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Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp
Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 7 days, 10 hours, 53 minutes ago
Delivery of Dresses
Aeron stood there blustering for a moment realizing the only cloth he had was the dresses but knowing better to use the dresses to clean the bourbon merely stood there for a moment before gently brushing the glass into the pile Haide was making. A servant quickly came and cleaned the mess, he smiled and nodded his thanks.
He smiled back at Haide as she took the box of wine. "Well I suppose we can take these to wherever you and Nalaya are staying. You could try them on, need to make sure I got the right dimensions."
He held the dresses more clearly in view. "I brought both because I know you couldn't decide which design you wanted, so I have the suit-dress and the more proper lady-like dress, both green and black with the Oroso Bear on the back, I hope you like that little addition."
He offered the suit-dress to Haide to feel. "Both are made of some of my homeland's finest silk, the dressmaker said she had never worked with such a soft and strong material." He grinned and gave a wink. "I had to call in a few favors back home to get this shipped so fast but I think it was worth it."
Roleplay from Haide Osoro Player experience level: new Player play preference: rp
Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 7 days, 8 hours, 55 minutes ago
Delivery of Dresses
Haide looks down at the box of wine in surprise. "All of this is for us?!"
Well, guess Nalaya is going to be getting very drunk...
"That's really nice, thank you," she says with a small smile. At Aeron's comments about the silk, Haide shifts the box to one arm and reaches out to feel the material herself. Her eyes widen and flick up (way up) at Aeron in amazement. "That's really f^cking soft. You really did all that?"
Haide's heart feels oddly warm, emotional that a near-stranger had gone out of his way to do something so thoughtful. With everything that's been going on lately, her emotions have been off the walls. She's likely spent more time being an 'enormous baby' than not and is determined to finally find semblance of stability now.
So before she lets herself get caught up, she clears her throat and cranes her head towards a window to try and judge the time. "Nalaya should be out any minute. Want to drink some bourbon while we wait?" Without waiting for an answer, she sets the wine on the floor, grabs the un-shattered bottle of bourbon, and hops up onto the window sill. She pats the spot beside her.
"C'mon, Ser Aeron," she teases lightly, knowing they agreed to no titles. She takes a small knife from her pocket and sets to opening the bottle. "Tell me about all the fancy things I'm meant to taste in this."
Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp
Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 7 days, 3 hours, 13 minutes ago
A Delivery of Dresses
Aeron smiled, glad he was making a good first impression. “It is no trouble, I did promise to share with you wine and I know certain events meant we couldn’t go to the tailors together. I just wanted to keep good in my promises.”
He looked out the window as Haide did, it was such a beautiful day today, he hoped Corna was enjoying it.
Haide pulled out another of the rather plain looking bottles of Falkirk Bourbon. He sat on the windowsill and smiled, taking the bottle from Haide’s hands. “Not with a knife Lady Haide, allow me.”
He took a ring out of his pocket that had a strange screw like shape. He punched it into the cork and spun the bottle to the left with his other free hand. After a short moment he pulled his arm back and the cork come out with an audible pop.
He then reached down and grabbed two of the four cups from the box. He poured a glass and a foggy gold liquid filled up a glass which noticeably had some gold decorative symbols around where the bowl met the stem.
Aeron handed the glass to Haide. “Falkirk Bourbon is a newer flavor I have been working on, inspired by  the Huntsman of the Falkirk Forest who are often called the Pine People. Due to the fact they live in a pine forest. They build their buildings up high in the trees meaning they can hunt right from a balcony.”
He poured himself a glass. “It is a regular Isle Bourbon, one you might find in a tavern back home in the capital. So you will note the strong taste of caramel, but where things get interesting is once you get pat that caramel, you should then get a subtle and mild taste that I would describe as woodsy and citrusy.”
He took a sip and let the flavours flow and gave a pleased smile. “That woodsy taste is Pine Needle extract from the Falkirk Forest, despite the effect it has on the drinks appearance the flavor is much more faint then you might think.”
He took another sip. “What do you think?”
Roleplay from Corna Wolfvern Player experience level: seeking-mentor Player play preference: rp-combat
Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 6 days, 23 hours, 24 minutes ago
A Delivery of Dresses
Corna had finally awoken hours after arriving to Itau. Aeron was gone and she still laid on the crouch. She was groggy and confused.  She wondered where Aeron had gone and why he didn't wake her. She took the blanket off of her and quickly dressed herself. When she was ready she opened the door and was blinded by the light. The sky was blue and the sun at it's highest.
The men he left with the carriage greeted her "Hello Lady Corna how are you doing." " I'm ok but, where are we and where is Sir Aeron." She replied as she stepped down the stairs onto the concrete. "Sir Aeron left for the Academy to Deliver the Dresses. He also had a box of wine in his arms as well." The servant said. " Thank you I'll head that way. I know way around the city" with that she made her way to the academy. With a quickened pace. "I can't believe he left me in the carriage.  That sack of a troll left me.!!" Murmuring could be heard by commoners that seen her pass.
When she made it to the academy she saw Aeron talking to a lady he hadn't seen before. Though she had the dress for Lady Haide so she assumed that's who she was. "He better not be getting to friendly as she glared from a distance." She glared from a distance out of line of sight. She waited before to observe their interactions to see how thing would develop.
Aeron had took a cup of wine out and drank. It reminded that she hadn't drank since arriving in the city and wine would be perfect. She couldn't have drink so made her way to the group.
When she arrived she greeted the two of them "Good afternoon Ser Aeron and Lady Haide. " 
Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp
Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 6 days, 23 hours, 5 minutes ago
A Delivery of  Dresses
Aeron heard Corna's voice and smiled, he reached into the box and took out another glass. With practiced skill he poured another glass and handed it to Corna. "Good Afternoon Lov....Corna." Aeron cut himself almost slipping up there a he cheeks blushed slightly. "I am sorry I left you in the carriage, you were sleeping so peacefully I didn't want to disturb you."
He smiled. "I was just coming to deliver my gift of alcohol and dresses to Haide and Nalaya, though the latter is still with her tutor I have been told, so we are just waiting." He got an idea and smiled. "Actually, would you like me to have a dress made for you too, I still have a decent amount of the black silk left from when I had the dressmakers make Haide's dresses, I probably have enough to make one for you."
Roleplay from Haide Osoro Player experience level: new Player play preference: rp
Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 6 days, 22 hours, 28 minutes ago
A Delivery of Dresses
Haide listens to Aeron’s explanation of the bourbon while staring down at the golden brown liquid. Unless she was too drunk to remember, she’s never had bourbon before. And pine? As in… a tree? Suddenly Haide isn’t so sure.
Still, she’s in too deep now, so she bucks up and takes a sip.
Immediately she is reminded that bourbon is decidedly not rum.
Forcing a neutral face, she nods contemplatively and swirls the rum around her glass like she imagines nobles are meant to do. “Wow,” she says, hoping she sounds enthusiastic. “Wow so… nice. Thank you, Aeron.”
Fortunately, she is saved from elaborating by the approach of a white-haired young woman in a fancy black dress who is even taller than Aeron. It takes all her willpower not to promptly and loudly declare her really really f^cking tall.
Instead, though, she watches and smiles pleasantly as Aeron hands the new arrival a drink.
