke Lucius as he walked around the tournament grounds.

His son Aurelian was trailing slightly behind holding onto his hand tightly as his father casts his eyes across the field to see who was present.

”You won’t remember but this was your home, you are a true son of Perdan like your father.”


Matthew rides into the tournament grounds, happily chatting with his entourage. A smile broad on his face.

“The city of Perdan. Such a beautiful sight. We need to visit more now that I have a bit more freedom.” Matthew says with a smile towards Lara, his captain of the guard.

“Of course my lord, shall I order your quarters set up while you enjoy the festivities?” Lara responds nodding her head. Matthew waves his hand away. “Nonsense Captain, there still be plenty of time for that. Let the men enjoy the atmosphere a bit first.” Matthew says as he draws his horse to a stop and begins dismounting, handing her off to a waiting attendant. “You as well, enjoy the time off. This is a festival after all. No need to watch me so closely.” Matthew says with a chuckle as he adjusts his outfit.

”Yes My lord,” Lara give a quick bow from atop her horse, then begins dismounting as well. “One thing you can do for me captain, if you would,” Her lords voice makes her immediately turn to face him, as he is handing her a pouch heavy with gold, “Let everyone know that I am buying them a round. To celebrate this occasion. It is my first tournament I have been allowed to compete in in quite a while. I want it to be one to remember.” Lara takes the gold and turn to send the massagers out.

Matthew looks around at the festivities and smiles. He feels as though he can finally enjoy a tournament for a change. Watching from the sidelines always made him antsy. Finally he get to compete. He can barely contain his enjoyment.


The Queen looked out across King's Square from one of the palace balconies overlooking the city. The square was decorated festively, with banners and streamers of all shapes and colours strewn across buildings and over streets. The banners bore the colours of every lord in attendance, with each attendee's banner raised alongside the previous, higher lords in higher places but every house displayed prominently throughout the square and the tournament grounds.

Jaunty music played while the scent of bread and meat wafted up from the city square. She watched many of the nobles greeting and laughing, and some dancing with one another beyond the music. She expected most of the crowd were Perdanese, simple courtiers or hedge knights seeking her favor or one of the high lords of the Kingdom, but she recognized several familiar flags fluttering throughout the square, including many well-regarded foreigners. She spotted the colours of McCloud being raised to a prominent royal position near the center of the square, and smiled lightly at the arrival of her friend.

She had been doing that more of late, life had been so simple, peaceful and easy. We earned this, all of us here. She thought back to the bloodied young knight she once was buried in ash and blood. She could have never imagined a sight like this. So much had changed and she was grateful for it.

"Your Majesty." Called a knightly voice from the chamber beyond. Alyssa turned to see her knight-captain Sir Raymond of Rice standing at ease. "I shall escort you to tour the grounds. Alyssa simply nodded once deliberately and peeled herself from the railing, joining the knight-captain and 4 more of her Whiteguards as they left the palace.

"There are quite a few important nobles here already Your Majesty." Sir Raymond mentioned as they descended the palace steps.

"Indeed I saw, Sir." Alyssa replied the hem of her snow-white dress fluttering behind her as they descended the steps, the sword tucked snuggly into the sash around her waist wiggled lightly.

"King Marchusson is here at your request. Duke Matthew as well. The Duchess of Chaos was at the training grounds earlier, though I'm not sure if she is still there."

"Hm... Alyssa said, as a trumpet sounded heralding the Queen's arrival. A small number of Whiteguards joined the others flanking her on all sides, raising the total of the Queen's escort as she made her way into the city square to see the celebration firsthand.

"You know this seems excessive." She said quietly to Sir Raymond, glancing at the swelled escort as she waved regally to the public as was her duty. Raymond merely shrugged.

"You are the Queen after all Your Majesty, we are sworn to protect you. It is a large crowd gathering, this number is reasonable."

"This sword is not ceremonial." Alyssa replied. Sir Raymond broke character for a moment and smirked.

"I counted you in that number, Your Majesty." He said returning his face to dutiful stoicism. Alyssa did not smile at the joke, but appreciated it, glad that even otherwise serious personalities like themselves could enjoy the light mood.

As they passed through the tournament grounds Alyssa spotted more banners she recognized. "Sir Tharan." She noted, perking up slightly at the sight of his personal colours. "I hope I will meet him again." Sir Raymond nodded, though they both paused at a sight they saw together. Alyssa's back stiffened as they spotted Lucius Poe at the other side of the square, holding a child and walking through the crowd, the younger marveling at the sights.

"Have you..." Alyssa began trailing off as Lucius whispered in the child's ear.

"He is being observed."

"Not followed." she said sternly.

"Observed, Your Majesty."

She nodded once. "For this week his a guest of Perdan. Ensure that my protection extends to him as well." She glanced back over at Lucius who vanished into the crowd hand in hand with the child's. "And ensure that child has a pleasant and exciting visit." She added, in serious tone. Raymond blinked at that and waved a guardsman who nodded and disappeared into the crowd.

Raymond exhaled as the Queen continued her rounds around the City Square. "Many are excited for your speech before the contest, Your Majesty."

Alyssa nodded. "I hope it will inspire peace. But that is for then. For now, I just hope to meet with our guests."


Perched up on the low stone wall of the tavern steps along one edge of the square, with booted feet swinging, empty mug dangling from relaxed fingers, and a pleasant tipsy fuzziness to her senses, Isana watches the tournament crowds thronging about. The sun radiates warmth on her shoulders. She can hear Berwin calling out more rounds in the tavern behind her and smirks. Maybe he doesn't want to be fit to fight. Or this is a legendary new fighting style, Drunken Swordsman...

To Isana's left, a familiar and strongly-escorted blonde beauty emerges from the palace and begins to take a tour of the grounds. The woman's dress and the uniforms of her guards are brilliant, blinding white in the noonday sun, making the air around the party seem to glow.

Isana gapes. A silly grin floats dreamily up onto her features.

That incredible creature, that's my wife.

Fuelled by a sudden rush of affection and pride, Isana sets down the mug and lofts herself off the wall to drop lightly into the crowd below, intending to make her way over to surprise her lady love and tour the grounds together.


Perdan - Day 1 at the tournament


Lucius opened his eyes to the grinning face of Aurelian, clearly too excited for the day ahead to even contemplate sleeping in.

“Morning my son” he replied as he sat up and embraced the little one.

“We have a good day ahead of us. We eat, train and maybe just maybe we bump into a few old friends”.

As Lucius began to get ready he had a thought.

“Aurelian we should write to your mother and let her know we have arrived, your little sister will be missing you enormously”.


“What do you mean, I’m not sure you’re allowed in!?” Patriacc shouted incredulously at the gate guards into Perdan city, as the poor soldier looked nervously back down.

Patriacc Hwitt, Judge of Yssrgard stood at the head of nearly two hundred Yssr infantrymen, and beside him stood the Queen of the Yssr, Adrianna Le Monte. They had decided to attend the tournament, even if they couldn’t participate, to show the people of Perdan how to party.

Well, that was why Adrianna had decided to attend. Patriacc had decided to join her to make sure she didn’t get into too much trouble or spark a diplomatic incident. Or both. His time training and time spent as a father had tempered his own excesses somewhat, and he felt responsible to make sure Adrianna didn’t spark a war.

“We are here in peace, or whatever!” Patriacc replied to the apprehensive young gate guard, “We just can’t match around with soldiers, we are the judge and Queen of Yssrgard!”

“But…” the guard started to reply, “That’s the problem! You’re…Yssrgard! I’m just not sure if you’re welcome, like, you know…here!” The poor guard replied, as other soldiers began to rush to reinforce the gate in case of trouble.

