Goldwater Family/Jacelyn/In Brive: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Message2 |Width= |Type=Roleplay |Sender= Lorelai Chamberlain, Dame of Aix |Recipients=All Nobles of Perdan (31 Recipients) - 2020-12-08 19:01 |Content='''In Brive''' The me...")
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"Do you fear something, Lori? Of course I will cover you, but first I have to fulfill my duty. I have to get home,  notify their families, make sure they are taken care of. I owe it to them. Then I'm here for you, whatever you need."
"Do you fear something, Lori? Of course I will cover you, but first I have to fulfill my duty. I have to get home,  notify their families, make sure they are taken care of. I owe it to them. Then I'm here for you, whatever you need."
|Sender= Lorelai Chamberlain, Dame of Aix
|Recipients=All Nobles of Perdan (32 Recipients) - 2020-12-10 01:34
|Content='''In Brive'''
She laughed a little. "You know me Jace... I don't always make friends easily, there are spears before me and knives both real and metaphorical at my back. There are few I would trust more to have my back than you my friend." She patted his shoulder. "So come to my tents, the healers will tend you and we will feed you on Mother Ollies cakes and toast those you have lost. Then... and don't argue... Fat Bastard will carry you back home." Over the years the horse had become lean and muscular, so very far from the fat bastard she had 'liberated' from the Westmoor Academy,  but the name had stuck regardless. "Tonsure will review the recruits in Perdan for you and meet you when you are ready to hire your next batch."
|Sender= Jacelyn Goldwater, Knight of Bisciye
|Recipients=All Nobles of Perdan (32 Recipients) - 2020-12-11 01:07
|Content='''In Brive'''
"Thank you, Lori, I'm in your debt."
Jacelyn fell to his knees, holding her hand before him as if it was sacred.
"I need no healer, it will heal by itself. It almost had already. But what about you, how have you been in the past days? We have last talked quite some time ago, do you remember? It was near Aldburg. I suppose we can talk as we walk to your camp, or else we will have to spend the night here."
|Sender= Lorelai Chamberlain, Dame of Aix
|Recipients=All Nobles of Perdan (32 Recipients) - 2020-12-11 03:29
|Content='''In Brive'''
She scanned the darkening horizon and quickly decided that here was not the place for now.
"No, you will come to my camp, I still want the healers to see you, and you have to know that Mother Ollie will be making an inordinate fuss of you." He didn't resist this time, rising at her gentle tug. The progress was meandering and slow though, partly his wounds and partly his wine, she didn't care though, just concerned and happy of his company.
"Well, I had some experience of prison life back in Yssrgard... which was interesting... and when I say interesting I mean dull... I was prepared, at least psychologically, for torture and taunts, but there was little of either. So I paid my ransom and set out for Perdan.... Bloody Yssrgardians decided to make sport of chasing me down, was worthwhile though because it made me watchful of the roads and the fact that they were assembling a force to take a shot at Meuse again."
The fresh air and the walk seemed to be bringing Jace back to himself. "Anyway, there was a tournament and half the nobility had done off for that, but Delphine managed to pull what was left together to make a show of force that sent Yssrgard back home... and now there's another tournament and they are back."
"Some amazing news though, on my way through Abadan, my scouts reported a lone noble, you'll never guess who it was... well is?" She waited less than a heartbeat for his reply. "My uncle!... well my half uncle. Uncle Goran, my grandmother spent years looking for him to no avail and I just walk straight into him so to speak in Abadan of all places... isn't that amazing! Better still he has sworn loyalty to Perdan so I am looking forward to seeing him soon."
The warm glow of her camp was coming into view, she could smell the fires roasting meats and hear the strains of song, complaints and camaraderie that seemed to accompany her warriors. "So I went to see Dustiria yesterday... she still hasn't decided on sanctions or reparations for Apollyon... its not that I don't sympathise, sitting in judgement on a friend can't be easy, but she doesn't seem to get that procrastination weakens her and let's everyone else come to conclusions on what judgement should be. I can't say she was best pleased, but I would sooner tell her the facts to her face as mutter behind her back. Hopefully she sees it for what it is... or else I have probably lost a friend."
The small warm barrel that was Mother Ollie was upon them mere minutes after they reached the camp. "Is that good Sir Goldwater?" A Maunt by training and personality, she had little use for formality pulling the tall noble down into a hug, she paid no heed to his discomfiture, instead linking his free arm. "We have been worried about you young man," she looked at him in earnest, frowning at the poor bandaging of his chest. "A bath, a hot meal and the healers for you tonight son..."
|Sender= Jacelyn Goldwater, Knight of Bisciye
|Recipients=All Nobles of Perdan (36 Recipients) - 2020-12-12 21:15
|Content='''In Brive'''
"Thank you, my dame. A true pleasure to meet you."
Once seated in her tent, with a hot meal in front of him and an old healer checking his wounds, Jacelyn continued, his tongue stuttering from ale.
"Apollyon, or Cailinn, or whatever, is a sad story. I offered him my help in renouncing legacy of his ancestors, but he refused. Would you believe it? A few weeks after, he's rotting in jail for terrible crimes he did due to this exact legacy. Oh well. I did what I could, but I did it mainly for Nemean."
|Sender= Lorelai Chamberlain, Dame of Aix
|Recipients=All Nobles of Perdan (36 Recipients) - 2020-12-12 23:12
|Content='''In Brive'''
"I really don't know what is going on with Cailin, I'm sure he will pull it around.... as time goes on I can't see him being banned or executed, but there will be a long way to go."
The old Maunt was virtually force feeding Jacelyn in her maternal flurry, but she had to acknowledge he already looked visibly better.
She stared at the drink in her hand. "I miss Nemean, he always made time for everyone..." she reached across to Jace again smiling sadly and squeezing his hand. "I am so pleased I found you today... because of today I know tomorrow will be better.... Jace?"
His soft breathing came with a peaceful look to his face as sleep claimed him.