Then Aeron calls the woman “Corna” and Haide‘s entire back stiffens. If her hands weren’t occupied with the bourbon, she would have placed them behind her back on instinct.
Not even a week ago, Haide had been thrilled at the prospect of meeting Corna. They had exchanged brief letters on the topic of courtiers, and Haide was eager to host her and Nalaya both in Mozyr to learn more and get to know her.
But then everything with Furiae hit the fan and Corna was first out of the gate saying it was fine she’d been whipped. Not whipped, she corrects herself harshly. Struck with a whip. Struck with a whip.
That difference—the decision to believe she’d stuck to her promise to never let that happen to her ever again—was about the only thing keeping her from getting lost in a flood of memories.
”Oh,” Haide says dumbly, turning the corners of her mouth up into a smile, hoping it reads as genuine and not as nervous as she feels.
Haide wants to not care. She wants to stop being a ginormous baby and suck it up. After all, what Corna said hadn’t been anywhere near as awful as what others said. But considering the absolute sh^tshow the letter kicked off, it’s hard to stop her heartbeat from ratcheting up a notch and her instincts from telling her to throw the glass and run.
”It’s, uh, good to meet you finally,” she manages, trying to build up some momentum. “Nalaya and I both just dismissed our forced and became courtiers, as we discussed. We’re here to learn about bureaucracy and oratory or whatever it is. But the uh. Tutor dismissed me early.”
She finishes with a rueful smile and a massive swallow of bourbon, not caring if it tastes like licking a tree.
Roleplay from Corna Wolfvern Player experience level: seeking-mentor Player play preference: rp-combat
Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 6 days, 21 hours, 55 minutes ago
A Delivery of Dresses
Corna had forced a smile to hide her jealousy. "Ah so this is Lady Haide. Glad to finally meet you in her". She curtseyed to her. " I apologize for my letter stating the whipping of your lover Lady Nayla. I had thought the way my family handle punishment was the same as any realm. I was obviously wrong in this thinking from the uproar of letters it caused.  I humbly apologize for my malicious comment on the matter. I won't ask for you to forgive me for it may to much to ask when it comes to matters of one love."  After that she stood up once more. "Thought I would still be happy to show both of you the ways of the courier. It's good to male friends in a similar job area.
She looked to Aeron "And yes please do Aeron I would love to see what they come up with for me."
Public, Ask First
Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp
Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 6 days, 21 hours, 46 minutes ago
Delivery of Dresses
Aeron smiled and nodded. "I will have to take your measurements later then M'lady." He glanced between the two ladies and gave a small smile. He felt a sense of almost jealous that was faintly felt in Corna's tone and so he gently pecked her on the cheek with a kiss. "I am sure you will love the dress, m'lady."
He turned back to Haide and noticed immediately as her face tightened upon taking a sip of the bourbon, he smiled and held his hand out. "Here, pass me the glass, I will tip it out and you can try a different alcohol, the Falkirk Bourbon, much like the company of the people who live in the forests there are is a bit of an acquired taste."
He took the glass and poured it out the window and into the garden, he then riffled around in the box whilst the two ladies chatted, he pulled out a fiery orange bottle. He took his fresh handkerchief and wiped the inside of the glass with it before opening the bottle, flipping the metal cap off with his corkscrew ring.
He poured a the liquid into the glass, it was a swirling mixture of red and orange. Aeron hesitated before taking a match from the wine box and handing it to Haide with the glass and almost nervously said. "Dragon's Breath, it's a rum, you light it, blow it out and wait a second, the smoke adds to the flavor, I do warn you it has a spice to it."
Roleplay from Haide Osoro Player experience level: new Player play preference: rp
Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 6 days, 20 hours, 24 minutes ago
A Delivery of Dresses
Haide blinks at Corna, genuinely surprised at the sincere-sounding apology. The moment Corna finishes, Haide has already forgiven her. “Oh,” she says again, just as dumbly as before. Then she shakes her head adamantly, all of her previous feelings forgotten. “No, no, it’s all alright, don’t be sorry please, m’lady.”
Her face turns a bit red with shame as it tends to when this topic comes up.
”It, um, was me who was struck with the, uh, the scourge, actually. I would’ve lost my f^cking mind if it were Nalaya. Though she was struck with a rock so… Yes. And, um.” Wincing slightly, she averts her eyes out the window for this next part. She doesn’t want to say it but it hurts her heart that Corna might relate so she would feel wrong not to. Still, she spits it out as quickly as she can. “My uh, captain. He believed the same as your family. I didn’t think there was another way to be. Until this mess ended with fines of all things. Apparently Tol Goldora is different than what we both knew.”
Once it’s all out of her mouth, Haide feels silly. Like she’s said too much. Her runaway mouth is back with a vengeance it seems and her face gets even redder.
“Anyways. Please do not be sorry, I’d love to learn more about being a courtier from you.” She finally makes herself look back at up at Corna, her own eyes meeting her gold and silver ones. A small but real smile forms on her lips as relief washes over her. “Thank you for the offer, m’lady, it’s very nice. Truly.”
Then, Aeron gives her rum and a match and absolutely every other stress in the world is gone. “Wait—really?!” she practically yelps in glee, her entire face lit up.
Without hesitation, she plunges the flame into the alcohol. Flames whoosh up excitingly high and Haide’s face breaks into a massive grin. “Holy f^ck, Aeron!” She inspects the singed drink, totally and completely thrilled. Probably not waiting enough time, she takes a huge swallow.
If it’s possible, her smile stretches even wider. And right on cue, her embarrassing giggle fit starts.
Trying to collect herself but feeling to happy to do so, she looks to Corna and attempts to report solemnly. “I must inform you that you’re dating a damned wizard, m’lady.” Then to Aeron, she says, “This is the best drink I’ve ever had in my entire life, do you have any more matches?”
Roleplay from Corna Wolfvern Player experience level: seeking-mentor Player play preference: rp-combat
Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (37 recipients) - 5 days, 15 hours, 53 minutes ago
Delivery of Dresses
Corna smiled and wrapped her arms around Aeron as if he was escorting her.. "The Wizard is amazing I know. The things he showed me and his family that makes drinks is astounding.  I had a Black Stone Apple drink during the trip here and it was so sweet yet thick like melted chocolate. It was lovely." She tightest herself a bit more and kisses his cheek.
She looked back at Haide and sees her face turning red. " I think the drink is getting to you. Your cheeks are turning red. You may need to take it easy if it's too much. Although flushed cheeks looks cute on you. I wonder if Lady Nayla thinks the same." After opening her mouth she looks away out of concern. "I  hope she wouldn't mind me saying that. I have yet to meet her and I've already soured our first encounter. " "Could you two tell me a little bit about her. I know she's to be coming and I like to know about her. As well as yourself Lady Haide. "
Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp
Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 5 days, 1 hour, 26 minutes ago
Delivery of Dresses
Aeron gave Haide a sincere look of sympathy. He waited for her to finish her tale and then spoke up. "Are you still injured Haide? I can try and administer some medical aid." He then offered Haide the drink and smiled as she gleefully took it. She lit the match and sudden fire that burst from the drink caused Aeron to flinch. He seemed to calm after a moment and was clearly happy with the drink.
He was clearly flustered by Haide's comment. "Wizard? Hardly I fear the mage blood did skip me and my brother sadly. But I am glad you like it." He shook his head with smile. "It only ignites once, more matches wouldn't do anything to the drink I am afraid, but I can give you another once you are finished with the glass you have."
