Tol Goldora/Kettle Visits Tol Goldora: Difference between revisions

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==Danger Approaches==
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==A Parade of Colors==

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==The Confrontation==

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|Title=Dame of Golden Farrow
|Title=Dame of Golden Farrow
|Sender=Bartimus Chamberlain
|Recipients=Everyone in Golden Farrow
|Content=Bart, cast an appraising eye. The rabbit was excessively large. He imagined this must be some sort of theatrical display as Dames and Lords ran at the beast with sword and fist, each sent flying hitting trees and what not... that none of them seemed injured by such falls gave a strong impression of the theatrics of the situation.
He wasn't sure at what point he should clap as the rabbit seemed by and large to be winning. Perhaps this was the point.
He regarded the rabbit again with a poachers eye. Give him an eight foot peg and a length of cable and he'd snare the big bugger regardless of its size... roast rabbit at the tournament feast would be an impressive dish.
Their King was sent flying hitting a tree, he raised his flaggon to them in appreciation of the display... surely now was the point where he would get up and slay the beast.
He cupped his hands. "Spear the fuc-" remembering he was a Lord now he quickly adjusted: "arse hat!"
|Title=Margrave of Nebel
|Sender=Darren Rea
|Recipients=Everyone in Golden Farrow
|Content=A man shouldered his way into the courtyard, dirty furs covering him from head to foot. A small pack hung at his waist, also clearly made from some unfortunate small animal. He was tall, with intense blue eyes that blazed out from under a furred hood. His rather bush man like appearance was tempered somewhat by the large, ornate scabbard strapped to his back, a simple, leather bound handle poking above his shoulder. The scene before him made his breath catch, and he moved to the front of the crowd, watching the titanic Daemon treat with the surrounding humans. Slowly, he unbuckled his scabbard, moving the sheathed weapon to his left hand. Trouble was brewing, and Darren stood right in the center of it. As he always had.
This time, he did duck, as a chitinous claw flashed above him, nipping Solomon into the air. Vainly, he'd tried to grab for the man, but he'd been distracted, trying to get the other man to back up, to prevent exactly this. Like a snake, Darren rushed for the beast, pulling a sword from the old man near Lucius's scabbard on the way. The Autarch flew, and a sick crack echoed across the small courtyard, and guards rushed for the ruler. The monster went for the woman who had been protecting Darren not a moment before, it's claws seemingly blurring through the air. Others were going for weapons now, but for Calypso, it was too late, as she rose into the air and was tossed towards some of the native Zuma humans. Darren dodged her sword, flying in the opposite direction of her body.
Damn it, this was all his fault. He had to stop it. Dominic would stop it.
While his hand had been mangled, decades ago now by the torturer in Madina, he was still able to grab things by pinching his thumb into his palm. The sword was heavy in his hand, even as he attempted to plunge it deeply into the beast's body, about where a normal rabbit's heart would be. The blow was weak, and Darren pulled back, trying twice more, before the sword clattered from his weak grip. It laughed at him then, a sweet melodic voice ringing about his ears.
    “You are a pathetic thing, of little worth or interest to any, yet even though you cause such trouble, some of these other simple beings seem to love you. I will devour you from your toes if you ever enter my lands again”
Darren stared in horror, knowing full well he couldn't get away fast enough, as a massive furred foot shot out, and kicked him square in the chest. He had just enough time to think about how much hitting the ground would hurt, before his head, followed by the rest of him met the dirt. He slid several more yards, but the darkness had took him on impact.
When the fighting started, the man had rushed forward. The crowd was standing far back from the proceedings, and before the man could get even halfway across the space, Darren was flying through the air. The man changed course, following the body of the infiltrator unerringly. His hood fell back, short, iron grey hair only broken by a small section of light black hair near the crown of his head. Moments after Darren stopped moving, the man reached him, dropping to his knees, scrabbling at the small pack at his side. Medical supplies flew between the man's fingers, even as he kept tabs on the unfolding events nearby. While they were several dozen yards from the Demon now, he'd seen how fast it moved, and he wanted to be sure to at least see it if it came for them.

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|Sender=Masalu Auru'in
|Recipients=Everyone in Golden Farrow
|Content=Masalu dodges jagged debris that quite nearly takes his head while sighing under his breath. "No one ever listens to Masalu..."
|Title=Knight of Gelene

Revision as of 15:54, 22 February 2021

Danger Approaches

Roleplay from Solomon Greybrook
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
"Help is what you will receive Darren. Ensure that you find a scroll of healing as soon as possible. Enlist the realm's adventures or the various guilds. Yet, if the Zuma come, I expect you to be in Tol Goldora. It is my responsibility now to ensure no harm comes to my nobility from my lack of foresight."

Standing up from his chair, the Autarch finished:

"I hope for all our sakes we have a resolution for this war and the Daimon, we can't do both."
Solomon Greybrook (Autarch of Tol Goldora)
Roleplay from Darren Rea
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
"I understand, Lord Navarch." Darren followed suit, standing just a little too quickly. The sudden movement had put him on edge immediately, but at least he had managed to curb the impluse to draw blades. "I will travel just to the edge of the the northeren border, and the rogue regions there. I need some gold, but then I will stay in my home outside the walls of the city until you require me. I'm... unwelcome in the adventuring guilds, maybe Eddie can help."
Darren Rea (Noble)
Roleplay from Darren Rea
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
With a short bow, Darren made his exit from the study ahead of the ruler, careful to keep his distance, and careful to disappear into the shadows of the suite before Solomon could do something unfortunate like try to show him the front door. His rope still was safely tucked behind the window jam, and a matter of moments with the quick connect and a pair of tugs, and he found himself back in the attic space with his troupe. His face must have said enough, since Bernard clapped him on the back, and Alera smiled softly.

"We are staying, arn't we, Sir?"

"Yes, Bernard. we are."
Darren Rea (Noble)
Roleplay from Solomon Greybrook
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
Solomon Greybrook (Autarch of Tol Goldora)
Roleplaying Event from Kettle
Message sent to Everyone in the Vicinity of Upper Via
There was much joy as a stream of color worked its way slowly across the lands. Joy from the brightly dressed humans that accompanied the very large, very fluffy colored rabbit. Not so much joy from anything that stood against them.

They joined with some groups of Daimons that had strayed from their homelands, Kettle giving them instructions and commanding them to battle. These other Daimons varied in sizes and shapes and in appearance from beauty to abhorrent.

A cleansing was left on the lands they walked through, there destination wasn’t far, and nothing would be standing in their way.
Roleplay from Dartholomew Nifelleisca
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
Dartholomew's servants and retainers were in a great consternation as Dartholomew became almost giddy with excitement at Kettle's rumoured return. They had always served loyally. And had heard of the past incident when an arm's skin was chewed and regurgitated. They didn't want their lord to pet the daimonic bunny, but they knew not what to do. Some wished for another liege.
Dartholomew Nifelleisca (Knight of Lavendrow)
Roleplay from Gwyn
Message sent to Everyone in the Vicinity of Upper Via
Gwyn watched the parade pass with some interest. He had never seen a Daimon up close, but stayed far enough away that the throng of humans following the infamous Kettle would not chase him down for a meal. Strange times. Strange times. As he traveled Tol Goldora, rumors reached him. Rumors of a man claiming to be from Asylon was roaming the realm. Now, the Daimons, the Asylonians' former friends, are marching through the realm as well. The young adventurer felt eyes upon him. Many eyes locking him in place. Was this it? Had he gotten too close? The branch beneath his feet cracked under his weight, and the feeling startled him back into action, and sent him bolting away before he could figure out what was looking at him.
Gwyn (Commoner)
Roleplay from Solomon Greybrook
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
Golden Farrow

Strolling the cities, Solomon took some time to talk to Captain Gunther. While he certainly didn't like the man, he had immense respect for his abilities, thus used his insight for advice upon occasion. As they approached the armouries and recruitment centres, Solomon broke the silence:

"This army needs to be able to break walls Gunther. I want to see maybe 1500 men and women in the docks."

Gunther looked at his ruler in a stirred glare:

"Navar... Autarch, 1500 is asking alot of the realm, are you sure negotiations will fail?"

Passing through the various shops and buildings, the two men continued the conversation:

"No... But I don't trust the D'Harans. If they have the audacity to even merge with Astrum, they have the audacity to contest Libidizedd. Therefore, we have to expect the Dragon Army behind those walls of it comes to it."


They stopped by a armour shop whom were quickly made aware by the Captain of the Gylden Kraken Elite whom they were being inspected by:

"I think it is doable. We have the siege engines, it is whether we have the engaged contingent. I will make sure if the time comes to swell the special forces of your unit sire."

Solomon nodded as he picked a helmet up. It was nothing fascinating for a soldier, sturdy but light enough to not be a bother:

"I don't think we will have an issue with the Zuma, I may however."

"My Autarch, what do you think they want?"

Solomon huffed as he put down the helmet as the Captain continued on:

"Retribution, a pound of gold or flesh. They took a noble's arm last time."

"This time Gunther, there won't be any misshaps. If they want another arm, they can have mine. That would be enough I hope - they respect the fuedal hierarchy."

"My Autarch!"

"No Gunther, this is not for discussion. In fact, I have a job for you, inspect the centres, ensure the recruits are up to scratch and report of any need additional drafting."

With that, the Captain departed, leaving him as alone as he could be in the City of Golden Farrow.
Solomon Greybrook (Autarch of Tol Goldora)
Roleplay from Kophyn D'Espana
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
Kophyn had been overviewing the repairs and purchases for his unit for the last few hours, preparing them for the potential onslaught that was to come. Busy around the armories and blacksmiths of Golden Farrow, the former lord and current knight paced around the area, keeping tabs here and there where the workers struggled to keep up with the refit of the entire Tol Goldoran army. He was used to the chaos and many noises that fill the air, of course, for he was not new to the business and art of preparing for war. Quite the contrary, it was arguably one of two things he had been doing over and over again for his more than fifty winters.

Occupied as he was, he couldn't help but notice the figure of Captain Gunther, currently inspecting the realm's progress in recruiting and refitting for the upcoming campaign. Aware of the likelihood that his liege was around at the time and that Gunther might decide to come and check on the Golden Raiders, Kophyn motioned for Captain Wulfgytha to come near, his own current captain in charge of his 134 soldiers.

- "The Nav- Autarch must be around, I can see Gunther doing the rounds. Take care that everything is ready when he comes, and make sure to give a good impression. I shall be going now."

She acknowledged the orders with a quick "yes, m'lord", and went on to organize the prospective inspection in his absence while he left his unit and started looking for Solomon. It had been a long time since he had seen his liege in person, and it was probably as good a time as any other to do so. Having left his armor behind to be repaired and simply dressed in everyday garments and his usual fur cloak, he checked himself one last time before looking for the Autarch, something not hard to do given the commotion that usually surrounded him when he visited the streets. Long chestnut hair properly tied behind his back? Check. Full beard relatively clean and tidy? Check. Custom forged longsword from Madina tucked properly in its leather scabbard, yet forward enough to be visible as both warning and display? Check.