“Well then go find someone who does know! Tell your queen we wanted to surprise you all! We will wait but I promise you, the longer she has to wait the drunker she’s going to get and the drunker she gets the grumpier she gets!” Patriacc yelled back, drawing a glare from Adrianna…

Le Monte

Just a few weeks ago, she would have balked at bringing Patriacc along for such a trip. But ever since their journey to Shadowdale and him saving her from the clutches of a priest of Ulfius (though she would never admit it, and hoped Patriacc would keep it secret), their friendship had been slowly improving. So she was glad to be on the road with him, reminiscent of when they were younger in the academy together. The only diferrence being that Patriacc was a boring family man now, and would likely ruin all of her attempts at fun. At least they had managed to keep this trip a surprise from Alyssa and Perdan.

So it was no surprise to Adrianna that they were being held up outside the gates of Perdan. Usually, wherever Yssr appeared, looting and destruction followed right behind. But for once, this was meant as a peaceful visit. Well, peaceful by Adrianna's standards, which considered brawls and fights as being peaceful ways to settle arguments. And as she listened to the exchange between Patriacc and this poor excuse for a guard, it became more and more tempting to just force their way in. Which is why, while on the way here, her advisors AND Patriacc stressed that she was the Wolf Queen now, and that came with certain responsibilities. One of those being to not start any fights or diplomatic incidents. So the She-Wolf clenched her fists as her patience quickly evaporated away, her signature icy glare boring into him. As Patriacc started to walk away, she tore her eyes from the guard to shoot a glare at Patriacc for the last comment. She turned to start yelling at him, but made sure to turn back around to the guard.

"The Keeper of Laws was only partly right. I don't need to be drunk to get angry and make you regret keeping us out here. Go get whoever the hell is in charge of this damn city and get us inside! We even brought gifts!" She started walking away, pointing towards the wagons they had, one filled with wine from Perdan and another labelled "Ice Wine of the She-Wolf". Catching up to Patriacc, she slapped him across the back.

"What the hell was that?! You went on and on about me not embarrassing Yssrgard, and in your first conversation, you embarrass your Wolf Queen! I knew I should have just left you at home instead of bringing you here." She sighed in frustration, more at the fact they were stuck outside then at Patriacc.

"Think they'll actually let us in? Maybe bringing 200 troops WAS a bit much, but we have to make an impression. At least we got plenty of booze out here to kill the time."


A tournament in Perdan they said It would be fun they said Drink, swordsmanship and glory awaits they said....

And yet there sat Vidran staring at several letters, nursing a somewhat self inflicted headache. He had very much enjoyed the free drinks courtesy of Berwin during the day, however alcohol combined with intense training had been..... unpleasant; and yet in his mind that wasn't even the worst of it.

Why couldn't it just be simple..... Sighing he quickly reviewed the letters once more

Yssrgard at the gate? He was grateful this was not his concern... Lucius showing off? Had he intentionally been throwing his fights in the last few tournaments... Truthfully he couldn't put this past him. A sage in brive? What.. wait... why? he discarded it to one side A list of perspective duellists of the Eastern continent and there estimated skills.... At they very least.... this would make betting somewhat easier...

He took a deep breath before picking up the final letter, brows furrowed as his eyes stared into the black and yellow seal engraved with a red sun.... Promises to keep...

Without a word to his squire he head out into the grounds.


Tsingu had been wandering around Perdan City for some hours, enjoying the festivities that always came with a tournament. During his walk he had noticed the many posters displayed around the city. Some even knee-high so children could see them too. A bit curious, the Earl approached one for a closer inspection. On it was a drawing of an older man with an enormous hat. Under the picture was some text.

  Wanted, overfed or deprived, for crimes against the Kingdom of Perdan,
  Defection personified.
  Tips that lead to his arrest will be rewarded with 500 gold pieces.
  Approach this individual, considered crazed and delusional, with caution.

Tsingu laughed. His old Duke would of course enjoy the protection guaranteed by the tournament rules, but he would know how his former friends now felt about him and his betrayal.

He moved on towards the stage built next to the fighting grounds, while gargling with some rum. Swallowing it, he started singing the letter a, varying in tone and loudness. Tsingu was about to perform a poem, Her Ever Light. An ode to the love between his Queen and her beloved wife.


Perdan - End of day 1

It was a quiet first day at the tournament for Lucius, he spent the majority of the day showing Aurelian around the city. Tomorrow he planned to seek out some of his former realm mates so that they could meet his son, after all he wasn't sure when he would get the chance to visit the city again.

"Aurelian, how about tomorrow we seek out Vidran or Isana. They would love to see you."

The boy was overjoyed.

"Is Uncle Tsingu here?" asked Aurelian.

"Quite possibly Aurelian, where do you think we should look for him first?" smiled the Duke. "In your shadow" spoke Aurelian innocently.

"That's right son! After all he's been living in it for years".


Tsingu climbed the stage, ready to be the first one to use it and recite a poem in honor of the love and peace festival. He had heard rumors about the many famous bands and artists who'd perform later today. The Gimme Ten Chicks Experience would bring Perdan's national anthem on the banjo. Veteran's Fair Pain would sing 'won't you snatch somebody to love', a hit in Yssrgard. And Who Now would rock their song 'Dry Population', a protest song about the many elderly in Sirion. What a day it would be.

On the stage, Tsingu cleared his throat and said with loud and clear voice:

"My Ever Light, a poem by Her Majesty Queen Alyssa, for her beloved wife, Lady Isana Everlight, a gift to celebrate their anniversary."

The Earl took a bow and started reciting.

  She's sweet as honey, my appealing bride. 
  She offered her shoulder, the night that I cried.
  At first I hid my love, something forbid.
  Training with swords was all that we did.
  Then one night in a tent, I felt her lips on mine.
  And by the Gods, it was divine.
  True love can't be chained, the light found a way.
  So we danced together, don't mind what they say.
  And now I tell everybody, it's for you that I long.
  My feelings for you I can't describe, you're always my sun.
  I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind,
  That I announce here aloud,
  How wonderful my life has been since the day that we vowed.


Patriacc sneered as Adrianna slapped him. “Embarassed you? Everything I just said was absolutely true. Which I say with the greatest respect, oh Wolf-Queen blah blah blah so on and so forth…” Patriacc twirled his hands in the air as he walked with his friend. They had gone through too much together to stand on pointless ceremony.

“As a matter of fact I don’t think they’ll let us in. I figured it would just be funny enough to see if they would. Or I reckon we can just offer the guards a goodly amount of alcohol, get them drunk, and get in anyway. Or maybe scale the walls with some ladders? How funny would that be!? Ha!”

Patriacc laughed as the pair ended up, by sheer chance, beside one of the carts laden with wine, mead, beer, and aqua vitae, which was becoming all the rage among the Yssr in Itorunt. Patriacc grabbed a mug, which were always close by, and filled one with mead.

He drank the whole mug in one large swig.

“If all else fails we can just make camp here. We are in peace, as they wanted…and we can have our party! Let all the nobles hear that the Yssr are having one of their own outside and that all are welcome! Once they get tired of poems and recitals and life solos or some other such nonsense, I figure they will come out and have a good time, quaff some mead and maybe start a good natured peaceful fight or two.”

He refilled his mug, and grabbed a second, filling this one with the new aqua vitae, the “water of life” that was becoming so popular in the west. He handed it to Adrianna saying, “Here, drink this and tell me what you think, my soldiers have been saying it’ll hair on your arse.”


The True and Accurate Tale of How I Met my Wife Amelara Everwind: A Noble Love Story

During my first war against the realm of Perdan there was a series of battle against them in the region of Leibo. It was during correspondence with enemy nobles that I initiated conversation with a young noblewoman named Amelara Everwind. Those battles were glorious and good, and I cherish their memory!