He grinned to Corna. "I am glad you liked the Blackstone Appl-uh." Corna kissed his cheek and he blushed furiously. He blinked and then nodded. "I fear I have not yet met Lady Nalaya in person, I do not know much about her either, Haide would know best."
He nodded again. "I too would be honored to know more about you Haide"
Roleplay from Haide Osoro Player experience level: new Player play preference: rp
Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (37 recipients) - 4 days, 4 hours, 21 minutes ago
Delivery of Dresses
Haide smiles thankfully but shakes her head at Aeron's offer of medical aid. "It's um, much better now mostly. Thank you though, you're very kind... You had something for cat scratches, though? That would be nice, the little f^cker..." She scowls with love thinking of Ser Dusty and his devil claws.
Corna's comment about her blushing prompts her to touch her face in confusion. Finding her cheeks warm, she says, "Ohhhh. No, that's just how my face is. I can drink a lot more, trust me." To prove her point, she finishes off the rest of the rum and proffers the glass to Aeron with a huge grin.
While waiting for him to refill it (and give her a new match, of course), Haide thinks on their question. "Um, there's not much to know about me really. I like rum, obviously. Uh... I hate horses, they're awful. I lived on a ship. And... yes, I think that's it."
Then her face lights up. "But Nalaya is the best, you'll love her. She is incredibly kind, and very funny, and she comes from Perdan but isn't all..." Unable to describe what Perdan is 'all', she makes a face instead that is meant to encapsulate... something. "She can swordfight with both hands, which is very impressive. She likes wine, but I've forgiven that. She's really f^cking tough and cares a lot about people. You probably don't want to make her mad but it's hard to do that anyway. She's very smart and good at making decisions and knowing when things are a bad idea. Oh! And she's also an amazing baker and cook, especially of breakfast which is amazing, you both should try it!"
Finally, Haide pauses, realizing that she's said quite a lot. "...Is that what you wanted to know? What about both of you?"
Public, Ask First
Roleplay from Corna Wolfvern Player experience level: seeking-mentor Player play preference: rp-combat
Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (37 recipients) - 3 days, 10 hours, 4 minutes ago
Delivery of Dresses
Corna is shocked to see Haide gulf down the rum like a bottomless pit.  "I see you can definitely can definitely take your rum..." she briefly looks at Aeron in disbelief. "Lady Haide you are a unique person. Not many women I know like rum from what I know."
She listened as Hide gave a brief description of herself. "So loves rum... obviously. Dislikes horses and lived on a ship.." she made a strange face of confusion. "Did you come from pirates?.. Did you always live on the seas?" She voice raised red with surprise. "Uhh anyhow about Lady Furiae " she listened to her description and took it in.
When she said "all" and "Perdan " all she thought was preppy noble tht knows no struggle. Though she was surprised that she was skilled in the martial arts. "She can use two weapons. 1 in both hands that's upon but interesting to see." She was satisfied and happy to hear of the Lady. "Can't wait to meet her now" she smiled .
When Corna was asked to describe herself though she had to think moment. " Hmm me.. I like to enjoy my hobby of herbalism when I'm not busy sending letters to the administrative to Fix their problems.  Uhh.. I also spend much of my time in my Garden where I have my researchers study an look for plants of this land to examine.  We've learned many things of the  Fauna of the continent. Like certain bees are much more aggressive when given a Sage Dragon rose. Or that there is a plant that can eat animals the size of a medium dog. It's really fantastic to find such things." Corna was excited telling of her discovery "Oh and their is mixture with fruits and flowers and can be put to brew to make a strong  Aphrodisiac!! I can't wait to use that in inappropriate places." She giggled unconsciously over the ideas it can be used. "And personally I like it when Aeron calls me Mistress makes my heart melt."
Then she looks and Aeron" What can you say about yourself dear?"
Roleplay from Haide Osoro Player experience level: new Player play preference: rp
Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (37 recipients) - 3 days, 9 hours, 39 minutes ago
Delivery of Dresses
Haide's eyes widen in horror. "Oh gods—Not Furiae. Very, very not Furiae," she corrects Corna immediately. "This is Nalaya. Furiae is a f^cking b— Uh. Baroness."
Roleplay from Corna Wolfvern Player experience level: seeking-mentor Player play preference: rp-combat
Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (37 recipients) - 3 days, 9 hours, 30 minutes ago
Delivery of Dresses
Corna nearly coughs out a lung in embarrassment and laughter.
Roleplay from Nalaya Everwind Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp
Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (37 recipients) - 3 days, 8 hours, 37 minutes ago
Delivery of Dresses
"My Haide! That class was so great, I cannot believe you mi--" The side door flung open as the brunette, cheery Nalaya Everwind emerged, only to freeze to find the corridor seeming rather crowded all of a sudden.
She spotted Haide immediately on the floor, though she now seemed to be holding some strange vibrant drink that weirdly smelt of smoke. Plus two unfamiliar looking outfits - dresses?! at her side. she looked then to the other two people, recognising neither of them.
"Ummm..." she started slowly, regaining her posture as the initial excitement faded from her face as she tried to make herself look a respectable Viscountess, "Hello. What is.. happening here? I am - uh - Viscountess Nalaya Everwind of Knyazes." She looked back to the rum and dresses, "How... why... what... huh?"
Public, Ask First
Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp
Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (38 recipients) - 3 days, 1 hour, 48 minutes ago
Delivery of Dresses
Aeron was not overly shocked by Haide's gulping down of the drink he smirked and knelt down taking a larger mug out from the box and pouring more Rum into it. He took out a match and the tinderbox handing both to Haide. "This should last you longer then the smaller glass."
He has suspected a pirate heritage but seeing Haide now all but confirmed it in his mind. He didn't mind, nobility come from all walks of life. No reason to judge.
He listened to what Haide had to say about Nalaya. 'I've hear good things in the reports about House Everwind, I am told they are good hearted people, it will be an honor to meet Nalaya."
Aeron then listens intently as Corna then talks about herself, glad that Corna has much similar interests as him. Though he gains a nervous look when she mentions Aphrodisiac. And his face turns a bright red as Corna mentions how she likes Aeron calling her Mistress. He stammered in embarrassment. "M-mistress? Corna you're embarrassing me in front of Haide."
She asked for him to talk about himself, he paused and was pensive for a moment. "There is not much to tell about myself and much of what I would have to tell would just sour the mood, I am an alchemist and healer. I am not a native to Dwilight as I am sure my accent betrays, I come from the Isle of Stone, a island north of Dwilight."
He shifted uncomfortably in place. "I also make wine, dresses and I play the violin." He nervously brushed his hair back behind his ear and both Haide and Corna could faintly see the burn scar along the left side of his face. "Not much of note beside that, though I would happily talk about my homeland, it's far more interesting then myself."
A door opened and a woman stepped out, as she said 'My Haide' Aeron assumed this was Nalaya. He offered a short bow. "Viscountess Everwind, honor to you and your house, I am Ser Aeron, we have exchanged a few correspondences."
He smiled to the dresses. "I had arranged to go on a shopping trip with Haide but as you two know an incident occurred that made such things impossible. So with the wedding so close I had some dresses made and brought them here for Haide."
He then motioned to the large wooden box. "This is some of my various brews of alcohol and various glasses and mugg, We have Dragon's Breath Rum, Stoneberry Wine, Blackstone Apple Cider, Falrik Bourbon and Silver City Whiskey."
He picked out a glass from the box and offered it to Nalaya. "We are just chatting and sharing facts about ourselves, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Revision as of 06:10, 6 July 2021

Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 24 minutes ago A Delivery of Dresses

Aeron gently left the couch, leaving a blanket over Corna and making sure he didn't wake her. He got dressed into a suit and trousers and walked back to the couch. He smiled and gently kissed Corna's forehead as she began to stir. "I am going to deliver the dresses to Haide quickly, the carriage will take you to the Townhouse I have rented for the next few days. Once there the Dawnguard will set up security and you can unpack."

He smiled and quietly spoke. "Thank you Corna, this was nice. I will see you in a few hours." He pushed his glasses on and grabbed two dresses of the rack. He also grabbed a box of wine he had set aside. He made his way out of the carriage, stopping at the door to wave and smile to Corna.

He quickly made his way through the city of Itau, though he didn't need to travel far. The carriage had dropped him off at the Academy in Itau where we was told he would find Haide, he walked along into the hallway until he saw a short woman sitting against the wall drawing. He smiled walking over and with a joking tone spoke. "Well you are small enough to be her, so I am just going to assume, Haide?"

He grinned over the dresses which he held. "It's me, Aeron, I have brought your dresses and some wine. But could you give me a hand with this I think I am going to drop some-and there goes the Falrik Bourbon...at least I have a second bottle." A blue bottle slipped from the box and shattered against the ground leaving a pull of broken glass and green liquid.