He was ready, then. He could see now the circle of curious folks and flatterers surrounding Solomon at a prudent distance. Clearing his throat, the robust yet small man, barely clearing the 5'3 feet barrier, opened a way through the circle, making a slight nod of deference to his liege before going straight to business.

- "Autarch, it is a pleasure to see you here. I will not be taking too much time from you, worry not. Do we know by now whether we will be fighting men or Daimons?"
Kophyn D'Espana (Knight of Golden Farrow)
Roleplay from Solomon Greybrook
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
"Sir Kophyn, what a welcome suprise. I am pleased to see you. To the point, no, it is not certain. Yet, this build up of arms will serve either purpose. I think I will give negotiations a couple more days, if there is no indication by then, we will be ready for war once more. In comparison, I would rather see to it that the Zuma are dealt with sooner than later. How are your forces?"
Solomon Greybrook (Autarch of Tol Goldora)
Roleplay from Kophyn D'Espana
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
"The pleasure is all mine, my liege. My forces are refitting and repairing, both as provisions and equipment go. We should be completely ready to move out on a full day, perhaps half a day more than that. I may also be able to add some more soldiers to my army, though only if they volunteer to do so. One hundred and thirty-four of them is more than enough to be spending gold on recruitment, for all of it is to go to their repairs or their payment."

A half-side grin appeared on the man's face.

"And worry not, Autarch. They will be ready to kill, be it mortals from this world or Daimons from the other one. They will keep up the pace, that I guarantee you."
Kophyn D'Espana (Knight of Golden Farrow)
Roleplay from Solomon Greybrook
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
Solomon grinned as he looked to the Knight of much experience: "Excellent news - the war shall be over soon, one way or the other. Let's hope the Daimonfolk not want for much! Can I help you with anything else Sir Kophyn?"
Solomon Greybrook (Autarch of Tol Goldora)
Roleplay from Kophyn D'Espana
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
Kophyn returned the grin to his lord, content that he was pleased by the progress. "There is not much else I need help with, my liege, though I could certainly appreciate the company, if your schedule allows. I was thinking that, since my captain is already taking care of the repairs here, I would pay a visit to the temple of the Tidemother while I am back home. It has been a long while since I spoke to the Tidespeaker, and I would wish to do so while I have the chance. Not that you need my permission to move around in your city, of course, but I would not mind your presence there as well"
Kophyn D'Espana (Knight of Golden Farrow)
Roleplay from Solomon Greybrook
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
"A good idea, let us travel to the church, I assume the Tidespeaker would be happy to see us."
Solomon Greybrook (Autarch of Tol Goldora)
Roleplay from Darren Rea
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
Gold coins clinked on wood, the only paltry four he still had to his name. Biting his lip, he used his thumb to push two coins across the table to Bernard, and then the other two to Alera. They had gotten halfway across Farrowfield when the news of the demon had come, and had had to turn around before they had even made it past the realm's border. It had been a long shot anyway, as Darren was in no state to make any money. Word had come down that he wasn't to even leave the city walls, so they had been staying in a single room in one of the smaller inns. He looked at the wood of the table, refusing to meet either of his retainer's eyes.

"That's your pay for the week.... and all I have left. You best both go find some work, that won't pay for much in the city of gold. I'm sure you both'll find good work quickly, you have both always been great."

What could he do for them anymore, anyways? Couldn't pay them, couldn't even pay for himself, and completely unable to even pick up an odd job to live on. The Zuma would be coming for his head; he should have sent them looking for work the moment he'd returned, instead of holding on. Darren held his eyes to the wood grain on the table, trying to hold back tears.

"Sir." Alera's voice was soft. Her hands entered his vision, both reaching out to rest on top of his remaining hand.

"You don't need to pay us, Sir." Bernard's gruff voice made Darren look up. Alera was smiling slightly, and Bernard sat cross armed.


"No buts, Sir." The healing woman leaned back, and picked up one of the coins in front of her. "It's two coins a night here, so we have two nights to come up with more money. Both of us will pick up some work in the morning." Bernard nodded in agreement. Blinking away tears, Darren looked to the little window, trying to compose himself. He didn't deserve them.

"Thank you."
Darren Rea (Noble)
Roleplay from Darren Rea
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
That night, he ghosted from the Inn, his last two coins left inside, he, just another beggar on the streets. Dominic wouldn't bring others down with him. The cool Autumn evening kissed Darren's cheeks, as he made his way to the other side of the city. The Tidemother temple had a fire they always kept going, and the wall outside of it stayed warm most of the winter. Plus, he was sure even if he was caught drifting, Eddie would let him stay by the wall anyway.
Darren Rea (Noble)
Roleplay from Darren Rea
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
"Oy, git up"

Darren cracked his eyes open, and was greeted by a pair of shoes peaking out from the crack between his hood and the ground. Warmth flowed through his back, the stones of the temple's fireplace acting like a heater. He'd bunched his cloak around him, leaving the back open to the stones, and had been sleeping in extremely comfortable warmth all night long. Now, a voice had found it's way to his little paradise.

"Oy, yur not supposed'ta be here, git!"

The cloak was his shaded one, alternating broken dark patches weaved chaotically across the entire thing would break his shape up during the night.....too bad it was apparently sometime during the day. He pulled the hood out of the way of his face to grimace up to a small, pot bellied man in a monk's smock. Ah, he'd been caught drifting already. That had been fast. The area behind the fireplace was gated with a small gate, and rarely did anyone come back here. With a grunt, he pulled at the thin chain at his neck, and was quickly rewarded with the tinkle of a broken clasp. With another, only slightly more awake grunt, he chucked the chain, and the ring that normally swung from it, at the man's face.

"I can be here. Gib that to Eddie, and go away. She can even keep the damn thing, ss not like I need it."

The man blinked, taking a moment to recover from being beaned in the face with a ring, before leaning down to pick up both ring and chain. He would have chastised the stranger further, but one look at the ring stopped him. While he didn't recognize the heraldry, he knew a noble's signet ring when he saw one. He licked his lips, before hurrying inside the temple to ask the Tidemother what to do.
Darren Rea (Noble)
Roleplay from Gwyn
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Upper Via
The adventurer once again moves to the tree line, peeking out at the daimon army now just sitting in Upper Via. The bunny, while beautiful from afar is somehow the most intimidating thing Gwyn the silent had seen. The parade of humans worshiping it seem to dance in a myriad of colors sure to distract anyone from the horrors he had seen when the Zuma were hungry.

From the southeast, out of the mountains an older man approaches bearing a strange flag and wearing a military uniform that he didn't seem to be comfortable in. Pausing just out of reach of the Zuma, he planted the flag and gave a friendly wave and a bow. Gwyn did not know his history, or he might have recognized the Asylonian flag that once flew over these lands. He might have also recognized that the old man was actually a noble from the lost kingdom. Curious was that the man waited several minutes and then continued on his way, as if it were nothing but a casual hello to an old friend.

Eyes. Once again, Gwyn tensed and darted back into the depths of the hills.
Gwyn (Commoner)

A Parade of Colors

Roleplaying Event from Kettle
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Upper Via
The rabbit had paused for some time, noting those who came and went. Listening. Watching. Eating. Lounging. Scratching. Defecating.

One human had approached and spoke of a time past, the human realms come and go in a blink. It had a vague memory, but was of little concern. The rabbit merely smiled politely and waved its claws a little. It did however let out a small chuckle at the mention of fireballs being thrown for miles. The time for pausing was over. The human had mentioned that someone waited in another region to discuss things.

A loud screech echoed across the miles, and the brightly colored expedition upped it's encampment, and continued on their way.
Report from Leander Keswick
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
Kettle is nearing Golden Farrow. She will be in the capital before the army can return.
Leander Keswick (Viscount of Lavendrow)
Request from Solomon Greybrook
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
Nobles Auron, Kenneth and Lovette,

In light of Kettle's advance, I ask that you garrison the city of Golden Farrow encase the worse situation, rather than come on campaign. This requires your military units to be present. While the Viscount may suggest that all is lost, I do disagree. Although it is not optimal, seeing noble commanders standing behind the walls will make the Daimon think twice.

Solomon Greybrook (Autarch of Tol Goldora)
Report from Solomon Greybrook
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
Tol Goldora,

The Zuma ruler Kettle has arrived in Farrowfield. I have been granted special dispensation to travel through Eidulb to return to the capital. While it pains me that I have to leave the siege, it is for our cause.

If the Zuma leader wishes to meet, I shall on behalf of Tol Goldora.

Solomon Greybrook (Autarch of Tol Goldora)
Roleplaying Event from Kettle
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Tol Goldora
A large procession of brightly colored humans and a few smaller Daimons enter the city. In the centre, standing tall above all the others, was the large, brightly colored fluffy rabbit known as Kettle. She glanced around as they all marched forwards, runners returning with details of the city as they make their way to the largest square they can find.

As the arrive, Kettle stands on her rear legs, nose to the air, claws reaching high, and lets out a piercing shriek.

"We shall be waiting a short while for someone to come and address us regarding the situation that a messenger brought news of quite some time ago." The beautiful, high born noble female voice proclaims, "Someone inform us of our accommodations while we are here. I trust they are well prepared and stocked as you have had such notice of our coming."
Letter from Mandolyn Aurelle
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora

Oh my... We are so screwed.

Maybe the storehouses at the harbor can handle those daimons' size. Everything swept clean, soft drapes hung to cover roofs and walls, rugs and pillows aplenty for the floors, marmites to cook them meals... Now that I think about it, it should have been obvious, yet it didn't cross my mind that they would decide to stay!

Best regards
Mandolyn Aurelle (Viscount of Kybcyell)
Report from Solomon Greybrook
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
Tol Goldora,

The Daimon Kettle has arrived in Golden Farrow. They shall be sheltered and taken care of in the grounds of the Royal Palace estate. I have instructed Priest Lionel to guide them there. I shall arrive by latest sunrise Sunday I hope. I am travelling by ferry so many things occur.

Solomon Greybrook (Autarch of Tol Goldora)
Report from Solomon Greybrook
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
Viscount Mandolyn,

We are not in trouble. The Zuma shall have appropriate accommodation while they are here and will have access to the Royal Palace estate, which should emphasise the seriousness and appropriate nature of these talks.

I hope they can understand they pardon my delay.

Solomon Greybrook (Autarch of Tol Goldora)
Roleplay from Lionel Itausson
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
Message sent to everyone in Golden Farrow (7 recipients) - just in

Upon hearing the piercing screech Lionel rushed out from the temple and down to the square. He had heard tales of the creature, but seeing it in person struck fear deep into his heart. Lionel had never been one for confrontation, at times like this he sorely missed his older brother.

Plucking up the little courage he had, he bowed deeply before the rabbit and addressed it:

'Our esteemed guest, though I am but a humble priest of the realm and scarcely fit to debate with you, I assure you our Navarch is riding back to the capital as we speak and will no doubt be here soon. In the meantime I can offer you any room of your choosing in the palace for you and your followers. Perhaps you might like the royal suite?'