Latest revision as of 08:49, 15 December 2020

Roleplay from Lorelai Chamberlain, Dame of Aix
Message sent to All Nobles of Perdan (31 Recipients) - 2020-12-08 19:01
In Brive

The men were billeted and she had heard reports of unusual nobles in the area. She could only assume Lord De La Fere was an infiltrator... she set her men to watching for his activities... then there was the other noble....

The Ale House was small, with open doors and windows that had tables spilling outwards across the grass to the meandering River. He was unmistakable amongst the farm workers and villagers, even as he sat with his back to her looking at the waters.

She pushed him on the shoulder. He rose with athletic grace despite being the worse for ale. Turning, his expression went from anger to bewilderment.

She took his silence as invitation drawing him down into a happy embrace.

"Jace.... I am so happy to see you."
Lorelai Chamberlain, Dame of Aix

Roleplay from Jacelyn Goldwater, Knight of Bisciye
Message sent to All Nobles of Perdan (31 Recipients) - 2020-12-08 21:07
In Brive

A silenced gasp escaped Jacelyn's lips as Lorelai embraced him and a painful grimace ran over his face, his healing chest reminding itself.

"I failed, Lori. I failed:"

The man looked stil the same, except for the bruises, but a certain change was noticeable. His eyes were sad, his spirit broken. His breath indicated that the usually temperate knight had been enjoying ale and mead for a long time, for many days.
Jacelyn Goldwater, Knight of Bisciye

Roleplay from Lorelai Chamberlain, Dame of Aix
Message sent to All Nobles of Perdan (31 Recipients) - 2020-12-08 21:35
In Brive

She slipped her hand into his. He looked bereft, spirit broken, that she was utterly clueless to whatever failure he felt was unimportant for that moment. She just didn't want to lose her friend again.

The scent of ale rolled on his breath with the faintest undertones of vomit. The grazes and bruising were as like as not from bar room brawls as well as remnants of their forays into Yssrgard.

"Jace.... I don't know what has happened, but there is nothing that we can't repair." She smiled in a manner she hoped was encouraging. "I am Lorelai of Aix.... there is little I will not consider for a friend... and you are one of my best Jace... what's wrong?"
Lorelai Chamberlain, Dame of Aix

Roleplay from Jacelyn Goldwater, Knight of Bisciye
Message sent to All Nobles of Perdan (31 Recipients) - 2020-12-08 21:52
In Brive

"I failed them. They're... They..." Jacelyn choked on his own words and turned away as his eyes filled with tears "I failed. I FAILED!"