She felt misled and unfulfilled, rudderless and without purpose. She was left behind as the Lion’s army retreated, leaving her alone and wounded to face the Wolf pack alone on the battlefield.

This is not a sad tale, though, and we wrote to each other in those moments. I told her that the deaths of her men were no tragedy, and that they dined forever in the glorious halls of Valhalla, something to which all warriors should aspire! She was a woman of singular bravery and wit, willing to fight, wounded and surrounded, to her very death. This intrigued me! So it was that as she retreated I had my men follow her.

The wolves were commanded to return, to go back to the den and prepare again, but I followed this woman and she showed no fear! Against impossible odds and the threat of death she showed no fear and offered to fight me! Me!

So it was that I gave her an offer of truce that day, to sit and dine with her, with the promise that if she was still there at noon of the next day I would kill her and her men in fair and just battle. We dined and spoke of many things, and that night we came to understand each other warrior to warrior!

The next day I told her she could return to the lions, to this city, or that she could return with me and be counted among the wolves who never leave their people behind even to the end or to our detriment.

She chose to come with me! We have been married now for nearly 2 years and have had a child whom I love with all my warriors heart, and a second on the way.

What more love can be for one warrior to the other? From a person to their spouse, or a father to their child? Even separated as we are by our beliefs or by our realms, these are things that we can all understand and celebrate.

Drink deeply, lover deeper, fight and live for the people you love! This is the Yssr way!


Inside the palace, inside one of many rooms reside Miles doing paperwork from the coming fair. “By god dam it, how many drunken bar fights are there going to be in one dam day… can these nobles even know the concept of taking it easy..” remarking to himself, a sudden nock on the door and a one of the guard captains walk in.

”sir, there is a predicament at the front gate, Lord Patric and his wife, the wolf queen are at the entrance and at this moment are being barred from entrance.” Says the captain guard looking a bit worried.

Looking quite astonished and getting from his desk, miles starts to talk and walk to the door. “They are WHAT?, have you no common sense?! You are currently barring former king of Yssrgard and AND the acting queen?!? Have you god dam lose your mind? You are about to create a political nightmare and you think this is predicament?!?. Calming down a bit, pushes aside the captain and makes haste to the front entrance to meet his war friend. 23:14, 20 November 2021 (CET)~~

Rushing to the front gate to greet the unexpected guests, a almost patrol of 8 men follow close behind keeping pace, they constantly look to be on guard for somthing or someone. Reaching the front entrance and spotting Patricc from a distance. “AH, look at what the cat drugged in, if it is it Patricc and queen Adrianna, I hear the guards won’t let you in, how about I change that, for in turn for a favor?” Miles says walking up to them gleefully smiling to them both.


Patriacc was finishing his third mug of mead with Adrianna when he heard a familiar voice call out from the castle gates. He turned, shaking his head to dissipate the growing fog in his mind, and smiled as he spotted the one member of the Perdanese nobility that he actually liked. Patriacc slapped Adrianna hard on the back and pointed toward the gate. "See!? I told you we'd get in! And you always said it's pointless to try and interact with nobles from other realms. Miles is alright..."

He began to walk toward the gate, stopping for a moment to look back at his companion, "I mean...he's a Perdanese fop. But out of all of them, he's the least insufferable. Honest too, which counts for something in my book."

Patriacc approached the gate and smiled toward to his friend until they finally met. Patriacc had made sure to grab a bottle of wine from the cart, and offered it to Miles, "Well it's about time someone paid the official delegation of the Wolf-Queen of Yssrgard some damn respect! How are you, Miles! We've just been out here getting pissed. Figured we could help you fops learn how to party. So we will certainly head on in for a...favor you say?"

Patriacc got a mischievous grin as he pointed back to the Wolf-Queen and he leaned in close to Miles, whispering in a conspiratorial tone, "If its a night with Adri, you can probably manage it with some help. Shes still painfully, horribly, annoyingly single."


Miles snickers as he takes the bottle from Patriacc ,“Ah Patriacc long time no kill, when I heard you were at the front gates I had to come, and please don’t be alarmed Queen Adrianna as Patriacc says or I think he said I am okay.” Looking back to Patricc he gives a wide grin.

“So it seems that Patriacc has come in negotiating as well, it seems that he would like me to accompany you to bed tonight for that favor coming in, though I doubt think that would be so.. how would you put it, diplomatic of me though I wouldent mind if we both just happen to get drunk, in the same bar someone where, and just so happens to get in the same room.” Miles just looks directly in Patrick’s eyes with a wide sneering grin.

“joking aside, that Favour is just simply forgetting the gold perdan owes you as well as accepting this here blade as payment and a gift from friend to friend. “Miles holds up the Shouting Blade of Handow to Him. “This blade has served me well in the past and it is time for its new owner and new history, may this be a sign of friendship between 2 uncommon nobles of different realms.” Miles nudges Patricc and whispers into his ear, “As well as a a gift for the future” miles gives a wink to Patricc.

“Well, without further ado, welcome to the city of Perdan, and please don’t cause too much trouble, I don’t need MORE bar fights on my to do list, as well as Patricc before the festival is over I would like to talk to you more in private over somthing.”

Meanwhile from where the guards are station that is on duty to protect Miles are looking to be on completely ready mode to attack ay a moment hair staring directly into the army both Adrianna and Patriacc brought.


In several taverns around the city, one could read a text engraved on a wooden plaque and displayed behind the bar:

  A romance born in true despair, 
  Her dress is yellow, the whitest hair.
  Her taste a sparkle on your tongue,
  She will inspire you to a song.
  Be careful not to lose your mind,
  An empty wallet you might find. 
  But these warnings I will not hear, 

​​​​​​​ For my one and truest love is beer.


Jericho watched Tsingu Orobar with a peaceful smile as he recited the poem on stage and decided in that moment, he was going to write a poem for the occasion. Ser Gadwel had a deep love for poetry, though greatly preferred to enjoy it in privacy. Something about the wine this afternoon and the atmosphere of romance in the air had inspired him, with Ser Orobar's recital being the final catalyst.

The next afternoon, during a lull in the performances of the evening, Jericho Gadwel climbed onto the stage.

"Lords and Ladies, A poem to celebrate the love between Queen Alyssa and Lady Everlight,"

  Love is...

Stiff and pale Jericho hesitates and looks around those in the area before closing his eyes and reciting.

  A light through a storm to a ship at sea
  Rain to a seed under desert sands
  a coin to a peasant weak with famish
  justice to every man.

Jericho opens his eyes once more to a small, silent collection of strangers. He quietly gets off stage and disappears into the taverns.

Le Monte

Adrianna had been matching Patriacc's pace, except with wine instead of mead. Hearing the same voice come from the gates, Adrianna simply scowled as she polished off the last glass. She had lost her patience moments after arriving, so this poor noble was likely to get the brunt of it. "They're only letting you in because you're here with the Wolf Queen! Not because of some stupid letters or relationship with a damn kitten."

As Patriacc strode off first, the She-Wolf decided to start on another glass. It would be better for all involved if Patriacc started off the talks. But then it dawned on her that he would likely do something similar as before with the guard. Getting up, she was able to hear most of what Patriacc had said except for when he looked to lean in and whisper.

"I swear, Amelara is going to be a widow by the end of this trip." Adrianna muttered as she finally arrived, though just to come too late, the damage was already done. Miles was snickering and grinning, while Patriacc had that smug look he always got after he caused her trouble. And apparently that trouble was offering up his Wolf QUEEN to some kitten! Her glare fell upon Patriacc, even if he was immune to it, before looking straight into Miles eyes as he finished his thoughts on them spending the night together, a fire burning in them.