He remained knelt on the floor, hoping his words would appease the daemon for now.
Lionel Itausson (Knight of Itaufield)
Letter from Calypso Hwitt
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora

Though I am loathe to give any aid to the daemon filth, in the interest of the safety of the people of Golden Farrow I of course offer the use of my estate should no other suitable accommodations be found. It is not extravagant, but is well stocked and equipped.

Calypso Hwitt (Dame of Golden Farrow)
Roleplay from Darren Rea
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
The man had never returned, so Darren had gratefully been sleeping on the wall of the Tidemother temple for days. The cool winter winds had started to blow over the harbor, and the night time temperatures had proven to be almost cold enough to get past his cloak, even supplemented by the warm wall that it was. He lounged on the wall, letting the warmth emanate deep into his bones. The stones also had the excellent trait of being able to scratch his shoulder blade, which had been itching like mad for the last two days. The wall could only do so much, however. Where would he find shelter for the winter? It wasn't far -

The screech cut through him, colder than then even the harbor chill.


He found himself upright, and halfway down the small alleyway nearly instantly. Fear shot through him, and he ran, and ran, and ran. Past shops, houses, taverns and guardhouses, he ran from the screech. His wits didn't catch up with him until he reached the Northern gate to the city. A breath, and he stopped, still shadowed in an alleyway near the gate. It was open, and people were moving in and out of it on daily business. He could run, right now. All he had to do was walk through the gate. Sweat dripped down his nose. No one would stop him, no one would even recognize him, dirty and haggered as he was after days on the street.

All he had to do was walk through it.....
Darren Rea (Noble)
Report from Solomon Greybrook
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
Dame Celena of Westgard has chosen to observe the encounters with the Zuma here in Golden Farrow. While this is certainly spy worthy, if anything goes wrong, we have a clear foreign observer to explain. Regards
Solomon Greybrook (Autarch of Tol Goldora)
Roleplay from Lionel Itausson
Message sent to Everyone in Church of the Tidemother
Lionel watched as a crowd gathered in the wake of the rabbits passing, a sea of frightened faces who had surely heard legends of the demon, but never quite believed them. Perhaps now was the perfect time to deliver his first sermon? Stepping up onto the lip of the squares fountain, he raised his voice to the crowd.

'Good people of Golden Farrow, do not be alarmed! These demons may have reduced countless cities to ash and bone, but those cities were not blessed by the Tidemother! She will not let any of her children suffer at the hands of these void-abominations!'

This seemed to do more harm than good, and many of the townsfolk ran away in tears - most likely off to pack their bags.

Well, it had been worth a shot. Lionel began the walk back to the palace, surely someone there would be in need of guidance...

'You lose 1380 followers who reject your words and have lost their faith because of them'
Lionel Itausson (Knight of Itaufield)
Roleplay from Darren Rea
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
It was right there, all he had to do was walk though it.....

The gate loomed in front of him, the road to the north stretching as far as the eye could see. Still, he sat in the shadows of a nearby ally. Why shouldn't he just...leave? He closed his eyes. He knew why, and he knew he couldn't run from this. He hung his head, for a moment, taking a deep breath. With renewed purpose, he straightened, opened his eyes, and began to make his way down the main road, toward the center of the city. Maybe it wouldn't hurt anyone else, if he just talked to it. Maybe-

Rainbow fur arched up on a house, some ways into the city in front of him. Darren stared at the monster's back in horror, joining most of the peasants on the road in stopping to stare. It moved, back below the roof line, and Darren found himself breathing out, hard. Elements, how was he supposed to stop that? Slowly he made his way back to the Tidemother temple, the peasantry chattering excitedly around him as he walked. Again, he entertained the idea of just running....until he saw a small boy run into his mother's arms, laughing. That beast would kill everyone in the city indiscriminately, if he left. He had to do...something, anything.

As the Tidemother temple came into view, a short, thin man pushed his way past Darren, a short mumble of "King's messenger" the only excuse. Darren stopped, and blinked. Ah, Eddie must be here, he supposed. Trailing the messenger into the temple, he slunk behind the man, looking for any traces of the Tidespeaker.
Darren Rea (Noble)
Roleplay from Dartholomey Nifelleisca
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
Somewhere alone in a pub's private booth in Libidizedd, Dartholomew was sobbing quietly into his hard cider. His thoughts wandered across many a depressing subject...

The recent battles had been rather much for the young knight. He was still feeling the aftermath of those battles, and his wound. The scary sounds. The frightening sights. Soldiers he had sailed back and forth with were...not here anymore, he told himself reflexively to the intrusive memory.

A memory of the charge against the fortifications only brought a floodrush of memories from the second big battle of him sallying forth to get closer shots and exposing himself to archer fire in front of his realmmates. The terror of the arrows landing as they attempted to retreat. He angrily kicked the table and slammed his fist at the same time, shouting in angry-pain. He barely recalled his realmmates likewise slaughtering the enemy by archer fire. No, he grabbed his blanket and held it close while thinking sweet thoughts about the giant, cuddly bunny to distract him from the terrors of combat.

His stomach growled. But apparently not distract from his hunger.
Dartholomey Nifelleisca (Knight of Lavendrow)
Roleplay from Edelyn Luitolf
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
The Ignoble and the Hare

A ragged, dirty, disgusting man was brought into the church right as the renovations had completed. Ragged clothes covered this man who was well known to the priests even if they never knew his name. The only distinctive article of clothing was the old ranger cloak, a mottled green, brown, and grey affair that fused together in ways that once might have made good camouflage but now was so dirty and dingy that it was useless. His face was so caked in grime that one might not even notice how red and puffy his original skin was, and he stunk to a level the priests naturally assume some of it might actually be his own waste. This man, who claimed to be from the Rea family, was always demanding to see the Tidespeaker, and most priests had forbidden it based on his appearance alone. The last almost had him arrested, thinking he had stolen some lord's ring based on his looks, but this was enough. Finally, they would see her once and for all and she would finally make the call of what to do.

As the pair walked through the doors to Edelyn's office, the stench flew into her nose immediately. The priest did not even take the time to introduce this mand properly, only mentioning that he was the one with the ring and turned to leave.

"Wait," The Tidespeaker called through a clenched nose trying not to hurl, "I know it is hard to believe but I know this man. This is Master Darren, and the ring is real. Have him bathed, nay scrubbed, and I will talk with him after."

The priest gazed about the room, unsure about how to answer, hoping to find something, anything to help him counter his Tidespeaker. Slowly his eyes settled back on the woman behind the desk, staring at him with a darkened leer from behind both hands over mouth and eyes tearing.

"Did I stutter, have him scrubbed!" She exclaimed through a muffled screech.

What seemed like hours passed for them to return, Darren now visibly clean, dressed in little more than a spare acolyte rob. Edelyn had spent this time having Zoisme going around and gathering presentable clothes that appeared to be more for a preteen than a man in size, but they would have to do. The priest presented Master Darren once more, having little to say other than a couple of simple sentences. "Tidespeaker, we had to throw out the bathwater three times before we could truly start to make him presentable. Thankfully on the fourth tub, he was finally clean, even if that water was black as well."

Edelyn rose, and glided across the floor, the overwhelming stench was gone, he even smelled a little like pink posies. "You may go, waveweaver."

"As for you Darren..." Edelyn waited patiently for the priest to leave the room before finishing,"... lose the robe. That is not what you will wear to the hare."

"Uh, aren't you going to leave, Eddie? It's not proper for a lady to see..uh.." Darren spoke, cheeks blushing to the put that his entire face beat red rather than just in red splotches.

"Oh Darren, you don't have anything I haven't seen before. Besides, I must help you put on the clothes. I could turn around until you have undergarments on if seeing offends your delicate sensibilities."

"Uh.." She was right of course...he probably couldn't even get the undergarments on without help, so sheepishly he agreed.

Reluctantly, Darren started to remove the robe, using his hands to cover the private parts. Edelyn grinned slightly but was respectful enough to not overly stare, instead, she grabbed the undergarments and helping him put them on, snapping and pinning them in place. Once his nakedness was covered, and he was more comfortable, she went over and took up the rest of the clothes. They put him in high waisted trousers, black, crisp, clean, and crisp. This was paired with a pure white undershirt, with a maroon overcoat, velvety smooth in texture. Methodically she started to brush all the tangles from his hair, while the flat iron vice was heating over the wood stove in the corner. Finally, when it was warm enough, she took it to his hair and made his hair nice and presentably curly.

"I must say, you clean up good, Darren. You look like a real dignitary. Just one last thing," She said as she pulled out her own powder puff. She dabbed him in the face a few times, trying to get the few red splotches away, before finally hitting a third more forcefully. "There, perfect. To the hare then." as the two left the temple for the palace.
Edelyn Luitolf (Tidespeaker of the Church of the Tidemother)
Letter from Dartholomey Nifelleisca
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
When are we going to go see the bunny?
Dartholomey Nifelleisca (Knight of Lavendrow)
Letter from Solomon Greybrook
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
The Daimon hasn't said a word for days.
Solomon Greybrook (Autarch of Tol Goldora)
Letter from Calypso Hwitt
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora

Every second that filthy creature remains in the capital is a further affront to humanity and to our nation. I have only recently seen it after returning to Golden Farrow and it is as horrid as the accounts have told me. An insult to the natural order.

If not for the order to leave their disgusting kind be, I would do everything in my power to kill the being known as Kettle and everyone of its Deamon ilk in the Tidemother’s name.
Calypso Hwitt (Dame of Golden Farrow)
Letter from Impi Wolfvern
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
Oh you wish to doom all of us with your ignorance to the danger kettle is. Have you not heard of their kind and the damage they can afflict before we even reach them. They can hit farther than the best arrow can be shot. They stronger than any force equalled their strength. If you choose to rouse Kettle I hope your are its only victim.
Impi Wolfvern (Earl of Itaufield)
Letter from Calypso Hwitt
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
Earl Impi, I am no fool. I will follow our command and do nothing to rouse their ire. That doesn’t mean I have to like it.
Calypso Hwitt (Dame of Golden Farrow)
Roleplay from Edelyn Luitolf
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
The long-awaited ship flying the flags of their Tol Goldoran adversities had finally arrived. It was smaller than the official meant to meet them had assumed, barely a sloop, maybe a frigate, but nothing like a ship-of-the-line. I only carried the Ambassador meant to negotiate, Edelyn, her escort, Svari with a small contingent of troops, and the galecallers that Edelyn had refused to sail without. Edelyn tensed, memories of the events of her last visit filled her mind, she grabbed Svari's hand and squeezed tightly for reassurance. After a few moments, she closed her eyes and through gritted teeth disembarked the ship after releasing her escort's hand.

