Perdan (Realm)/Basic Law Document: Difference between revisions

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==Section 04: Criminal Law==
==Section 04: Criminal Law==
'''Rape:''' This does not belong in a civilized society, and therefore is deemed illegal and can be punished by as much as banishment. This includes the assaulting of peasants through looting or taking advantage of our own citizens.
'''Murder:''' To deliberately take the life of a fellow noble without cause is reprehensible and will not be accepted. This covers both the attempt of the act, whether successful or not. If one is caught trying to murder someone, they will be held in a cell until we decide what to do with them. The victim will have a say in punishment, if possible, which can include banishment.
'''Cannibalism:''' The eating of human flesh is hereby declared to be vile and illegal. Anyone caught eating anything will be banished from the realm if found guilty. There are no other punishments for this type of behavior. We do NOT eat one another.
'''Treason:''' Treason includes but is not limited to, engaging in a rebellion, participating in the underground without dispensation, willingly taking a region or duchy to another realm without permission, and creating a new realm out of Perdan lands without permission, and giving internal secrets to other realms willingly.
'''Land Corruption:''' No one in Perdan may corrupt a region to join Perdan without the Ruler’s permission. Corrupting land to join Perdan includes by religious means, diplomatic actions, convincing a lord from another realm to join, or any other ways of getting a neighbors region to defect.

==Section 05: Military and War Law==
==Section 05: Military and War Law==

Revision as of 14:34, 20 March 2021

Section 01: Rights

Right to Trial: All nobles in Perdan have the right to request a trial before sentencing will be passed. Others may ask for a trial to be opened against another noble, but the request must be met with basic evidence to warrant such an action.

Right to Defense: Any accused noble will be given the right to defend themselves should a trial against them be ordered. This defense can be anything from physical proof to witnesses testifying in the defense of the accused.

Right of Dismissal and Justice: The Judge-Magister reserves the right to dismiss a trial as excessive or consolidate multiple requests into a single trial at his or her discretion. This right will only be exercised in open and shut, or repeat, cases. The Judge-Magister also has the right to reopen cases if new evidence is recovered showing guilt or innocence.

Right to Protest: The right to protest actions of protestable members of the realm shall be considered an inalienable right within the realm of Perdan. While it is asked that one not go straight to protests, and try to work things out before this, no noble shall be punished for protesting a government member.

Section 02: Noble Conduct

Conduct Unbecoming a Noble: Is defined as any act in public or private communications which crosses the line from simple disagreement to degradation. Degradation will be defined for this purpose as crude or directly insulting remarks made to bait another noble into a heated, and useless, argument.

Treatment of Adventurers: Adventurers are a resource of the realm. It is generally frowned upon for an adventurer to be beaten or arrested without reason as this chases them away from nobles that might need their services. However, this does not give them the right to disrespect or abuse nobles through price gouging or other means. Adventurers do not have the rights to stand trial, but this does not mean a case against them will not be investigated.

Section 03: Common Law

Looting: Looting is only legal when ordered to do so, with the permission of the General. Only the stealing of gold, burning of food, and damaging infrastructure are considered legal orders. The kill, rape, burn; pillage and maraud, and loot an isolated village are always illegal and thus nobles are duty-bound to disobey and report if these orders are attempted.

Police Work: Lords have the right to determine if police work, of any kind, can be performed in their region or not. The first instance of unwanted police work should be the Lord asking for it to stop, then bringing it to the attention of the Judge-Magister or one of his appointed assistants. Under NO circumstances is noble to Hang Rebels without explicit permission. If one hangs rebels without permission, this should be brought straight to the attention of the proper authority for investigation.

Harassment: Nobles shall not be harassed within Perdan. Harassment is defined as continuous aggressive pressure or intimidation of an individual. Please note that this does not mean that nobles cannot disagree, nor does it mean that we cannot critique one another, but it must be done with the true intent of improvement or voicing an opinion without attacking another. Slander and libel will be counted as harassment for legal purposes.

Dueling: In times of peace, nobles in Perdan have the right to duel to surrender as they wish, however they must seek permission from the Judge-Magister for duels to the death. This is to prevent death duels from being abused and the needless loss of life. Death duels without permission that lead to death will be punished under the Murder clause of this document. In times of war, duels to surrender will need permission sought from the Judge-Magister, and death duels will be fully illegal. This is to prevent injuring each other over petty reasons, and needless loss of life in a time that every person is needed to do their part.

Section 04: Criminal Law

Rape: This does not belong in a civilized society, and therefore is deemed illegal and can be punished by as much as banishment. This includes the assaulting of peasants through looting or taking advantage of our own citizens.

Murder: To deliberately take the life of a fellow noble without cause is reprehensible and will not be accepted. This covers both the attempt of the act, whether successful or not. If one is caught trying to murder someone, they will be held in a cell until we decide what to do with them. The victim will have a say in punishment, if possible, which can include banishment.

Cannibalism: The eating of human flesh is hereby declared to be vile and illegal. Anyone caught eating anything will be banished from the realm if found guilty. There are no other punishments for this type of behavior. We do NOT eat one another.

Treason: Treason includes but is not limited to, engaging in a rebellion, participating in the underground without dispensation, willingly taking a region or duchy to another realm without permission, and creating a new realm out of Perdan lands without permission, and giving internal secrets to other realms willingly.

Land Corruption: No one in Perdan may corrupt a region to join Perdan without the Ruler’s permission. Corrupting land to join Perdan includes by religious means, diplomatic actions, convincing a lord from another realm to join, or any other ways of getting a neighbors region to defect.

Section 05: Military and War Law

Section 06: Trade Law

Work in Progress

Section 07: Government Duties

Section 08: Enemy Agents

Section 09: Execution and Torture

Section 10: Treatment of Prisoners