"Don't let Patriacc hear get your hopes up, I doubt you could even survive a minute alone with me. Though your welcome to try! I haven't tasted Perdan blood in awhile." She then nudged Patriacc in the ribs, though it was more like a full force elbow.

"Who was the last kitten I slept with again?! Was it your wife, or was there someone after that?" A small grin snuck onto her face, though soon was replaced with a raised eyebrow and puzzled look as Miles presented a blade to Patriacc and talked about some owed gold. It must still be some unresolved thing from that incident in Clermont. Not her problem, though it offered a perfect opportunity to mess with Miles.

"So, you think it fine to come out and offer something to my escort, yet have nothing to present to the Wolf Queen of Yssrgard?! You might have a little more to worry about then just bar fights with such an offense!" She crossed her arms as she just stared at Miles, ignoring the guards standing around.

"And stop with this intimidation thing with the guards. If we had wanted to come and cause REAL trouble, our actual army would be here. I mean, just think what your dear, sweet Queen Alyssa would think? Being so apprehensive about peaceful GUESTS at a Love and Peace tournament."


"What a perfect morning," Isana sighed.

The Queen-consort had convinced her wife to take a short morning walk together before the day's tournament festivities resumed. Hand-in-hand Queen Alyssa and Countess Isana were strolling the Royal Gardens in the growing warmth of the autumn sunlight. Already there were hints of bustle in the distance, of merchants hanging out their wares to tempt the tournament-goers and a few new competitors on horseback entering the city gates, their banners unfamiliar to Isana fluttering proudly.

The plants crowded around the walkways were an unseasonal riot of colour, carefully tended and encouraged to bloom late in the season, and arranged in combinations to evoke the various realms of the continent. Golden chrysanthemums bordered the main paths to celebrate Perdan's leonine symbol.

"You know that poem about us that Tsingu recited yesterday?" Isana asked, turning a sweet smile to look at Alyssa. Alyssa's gaze was far away, a small furrow creasing her fair brow. "Darling?"

"Hmm, what?" Alyssa's face flicked back to find bright green-blue eyes waiting. She squeezed her hand. "Sorry, my love. My mind is already on preparations, wondering if that entourage at the gate has been properly greeted at this early hour..." She frowned slightly, eyes apologetic.

Isana gave a slight shake of her head, still smiling, and leaned closer to rest her dark-haired head on Alyssa's shoulder. "I know, Aly dear. The poem that Tsingu performed yesterday, about us, well at the tavern last night someone made up a tune, and they were singing it! It's lovely."

The happy sentiment dispelled some of the distraction from Aly's features, and she seemed to Isana to be back in the moment once more. "Would you sing it for me?" Aly asked. Isana straightened and grinned. "I can attempt!" She launched into a rendition, first quietly and with growing volume as she gained confidence. A few other early strollers paused or looked their way nearby.

"...I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't miiiiiind~! That I sing here aloud!"

She paused, letting the loud note ring out across the garden and fade. Isana took both of Aly's hands in her own and continued.

"How wonderful my life has been since the day that we vowed." She finished softly, and looked up at her love in a spellbound moment. "Of course, they've not quite got it right, it was wonderful before that, but..." Alyssa began to pull a face at the interruption of the romantic pause, and Isana grinned, and kissed her before she could say anything.


A kiss in the garden was not a rare thing between the Queen and her bride, but it still felt as special as the first time. Alyssa beamed at Isana after their lips parted. She leaned into her, her arms wrapping around her and nuzzling her cheek. Alyssa closed her eyes enjoying the quiet intimacy this peaceful moment allowed them. The garden grew quiet, only the wind and the chirping of birds fluttering around one another accompanied the couple at the song's conclusion. Isana's singing, though beautiful and sweet, Alyssa imagined, must have been an obvious signal for any others to grant the pair privacy. Though the festival in the streets below was for the sharing of their affection, Alyssa had indeed had her mind far too occupied with the duties of hosting, and was grateful for the few moments of quiet with the woman she loved.

"Yes, it very much was. My star in the night." She muttered fondly into Isana's ear.

She heard the crunch of an autumn leaf before she saw the interloper, her eyes flashing open at the sound, her body tensing slightly as a rush of adrenaline shot through her. She looked towards the source of the sound, her hand still nestled in Isana's and caught the eyes of a Whiteguard, one of the Royal Knights sworn to her defense.

"Mydame." Alyssa said to the knight, her voice stiffening from the gentle tone she spoke with Isana to the regality of command and royal duty.

"My apologies, Your Majesty." The knight blurted out, obviously trying not to appear gawking at the open display of affection before her.

"That's quite alright, just tell me what you need to tell me."Alyssa answered patiently.

"Ah, of course Your Majesty... His Royal Grace Duke Matthew is here. He says he wishes to accompany you to meet with the foreign dignitaries at the gate."

"Ah." Alyssa remembered the situation at the Gate and knew it required attention. "He may indeed accompany us. We shall meet him shortly and go down to the gate together. Get horses ready, ensure a fine one for our Royal guest."

The young knight bowed far more deeply than necessary. "Of course Your Majesty. It shall be as you say." She acknowledged as she departed with the greatest of hastes away from the site of her interruption.

Alyssa turned back to Isana after the knight had gone. A wistful grin came over her. "I was like that to, a bit, wasn't I?"

The Queen arrived at the Courtyard where they were to meet Duke Matthew and the horses. Alyssa smiled a brief but warmly sincere smile as she met Matthew's eyes. He made a courtly gesture to her, which she accepted.

"Duke Matthew," She said, holding onto Isana's arm. "My wife, Isana Everlight, the Countess of Brive, Dawnstar of Perdan."

" 'Sana, this is Duke Matthew McCloud of the Aerie. The former High King, and my dear friend. He asked to join us on our way to the Gate to meet the dignitaries." She turned to Matthew. "And I accepted. Perdan and Caligus are a united front. It will be good to show the Yssr that we are as one."

Together they gathered themselves in their saddles, and accompanied with a troop of Whiteguards and city officials, they set off through the streets of Perdan.

An impromptu parade had followed them by the time they reached the gatehouse, Perdanese citizens wave and crying out at the Queen's procession. Alyssa and Isana's horses had long been used to riding closely, but Matthew was close at hand as well as they travelled through the winding City Streets.

It was to her shock to find the gate already open, with Patriacc Hwitt joking with Miles Guilotine who stood alongside several nervous-looking city watchmen, whose wide eyes watched the Yssrgardians carefully. She also spotted a rather large host outside the gates as she approached the scene, quickly scanning to gather as much information as possible.

"Queen Adrianna." She called as their horses stopped a respectful distance from the Wolf Queen and her party. "And Lord Patriacc. Welcome to Perdan City, though I see you have been welcomed already." she said, giving a short concerned look to Miles before turning back to the Wolf Queen.

"I'm afraid as my invitations stated only nobles are welcome to the tournament, so I am afraid soldiery will not be invited in the city without the permission of the Duchess. I will see to it however that they have plenty of supplies to celebrate outside. I shall have arrangements made for the two of you to stay in the Palace, and I shall assign some of my personal guard to escort you where you wish to go, to ensure you are not troubled." She said with a confident, diplomatic nod.


Jericho stood aside King's Square, in front of one of the lowest-raised banners at the end of neighboring street, a little ways off from King's Square proper. He stood beside his Captain Wilfried, though neither were dressed for combat. Instead, they stood as life-long friends, admiring the banner before them together. The banner, a green and white design with a golden bell in the center, was the banner of the Gadwel family.

"Did you ever think you'd see this banner at a noble event?" Wilfried spoke with arms crossed, then turned his gaze from the heraldry to Ser Gadwel.