Dressed in a chain shirt over an aketon, brown leather leggings, with her curved blade known as a paramerion at her hip, and her dark blonde hair tied up messily with a ribbon, Edelyn looked more like a warrior than a diplomat. Her stoic protector stood next to her, hair tied haphazardly in a bun, drowning in dark, black leather armor with a large sword slung across her back. Svari is almost a full half a foot taller than Edelyn as the greeter from Astrum approached, and both of their green eyes gazed into him, none of them speaking for a long pause.

"You must be new to diplomatic negotiations. I am Ambassador Edelyn, here to speak with your Archon to officially end the war. If you would take us to where we would be staying, I would be grateful. I clearly need to make myself more presentable." Edelyn spoke in a very dry and direct tone, clearly wanting to get this meeting over with.

The greeter nodded and bade them follow. "We have a place for you to stay in the sea district. It is a place for newer nobility, and normally we would put a dignitary such as yourself in the North ward, but we know of your faith from before and thought you might feel more comfortable near the sea given the goddess you worship."

Swiftly the two ladies were led away from the docks toward the Sea ward and the building in which they would be staying. Along the way, Edelyn spots it, and a sly smile spreads across her face as she looks up at Svari and points. A certain place that they had discussed in letters, with men and women performing questionable activities, smiling faces peered out at them as they passed by looking on curiously. Finally, the building they were being led to was before them, and the greeter led them to their rooms. Edelyn's room was bigger, and more inviting than Svari's who was down the hall. Slowly, the wagon train brought in the suitcases that Edelyn had brought into the room that looked freshly cleaned and decorated top to bottom.

After the Greeter left, Edelyn turned to Svari, "You know what happened the last time. Would you consider staying here with me rather than in your own room? It would make me feel more comfortable. I know it's not much, but there is that couch over there one of us could rest on if you are not comfortable in the same bed."

The woman beside her smiles for the first time since they had arrived in Astrum territory, assuring her kindly “Why ever wouldn’t I want to share a bed with you?”

Edelyn smiled at the remark but did not speak, instead going behind the privacy screen to change. She wanted to get this meeting over with quickly, and as such, she started to slowly slip out of her traveling armor. After, she started to pull on the white dress embroidered with gold, and rather form-fitting but not tight. She then pulled a thicker belt around her waist that was held together with a golden buckle and finished off the ensemble with a deep purple shawl worn around the neck and draping off her right shoulder. Finally, she topped it off by letting her long, blonde hair hang free, a small golden circlet pinned on the crown of her head.

Coming from behind the privacy screen, she looked at Svari. "Come, my amazon, let us head out into the square and have a look around. Maybe get the lay of the land for later, then head to the palace to get this over with."

“Lead on, Ambassador. Wherever you wish to go, you will be safe with me”

With that, Edelyn put her arm through Svari's, and the two left the quaint room to explore the city of Mimer on the way to their meeting.
Edelyn Luitolf (Ambassador of Tol Goldora)
Roleplaying Event from Kettle
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Golden Farrow
The colorful Rabbit screeched once more. “Solomon, you knew exactly why I came here. This is the second time the same human under your command has intentionally provoked us. This time stolen from us. You now give me the same words that you gave me last time. What is their worth? They clearly meant nothing the first time. That human returned and again took actions against us, again found themselves in our dungeons. Your word would seem to hold little value. As seems a trait amongst a few of you here. The one that laid down his fancy sword, claiming loudly for all to hear that they were presenting it to me as a gift, but never actually giving me the opportunity to take it, instead whisking it away when they thought people wouldn’t notice. But I’m sure it will be a great tale they can tell, that they offered the beast their weapon. Just another lie. ”It was a long journey here, and I am in an irritable manner at this time, do not just give me words that attempt to appease that we have already seen cannot be taken for any substance.”
Request from Solomon Greybrook
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
Tol Goldora,

I wish to quickly identify the noble whom falsely gave the Zuma ruler their family sword before taking it away. You have proven to give a great deal of offense by doing so and put me in a great predicament.

Identification will be appreciated.

Solomon Greybrook (Autarch of Tol Goldora)
Letter from Lionel Itausson
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
Navarch, I'm unsure what the daemon means, as I witnessed with my own eyes Lord Obelix leave his sword as a gift at the feet of the daemon. I'm not sure why it thinks he took it away.
Lionel Itausson (Knight of Itaufield)
Request from Solomon Greybrook
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
Lord Obelix,

Do you still intend to give your family heirloom to the Ruler Kettle? If so, ensure that the item is in Golden Farrow.

Solomon Greybrook (Autarch of Tol Goldora)
Report from Obelix Pilesar
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
I have given the gift lord. And it was left at the feet of the Great Rabbit. I am not so foolish as to take it back.
Obelix Pilesar (Margrave of Dizeddo)
Letter from Brigitte Tempest
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
I don't see why we don't just make some rabbit stew, as grotesque as it would be.

Why are we entertaining a daimon ruler anyway? Regardless of what one man did he is still a man. If we would trade one man to a daimon for security where does it end??? Before long we will be feeding them children weekly giving up our humanity.

Giving into the demands of the Zuma would only prove that Tol Goldora is a realm of slaves to daimon kind.

I say NO to whatever it wants, drive it out.
Brigitte Tempest (Dame of Golden Farrow)
Roleplay from Edelyn Luitolf
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
Dame Bridget, I knew I liked you. While true military actions might be ill-advised, better to take the fight to their turf, we should definitely not trade a human life to appease them. Even if that particular one was in the wrong. There are other ways to deal with it. Autarch, I implore you, do not allow the rabbit to eat one of your citizens, including yourself, unpunished.
Edelyn Luitolf (Ambassador of Tol Goldora)
Letter from Calypso Hwitt
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
Brethren, Dame Bridgette has the right of things. The daemons of the Zuma are the enemy of all mankind and to submit ourselves to them is to damn us body and soul. I raise my voice along with Dame Tempest in that we drive out this daemon on it ilk from our capital. There are those who no doubt will claim we cannot overcome even this small number, but I say those individuals lack faith in their brethren. Let us set upon this daemon filth and kill it while it is in the capital! Let it be an example to the rest of its misbegotten kind that Tol Goldora, indeed, all mankind will not submit to them.
Calypso Hwitt (Dame of Golden Farrow)
Report from Solomon Greybrook
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
Tol Goldora,

While I agree with many of the opposed views with the Daimon in the capital, we are not in a position right now to do something about it. I am handling it.

This doesn't mean that we won't. Trust your ruler and keep this in mind.

Solomon Greybrook (Autarch of Tol Goldora)
Roleplay from Solomon Greybrook
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
"Ruler Kettle, you seem to misunderstand. The heirloom of Family Pilesar was not unique in any form, it did not have magical properties attached to it. Scribe!"

In that moment, a scribe hurried over with a cloth wrapped weapon:

"I was told that this was left at your feet. Please take it now, the Lord would of wanted you to possess it."

The scribe took the invitation to place the weapon down between the two rulers:

"Regarding the matter of the noble, I shall say this plainly. If you wish to take vengeance or justification for this slight, inflict it upon me. As his ruler, I am the one who is responsible for him."

Clipping off his cloak and armour, Solomon unshackled himself from his protection, standing a few paces from the rabbit with only his cloth uniform, his longsword sheathed as well as his other accessories.

"Do what you must do, for it is for the better of my people."

Solomon gritted his teeth and looked into the Daimons eyes. There was defiance in his own yet, it was only the second time he was truly afraid of the Zuma. The first was in the Barrow Peaks where he confronted the Zuma General after they fought against the rogue hordes together. Yet, this time he had no soldiers, no captain, no protection. Completely at the mercy of the Daimon, his cross to bear.
Solomon Greybrook (Autarch of Tol Goldora)
Roleplay from Darren Rea
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
Silently, he'd followed Eddie through the streets of Golden Farrow, fidgeting with his ring. Eddie had had him scrubbed from top to bottom, and he hadn't worn such nice clothes in several decades. His ring had been returned to him, the chain repaired, and the grime of thousands of miles cleaned from it. Thankfully, at least, his trousers still had pockets, and Nibblers rested in the right side, a small, cool ball of undead mouse that pressed into his side. As they got closer and closer to the Zuma, Darren found himself itching his shoulder blade more and more. It had been itchy ever since the beast had made it's way into the city; the small, unremarkable rabbit's paw scar had opened up from his thumbnail some days past. Before he knew it, the Palace rose in front of them, and a few words from Eddie, and the guards let him inside. Eddie had stopped, citing a need to go to Astrum, and left him at the doors. Alone now, and with directions from a guard, he inched through the castle, making his way to the gardens. Just before he made it to the exit of the building, he heard a low voice, and he paused, flattening himself just inside a decorative archway.

".....better of my people."

Solomon. Darren paused, and waited in his hidey-hole, carefully waiting to hear from the beast that was surely nearby.
Darren Rea (Noble)

The Confrontation

Roleplaying Event from Kettle
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Golden Farrow
The Rabbit’s ears twitched before she looked down upon Solomon and regarded the cloth wrapped weapon placed before her. She laughed briefly at the small squeal given by the scribe as they ran quickly back after placing it down.

”I had thought, with the grand gestures that human made when presenting this, that it was something with special properties, that is probably why I did not notice it and thought it taken. I do not recall a time I have been gifted a human family trinket before.” She says something indistinct and one of her Groomers walks forward to take the item and move back amongst the others. Her beautiful voice continues as her colors slowly ripple through pastel shades, “We have been here before Solomon. You made promises, you have assurances. I let you take the blame for the actions last time. I was very clear that your realm would be held to account if any such thing happened again. Did you intentionally invite me into your city, thinking to impress me or distract me?” Her claws clatter together as if in frustration or contemplation. ”A proper talk needs to happen, a proper action taken. Perhaps that one should come and stand here with you.” She stands on her back legs, towering over everything as she turns her head sharply and stares directly at Darren.

”You are marked, I know where you are, come and join us.”
Roleplay from Solomon Greybrook
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
Solomon was pleased that the Zuma took the family heirloom, yet the words of soothing notes did not ease his anxiousness nor the fear, especially at the mention of Darren:

"Ruler Kettle, the previous action I let my subject take responsibility. His arm got stripped of which he has to live with. The difference here, with my respect, is that I am the one taking responsibility now, for my own lack of oversight. There are no distractions or favourable impressions. After the confusion, I want us to be able to articulate clearly. Which is why I should take this punishment, not my subjects. What proper action would you request?"

Tensing, Solomon made a few strides forward, taking into consideration the size of the Daimon in front of him. Solomon cursed in his mind for Darren's loyalty but for his own foolishness to let this happen once more. The cavalier looked in the direction of which the Zuma insinuated, hoping to catch a glimpse of his vassal.
Solomon Greybrook (Autarch of Tol Goldora)
Roleplay from Lucius Navaar
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
For most, a rabbit towering over the city streets would be terrifying. Yet the two men making their way through he palace grounds seemed unfazed by the multicolored extravagance of fur filling the air. Lucius, the Vestarch, kept a straight and stoic face as he walked alongside his uncle, the old noble that once made his home in these lands. Each step brought back years of memories. How to fight Daimons, how to survive a Daimon, how to expect the unexpected. Even if the Zuma were different, he had no thoughts that they were just as deadly. Velden, humming away as they walked was full of bright eyes and a grin. As he would say it, he had already stopped to visit Kettle several days ago in Upper Via, and thought to wear his old Asylonian gear once more for the second visit.