Roleplay from Haide Osoro Player experience level: new Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - just in Delivery of Dresses

”Oh, f^ck!” Haide exclaims in surprise when the bottle of bourbon explodes by her feet. She looks up at the tall bespectacled man standing above her who had just identified himself as Aeron. “You’re really f^cking tall—do you have a cloth or something?”

Not considering that it is probably best for someone else to clean the mess, Haide instinctively throws her parchment and quill aside and starts gathering the shards of broken bottle into a pile. Once it’s somewhat together, she frowns at the rest of the spill that’s growing across the marble floor.

That’s not great… especially considering how much she had already likely annoyed everyone in the Academy over the past couple of days.

Climbing to her feet, she leans on her tip toes to look up and down the Academy halls around Aeron. “I don’t know where to find a cloth…” she mumbles. As she does, a woman rounds the corner and hurries towards them with cleaning supplies, probably alerted by the loud sound.

”Oh, thank you—“ Haide sighs gratefully, reaching for the cloth, but the woman has already knelt to clean up the mess herself. Haide’s brow furrows in confusion. And then her cheeks turn a bit red in realization. She made another nobility error. “Oh. Thank you.”

Before anyone can spot her ridiculous drawings, she inconspicuously picks them up off the floor and jams them into her pocket.

Finally, she takes the box of wine out from Aeron’s arms—was she meant to take the dresses? Always take the alcohol—and smiles at him. “Hello! Yes, I’m Haide. Nalaya is with the tutor still. Thank you for bringing dresses, that was very nice. Where are we taking this?”

Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 7 days, 10 hours, 53 minutes ago Delivery of Dresses

Aeron stood there blustering for a moment realizing the only cloth he had was the dresses but knowing better to use the dresses to clean the bourbon merely stood there for a moment before gently brushing the glass into the pile Haide was making. A servant quickly came and cleaned the mess, he smiled and nodded his thanks.

He smiled back at Haide as she took the box of wine. "Well I suppose we can take these to wherever you and Nalaya are staying. You could try them on, need to make sure I got the right dimensions."

He held the dresses more clearly in view. "I brought both because I know you couldn't decide which design you wanted, so I have the suit-dress and the more proper lady-like dress, both green and black with the Oroso Bear on the back, I hope you like that little addition."

He offered the suit-dress to Haide to feel. "Both are made of some of my homeland's finest silk, the dressmaker said she had never worked with such a soft and strong material." He grinned and gave a wink. "I had to call in a few favors back home to get this shipped so fast but I think it was worth it."

Roleplay from Haide Osoro Player experience level: new Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 7 days, 8 hours, 55 minutes ago Delivery of Dresses

Haide looks down at the box of wine in surprise. "All of this is for us?!"

Well, guess Nalaya is going to be getting very drunk...

"That's really nice, thank you," she says with a small smile. At Aeron's comments about the silk, Haide shifts the box to one arm and reaches out to feel the material herself. Her eyes widen and flick up (way up) at Aeron in amazement. "That's really f^cking soft. You really did all that?"

Haide's heart feels oddly warm, emotional that a near-stranger had gone out of his way to do something so thoughtful. With everything that's been going on lately, her emotions have been off the walls. She's likely spent more time being an 'enormous baby' than not and is determined to finally find semblance of stability now.

So before she lets herself get caught up, she clears her throat and cranes her head towards a window to try and judge the time. "Nalaya should be out any minute. Want to drink some bourbon while we wait?" Without waiting for an answer, she sets the wine on the floor, grabs the un-shattered bottle of bourbon, and hops up onto the window sill. She pats the spot beside her.

"C'mon, Ser Aeron," she teases lightly, knowing they agreed to no titles. She takes a small knife from her pocket and sets to opening the bottle. "Tell me about all the fancy things I'm meant to taste in this."

Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 7 days, 3 hours, 13 minutes ago A Delivery of Dresses

Aeron smiled, glad he was making a good first impression. “It is no trouble, I did promise to share with you wine and I know certain events meant we couldn’t go to the tailors together. I just wanted to keep good in my promises.”

He looked out the window as Haide did, it was such a beautiful day today, he hoped Corna was enjoying it.

Haide pulled out another of the rather plain looking bottles of Falkirk Bourbon. He sat on the windowsill and smiled, taking the bottle from Haide’s hands. “Not with a knife Lady Haide, allow me.”

He took a ring out of his pocket that had a strange screw like shape. He punched it into the cork and spun the bottle to the left with his other free hand. After a short moment he pulled his arm back and the cork come out with an audible pop.

He then reached down and grabbed two of the four cups from the box. He poured a glass and a foggy gold liquid filled up a glass which noticeably had some gold decorative symbols around where the bowl met the stem.

Aeron handed the glass to Haide. “Falkirk Bourbon is a newer flavor I have been working on, inspired by the Huntsman of the Falkirk Forest who are often called the Pine People. Due to the fact they live in a pine forest. They build their buildings up high in the trees meaning they can hunt right from a balcony.”

He poured himself a glass. “It is a regular Isle Bourbon, one you might find in a tavern back home in the capital. So you will note the strong taste of caramel, but where things get interesting is once you get pat that caramel, you should then get a subtle and mild taste that I would describe as woodsy and citrusy.”

He took a sip and let the flavours flow and gave a pleased smile. “That woodsy taste is Pine Needle extract from the Falkirk Forest, despite the effect it has on the drinks appearance the flavor is much more faint then you might think.”

He took another sip. “What do you think?”

Roleplay from Corna Wolfvern Player experience level: seeking-mentor Player play preference: rp-combat Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 6 days, 23 hours, 24 minutes ago A Delivery of Dresses

Corna had finally awoken hours after arriving to Itau. Aeron was gone and she still laid on the crouch. She was groggy and confused. She wondered where Aeron had gone and why he didn't wake her. She took the blanket off of her and quickly dressed herself. When she was ready she opened the door and was blinded by the light. The sky was blue and the sun at it's highest.

