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Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp
Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (35 recipients) - 7 days, 13 hours, 45 minutes ago
Battle of Faithill: Victory
Aeron stood silent, the dead surrounded him, most were orcs though there were few Dawn Guard and faithful amongst the fallen. His eyes were glazed and he stared straight ahead into the forest.
Heat surrounded him, blood, death. Why was this happening, they were family...how could they do this to them. It hurt so much. The memory faded in a flash as Aeron heard the sounds of metal boots stepping over corpses just behind him. He whirled as if caught off guard, noticeable tears were in his eyes.
He sighed as he saw Calypso, he took a small white cloth and cleaned the blood from his glasses and face before putting the glasses back on. He nervously brushed a stray lock of hair behind his ear and shouted to his men. "Tend to the wounded and burn the dead, set up a camp in the far side of the clearing. Nomar, Aleva, you two go scout the woods and see if there are any more enemies in the area."
He then knelt before the Thunderborn, hissing from his injuries as red blood stained his tabard on his right side. He kept his gaze leveled at her eyes.
"Lady Thunderborn, Ser Aeron Daubeny, at your service. I am in your debt for coming to my men's aid. We would have been overrun without you."

Latest revision as of 18:01, 28 June 2021

Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp (Personal message to Calypso Hwitt) - 1 day, 8 hours, 13 minutes ago A Frantic Raven lands at the point where Calypso’s messenger ravens arrive. It seems panicked and squaks to get the Countess’s attention.

It bears a letter of splattered in blood and seems hastily sent.

It bears the Daubeny Sigil.

Countess Hwitt,

I am glad to hear I have cause no inconvenience. Aerin is my niece on my cousin Marcus’ side. It is funny as she says much the same about you.

No need to be humble Countes, Aerin told me much about your skill at arms and by her account you would be able to give the Late Lord Hervis as challenge.

I shall make my way to Itau in due time, I am currently hunting monsters in Faithill, I will be sure to bring wine.

You owe me and my kin nothing, it is a Daubeny’s duty to serve.

As for an escort I am sure it wi——-.

The letter ends abruptly as a blood splatter streaks up across the letter. The ink turns from a eloquently written word to a messy line as the letter is then smudged and seemingly hastily sent with the raven.

Aeron Daubeny Knight of Golden Farrow

Roleplay from Calypso Hwitt Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp-combat (Personal message to Aeron Daubeny) - 1 day, 6 hours, 34 minutes ago When Calypso received the bloodstained letter, she quickly called out to her guard captain, Lanwin, and her confidant and first captain, Xena. Calypso's unit had disbanded when took her vows, but she did have a sizable force she could call upon in times of need...

Within two hours a force of nearly 100 mounted temple guards of the Tidemother church, gathered from the temples in Itau and Itaufield, marched under the dual banners of the church and Tol Goldora. Their blue and white livery stood out strongly on the road heading southeast out of Itaufield. The contingent was force-marching at double time speed, making all available haste to Faithill. At the head of the contingent, Calypso rode on a white horse, a large gray, blue, and white robe draped and hooded over her plate armor. It had been a while since Calypso Hwitt marched to war, but the Thunderborne still carried her shield high.

Within 12 hours of forced marching, the mounted force came charging into Faithill. The locals led them to wear the force under Aeron Daubney was beleaguered. Calypso did not wait for any sign or order, she simply raised her sword and yelled, "Tide of the Faithful, forward now! Crush these abominations in Her name!"

A great cry was raised in response and the horse surged forward as every rider save the former Zuma captain Lanwin gave a chanted prayer of destruction as they leveled their spears at the monsters attacking the force of Aeron Daubney. Calypso Hwitt Countess of Itaufield Priestess of Church of the Tidemother

Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (35 recipients) - 1 day, 2 hours, 57 minutes ago The Battle of Faithill: Ambush

It was early morning, the sun had not yet risen. Aeron was quiet as he scribbled away at his letter to Lady Calypso. He wrote diligently with his right hand and on his left arm that he held high was a raven.

He pressed on the mechanism on the back and the ink in the tip refilled. He heard a swinging whoosh sound from the forest. Feeling the motion as something flew past him and struck Micah across the chest.

The scribes blood splattered across Aeron’s face and glasses as well as his letter. Aeron froze as the old scribe fell from his horse.

Time slowed and everything seemed frozen, Aeron muttered in shock and horror. “M-Micah?”

And abruptly the forest came alive, monstrous roses and demented war cries sounded around the Dawn Guard as spears and axes flew threw the air like bouquets of flowers at a wedding.

The Dawn Guard all broke into action, razing shields and waiting for orders. Aeron dodged his head out of the way of a javelin and screamed “AMBUSH, RETREAT TO THE CLEARING, PULL BACK!”