Guards and servants alike were scrambling away, peeking out where they could, waiting to see if they would all die, and hoping that what they may see could give them that extra moment to escape. A number tried to straighten and salute as their Vestarch passed by, but just as many were too focused on their current problems. As they approached the gardens, the old warrior glanced in the general direction of Darren, not looking at his hiding spot, but in the direction the air seemed to suggest another person was hiding. His grin widened, and he continued on with Lucius.

Lucius was not stopped by the guards as he stepped into the gardens and found himself face to face with Kettle. A strange creature to be sure, but having heard the descriptions, only the size was out of the ordinary. Glancing to the Autarch, he caught the man's eyes and gave his ruler a nod, hopefully communicating that someone on his council would stand here beside him. He quietly took a place, not far from Solomon and waited quietly to see if he would be addressed.

Velden however was not so silent. His uncle, standing beside Lucius waved to the massive rabbit. "Greetings again, Great Existence, Kettle!" Before they had spoken of days past, and now he was here to see the great Zuma once more. "I came with my nephew this time," he said, pointing to Lucius.

Lucius rolled his eyes at his uncle and gave Kettle a deep bow. "A pleasure to meet you, Kettle, Leader of the Zuma." He kept his bow for a long moment, knowing full well their capabilities should Kettle turn angry. "My apologies for intruding. I am the Vestarch of Tol Goldora, a Judge if you will. If we are to have judgment passed upon our people, I feel it is only right that I come here."

Relaxing his posture, he knew no amount of tension would free him. "None deny your anger, mighty one, or your right to it, but perhaps, when you have finished, we may speak of the future today? Not just under threat or destruction, but as a better coexistence. I am new to the role, but I would like to see us get along in the future."

His uncle, stretching beside Lucius, chuckled. Much as they deny it, the Navaar children are much like the Calanars before them. They show as little fear as possible, and like to be in the middle of problems.
Lucius Navaar (Vestarch of Tol Goldora)
Letter from Roose Bolton
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
Esteemed Members of the Realm,

Many of you were not there when the Great Western Blight made nothing more of us than fleeing refugees seeking a safe place; you don't comprehend the level of destruction the Zuma can bring. They are not to be trifled with, they are infinitely more powerful than all the realms of Dwilight combined. Antagonizing them will assuredly result the annihilation of our realm.

So when some of us tell you to stop messing around with the Zuma, it's because we have our continued existence at heart.

Leave them be, and don't go sneaking around their land without express permission. Sir Darren what you did was brash and unmeasured, it almost looks as if you're intentionally trying to harm us. You're lucky the Zuma aren't already feeding your corpse to their pets as an appetizer; and our realm the main dish.

Appease them and let them be on their way back to their land. Their presence can only harm us at this time.
Roose Bolton (Sakellion of Tol Goldora)
Roleplay from Darren Rea
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
By the Elements his shoulder itched. Darren was slowly rubbing the back of his shoulder blade on the nearby rough stones, listening to the Demon speak.
   ”You are marked, I know where you are, come and join us.”

Fear, like a winter's wind off the bay, crossed his torso and he paused his itching to take several, measured breaths. Solomon was saying something, but Darren missed it, trying to calm down.

It knew he was here.

Dominic wouldn't show fear.

A few more breaths, and he poked his head out from behind the archway, to see the monster staring him down with all of its glittering, beetle-like eyes. It's grotesque head-claws seemed to have minds of their own, slowly moving about while he watched. Solomon was strangely un-armored, and also staring at him. Darren tried really hard not to flinch as he came around the archway, and painfully slowly made his way forward. They had a few exits, at least. The gardens had several maze-like paths, and the archway led back to plenty of man with very sharp swords. That is, if they could survive long enough to get there. Several escape plans raced through his head, even as he tried for a nervous smile. He rose his remaining arm in a half wave as he made his way across the space.

"Greetings, um," Damn, what had the little rainbow men called it? Flame-something? "Flamescreecher Kettle." Darren tried to bow a little, but the effect was muted since he was trying to walk to Solomon at the same time. Diplomacy with massive, people eating monsters really wasn't his strong suit. Thankfully, he made it to Solomon, and he had a few heartbeats to figure out what to do. The two man didn't get to see each other in the flesh often, but the concern etched across Solomon's face was plain. It must not be going well. Eyeballing the pile of armour off to the side of his King, Darren turned to once again face the beast.

"I heard you talk about, er, 'proper action,' um, Kettle." Darren swallowed the urge to call it 'beast.' He'd seen the sheer number of rainbow people around the city as they had made their way to the Palace. The bloodshed would kill both soldier and peasant alike. He had to stop it from hurting anyone else. The armor pile came to mind, and he amended his thought. Anyone else, especially Solomon. Silently, he wished for his leathers, and a good sword, but Eddie had dressed him up like a doll, and proper noble clothes didn't have space for his weapons...even if he could keep a grip on one. Again, he cursed Cotys for smashing his hand, and the beast in front of him for his missing arm. Talking was his only remaining weapon anymore. He swallowed down the fear, and spoke loudly and clearly to the rabbit.

"Kettle, I was not in your lands to steal from you. Just because I can, doesn't mean I did." By the elements, its eyes were unsettling. "I was training some of the men that are not your...." He glanced at the nearby Groomers, "uh, your people. They asked for help from me to protect themselves from rogues, and they were willing to pay me a lot of gold to do so. I have been travelling the entire island doing that for years now, to help make gold for Solomon." He took just a moment to breath again. "I do not know why your people attacked their camp, but I do know I was only spared the spears because of our talk the last time." Darren reached up, squeezing the shoulder where his arm used to be. The few strips of oily, rainbow skin that remained had been all that had saved him from death that day.
Darren Rea (Noble)
Roleplaying Event from Kettle
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Golden Farrow
A noise that sounded like pleasure came from the beast as more people came to stand before her and gave their introductions. Then Darren appeared, and was watched every step he took, and he spoke and the sound changed.

The sweet voice spoke, “What have you done with the gift I gave you?” The claws clattered and a rumbling came from deep with the Rabbit. “Then you stand before those who rule your realm, you stand before me, and you lie!” She turns her gaze on the judge, “You show promise for a human, not degrading yourself in an attempt to appease me. It is right you should be here. A question for you all: do you think the people in my lands have any fear of rogues? Would any of you care to give any word to support this wretched creature that wears your emblem?” Her claws motion towards Darren as her coloring darkens with her mood. ”Do all the people here support this Darren creature? Or do you condemn it and what it did?”

She turns again to stare at Darren, claws close to his head.
Roleplay from Darren Rea
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
The screech from the beast startled him, even though he had been prepared for a poor reaction. As the beast spoke of his arm, he found himself whispering to himself. "It made me sick." It continued to condemned his words, and Darren found his lip curling, ever so slightly. How dare this creature call him a liar? Here he stood, trying to reason with a Demon, to save countless innocent lives, and it in it's ego, refused to even entertain the idea that the information that it had might be wrong? He found himself stepping out from Solomon, heedless of Lucius, Vestarch or not.

"Kettle, your gift nearly killed me. A friend of mine's healers only just saved my life, and as you can see," He shook his missing arm's shoulder, "I was still wounded." A note of acid entered his voice, "I can't rob a blind old woman anymore, Kettle. I can't even hold a sword for more than a few blows. I can walk, and I can teach. You have people in your lands that are not your," He gestured at the Groomers again, "natives. They needed my help, and I gave it. Ask your people where they found me, Kettle. Why ask a bunch of nobles that were not there?" Foolishness, or bravery perhaps, found himself less then a step out of reach from the rabbit. He leaned slightly closer, and whispered to it. Disdain colored his words then, his voice dropping to a nearly accusatory note.

"I have a question for you, Flamespeaker. Why are your people slaughtering good-natured humans? Because they happen to live, peacefully, in forests you plant your flags? Do you even know what's happening in your lands? Or are your rainbow friends not sharing that bit of information?"
Darren Rea (Noble)

Roleplay from Calypso Hwitt
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
Calypso had returned to Golden Farrow a few weeks ago. As a Thunderborn of the Tidemother, the presence of the Voidborne creatures in the city had disturbed her, and though she knew well the fearsome strength of the of Zuma, she had wanted to be...present. Just in case this "Kettle" and or any other of its disgusting ilk attempt to hurt of the people of the city.

So she had spent most of her time drilling her soldiers, or training hard in the academy, or praying for the deliverance of the city. She had worn her armor at all times, kept her soldiers at constant readiness for sign of attack or treachery, for that was all the could be at the heart of such creatures. Calypso had beheld Kettle only once, surrounded by its sycophantic slaves mewling around it like flies buzzed around a cow. The creature was...disgusting, in every sense of the word. A mockery of elegant form, profane in its garish colors. Calypso had felt physically ill after seeing it, refusing to eat that night.

She was working in the academy when one of her soldiers informed her that the Tidespeaker Edelyn had escorted a certain noble, Darren Rea, to the palace to meet with Kettle. She had grabbed the man by his tabard and yelled in his face, "Why wasn't I informed, damn you!" At this she ran from the academy to the nearby palace, just in time to the Autarch, Darren and others arrayed before It.

"Do all the people here support this Darren creature? Or do you condemn it and what it did?”

Calypso did not know Darren Rea, in fact, she had never met or interacted with the man at all in her life. But she could read between the lines of what the creature was saying. Fury made her cheeks flush as she began to walk quickly into the courtyard, yelling as she did so,

"I, Calypso Hwitt, Knight of Golden Farrow, Thunderborn of the One True Deity the Tidemother, speak in his defense! For no true Knight would never abandon a fellow Tol Goldoran, even in the face of annhiliation!" She stomped over to the creature and stood a few feet beside Darren, her armor clanging loudly against the cobblestones, "I say assuredly that no true child of Mankind would ever abandon a brother before monster, undead, or even a creature such as You! Any action of which he stands accused is irrelevant! For it is written that the Tidemother gave the lands and the seas for Mankind and each of us carries inside us the spark of Her divinity! So no, Kettle-creature, I will not condemn him for he is my Brother. In Humanity, in Arms, and in divine Soul, he is my Brother!"

Calypso stood at the ready, breathing heavy. She dare not reach for her weapon, but kept her arm tense, ready to move in Sir Darren defense as quickly as she could. She knew she feared the creature but could not let the fear control her, for the Tidemother was with them, in that she had faith.
Calypso Hwitt (Dame of Golden Farrow)
Roleplay from Celina Stormreaver
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
Watching with bated breath from the safety of the gathered crowd, Celina runs the full gauntlet of emotions watching the display. From awe of the creature, to fear, to being impressed by Soloman's grace under pressure, to fear again as the Autarch sheds his armour and offers himself to the 'bunny', to something resembling relief, to concern and then all the way back to fear as Darren spoke.