Jericho's eyes welled as he brought one arm around the shoulder of his friend and gripped him firmly "I'm just glad you're by my side to see it."

"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else." The two sat there, arms around each other's shoulders, smiles pinned across their faces, admiring the lowly banner as the sun began to drop and the bustle of the tournament began to rise.


After spending days riding to Perdan city after fighting monsters in the south Lord Dandro GoldHaart nods to his knights to make sure their armour and horses are ready before finding the dance hall and to relax.

Making his way through the city alone accept his warhorse Summer, Lord Dandro was still dressed in his full plate white with gold trims battle armour, the badge of Perdan a golden lion on one pauldron and the badge of the Golden Dawn on the other shoulder holding his white and red riding cape that concealed all but the handles of the master-crafted blade down his back and his three hunting knives one under both armpit and one across the lower back.

Lord Dandro was enjoying the spectacle the city has become when he saw the banner, a green and white design with a golden bell in the centre.

Looking to find the owner. Still from horseback, Lord Dandro saw Ser Jericho Gadwel. Lord Dandro lifted the visor of his helm before speaking.

"Ser Jericho Gadwel, how are you? What activities do you have planned before and after the tournament?"


Perdan City - Poetry stage

"Aurelian are you sure you want to do this?" asked Lucius.

Without answering his son began climbing onto the stage himself, the Duke following behind showing no emotion.

"Esteemed nobility...I'm delighted to introduce you to my son Aurelian Poe the Prince of Perfection himself". The Margrave of Ashforth beamed with pride as the little Poe stood before the gathering nobles. "He is to recite a poem, I will repeat is afterwards for those in the back unable to hear his magnificent words".

An Ode to Lorelai

Silken Ebony hair and Sapphire eyes, Sweet Lorelai’s smiles can brighten dark skies.

Her tight embrace can any nightmare erase, A better half that no one can ever replace.

When you depart, I feel heavy in my heart But there is one thing you never fail to impart,

Queen of all the Free Cities, So clever, quick, and witty,

I know there is one title she holds better than any other, And that is the one that says she is my Mother.

Love Aurelian

The little one looked straight at his father when they finished. "I'm so proud of you" he read from the lips of Lucius Poe.


Miles looking back to Adrianna a bit meekly before grabbing Patriacs shoulder. "I see the wolf queen can bite as well as bark." Retorking back, Miles slowly starts to wrap things up before catching the sudden apparnce of the queen and with her words he nodds slowly looking a bit worried. "Q-Queen alyssa.. surprise to see you here of all places, as you see I have just welcomed our guests into the city though the guard you assigned seem to be very worried about my safety though i tell them that Patriacc wount do anything in peacefull times."



With the situation at the gates resolved, and the rest of the festivities going smoothly, the Queen and her party returned to the palace to make final preparations for the opening of the tournament. Alyssa and Isana changed into more formal and officious attire as befitting their role as hostesses, while many of the other nobles gathered in the square to await the opening ceremonies.

After some fight with her stylists, Alyssa relented to a small, limited application of cosmetics as a compromise to compliment a flowing white gown with green and gold trim, her hair tied neatly into an elegantly simple bun.

She met Isana in the ballroom, near the grand steps where the addresses would be delivered. A clanking of metal on steel caught her attention as her eyes turned to the sound to see the source of the noise. She smiled with obvious interest as Isana entered the room in tournament regalia, shining armour, a tabard of the green and white of their house over the breastplate, sword at her hip, and jousting shield on her arm. The shield was the very one Alyssa had given her some time ago depicting their combined charges, a argent field and vert chevron of Everlight with Alyssa's sable wolf. In her mouth the pink peony flower that represented their love. Alyssa swallowed as Isana closed the distance.

"You're very handsome." Alyssa blurted out, glancing up to meet her eyes and instinctively touching her arm. She could see Isana blush as Alyssa slid her hand down to Isana's and clasped it. "Are you ready?"

Isana nodded a little nervously, and together they stepped outside to the front of the Palace.

"I present!" Exclaimed Maron, the Royal Herald, "Her Majesty Queen Isana Everlight, Queen-Consort of Perdan, Countess of Brive, Dawnstar of Perdan" Applause erupted from the gathered crowd at the announcement. "And Her Royal Majesty Queen Alyssa Everlight-Kingsley, Queen of Perdan, The Riverlands, Greater Oligarch, and the Grand Court of Aix!"

Alyssa gave him a brief look and he nodded with a knowing smile, as they made their way to the platform. Isana spoke first, and Alyssa could see the normally bold archer commander's hesitancy at speaking to the sea of nobility assembled.. She gave her wife's hand a gentle squeeze and looked up at her with an assuring smile. Isana returned it which sent Alyssa's heart aflutter as her wife began to speak.

"Friends," She began, her voice still shaking slightly, scanning the crowd for familiar faces as she spoke. "We would like to thank you all so much for coming all of this way to visit us. To allow us to show you Perdan, and to show you the joy we share, and the peace we now enjoy." Isana continued stealing a glance at Alyssa whose eyes were on her with pride and admiration. "Our lives are full of war, but when the swords are still and the bows go silent, remember to see the people with whom you are neighbours, even if you are not friends, and seek to understand your common ground. The world is not black and white. It is our hearts that can guide us to understanding one another and to a better future for all." She concluded and gave Alyssa another look who beamed at her in response. Alyssa then stepped forward.

"Love and peace is what has brought us all here together. An appreciation, that even in times of darkness, among feelings of distrust, worry, or scorn, we can come together and understand what unites different peoples with different values, hopes, dreams and desires. It is this understanding that has brought us out of the darkness of the total wars of the past. Old hatreds, grudges, demands of revenge have been buried, and from them flowers of respect, understanding, and friendship have bloomed. While quarrels arise still, it is the progress we have made towards peace and love for duty and responsibility for our people and for each other that have brought a dark era to an end, and into the light."

She looked to Isana with a sincere admiration."It was my beloved Isana who gave me hope for that future, this future that we find ourselves. Whose very spirit filled the darkness of those times with light, and whose shining heart inspires me everyday to continue struggling for a better world for our people and for the Continent. And I am proud that this celebration can celebrate her, and the peace she has brought to my heart, and the peace we all work for."

"I love you." Alyssa spoke with her full heart.

"And I love you, Aly." Isana replied with a gentle smile. Alyssa slid her arm around Isana and the two faced back to the waiting assemblage to announce to the crowd:

"We now pronounce these games open!"


Tournament Report message to everyone at the tournament grounds in Perdan - 2021-11-22 06:12:07 Welcome to the tournament in Perdan. 46 nobles from 8 realms paid their 0 gold entrance fee and visit the tournament grounds today to claim the winner's honours and 1000 (gold) for swordfighting (500 for second place swordfighting) and 1000 (gold) for jousting (500 for second place jousting). This is a tournament of both, jousting and swordfight. Let's begin with the swords:

Round 1, 46 participants: Godric Tórrarin from Yssrgard -beats- Question from Yssrgard Gavin from Shadowdale -beats- Graive from Yssrgard Julian from Eponllyn -beats- Harl from Yssrgard Richard from Perdan -beats- Alarin from Shadowdale Azer from Caligus -beats- Jericho from Perdan Dandro from Perdan -beats- Matthew from Caligus Tsingu from Perdan -beats- Andreas from Perleone Eisenritter from Eponllyn -beats- Periurium from Sirion Yuuji from Perleone -beats- Ulric from Perdan Lima from Caligus -beats- Doranthir from Sirion Vidran from Perdan -beats- Tharan from Alexandria Arnold from Perdan -beats- Greatjon from Perleone Fredrick from Yssrgard -beats- Blazor from Shadowdale Seaglass from Perdan -beats- Lekdomiram from Eponllyn Delphine from Perdan -beats- Hrothgen from Caligus Druzil from Perdan -beats- Berwin from Perdan Moergan from Shadowdale -beats- Callius Augustus from Yssrgard Lucius from Eponllyn -beats- Foxen from Shadowdale Hendrik Renodin from Perdan -beats- Evette from Shadowdale Isana from Perdan -beats- Maremma from Perleone Flavia from Shadowdale -beats- Wight from Perleone Ubin from Sirion -beats- Latínã from Alexandria Dios from Caligus -beats- Faela from Yssrgard