He kicked the horses flank and turned it around, riding off the way he came. The Dawn Guard broke into a run, shields high protecting themselves and each other.

For hours the Dawn Guard fled through the woods, narrowly avoiding their attackers. 11 hours had passed since the first attack and Aeron’s letter being sent.

His men were tired and many were wounded. They couldn’t keep running.

They finally made it to a clearing, Aeron turned back toward the forest, dismounting and waiting as the Dawn Guard formed in around him.

A village was not far from here but Aeron knew he wouldn’t make it in time. But a villager rushed from the direction of the village shouting. “The Thunderborn is riding Sir, she will be here within the next hour.”

Aeron sighed in relief and shouted back to the man. “Very good, now get out of here.” The villager nodded and sprinted back into the woods.

Aeron stood with his men, their shield wall was raised. He could see that past the trees was a massive horde of greenskins, easily sixscore. They were all out there, chanting and waiting.

A small band of 15 greenskins ventured from the main horde and approached, most of their number was goblinoids.

The Dawnguard were mostly wounded, their armour battered from years of war, their swords and axes chipped and blunt from heavy use for just as long as their armour.

Only Aeron stood pristine minus the blood of the scribe which stained his white and green tabard. The Greenskins approached and one of them that was hooded in a heavily gruff and accented voice spoke. “Surrender Human and we take your gold and then let you go whilst we slaughter your men.”

Aeron steeled himself, all he had to do was survive. With a voice filled with resolve he took the Daubeny Banner in hand, the golden sun of his house almost shimmering in the early morning sun. “Never.”

The Orc laughed and Aeron shouted to his men “We are the Shield, We are the Dawn.” The men echoed the knight’s words and Aeron motioned forward toward the small enemy band. “FOR THE ISLE, FOR HOUSE DAUBENY!”

Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (35 recipients) - 1 day, 1 hour, 22 minutes ago The Battle of Faithill: Daubeny Resolve

The battle was a long and bloody one, it lasted for two long and gruelling hours.

The Dawn Guard barely held against the Goblin horde that swarmed over them. Axes swung and cleaved into shields splintering then. Spears thrusted through and into weak points in the half plate of the Dawnguard.

Awron directed his men and after a long time the battle began to sway in his favour. Until he hears the fell chants and tingling in his soul that warned of magic.

A bolt of fire lashed out and struck the Dawn Guard lines. The fire snaked and coiled around the men scorching tabards and singeing both flesh and hair.

Aeron froze as the fire lashed against his scarred cheek, it only lightly burnt but the heat.

The feeling of the fire, it’s biting touch burning deep, Aeron felt a weight crashing all around him and he began to tear up. A agonising and terrified scream came from the young man as he was suddenly back in that burning castle.

He looked around him, where was his brother, why as he alone, the fire. It hurt so much.

Aeron screamed in fear and pain. “MICHEAL!”

A crashing pain smashed into him, snapping him back to reality. A Dawn Guard had thrown themselves at Aeron. He stumbled and looked around the partly burnt clearing.

His unit was wavering but stood still against the enemy. Aeron stood and clutched at his satchel, he pulled a large flask of a bubbling green liquid. He rushed forward and threw the flask at the Hooded Orc. The flask shattered against his cloaked form. Immediately the acid Aeron had thrown burnt away cloth and began to eat away at the monsters flesh.

The Orc Shaman wailed in pain as it spasmed and struggled to be rid of the acid with spastic and wild movements. Soon the acid must have reached a vein and Aeron found a grim satisfaction as the Life-eater poison took affect causing blood to shoot out in fountains from the Orcs mouth, eyes, ears and nose.

It fell to the ground a twitching sizzling corpse and the last of the greenskins were slain.

The Dawn Guard gathered together and stood as guardians, protecting their wounded behind them.

With their vanguard slain the horde of greenskins came howling and hollering out of the forest towards the Dawn Guard’s lines.

Aeron heard the sound of thundering hooves and saw the fluttering banner of the Tidemother and Tol Goldora coming through the clearing to their right. The Young Daubeny smiled and muttered “She came.”

Chanting and screaming litanies and oaths of death the Eternal Tide struck into the Greenskin’s flank as a reinvigorated Dawn Guard surged forward with a cry from their commander.

“FORTH, FEAR NOT THE DARK!” And so the true battle began as all sides crashed into one and other.