Gripping her hand-fan reflexively, another hand feeling for an absent blade at her hip that has her muttering about being in a dress, she watches the proceedings with growing concern. This was a volatile situation at best and somehow she didn't think Darren knew what or whom he was speaking to judging from his tone and accusations. While not making her way further from the interaction, wanting to be just close enough to hear but still safely from distinction in the crowd, she does mark the exits and plans her withdrawal should this turn sour.

At the very least she felt she was unlikely to have her lovely white dress splattered in blood from this distance...
Celina Stormreaver (Dame of Gelene Outskirts)
Roleplay from Lucius Navaar
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
Lucius looked from Kettle, the Zuma that had paid him what he assumed was a great compliment from their kind, to Darren, Calypso, and finally to Solomon who had been silent so far. Still stifling his exasperation at Calypso's sudden outburst, Lucius shook his head. If that's the qualification for humanity, then maybe I am no longer human, he wondered, standing calmly in the face of death, and chose his next words carefully. "Great Kettle, you want honest answers from someone. No maybes clouded by a thousand words. Let me start by saying that I do not think your people fear much of anything, be they rogues, humans, or even deities, and I know little enough about Darren's spare time activities to say I know whether he is truthful or full of it."

The old man beside him seemed to be nodding along with his words. Velden grinning in silence.

"For Darren's actions, I condemn him for going about them in the worst possible way. For not reaching out to you before acting within your borders, and for not being honest with the council as to where he was going and what he was doing there, causing a international incident with our neighbors. However, I will support his reasoning. He did this to demonstrate his convictions to his his people, the same reason you are here now, Exalted Kettle. And, I might add that while your people certainly have no fear, they certainly do need the training, evidenced by the fact that you are here, seeking the one-armed man that gave your guards the slip."
Lucius Navaar (Vestarch of Tol Goldora)
Roleplay from Aerin Daubney
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
Aerin piped up from her short distance away "I, AERIN DAUBENY SUPPORT SIR REA AND I SUPPORT ANY MAN OR WOMAN IN THIS REALM, SO AS LONG AS I AM BREATHING I WILL NOT LET YOU HURT HIM OR ANY OTHER HERE, YOU DETESTABLE HELLSPAWN!" The young Dame Daubeny kept her longbow close at hand, she was fifty meters away from this creature, she wasn't scared of it and she didn't see a single reason anyone else should be. She stood tall and proud, the Daubeny banner stabbed into the ground beside her, she had notched an arrow in her bow and waited.
Aerin Daubney (Dame of Farrowfield)
Roleplay from Solomon Greybrook
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
"Ruler Kettle, if that is what Sir Darren did, we believe him so. Yet, the matter withstands that in your lands, if this is not his right, it is your word that must be taken into matters. So, I think it makes little consequence what we think, but great consequence of what you want. Therefore, once again, what do you want in compensation? I have already offered myself, the highest authority in this realm. So, please answer this. Only then we can actually discuss a consequence of action." Solomon was concerned with the claw so close to Darren's head, yet, the situation could not go on, it needed to be ended before it escalated.
Solomon Greybrook (Autarch of Tol Goldora)
Roleplaying Event from Kettle
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Golden Farrow
The giant Rabbit looked from person to person as they spoke, her colors shifting as each spoke, she could be heard snarling at some of the comments, her claws catering at a faster pace.

"Lucius, as you called yourself, I shall discuss with you as the others seem somewhat lacking in sense and understanding. It seems some of your fellows think that going into the lands of another realm, taking gold and making up any flimsy excuse is a perfectly acceptable action. More than one of them has proclaimed this loudly and clearly in their support for the thing called Darren's behaviour. "Is it perfectly acceptable for this to happen?" She glances around at her contingent of Groomers, scattered around the area, "That is a very important question to be answered. By you, and those that have claimed it is acceptable behaviour." She looks directly at Calypso, Aerin and Solomon in turn, "You, you and you. Do you say that it is acceptable behaviour? For someone to be in a realm that is not their own, to not communicate with the owners of that land, and to take it into their own hands to 'earn' themselves gold from that region? A simple yes or no is all that's required here."

She then shares her look between Solomon and Lucius, gesturing occasionally at Darren with her claws, "Whatever happens next, be very clear that this one, the thing you call Darren, is never to enter lands of ours again. If he is captured in them, his life is forfeit. If he is seen but not captured, or if he escapes capture, then we will raze some of your lands. Control it, ensure it follows its instructions this time."
Roleplay from Solomon Greybrook
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
"We agree to those terms Ruler Kettle."

Solomon nodded and gestured to the gate of the gardens:

"Let me escort you to the gate of the city or the harbour. I appreciate the opportunity you have given us."

As Solomon began to walk, he sent the scribes away to disperse the gathering and to obtain any other meetings he was requested for later that evening over dinner, for it was invited to all nobles whom asked.
Solomon Greybrook (Autarch of Tol Goldora)
Roleplay from Lucius Navaar
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
Solomon just tried to wrap everything up and start preparing to leave? Lucius began cursing in his mind. It's no wonder the Zuma treat us like children and refuse our efforts to expand. He took a deep breath and looked at Aerin and Calypso again, still suppressing yelling at them for being fools. Neither of them would ever be allowed to negotiate for his life. I'd have better luck with a noose and a joist. Maintaining his calm, he turned back to Kettle.

"Great Kettle," Lucius began again. "It's an honor that you deem me worthy of further conversation. As we continue, I ask that you not take great offense to their beliefs," he said with a gesture to Calypso and Aerin. "This is their first time being confronted by someone of your stature, and I'm sure they are torn on how to behave." He stepped closer to Darren this time, building some momentum for his words and a moment to think. "We all want to see this ended. Our Autarch agreed to the terms of what would happen should you ever find Darren in your lands again. With that in mind, I'd like to confirm that his life is to be spared, first and foremost," he stated. He grabbed Darren by the collar and pulled him back from Kettle, and found himself standing between the claws and their target.

"This time, Darren has made a mistake that threatens more than himself. His actions threatened all of our people, yours included," he addressed the Zuma with its many eyes watching him. "Recently, I have taken up the mantle of Judge to make this realm better. I would like you to rest assured that if you catch Darren in your lands again, it will not be Tol Goldora that you need to show he needs controlling to, because I will help hunt the man myself after I strip his right to our banner." He glanced back to Calypso and Aerin with a faint smile. "My fellow Goldorans are good people, and they have good intentions, the right intentions, but as a leader of the realm I cannot weigh one man's life above thousands."
Lucius Navaar (Vestarch of Tol Goldora)
Roleplay from Aerin Daubney
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
Aerin strode forth, fearless in the face of this strange Daimon. She stopped a short distance now only ten feet away, her hand hovered next to the glaive sling over her back.

”For any man to rob, thieve and hurt another man is a crime unforgivable, I would happily punish any who cross that line.”

Aerin sneered “But you aren’t human, your people are monsters, creatures of shadow and malice unworthy of the same respect demanded by a mortal man. You creatures who throw their hellish weight around to bend the wills of mortal men, there may be some mortal men in your domain, mad men I suspect who worship you and your Zuma and if not they I doubt they are better then slaves.”

Aerin glared deeply at the creature, her disdain for the Zuma was almost tangible “House Daubeny swore to protect the mortal realms of men from such monsters, it’s why we left out Isle home. But it is as the Autarch wills it, I’ll abide these terms as I sure any other loyal Goldoran would, but if you ever come knocking on our door with violent intentions, then I will happily answer the door, sword in hand.”
Aerin Daubney (Dame of Farrowfield)
Roleplay from Calypso Hwitt
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
Calypso gave a dark look to Lucius when he responded to Kettle's question. The man had always seemed a stalwart one in her limited interactions with him, but she would not soon forget how quick he was to sell out his own to the Zuma creature. When the Dame on side of the courtyard, Dame Daubney and the Autarch both spoke in Ser Darren's defense she felt more confident, but she never tore her eyes away from Kettle. Calypso knew well those claws could likely cut her armor like butter, and so to underestimate the creature could spell death.

"You, you and you. Do you say that it is acceptable behaviour? For someone to be in a realm that is not their own, to not communicate with the owners of that land, and to take it into their own hands to 'earn' themselves gold from that region? A simple yes or no is all that's required here."

Calypso considered her next words carefully. She raise her eyes to meet Kettle's own, and suddenly thought back to the first Siege of Libidizedd, when the plank of the siege tower had dropped onto to the she had stared into the eyes of hundreds of men that wanted to kill her. It had been like staring into the void of death itself. This was like that, she thought in that moment. But she had faced death before.

It was only a second though, and she replied defiantly, "Sir Darren's actions need no justification. He is Man, given the water of life by the Tidemother, and that is enough."
Calypso Hwitt (Dame of Golden Farrow)
Roleplay from Solomon Greybrook
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
Solomon glared at Lucius and internally sighed, needing to make a note to talk to the Vestarch later. Not wishing to make a divisive showing, he waited by the gate and did not interrupt the flow of the conversation.
Solomon Greybrook (Autarch of Golden Farrow)
Roleplaying Event from Kettle
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Golden Farrow
The Rabbit reared once more to its hind legs, its claws swinging so close as to cause Solomon's hair to blow. She lets out another high pitched shriek before thumping to the ground, her colors dark and swirling as her beautiful voice once more carries for all to hear, "Lucius. Are you the judge in a realm of weak minded imbeciles? Of those here speaking, you are the only one who has not either lied to me or shown themselves as a fool, or both. I had thought perhaps the reason humans had their separate castes was so that only the brightest amongst them could find themselves responsible for anything."

She turns her head sharply to Solomon, her claws snatching him back as he starts to walk away, "Those were not terms for the issue I came here about. Those were facts stating what would happen if the events I spoke of were to happen in the future. No, you do not get off with just a nod and turning away from me. No, there must be proper reparations for the insult caused by your realm, by your noble, and now by those fools who speak as if they are better than me. None of you could even answer the simple question I posed, so I raise it again:" She pauses until there is silence and all are paying attention, "Is it acceptable behaviour for one to enter another's lands, unannounced, and take gold from those lands? A simple 'Yes' or 'No'. Not wittering on about your simple minded racial prejudice or such. Just that answer."

She looks once more at Calypso, Aerin and Solomon, and waits.
Roleplay from Aerin Daubney
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
Aerin stood her ground as the Daimon thumped the ground, she notched and arrow and drew back her bowstring, aimed and level with one of the creatures many eyes. “You do not touch the Autarch again, lest you be blind in an eye.” She hadn’t expected such anger nor wroth from this beast but she shouldn’t have been surprised. Aerin glances to Calypso and back to Kettle before sighing and with great contempt in her voice announced “No, it’s not acceptable.”
Aerin Daubney (Dame of Farrowfield)
Roleplay from Calypso Hwitt
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
From Kettle’s reaction it was evident the situation was far from over. Infuriatingly the creature kept going in circles, either not understand or refusing to understand what she was saying.