Round 2, 23 participants: Hendrik Renodin from Perdan -beats- Gavin from Shadowdale Eisenritter from Eponllyn -beats- Godric Tórrarin from Yssrgard Tsingu from Perdan -beats- Lima from Caligus Arnold from Perdan -beats- Druzil from Perdan Lucius from Eponllyn -beats- Julian from Eponllyn Isana from Perdan -beats- Flavia from Shadowdale Fredrick from Yssrgard -beats- Moergan from Shadowdale Ubin from Sirion -beats- Dios from Caligus Richard from Perdan -beats- Yuuji from Perleone Seaglass from Perdan -beats- Azer from Caligus Vidran from Perdan -beats- Dandro from Perdan Delphine - wildcard

Round 3, 12 participants: Eisenritter from Eponllyn -beats- Ubin from Sirion Fredrick from Yssrgard -beats- Richard from Perdan Isana from Perdan -beats- Vidran from Perdan Seaglass from Perdan -beats- Arnold from Perdan Lucius from Eponllyn -beats- Hendrik Renodin from Perdan Delphine from Perdan -beats- Tsingu from Perdan

Round 4, 6 participants: Seaglass from Perdan -beats- Isana from Perdan Lucius from Eponllyn -beats- Fredrick from Yssrgard Eisenritter from Eponllyn -beats- Delphine from Perdan

Semifinal round: Eisenritter from Eponllyn -beats- Seaglass from Perdan Lucius - wildcard

Final Round: Lucius from Eponllyn -beats- Eisenritter from Eponllyn Winner: Lucius

In the second part of the tournament, the traditional jousting contest is being held:

Round 1, 46 participants: Lima from Caligus -beats- Lucius from Eponllyn 3 to 0 Jericho from Perdan -beats- Dios from Caligus 3 to 0 Richard from Perdan -beats- Delphine from Perdan 2 to 1 Harl from Yssrgard -beats- Berwin from Perdan 2 to 1 Andreas from Perleone -beats- Evette from Shadowdale 3 to 0 Druzil from Perdan -beats- Moergan from Shadowdale 3 to 0 Alarin from Shadowdale -beats- Tsingu from Perdan 3 to 0 Vidran from Perdan -beats- Fredrick from Yssrgard 3 to 0 Periurium from Sirion -beats- Arnold from Perdan 3 to 0 Graive from Yssrgard -beats- Faela from Yssrgard 2 to 1 Ubin from Sirion -beats- Greatjon from Perleone 3 to 0 Callius Augustus from Yssrgard -beats- Maremma from Perleone 3 to 0 Tharan from Alexandria -beats- Isana from Perdan 2 to 1 Question from Yssrgard -beats- Seaglass from Perdan 3 to 0 Hendrik Renodin from Perdan -beats- Lekdomiram from Eponllyn 2 to 1 Azer from Caligus -beats- Wight from Perleone 3 to 0 Doranthir from Sirion -beats- Yuuji from Perleone 3 to 0 Flavia from Shadowdale -beats- Matthew from Caligus 3 to 0 Dandro from Perdan -beats- Latínã from Alexandria 3 to 0 Gavin from Shadowdale -beats- Ulric from Perdan 3 to 0 Eisenritter from Eponllyn -beats- Julian from Eponllyn 2 to 1 Godric Tórrarin from Yssrgard -beats- Hrothgen from Caligus 3 to 0 Foxen from Shadowdale -beats- Blazor from Shadowdale 2 to 1

Round 2, 23 participants: Vidran from Perdan -beats- Lima from Caligus 2 to 1 Ubin from Sirion -beats- Jericho from Perdan 3 to 0 Flavia from Shadowdale -beats- Gavin from Shadowdale 2 to 1 Dandro from Perdan -beats- Tharan from Alexandria 2 to 1 Harl from Yssrgard -beats- Foxen from Shadowdale 2 to 1 Eisenritter from Eponllyn -beats- Question from Yssrgard 3 to 0 Periurium from Sirion -beats- Andreas from Perleone 3 to 0 Hendrik Renodin from Perdan -beats- Azer from Caligus 3 to 0 Godric Tórrarin from Yssrgard -beats- Druzil from Perdan 2 to 1 Callius Augustus from Yssrgard -beats- Graive from Yssrgard 3 to 0 Doranthir from Sirion -beats- Alarin from Shadowdale 3 to 0 Richard - wildcard

Round 3, 12 participants: Richard from Perdan -beats- Periurium from Sirion 2 to 1 Flavia from Shadowdale -beats- Callius Augustus from Yssrgard 3 to 0 Ubin from Sirion -beats- Vidran from Perdan 3 to 0 Godric Tórrarin from Yssrgard -beats- Dandro from Perdan 3 to 0 Doranthir from Sirion -beats- Hendrik Renodin from Perdan 3 to 0 Eisenritter from Eponllyn -beats- Harl from Yssrgard 3 to 0

Round 4, 6 participants: Flavia from Shadowdale -beats- Richard from Perdan 3 to 0 Doranthir from Sirion -beats- Godric Tórrarin from Yssrgard 3 to 0 Eisenritter from Eponllyn -beats- Ubin from Sirion 3 to 0

Semifinal round: Flavia from Shadowdale -beats- Eisenritter from Eponllyn 2 to 1 Doranthir - wildcard

Final Round: Flavia from Shadowdale -beats- Doranthir from Sirion 2 to 1 Winner: Flavia That was the tournament in Perdan. Congratulations to the winners and to all participants.



Latínã seemed a bit happier with a slight smile on her face. She walked away a wealthy Royal. She then orders her squire to ready her horse to make her way back to Alexandria.


Promises to keep

Vidran's eyes followed the finals uneasily, constantly glancing between the fight in front of him and another figure within the crowd. This tournament had produced an unlikely final pairing. On one side we had the the man who had dominated the previous three tournaments, a living legend who could make a rightful claim as the greatest tournament fighter alive. On the other, a noble who's wanted poster could be found in the lowliest of taverns to true high class establishments from this side of Perdan all the way to Aix, someone who had been knocked out in the first round of all three previous tournaments. For these two to be in the finals.... in Perdan no less. If it wasn't happening before his own eyes he wouldn't of believed it.

"I new it, he really was holding back in the previous tournaments" he muttered, briefly mesmerised by the speed and the clash of blades...

I would impose upon your oath whether it is something you choose to remember or not.

His thoughts snapped back to reality, his eyes again turning back to swiftly track the small figure; making sure to close the distance.

The roar of the crowd boomed and echoed around him as the fight reached its pinnacle.


Perfection Personified

He could feel it. A cacophony of sound building within his mind, the pressure rising as he danced through the rounds.

He allowed himself to be lost to the music, the dancer of death in control once again. He had dulled his senses with alcohol and exotic inhibitor elixirs for long enough and now he was free to let go.

This will kill you Lucius Poe

Words spoken aloud without meaning to, but true enough.

“Then dance with me death. I am ready”.


Champion of Perdan

THE Lucius Poe, the winner of swords at the tournament in Perdan. Perfection Personified in all things worth his time.