The men he left with the carriage greeted her "Hello Lady Corna how are you doing." " I'm ok but, where are we and where is Sir Aeron." She replied as she stepped down the stairs onto the concrete. "Sir Aeron left for the Academy to Deliver the Dresses. He also had a box of wine in his arms as well." The servant said. " Thank you I'll head that way. I know way around the city" with that she made her way to the academy. With a quickened pace. "I can't believe he left me in the carriage. That sack of a troll left me.!!" Murmuring could be heard by commoners that seen her pass.

When she made it to the academy she saw Aeron talking to a lady he hadn't seen before. Though she had the dress for Lady Haide so she assumed that's who she was. "He better not be getting to friendly as she glared from a distance." She glared from a distance out of line of sight. She waited before to observe their interactions to see how thing would develop.

Aeron had took a cup of wine out and drank. It reminded that she hadn't drank since arriving in the city and wine would be perfect. She couldn't have drink so made her way to the group.

When she arrived she greeted the two of them "Good afternoon Ser Aeron and Lady Haide. "

Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 6 days, 23 hours, 5 minutes ago A Delivery of Dresses

Aeron heard Corna's voice and smiled, he reached into the box and took out another glass. With practiced skill he poured another glass and handed it to Corna. "Good Afternoon Lov....Corna." Aeron cut himself almost slipping up there a he cheeks blushed slightly. "I am sorry I left you in the carriage, you were sleeping so peacefully I didn't want to disturb you."

He smiled. "I was just coming to deliver my gift of alcohol and dresses to Haide and Nalaya, though the latter is still with her tutor I have been told, so we are just waiting." He got an idea and smiled. "Actually, would you like me to have a dress made for you too, I still have a decent amount of the black silk left from when I had the dressmakers make Haide's dresses, I probably have enough to make one for you."

Roleplay from Haide Osoro Player experience level: new Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 6 days, 22 hours, 28 minutes ago A Delivery of Dresses

Haide listens to Aeron’s explanation of the bourbon while staring down at the golden brown liquid. Unless she was too drunk to remember, she’s never had bourbon before. And pine? As in… a tree? Suddenly Haide isn’t so sure.

Still, she’s in too deep now, so she bucks up and takes a sip.

Immediately she is reminded that bourbon is decidedly not rum.

Forcing a neutral face, she nods contemplatively and swirls the rum around her glass like she imagines nobles are meant to do. “Wow,” she says, hoping she sounds enthusiastic. “Wow so… nice. Thank you, Aeron.”

Fortunately, she is saved from elaborating by the approach of a white-haired young woman in a fancy black dress who is even taller than Aeron. It takes all her willpower not to promptly and loudly declare her really really f^cking tall.

Instead, though, she watches and smiles pleasantly as Aeron hands the new arrival a drink.

Then Aeron calls the woman “Corna” and Haide‘s entire back stiffens. If her hands weren’t occupied with the bourbon, she would have placed them behind her back on instinct.

Not even a week ago, Haide had been thrilled at the prospect of meeting Corna. They had exchanged brief letters on the topic of courtiers, and Haide was eager to host her and Nalaya both in Mozyr to learn more and get to know her.

But then everything with Furiae hit the fan and Corna was first out of the gate saying it was fine she’d been whipped. Not whipped, she corrects herself harshly. Struck with a whip. Struck with a whip.

That difference—the decision to believe she’d stuck to her promise to never let that happen to her ever again—was about the only thing keeping her from getting lost in a flood of memories.

”Oh,” Haide says dumbly, turning the corners of her mouth up into a smile, hoping it reads as genuine and not as nervous as she feels.

Haide wants to not care. She wants to stop being a ginormous baby and suck it up. After all, what Corna said hadn’t been anywhere near as awful as what others said. But considering the absolute sh^tshow the letter kicked off, it’s hard to stop her heartbeat from ratcheting up a notch and her instincts from telling her to throw the glass and run.

”It’s, uh, good to meet you finally,” she manages, trying to build up some momentum. “Nalaya and I both just dismissed our forced and became courtiers, as we discussed. We’re here to learn about bureaucracy and oratory or whatever it is. But the uh. Tutor dismissed me early.”

She finishes with a rueful smile and a massive swallow of bourbon, not caring if it tastes like licking a tree.

Roleplay from Corna Wolfvern Player experience level: seeking-mentor Player play preference: rp-combat Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 6 days, 21 hours, 55 minutes ago A Delivery of Dresses

Corna had forced a smile to hide her jealousy. "Ah so this is Lady Haide. Glad to finally meet you in her". She curtseyed to her. " I apologize for my letter stating the whipping of your lover Lady Nayla. I had thought the way my family handle punishment was the same as any realm. I was obviously wrong in this thinking from the uproar of letters it caused. I humbly apologize for my malicious comment on the matter. I won't ask for you to forgive me for it may to much to ask when it comes to matters of one love." After that she stood up once more. "Thought I would still be happy to show both of you the ways of the courier. It's good to male friends in a similar job area.

She looked to Aeron "And yes please do Aeron I would love to see what they come up with for me."

Public, Ask First Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 6 days, 21 hours, 46 minutes ago Delivery of Dresses

Aeron smiled and nodded. "I will have to take your measurements later then M'lady." He glanced between the two ladies and gave a small smile. He felt a sense of almost jealous that was faintly felt in Corna's tone and so he gently pecked her on the cheek with a kiss. "I am sure you will love the dress, m'lady."

He turned back to Haide and noticed immediately as her face tightened upon taking a sip of the bourbon, he smiled and held his hand out. "Here, pass me the glass, I will tip it out and you can try a different alcohol, the Falkirk Bourbon, much like the company of the people who live in the forests there are is a bit of an acquired taste."