Calypso was trying to keep her emotions in check, the tension in the courtyard was seeming to reach a crescendo quickly.

Her anger flashed again as Kettle reached out her claw to the Autarch and she reflexively grabbed the hilt of her sword, starting to draw the weapon before Kettle released her liege, and she let go.

Again the rabbit demanded an answer and Calypso spoke more forcefully, “Yes! And I warn you creature, do not touch the Autarch again without permission!”
Calypso Hwitt (Dame of Golden Farrow)
Roleplay from Masalu Auru'in
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
Kettle paused until there was silence and all were paying attention, "Is it acceptable behaviour for one to enter another's lands, unannounced, and take gold from those lands? A simple 'Yes' or 'No'. Not wittering on about your simple minded racial prejudice or such. Just that answer."

She looked once more at Calypso, Aerin and Solomon, and waited.

Calypso's anger flashed again and she reflexively grabbed the hilt of her sword, starting to draw the weapon before Kettle released her liege, and she let go.

Again the rabbit demanded an answer and Calypso spoke more forcefully, “Yes! And I warn you creature, do not touch the Autarch again without permission!”

Masalu simply chuckled, addressing not the giant mutant doom-rabbit, no, but the Lady who answered with a warning.

"So is acceptable for Masalu take gold from you? No repercussions? Okay, prove this. Give Masalu coinpurse. Now."

The grizzled old foreigner extended the palm of his hand with the impatient expression of an elder with a point to make.
Masalu Auru'in (Knight of Gelene)
Roleplay from Lucius Navaar
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
Lucius sighed. There was something about the chaos that was exhausting. Another newcomer. He clenched his fists until his knuckles turned white. Oh, I really hate people right now. Fines for everyone. Maybe a night in a cell! "Great Kettle, would you be horribly offended if I said I did not want to comment on the people here? I worked hard to get this far, and I'd like to keep my position so that maybe we can continue to coexist after today. Rest assured, that these two," he gestured to Calypso and Aerin, "hold about as much authority as the weapons in their hands right now, and hopefully remember their orders not to try to engage with you, and this one," he said with a gesture to the Westgardian that had ventured into the palace grounds, "has nothing to do with our lands." Best leave the man to Calypso for opening her own mouth. A number of guards had moved in towards the Autarch in a desperate gamble to protect the man. Lucius gave them each a look that said, 'protect, but do not interfere with this conversation if you value your lives.' "They," he said, meaning the two Goldoran nobles, and the guards, "merely wish to look after their leader. Now, once the Autarch shakes off his sudden adventure back over here and gives you your answer, why don't we talk about what you are looking for in reparations. You came here with some things in mind, I presume." He glanced back to make sure Darren was still behind him. "I really cannot offer Darren's life, but I'm open to hearing your demands that we may truly negotiate."
Lucius Navaar (Vestarch of Tol Goldora)
Roleplay from Solomon Greybrook
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
As Solomon headed for the exit, the piercing screem followed by wind and then a cold claw seemlessly venturing down the back of his tunic. As the Daimon talked, Solomon was forced to face the rabbit once more.

Shocked by the audacity of the Daimon to even do such a think, he noticed that one of his tunic's threads and been cut. Thorough this, an idea in his own head was finally severed. Once an itch, it has begun to fester for a while. Yet, with the sweeping of claws, it came to finally break, Solomon chuckled at the realisation, at the humanity of it:

"No, it is not acceptable, yet, we are in different times now. The scrolls indicate as such."

He scanned the crowd that had formed, nobles of the realm, both courageous and foolhardy - it is the way of his people perhaps.

"I am now formally asking you to leave my city and lands, Ruler Kettle. It is time we move on from this matter. I do not take kindly to threats, or using humans as your tools through your claws. Any resemblance of compensation you wished to gain was lost the moment you laid your hands on me."

Solomon appreciated the Vestarch's approach, yet, the Autarch hoped they possessed a mutual understanding.
Solomon Greybrook (Autarch of Golden Farrow)
Roleplay from Calypso Hwitt
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
In the middle of the tense meeting, another noble had walked up into the courtyard, the man’s livery and dress easily signified him as a foreigner.

Calypso gave her reply and the man had the nerve to ask for her coin purse, like this was all some kind of joke. She dare not draw her eyes away from Kettle, especially now that it had manhandled the Autarch once and so she simply gave her hissed reply to this interrupting foreigner,

“Silence yourself, you f**king are!”

It was the first time Calypso had ever, in her memory, cursed aloud to another person, and she was internally grateful that her face was already flush.

“You know nothing of what has been spoken of here and the specifics of what has been discussed, so either prepare to help defend Autarch Solomon or get the..Hells out!”
Calypso Hwitt (Dame of Golden Farrow)
Roleplay from Masalu Auru'in
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
Masalu, scholar of Zuma lore and seeker of the Hidden God, simply glares.

"Spawn of a three-legged goat... You stare at weed and ignore entire harvest! Zuma doing you favor, and always Human behave like insect."

With that, he turns about-face and walks away. Halfway through his stride, he smiles.

"If Zuma here and city not in ruins, see the gift you are offered. Buzz less, think more. Good day, little insect."

With that, the old man retreats to the outskirts to watch the band of buffoons pretend they hold sway over a living demigod who could obliterate their entire kingdom if that were its actual purpose here.
Masalu Auru'in (Knight of Gelene)
Roleplay from Bartimus Chamberlain
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
He had been in D'hara months but was yet to truly come to know many if his compatriots. Arriving at the tournament grounds he found himself filled with a sense of wonder, unfortunately not at the architectural qualities of Golden Farrow, but at the army of Daimons he had had to pass on the way to the Inn. Not a man for wine, he bought a large flagon of ale in the first house he reached. "Hope not to meet any of those big buggers come the competition or I think I shall find myself royaly shafted." He remarked not to anyone in particular.
Bartimus Chamberlain (Margrave of Nebel)
Roleplay from Darren Rea
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
Words from all sorts had been flying back and forth, but the moment Lucius had moved his shirt, Darren had been itching the back of his shoulder like mad. By the Elements, what was it about this damn scar-

   "You have been marked -"

He took a lengthy pause, closing his eyes, still ignoring the mess in front of him. Right. Marked. That....that would make sense. He opened his eyes again, watching the beast from just behind the Judge's shoulder. Why he'd never even considered the stupid scar that looked like a stupid rabbit's foot -

The only thing that stopped him from ducking was Lucius's firm grip on the front of his shirt. A claw swiped past both of their heads, and nearly clipped the Autarch.When had they gotten so close to the beast? Damn it..... He held his breath for a moment, trying to think of a way out of this. Clearly the monster didn't believe him, even if the truth could be easily verified. Both the nobles in front of him were armed, and so was the Autarch, but he'd seen the speed that thing moved. Personally, even three on one, he would still put his bets on the monster. While his years as an infiltrator had made him very fast, he wasn't even sure if even he could stab the damn thing, even if he wasn't as disabled as he was, missing an arm and the other hand twisted.

Damn it.

More words, the Judge making it clear that he would be a problem in the future. If they made it out of this without burning down the city, Lucius would clearly need to be handled somehow. The arrogant man had even called off the guards that had attempted to protect Solomon. Darren pursed his lips, and bent back Lucius's thumb, not too hard, but hard enough to make him let go of his shirt, at least. He may not be able to fight, but damn it, he wasn't entirely useless. Solomon was speaking now, but Darren found himself completely engrossed in plans. When that thing lunged, he would have to trust that the Vestarch and the young Thunderborn would be able to slow it down. While Darren was a small man, he had more than enough strength to drag his damn King out of here. The question was whether to go through the rest of the gardens, into the crowd, or back through the archway.....

As he mulled over escape routes, Darren backed up, watching the monster for any sign of attack, and carefully nudging Solomon to retreat from the rabbit in the direction of the most guards.
Darren Rea (Noble)
Roleplay from Celina Stormreaver
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
Huddled in her furs as she steps back onto the dock in Golden Farrow, Celina had hoped winter was going to be over before her return despite only being gone for a few days. This time, with only a scribe, maid and squire in tow rather than her unit, she was a little more concerned when she heard the demonic rabbit hadn't departed yet.

"I thought rabbits were supposed to be fast, this one seems more like a tortoise at the speed it gets anything done", she snickers bitterly to her maid as her things are unloaded from the ship.

The cool wind coming off the water had her pushing wayward strands of blonde hair from her face as she hurries her retainers along, asking for directions to the tournament grounds and searching for an inn nearby; hoping she'd arrived early enough to get one of the finer rooms close by.

A few hours later she was warming herself by a large hearth with a cup of wine in hand at an inn she'd not really noted the name of as she escaped the cold winter air. It was evident that this was going to be a very large event given the number of people milling about and she was more than a little excited as this was only her second tournament. Watching the nobles and their various retainers hurry about, she does her best to catch up on the gossip of why Kettle was still there.
Celina Stormreaver (Dame of Gelene Outskirts)
Roleplaying Event from Kettle
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Tol Goldora
The Rabbit gave a laugh, with an obvious anger included. She stamped her back feet and, along with a thud as you’d hear from a standard rabbit, albeit so loud it hurts the ears, the ground tremors violently, sending those watching trying to catch their balance, whilst those closer by fall to the floor. A nearby building has its back wall crumble and a number of other buildings lose parts of their roofs or walls.

”You really don’t understand your place in things do you,” though the anger is clear, her voice is still melodic and beautiful to the ear. She lunges forwards, simultaneously grabbing and tossing Solomon into one of the trees at the edge of the clearing and turning swiftly to grab the scarred woman in plate armor as she was drawing her sword. Kettle holds Calypso high whilst staring after Solomon’s body, crack echoing shortly after the thud of the hit. He grabs at his arm, which is bent at a strange angle. Calypso struggles but can do nothing in the air as Darren rushes in, plunging his sword hard into the fur of the Rabbit over and over. Kettle tosses Calypso to the ground by her Groomers, “This one stays with us.” Then looks down at Darren and laughs, “You are a pathetic thing, of little worth or interest to any, yet even though you cause such trouble, some of these other simple beings seem to love you. I will devour you from your toes if you ever enter my lands again” she then kicks him away dismissively.

She then turns to regard Lucius once more, “You could teach these people much in correct ways to behave. Your realm will send 1000 bushels of food to my realm. That will end our issues this time. I have been very clear what will happen should it occur again.”
Roleplay from Calypso Hwitt
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
It had all happened so quickly. Kettle had stomped its feet and caused the ground to shake with terrible strength. The sound forced Calypso to close her eyes and it took all of her discipline not to clamp her hands to her ears in an attempt to deafen the cacophony. A nearby side-building of the palace saw its wall collapse, only adding to the growing chaos in the courtyard. Screams and cries rang out from those assembled as most were either dumbstruck by the shaking or gripping their hands to their ears tightly.