He held Aurelian upon his shoulders as he walked through the city of Perdan, allowing the minor nobility to see their perfect champion in the flesh.

”Father! That’s your name” shouts a voice from his shoulders.

Lucius sashayed over to the notice board carefully, after all he had a Prince on his shoulders.

Wanted, overfed or deprived, for crimes against the Kingdom of Perdan, LUCIUS POE, Defection personified. Tips that lead to his arrest will be rewarded with 500 gold pieces. Approach this individual, considered crazed and delusional, with caution.

”Aurelian…the audacity! We shall right this wrong immediately” spoke Lucius as he whipped out his trusty notice amending quill.

Wanted, overfed or deprived, for crimes against the Kingdom of Perdan, Champion of Swords LUCIUS POE, Defection personified.

“Practically perfect in every way”.

Aurelian looked at Lucius as he uttered the words he’s heard before. “That’s what the lady in the mirror says”.

”Dustiria did always have a way with words.”


Jericho and Wilfried stood watery-eyed before the Gadwel banner as Ser Dandro GoldHaart rode up.

"Ser Jericho Gadwel, how are you? What activities do you have planned before and after the tournament?"

"Ah Ser GoldHaart, it is good to see you." Jericho brings his fist to his chest and gives a respectful bow. Wilfried does the same without a word.

"My lord, I am very well. It is the first time my family banner has hung at any gathering of nobles in generations." Jericho's smile dropped briefly as he considered his father's old stories. Had it ever hung at a gathering of nobles? If it had, Jericho only had his father's word to go on, and that was anything but trustworthy.

Dandro raised an eyebrow at Jerichos abrupt pause. In a moment the festive spirit returned to his face as he returned to the present.

"Right, before the tournament well, I intend to limber up and prepare, I have been working on my jousting quite a bit, but I fear I've neglected my sword practice. As for after, I'll likely need a drink, I think Wilfried and I will stick around in Perdan city a day longer as our guests make their way home. Have you any task for me or wish to join our post tournament celebration?"

Jericho looked between both of them before realizing

"Oh my, forgive me! I haven't even introduced you two." He turned over to Wilfried, a stocky, brown-skinned man, maybe a year older and an inch taller than Jericho, with scruffy dark brown curly hair that rest just above his shoulders and silver pupils that almost blend into the whites of his eyes.

"Wilfried, prepare yourself, you are in the presence of the Light Bringer Commander himself, the radiant light of Mulhouse, Ser Dandro GoldHaart." Jericho gestures vibrantly over to the horseback knight. Jericho turns back to Dandro, who by this point can smell the wine on Jericho's breath, and says "Ser Dandro, this is my best friend in the whole world, Wilfried. I've known him since I was a baby. Hes the toughest guy I know and a real good man." Jericho pats Wilfried on the chest but Wilfried is standing there frozen and silent, staring at Dandro, clearly intimidated.


Isana, tired from a very energetic round of swordfighting at the tournament, was very happy to be ousted in the first round of the joust. She sat by in the stands, leaning lightly against Alyssa, and enjoying the fanfare below.

She mused to herself on the outcome. What an interesting event...


The swordfighting final found its conclusion hours ago already, when news about the tampering with the search warrants trickled in. Immediately city clerks were sent out from the house of Justice. They ripped off posters all over town, took them with them and disappeared, only to re-emerge some time later with what looked like an updated version. The older man with the enormous hat now had a smile that could be perceived as a victorious smirk and what some would call a haughty look in his eyes. Some text had been added beneath the drawing.

Update: Be warned, perpetrator may approach you with stories of his greatness. Will be accompanied by jingling coin noises. Nose might be pointing towards the sky. Do not attempt to arrest or disarm on your own. Use of horse and lance is advised.


Nodding at the two men as Ser Jericho Gadwel introduced his friend and Dandro. Then in response to Ser Jericho Gadwel asking if he had any tasks.

"Nice to meet you, Wilfried, It is always good to meet new people, as for your question, Ser Jericho Gadwel, No tasks, only to continue doing what you have been and train. Let me know if you need anything. I will be heading home before travelling south to combat monsters. Do you still carry the knife I gave you when you took your oaths?"


Flavia smiled politely as she strode forward to receive the royal congratulations and her prize money. Smiled -- but inwardly she was grinning. The same grin she'd been known to wear as she knocked a real enemy off his horse, and sometimes unconscious as well.

  • People still underestimate me,* she considered. *It is an advantage.*

Recalling the baffled expressions on several of her opponents when they got a good look at the white-haired old woman who had walloped them so soundly, she had to strive very hard to keep the grin inward.


"Loosen up Wilfried, you look like you've seen a ghost." Jericho shook his friend briefly.

"Yes sorry Sir, It is truly my honor to meet you." Wilfried spoke slowly and softly while lightly bowing, never taking his eyes off of the mounted knight.

Jericho turned back to Ser GoldHaart.

"On me at all times..." Jericho pulls back some of his drab brown cape aside to reveal a sheathed knife strapped horizontally across the back center of his waist. "along with the weight of our responsibility." Jericho's smile disappeared as he turned back to Wilfried "Back to training in the morning."

Wilfried looked up at Jericho confused. "I was going to take the day off."

Jericho, stern as stone replied "That's right, you were going to take the day off."

Wilfried was caught off guard, tilted his head and then a smile slowly spread across his face as both men began to laugh.

"This is why I love you, you're crazy man..." He looked off towards King's Square and realized the tournament was beginning momentarily. "I'll go get your sword Ser Gadwel." Wilfried left the two of them.

Jericho looked up at Dandro "He probably thinks I'm kidding. Can't wait to hear him whine at sunrise. Anyway, best of luck in the tournament."


Dandro watched Wilfried go before nodding to Jericho.

"Very good, I am glad you take your oath to heart, I am heading out as soon as possible to make sure our home is managed, good luck to you as well in the tournament, May the light of the Golden Dawn forever light your path my friend."

With that Dandro nods to Jericho before leaving Jericho to prepare for the tournament.


All told, the meeting between Patriacc, Adrianna, and Queen Alyssa had gone as well as one could hope. This was a public event and guest rite having been formally extended, even Patriacc simply bowed and gave his thanks to the Queen of Perdan. Let the world see they weren't always barbarous. He also made sure to give thanks to Miles for the magnificent sword, and told his friend to consider the debt against him repaid.

Very soon, Patriacc had given his men orders to camp outside the city and not get into too much trouble. He expected a few drunken brawls and maybe a pregnant peasant or two, but nothing out of the ordinary. He promised to meet Miles before he left, and soon he and Adrianna had the run of the city, even if they had their kitten "honor guard" in tow with them, something he personally thought quite funny.

"Well." Patriacc said to Adrianna now that the formalities were taken care of, "Shall we see if we can remove the collective stick up the Perdanese bum?"

After the tournament, in which Patriacc had felt the final showing was quite unimpressive, Patriacc and Adrianna were sober enough to begin thinking of heading back on the long journey home. Before he left though, Patriacc had a promise to keep. He sent a runner ahead to Miles, to tell the other man that he was prepared to meet to discuss whatever they needed to.

Le Monte

Adrianna did her best to do what was expected in the brief meeting with Alyssa. While some might have pushed for more pomp and circumstance, the She-Wolf did not want to be in the presence of Alyssa any longer than needed. If her letters were an indication of anything, the two women were complete opposites. The important thing was that they were allowed in finally. It was about time the kittens of Perdan learned what it looked like to actually party.

With her women setting up camp, and everything else squared away, Patriacc and her stood at the edge of camp as they prepared to enter the city.