Roleplay from Calypso Hwitt Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp-combat Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (35 recipients) - 18 hours, 33 minutes ago

Content Warning: Violence (violence, gore, graphic death)

The Battle of Faithill: Reinforcements

The Eternal Tide of the the faithful crashed into the flank of the orcs attacking Aeron Daubney's soldiers, and in short order, all was chaos. Calypso spurred her horse forward, as all the various troubles she had experienced over the last few weeks faded from her mind. Gone were the worries of the Baroness and her scheming, gone were the worries of her wedding and the future. All that remained was the grisly work of the day, and Calypso only look forward.

The mounted soldiers crashed into the orcs like a tidal wave, and the orcs were swept away in front of it. Calypso swung her sword at the first orc, an ugly thing with a crude spear. The greenskin thrust its spear at Calypso's horse, but missed, and the Thunderborn made it pay for its failure. Her swing cut deeply into the monster's neck, and it's black blood issued forth as it feel to its knees, trying desperately, and vainly, to stop the bleeding. Calypso did not stop.

All at once, the world went upside down as Calypso's horse was hit by a spear thrust in the throat, and the horse stopped and fell. Calypso had to jump from the horse or be crushed by its weight, her armor absorbing most of the fall. She stood quickly, her knees stinging, and whirled around. All around her the horses were beginning to slow, as the force of the charge was diffused among the surviving orcs. The orc that had felled her own horse screamed at Calypso, and charged forward to impale her just the same. Calypso silently deflected the thrust, as the ugly thing over extended itself, and she used the thing's own momentum to impale it on her sword through the heart as it went limp, like a puppet with its strings cut.

Another came at her from the side, a shout giving it away. Calypso ducked, the swing of the orc's axe going high, as she thrust her shield into the lower jaw of greenskin, feeling its lower jawa shatter from the blow as it fell backwards. Calypso gave it no time, as she jumped on the orc, bashing it in the head with her shield until its face was ruin and it breathed no more. Her robes and shield were now stained with the stinking viscous blood of the greenskins and the stench of blood and bile filled her nostrils.

Hardy as they were, pressed in from two sides, the orcs were beginning to rout, but not far away from Calypso, a big one commanded the others to hold, and then saw the noblewoman stained with the blood of its kin. The orc gave a savage yell, brandishing a two handed sword that was more a crude cleaver than war weapon. Calypso saw the challenge, and drew back the hood of her robe, having eschewed her helmet to wear her circlet proudly in battle. She adjusted the grip on her sword, and charged forward.

The orc swung high, trying to cleave Calypso's un-helmeted head from her her shoulders, but Calypso dodged the clumsy strike. She went to slice at the thing's abdomen, but felt her blow deflected by chainmail. The orc laughed and pushed her backward, using its superior size to send her reeling. It swung again with its cleaver, this time in a low arc, and Calypso barely had time to meet the blade with her shield. The blow splintered the shield and the force of the strike made her arm go numb. But it gave her an opening.

For just a small moment, the cleaver was embedded in the ruined shield, and Calypso thrust her body down, trying to prevent the orc from drawing back its weapon, while she swung her sword up and over, using the distraction to aim for the things unprotected neck. Her sword struck true, and she impaled the through the neck, as thick black blood covered her face and torso as the gasping monster collapsed on top of her, its life quickly draining away...

Calypso heaved the corpse off her, wiping her eyes and face, trying to clean the blood so she can see as the horrible smell filled her nose and mouth. She spat on the ground and finally had a moment to breath. Just that quickly, the enemy were routing, the few surviving orcs fleeing only to be chased and cut down by the mounted temple guardians. Calypso looked around, and was pleased to see the banners of Aeron Daubney still flying, and exhaustedly stumbled over to them, hoping to see the cousin of Aerin was okay.

Public, Ask First Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (35 recipients) - 7 days, 13 hours, 45 minutes ago Battle of Faithill: Victory

Aeron stood silent, the dead surrounded him, most were orcs though there were few Dawn Guard and faithful amongst the fallen. His eyes were glazed and he stared straight ahead into the forest.

Heat surrounded him, blood, death. Why was this happening, they were family...how could they do this to them. It hurt so much. The memory faded in a flash as Aeron heard the sounds of metal boots stepping over corpses just behind him. He whirled as if caught off guard, noticeable tears were in his eyes.

He sighed as he saw Calypso, he took a small white cloth and cleaned the blood from his glasses and face before putting the glasses back on. He nervously brushed a stray lock of hair behind his ear and shouted to his men. "Tend to the wounded and burn the dead, set up a camp in the far side of the clearing. Nomar, Aleva, you two go scout the woods and see if there are any more enemies in the area."

He then knelt before the Thunderborn, hissing from his injuries as red blood stained his tabard on his right side. He kept his gaze leveled at her eyes.

"Lady Thunderborn, Ser Aeron Daubeny, at your service. I am in your debt for coming to my men's aid. We would have been overrun without you."