She had been able open her eyes and saw the creature rush forward in an instant. She had no time to act before Kettle was on top of Solomon and threw the Autarch into a tree. How can it be so fast!? Calypso just had time to think before she called out, "Autarch Solo--!"

Calypso had gotten her sword half-way out of it's sheath before Kettle had moved yet again. The creature's claw shot out and grabbed Calypso by the neck as she was forcibly lifted high off the ground. The claw gripped her tightly as Calypso tried vainly to pull the chitinous claw from her neck before she felt herself get thrown forcibly across the courtyard. As she flew, she felt her sword fly from its scabbard and go flying in a different direction as it clattered onto to the ground with a clang near to where Ser Darren stood.

She heard Kettle speak as Calypso was thrown, “This one stays with us.” As she flew she had just the shortest moment to register this. 'Oh no' was all she could think

The moment went by quickly as Calypso crashed to ground. Her had swam and she blacked out for a short moment. As Calypso came to, she saw Ser Darren try to stab Kettle, but the creature just kicked him in the chest with a sickening crunch as Darren went flying in the opposite direction before sliding for a short time until coming to a stop as his body was still. Calypso tried to stand, to get to the Autarch Solomon, but felt a foot slam her back down into the ground as one of Kettle's accompaniment forced her back to the ground.

The figure was strong enough that she couldn't rise up, even when she gave it all her strength. She looked out desperately to see that Solomon was still standing as the scene was rapidly descending into chaos. Kettle spoke again to Lucius and made its demand. "Stop! Everyone stop! If it ends this with no one else being hurt, I will go with them! I will go with the Zuma! Lucius, protect the Autarch, we....we can't beat it!"

As Calypso shouted, she felt a shudder go down her spine as she looked at Kettle tower over Lucius. It had acted faster than she could react, and Calypso was no slouch with a sword. 'This will be a slaughter! she thought, as she shouted, "I will go! I will go! Let it end here, don't hurt the Autarch, please!"
Calypso Hwitt (Dame of Golden Farrow)
Roleplay from Aerin Daubney
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
Aerin was shocked by the speed of the Daimon as it picked up and threw Solomon into the nearby tree that Aerin had previously watched this affair from, the monster then picked up and tossed Calypso to it's hellish groomers and kicked Sir Darren, launching him backwards as he tried to rush to fight the monster.

She gritted her teeth and drew her bowstring back and let fly a silver tipped arrow that stuck into its disgusting flesh, Aerin threw her bow down to the ground and drew her silvered longsword from it's hilt as she ran forward screaming "YOU WILL NOT HURT MY REALM-MATES!"

She tried to sidestep the Rabbit to run forward to save Calypso, sword raised ready to slash down any who tried to stop her, but then Calypso shouted for all to stop and Aerin slide to a halt, her eyes dancing between the Thunderborn, the Rabbit and the Groomers. She gave Calypso a stern glare "I can't let them take you, these monsters will not leave alive, I promised, I swore they wouldn't hurt any of you." Her gaze flickered almost nervously to Solomon whose arm appeared broken and Darren who had been kicked.

The Dame Daubeny stood her ground "Lady Hwitt, your concern is touching but I will not allow this monster to take you." She idly rubbed the symbol of House Blue that had been embedded into the sword's hilt, she thought of her uncle, Hervis, he stood defiantly before the Zuma. So would she.

"I am Aerin Daubeny, Daughter of Marcus Daubeny, on my oath to this realm, I cannot allow you to seize and leave with Lady Thunderborn Calypso Hwitt."
Aerin Daubney (Dame of Farrowfield)
Roleplay from Lucius Navaar
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
Despite the ringing in Lucius' ears, he still heard the words of Kettle as clear as day. His head pounding, he took in the sights. The palace guards all swarmed the Autarch and were trying to protect him. Calypso was shouting to leave her alone, Aerin was trying to shoot Kettle with a bow to no avail. Kettle demanded a thousand bushels of food. It's still winter. Food stores are short. Calypso could be gone for weeks. His mind raced as he squeezed his eyes shut.

Calypso was shouting. "I will go! I will go! Let it end here, don't hurt the Autarch, please!"

Aerin was trying to be strong. "I am Aerin Daubeny, Daughter of Marcus Daubeny, on my oath to this realm, I cannot allow you to seize and leave with Lady Thunderborn Calypso Hwitt."

Darren had tried stabbing.

Solomon was off to the side, beaten and wounded.

Lucius took a deep breath, and shifted his stance. "Lady Daubney, please be silent or I will silence you before Kettle does."

He hadn't wanted to barter, but there was no choice. As difficult as it was to obtain, he would offer it up. He reached back and slid his hand into a pouch. Slowly he extracted the only item he managed to fit in there, a heavy blanket of ruby cloth. With a what appeared to be a practiced motion, he shook it out into a cloak that he pulled on. The Ruby Blanket was a unique artifact, and the group of nobles and guards quickly began to feel their spirits restoring in its presence, undoing some of the effects of Kettle's fear inducing screech. Lucius met the large bunny's many eyes with burning determination in his own. "I'm sure you understand what I am wearing, Great Kettle. We shall deliver the food as quickly as we are able, however, it is still winter. Food is short, and I do not wish to abandon one of my own, foolish as she can be, as collateral."

Still looking Kettle in the eyes, he took a step forward. "We will deliver the food. In exchange for her," he gestured toward Calypso without breaking eye contact, "I will give you the Ruby Blanket. I trust that you will make good on your promise if we don't deliver the food as much as if Darren is caught in your lands again anyway. Is this acceptable to you?"
Lucius Navaar (Vestarch of Tol Goldora)
Roleplay from Aerin Daubney
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
Aerin's eyes flicked back to Lucius behind her, she growled "But Vestarch...we can't yield." Her eyes flicked back to the Rabbit and the Dame Daubeny felt herself tense up, she heard footsteps and knew Lucius had moved closer and Aerin could feel her will strengthen.

She sighed but kept her prepared stance with a voice filled with disdain she spoke "Very well, Vestarch, I hope you know what you're doing." The last of the sentence was more mumbled then spoken and Aerin took a step back, sword still leveled and held ready.

Aerin let Lucius make his offer, his eyes burning with determination that Aerin found admirable and in a few ways attractive. Whilst she didn't want to stand down and let the Zuma win but she would if it meant Calypso and Solomon's safety.
Aerin Daubney (Dame of Farrowfield)
Roleplay from Antigone Polytus
Message sent to Everyone in Tol Goldora
"My Lord! Are you allright?!"

Antigone exclaimed. Coming back from the tournament grounds, the commotion caught her attention and the first thing she notices is Solomon laying wounded under a tree. Seeing the argument with the Daimon Rabbit continue with the other nobles, Antigone decides to convince the Autarch to come with her to safety and starts to pick him up from the ground, helping him back up on his two feet.

"Let me get you up and out of here, there is no point in facing this creature again, and i think you only half realize how important you have always been for this realm. We cannot afford to loose you. Its imensley brave of you to face this daimon and attempt to negotiate with it, but it is simply not worth your life. We got to know when to stop. Let the others handle it from here."
Antigone Polytus (Dame of Golden Farrow)
Roleplay from Bartimus Chamberlain
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
Bart, cast an appraising eye. The rabbit was excessively large. He imagined this must be some sort of theatrical display as Dames and Lords ran at the beast with sword and fist, each sent flying hitting trees and what not... that none of them seemed injured by such falls gave a strong impression of the theatrics of the situation.

He wasn't sure at what point he should clap as the rabbit seemed by and large to be winning. Perhaps this was the point.

He regarded the rabbit again with a poachers eye. Give him an eight foot peg and a length of cable and he'd snare the big bugger regardless of its size... roast rabbit at the tournament feast would be an impressive dish.

Their King was sent flying hitting a tree, he raised his flaggon to them in appreciation of the display... surely now was the point where he would get up and slay the beast.

He cupped his hands. "Spear the fuc-" remembering he was a Lord now he quickly adjusted: "arse hat!"
Bartimus Chamberlain (Margrave of Nebel)
Roleplay from Darren Rea
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
A man shouldered his way into the courtyard, dirty furs covering him from head to foot. A small pack hung at his waist, also clearly made from some unfortunate small animal. He was tall, with intense blue eyes that blazed out from under a furred hood. His rather bush man like appearance was tempered somewhat by the large, ornate scabbard strapped to his back, a simple, leather bound handle poking above his shoulder. The scene before him made his breath catch, and he moved to the front of the crowd, watching the titanic Daemon treat with the surrounding humans. Slowly, he unbuckled his scabbard, moving the sheathed weapon to his left hand. Trouble was brewing, and Darren stood right in the center of it. As he always had.

Darren This time, he did duck, as a chitinous claw flashed above him, nipping Solomon into the air. Vainly, he'd tried to grab for the man, but he'd been distracted, trying to get the other man to back up, to prevent exactly this. Like a snake, Darren rushed for the beast, pulling a sword from the old man near Lucius's scabbard on the way. The Autarch flew, and a sick crack echoed across the small courtyard, and guards rushed for the ruler. The monster went for the woman who had been protecting Darren not a moment before, it's claws seemingly blurring through the air. Others were going for weapons now, but for Calypso, it was too late, as she rose into the air and was tossed towards some of the native Zuma humans. Darren dodged her sword, flying in the opposite direction of her body.

Damn it, this was all his fault. He had to stop it. Dominic would stop it.

While his hand had been mangled, decades ago now by the torturer in Madina, he was still able to grab things by pinching his thumb into his palm. The sword was heavy in his hand, even as he attempted to plunge it deeply into the beast's body, about where a normal rabbit's heart would be. The blow was weak, and Darren pulled back, trying twice more, before the sword clattered from his weak grip. It laughed at him then, a sweet melodic voice ringing about his ears.

   “You are a pathetic thing, of little worth or interest to any, yet even though you cause such trouble, some of these other simple beings seem to love you. I will devour you from your toes if you ever enter my lands again”

Darren stared in horror, knowing full well he couldn't get away fast enough, as a massive furred foot shot out, and kicked him square in the chest. He had just enough time to think about how much hitting the ground would hurt, before his head, followed by the rest of him met the dirt. He slid several more yards, but the darkness had took him on impact.

When the fighting started, the man had rushed forward. The crowd was standing far back from the proceedings, and before the man could get even halfway across the space, Darren was flying through the air. The man changed course, following the body of the infiltrator unerringly. His hood fell back, short, iron grey hair only broken by a small section of light black hair near the crown of his head. Moments after Darren stopped moving, the man reached him, dropping to his knees, scrabbling at the small pack at his side. Medical supplies flew between the man's fingers, even as he kept tabs on the unfolding events nearby. While they were several dozen yards from the Demon now, he'd seen how fast it moved, and he wanted to be sure to at least see it if it came for them.
Darren Rea (Noble)
Roleplay from Masalu Auru'in
Message sent to Everyone in Golden Farrow
Masalu dodges jagged debris that quite nearly takes his head while sighing under his breath. "No one ever listens to Masalu..."
Masalu Auru'in