"You mean, shall I begin removing that damn stick out of their ass? You're a married man now, you can't get into trouble like we used to. I'd hate to see what Amelara would do if she heard of any antics." Adrianna just grinned as she took a swig from the wine bottle she was carrying. Being that it was supposed to be a party, she was going to make sure one was always at hand. "Now, before you say anything, I promise to not cause a diplomatic incident. Any deaths will be well deserved, and brawls kept at a reasonable level. Oh, and I won't kill any minor nobles because they were disappointing in bed. Deal?"

With that, Adrianna would make her way off into the city to see what trouble she could get into. Though the first step to any of that was losing this ridiculous guard that was in toe. So her first stop was the busiest tavern she could find. It would be a good place to ditch them AND pick up a new bottle of wine.

Royal Afterparty


Tsingu was only a few minutes away from the Royal Palace. Tonight he would meet the Queen. Maybe Lady Isana would be present as well, he sure hoped so. It had been a while since they met. Too long actually. So once the tournament was done, he decided to stay in the City and ask for a meeting. He had written the other nobles in the City to join him. Tsingu hoped they would come so he could meet them too. It would be an excellent ending to a wonderful week.

The Earl was dressed in a simple, close fitting black tunic, designed to accentuate his muscular physique. The silver buttons were engraved with the lions of his House, and a striped dewflower from Clermont was pinned on his chest. His greyish long hair was held back by a leather headband. In his hands he carried a small wrapped package.

At the gate, Tsingu greeted two guards. "Good evening to you both, young men. Could one of you please go notify the Queen her guest, Lord Tsingu Orobar, has arrived for their planned meeting?"


Alyssa scribbled her signature quickly over the invoices. While the tournament had actually made quite a profit, the various craftsmen, free laborers, and additional staff all needed to be paid on time. As the funds were from the royal treasury, they required royal assent, and Alyssa made herself sort through all of them before her afternoon meetings.

A gentle knock in the late afternoon interrupted her silence, though she kept her eyes on the paperwork in front of her and her hand on her quill as she invited whoever was on the other side to enter.

It was Thea, her secretary, who entered, looking a bit wary. Alyssa looked up to see her and stopped writing, removing her glasses to give the young woman her attention.

"Thea." She acknowledged, and the girl bowed deeply.

"Your Majesty, Thea explained still looking somewhat nervous. "Lord Tsingu is here to see you, and some of the other nobles were with him. Including... Lord Maron who had his entire troupe among them staging a performance in the Ballroom."

"What." Alyssa said flatly before standing up to cross the room.

The Queen's eyes widened as she entered the ballroom to see Perdanian nobles laughing, carousing, and dancing to the lively music being performed by the royal herald himself, Maron and his troupe on a makeshift stage set to one side. She recognized most as off-duty knights or city officials who had assisted in setting up the tournament. As she entered all of their eyes turned to her except for the musicians, whose eyes looked worryingly to Maron. Thea audibly gulped a pace behind Alyssa and the room got suddenly quiet.

"Your Majesty!" Maron called out. "You honour us with your presence. Our congratulations to you on a successful tournament. For this, a humble gala in your honour as a token of gratitude for your efforts for the people of Perdan!"

The rest of the assembly bowed respectfully, and a few "here here"s from some of the more lively guests were heard. Alyssa narrowed her eyes skeptically at the Royal Herald whose genial smile she recognized over the years contained more than a little mischief.

However she took a breath and replied: "I am honoured by the affection you all give to me and I am truly humbled by this surprise, the spirit of the Lion clearly is clearly inspired by the festivities, and good cheer should not be put to end once a festival is over. Thank you all for all of your hard work, you deserve this celebration as well."

With a cheer the musicians struck up a song again and the party continued. Maron gave a boisterous laugh and a wink to the Queen who shook her head at him as she found a comfortable place to greet those nobles who had helped make the tournament as successful as it was.


Grim Tidings

During the gala one of the city guards, appointed to guard Sir Miles rushes up to you. "My queen!, appolgies for the disturbance, there was another attack at Sir Miles estate, fighting can be heard with loud screaming.. there is no word that the Ambassador is dead."

The guard looks worried while awaiting further orders.


Tsingu listened to the Queen's words and smiled. Her voice was soft yet firm, with a hint of amusement, and when she spoke she grasped everyone's attention. He admired that gift, one of the many she possessed. His eyes followed her walking towards a more calm place, while his ears filled with a merry tune once more.

A few minor nobles and officials came to greet and have a small talk with Alyssa. Tsingu allowed it, as he knew they wouldn't dare to approach her if she was talking to one of her Lords. While he waited he had a cup of water, talked to a few people and made a joke about how to remove the stench from those Yssrgardians that were allowed in the City. Only few appreciated the 'you ask the Apollyon cleansing services' punchline. Still too soon?

After some time, Alyssa's eyes found his, and his heart warmed with the joy he always felt when this extraordinary woman looked at him. He smiled and nodded, to acknowledge he saw her too. Tsingu politely left the uneasy silence he himself created and went to meet the Queen.

When he reached her, he bowed respectfully, then took her hand and kissed it. "My Queen, words can not express how thrilled I am to see you again. It has been far too long. Of course my little excursion to Eponllyn is to blame for that. I heard it even made me miss your wedding. Must have been quite the party. I wish I could have been there." A wink followed Tsingu's last words.

"But to make up for that, and to celebrate your anniversary, please accept this small gift." Tsingu handed over a wrapped package, not too big but still heavy. Inside was a small sculpture of two women resembling the Queen and Lady Isana, holding hands in a dancing motion, faces close to each other, an expression of love and passion on their faces. "I hope you'll like it."


The Queen spoke cordially and nodded along respectfully to the courtier as he talked about how great the tournament was, when a city guard quickly sidled up beside her and whispered something in her ear. She said something quietly to him and looked over to a pair of Royal Whiteguards standing at attention by a nearby corridor. She gave them a nod in the guardsman's direction and the three of them quickly departed the ballroom. Alyssa turned her attention back to her guests and continued speaking with them, after a few more tedious encounters she caught the eye of Lord Tsingu Orobar who smiled and approached.

He bowed respectfully and took her hand to kiss it. Instinctively she bit the inside of her lip at the gesture. It annoyed her, but she typically allowed it without sign of discomfort as she understood the importance of ceremony in her role, whether she liked it or not, part of her duty was maintaining tradition.

"My Queen, words can not express how thrilled I am to see you again. It has been far too long. Of course my little excursion to Eponllyn is to blame for that. I heard it even made me miss your wedding. Must have been quite the party. I wish I could have been there."

He gave her a little wink as he returned form his bow, smiling warmly.

"That's quite alright, our ceremony and reception were private amongst family and friends actually. Though it was a beautiful, impromptu affair, it was one of the happiest days of my life." "But to make up for that, and to celebrate your anniversary, please accept this small gift." Tsingu handed over a wrapped package, not too big but still heavy. Inside was a small sculpture of two women resembling the Queen and Lady Isana, holding hands in a dancing motion, faces close to each other, an expression of love and passion on their faces. "I hope you'll like it."

"Oh." Alyssa said curiously, as she accepted it. A small, happy smile came across her lips as she inspected it. "This is quite a treasure." She looked up at him, her lips still turned slightly upward, icy blue eyes watching him lightly.

She turned her attention back to the sculpture. Memory flashed in her mind of Smiddich's gala he held aboard his mighty ship, and of the first dance she and Isana had shared, those many years ago. Their first real dance, as partners. She thought of the way their dresses twirled to the music. Of the laugh they shared as they both tried to lead, of the gentle touch of Isana's hand on her back.

Alyssa found herself smiling again, and met Lord Tsingu's eyes once more. "Thank you my lord."