He took the glass and poured it out the window and into the garden, he then riffled around in the box whilst the two ladies chatted, he pulled out a fiery orange bottle. He took his fresh handkerchief and wiped the inside of the glass with it before opening the bottle, flipping the metal cap off with his corkscrew ring.

He poured a the liquid into the glass, it was a swirling mixture of red and orange. Aeron hesitated before taking a match from the wine box and handing it to Haide with the glass and almost nervously said. "Dragon's Breath, it's a rum, you light it, blow it out and wait a second, the smoke adds to the flavor, I do warn you it has a spice to it."

Roleplay from Haide Osoro Player experience level: new Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 6 days, 20 hours, 24 minutes ago A Delivery of Dresses

Haide blinks at Corna, genuinely surprised at the sincere-sounding apology. The moment Corna finishes, Haide has already forgiven her. “Oh,” she says again, just as dumbly as before. Then she shakes her head adamantly, all of her previous feelings forgotten. “No, no, it’s all alright, don’t be sorry please, m’lady.”

Her face turns a bit red with shame as it tends to when this topic comes up.

”It, um, was me who was struck with the, uh, the scourge, actually. I would’ve lost my f^cking mind if it were Nalaya. Though she was struck with a rock so… Yes. And, um.” Wincing slightly, she averts her eyes out the window for this next part. She doesn’t want to say it but it hurts her heart that Corna might relate so she would feel wrong not to. Still, she spits it out as quickly as she can. “My uh, captain. He believed the same as your family. I didn’t think there was another way to be. Until this mess ended with fines of all things. Apparently Tol Goldora is different than what we both knew.”

Once it’s all out of her mouth, Haide feels silly. Like she’s said too much. Her runaway mouth is back with a vengeance it seems and her face gets even redder.

“Anyways. Please do not be sorry, I’d love to learn more about being a courtier from you.” She finally makes herself look back at up at Corna, her own eyes meeting her gold and silver ones. A small but real smile forms on her lips as relief washes over her. “Thank you for the offer, m’lady, it’s very nice. Truly.”

Then, Aeron gives her rum and a match and absolutely every other stress in the world is gone. “Wait—really?!” she practically yelps in glee, her entire face lit up.

Without hesitation, she plunges the flame into the alcohol. Flames whoosh up excitingly high and Haide’s face breaks into a massive grin. “Holy f^ck, Aeron!” She inspects the singed drink, totally and completely thrilled. Probably not waiting enough time, she takes a huge swallow.

If it’s possible, her smile stretches even wider. And right on cue, her embarrassing giggle fit starts.

Trying to collect herself but feeling to happy to do so, she looks to Corna and attempts to report solemnly. “I must inform you that you’re dating a damned wizard, m’lady.” Then to Aeron, she says, “This is the best drink I’ve ever had in my entire life, do you have any more matches?”

Roleplay from Corna Wolfvern Player experience level: seeking-mentor Player play preference: rp-combat Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (37 recipients) - 5 days, 15 hours, 53 minutes ago Delivery of Dresses

Corna smiled and wrapped her arms around Aeron as if he was escorting her.. "The Wizard is amazing I know. The things he showed me and his family that makes drinks is astounding. I had a Black Stone Apple drink during the trip here and it was so sweet yet thick like melted chocolate. It was lovely." She tightest herself a bit more and kisses his cheek.

She looked back at Haide and sees her face turning red. " I think the drink is getting to you. Your cheeks are turning red. You may need to take it easy if it's too much. Although flushed cheeks looks cute on you. I wonder if Lady Nayla thinks the same." After opening her mouth she looks away out of concern. "I hope she wouldn't mind me saying that. I have yet to meet her and I've already soured our first encounter. " "Could you two tell me a little bit about her. I know she's to be coming and I like to know about her. As well as yourself Lady Haide. "

Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 5 days, 1 hour, 26 minutes ago Delivery of Dresses

Aeron gave Haide a sincere look of sympathy. He waited for her to finish her tale and then spoke up. "Are you still injured Haide? I can try and administer some medical aid." He then offered Haide the drink and smiled as she gleefully took it. She lit the match and sudden fire that burst from the drink caused Aeron to flinch. He seemed to calm after a moment and was clearly happy with the drink.

He was clearly flustered by Haide's comment. "Wizard? Hardly I fear the mage blood did skip me and my brother sadly. But I am glad you like it." He shook his head with smile. "It only ignites once, more matches wouldn't do anything to the drink I am afraid, but I can give you another once you are finished with the glass you have."

He grinned to Corna. "I am glad you liked the Blackstone Appl-uh." Corna kissed his cheek and he blushed furiously. He blinked and then nodded. "I fear I have not yet met Lady Nalaya in person, I do not know much about her either, Haide would know best."

He nodded again. "I too would be honored to know more about you Haide"

Roleplay from Haide Osoro Player experience level: new Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (37 recipients) - 4 days, 4 hours, 21 minutes ago Delivery of Dresses

Haide smiles thankfully but shakes her head at Aeron's offer of medical aid. "It's um, much better now mostly. Thank you though, you're very kind... You had something for cat scratches, though? That would be nice, the little f^cker..." She scowls with love thinking of Ser Dusty and his devil claws.

Corna's comment about her blushing prompts her to touch her face in confusion. Finding her cheeks warm, she says, "Ohhhh. No, that's just how my face is. I can drink a lot more, trust me." To prove her point, she finishes off the rest of the rum and proffers the glass to Aeron with a huge grin.

While waiting for him to refill it (and give her a new match, of course), Haide thinks on their question. "Um, there's not much to know about me really. I like rum, obviously. Uh... I hate horses, they're awful. I lived on a ship. And... yes, I think that's it."

Then her face lights up. "But Nalaya is the best, you'll love her. She is incredibly kind, and very funny, and she comes from Perdan but isn't all..." Unable to describe what Perdan is 'all', she makes a face instead that is meant to encapsulate... something. "She can swordfight with both hands, which is very impressive. She likes wine, but I've forgiven that. She's really f^cking tough and cares a lot about people. You probably don't want to make her mad but it's hard to do that anyway. She's very smart and good at making decisions and knowing when things are a bad idea. Oh! And she's also an amazing baker and cook, especially of breakfast which is amazing, you both should try it!"

Finally, Haide pauses, realizing that she's said quite a lot. "...Is that what you wanted to know? What about both of you?"

Public, Ask First Roleplay from Corna Wolfvern Player experience level: seeking-mentor Player play preference: rp-combat Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (37 recipients) - 3 days, 10 hours, 4 minutes ago Delivery of Dresses

Corna is shocked to see Haide gulf down the rum like a bottomless pit. "I see you can definitely can definitely take your rum..." she briefly looks at Aeron in disbelief. "Lady Haide you are a unique person. Not many women I know like rum from what I know."

She listened as Hide gave a brief description of herself. "So loves rum... obviously. Dislikes horses and lived on a ship.." she made a strange face of confusion. "Did you come from pirates?.. Did you always live on the seas?" She voice raised red with surprise. "Uhh anyhow about Lady Furiae " she listened to her description and took it in.

When she said "all" and "Perdan " all she thought was preppy noble tht knows no struggle. Though she was surprised that she was skilled in the martial arts. "She can use two weapons. 1 in both hands that's upon but interesting to see." She was satisfied and happy to hear of the Lady. "Can't wait to meet her now" she smiled .

When Corna was asked to describe herself though she had to think moment. " Hmm me.. I like to enjoy my hobby of herbalism when I'm not busy sending letters to the administrative to Fix their problems. Uhh.. I also spend much of my time in my Garden where I have my researchers study an look for plants of this land to examine. We've learned many things of the Fauna of the continent. Like certain bees are much more aggressive when given a Sage Dragon rose. Or that there is a plant that can eat animals the size of a medium dog. It's really fantastic to find such things." Corna was excited telling of her discovery "Oh and their is mixture with fruits and flowers and can be put to brew to make a strong Aphrodisiac!! I can't wait to use that in inappropriate places." She giggled unconsciously over the ideas it can be used. "And personally I like it when Aeron calls me Mistress makes my heart melt."

Then she looks and Aeron" What can you say about yourself dear?"

Roleplay from Haide Osoro Player experience level: new Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (37 recipients) - 3 days, 9 hours, 39 minutes ago Delivery of Dresses

Haide's eyes widen in horror. "Oh gods—Not Furiae. Very, very not Furiae," she corrects Corna immediately. "This is Nalaya. Furiae is a f^cking b— Uh. Baroness."

Roleplay from Corna Wolfvern Player experience level: seeking-mentor Player play preference: rp-combat Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (37 recipients) - 3 days, 9 hours, 30 minutes ago Delivery of Dresses

Corna nearly coughs out a lung in embarrassment and laughter.

Roleplay from Nalaya Everwind Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (37 recipients) - 3 days, 8 hours, 37 minutes ago Delivery of Dresses

"My Haide! That class was so great, I cannot believe you mi--" The side door flung open as the brunette, cheery Nalaya Everwind emerged, only to freeze to find the corridor seeming rather crowded all of a sudden.

She spotted Haide immediately on the floor, though she now seemed to be holding some strange vibrant drink that weirdly smelt of smoke. Plus two unfamiliar looking outfits - dresses?! at her side. she looked then to the other two people, recognising neither of them.

"Ummm..." she started slowly, regaining her posture as the initial excitement faded from her face as she tried to make herself look a respectable Viscountess, "Hello. What is.. happening here? I am - uh - Viscountess Nalaya Everwind of Knyazes." She looked back to the rum and dresses, "How... why... what... huh?"

Public, Ask First Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (38 recipients) - 3 days, 1 hour, 48 minutes ago Delivery of Dresses

Aeron was not overly shocked by Haide's gulping down of the drink he smirked and knelt down taking a larger mug out from the box and pouring more Rum into it. He took out a match and the tinderbox handing both to Haide. "This should last you longer then the smaller glass."

He has suspected a pirate heritage but seeing Haide now all but confirmed it in his mind. He didn't mind, nobility come from all walks of life. No reason to judge.

He listened to what Haide had to say about Nalaya. 'I've hear good things in the reports about House Everwind, I am told they are good hearted people, it will be an honor to meet Nalaya."

Aeron then listens intently as Corna then talks about herself, glad that Corna has much similar interests as him. Though he gains a nervous look when she mentions Aphrodisiac. And his face turns a bright red as Corna mentions how she likes Aeron calling her Mistress. He stammered in embarrassment. "M-mistress? Corna you're embarrassing me in front of Haide."

She asked for him to talk about himself, he paused and was pensive for a moment. "There is not much to tell about myself and much of what I would have to tell would just sour the mood, I am an alchemist and healer. I am not a native to Dwilight as I am sure my accent betrays, I come from the Isle of Stone, a island north of Dwilight."

He shifted uncomfortably in place. "I also make wine, dresses and I play the violin." He nervously brushed his hair back behind his ear and both Haide and Corna could faintly see the burn scar along the left side of his face. "Not much of note beside that, though I would happily talk about my homeland, it's far more interesting then myself."

A door opened and a woman stepped out, as she said 'My Haide' Aeron assumed this was Nalaya. He offered a short bow. "Viscountess Everwind, honor to you and your house, I am Ser Aeron, we have exchanged a few correspondences."

He smiled to the dresses. "I had arranged to go on a shopping trip with Haide but as you two know an incident occurred that made such things impossible. So with the wedding so close I had some dresses made and brought them here for Haide."

He then motioned to the large wooden box. "This is some of my various brews of alcohol and various glasses and mugg, We have Dragon's Breath Rum, Stoneberry Wine, Blackstone Apple Cider, Falrik Bourbon and Silver City Whiskey."

He picked out a glass from the box and offered it to Nalaya. "We are just chatting and sharing facts about ourselves, it's a pleasure to meet you."