He grabbed the nearest mug and threw it across the room, smashing it into pieces on impact.

"No matter what you do, not matter how you try, you still FAIL!"
Jacelyn Goldwater, Knight of Bisciye

Roleplay from Lorelai Chamberlain, Dame of Aix
Message sent to All Nobles of Perdan (31 Recipients) - 2020-12-08 22:41
In Brive

"Failed... failed at what Jace?" She looked around him. "Where is your captain, we need to get you..."

She stopped short as he snatched his hand back balling fists that matched his pained glare enough that had she not known him she would have backed off. She placed both her hands over his balled fists, pushing them down by his sides. Softly she took to her knees looking into his pained face. "Jace, what has happened?"
Lorelai Chamberlain, Dame of Aix

Roleplay from Jacelyn Goldwater, Knight of Bisciye
Message sent to All Nobles of Perdan (31 Recipients) - 2020-12-09 00:32
In Brive

"Oh no, you don't..." Jacelyn made Lorelai stand back up, obviously uncomfortable.

His voice became whisper, desperate and quiet, as his throat suddenly felt incredibly dry.

"My captain is in Winkamus, a few feet below the ground. And so is my squire, my scribe, all the men loyal to me. Or maybe not. The grave was too shallow to keep animals away for a long time. They could be anywhere, scattered around the damned forest, because I failed them."

He instinctively reached for his bandaged chest, blinded with tears.
Jacelyn Goldwater, Knight of Bisciye

Roleplay from Lorelai Chamberlain, Dame of Aix
Message sent to All Nobles of Perdan (31 Recipients) - 2020-12-09 01:19
In Brive

"You fought Yssrgard at Winkamus?" She was perplexed. "I lost all my horses but Fat Bastard in the defence of Bescanon..." he was shaking his head. "That you buried them yourself speaks so well of you my friend... you did them great honour. I pay my pennies to the grey sis-..." he was still shaking his head.

She looked at her hands: "I... I... Didn't see a battle report from Winkamus... I... Jace what happened?"
Lorelai Chamberlain, Dame of Aix

Roleplay from Jacelyn Goldwater, Knight of Bisciye
Message sent to All Nobles of Perdan (31 Recipients) - 2020-12-09 02:11
In Brive

"I didn't bury them. Caligan farmers did. The same farmers that saved me from death, when I was unconscious amongst the bodies. I didn't even bury them."

Jacelyn slowly pulled up his tunic, revealing three ugly fresh scars on his belly and a bloodied bandage around his chest before dropping the tunic again.

"I- I was barely able to move, they had to get me out on a cart."

His voice shaked, causing a pause between the sentences.

"A mutiny. Would you believe it? After everything?"
Jacelyn Goldwater, Knight of Bisciye

Roleplay from Lorelai Chamberlain, Dame of Aix
Message sent to All Nobles of Perdan (32 Recipients) - 2020-12-09 03:51
In Brive

The pieces fell into place and she was heart sick for her friends pain.

"Jace, men are loyal to gold far more than they are to honour." She took his hand attempting to pull him up, he didn't move and she sat back beside him.

"Its awful... truly awful, but it happens to the best of us... the quartermaster messes up payment and men leave. That they raised hands to you is unacceptable."

He was barely listening, immersed in grief and ale. She tried to summon her inner marshal, but found only his friend who wanted nothing more than to make him better. "Jace, I need to take you to the healer, your chest... it could be better... I need to get you cleaned up, and I need you ready to defend my back. There is nobody I trust more, please, come with me..."
Lorelai Chamberlain, Dame of Aix

Roleplay from Jacelyn Goldwater, Knight of Bisciye
Message sent to All Nobles of Perdan (32 Recipients) - 2020-12-10 01:13
In Brive "Do you fear something, Lori? Of course I will cover you, but first I have to fulfill my duty. I have to get home, notify their families, make sure they are taken care of. I owe it to them. Then I'm here for you, whatever you need."
Jacelyn Goldwater, Knight of Bisciye

Roleplay from Lorelai Chamberlain, Dame of Aix
Message sent to All Nobles of Perdan (32 Recipients) - 2020-12-10 01:34
In Brive She laughed a little. "You know me Jace... I don't always make friends easily, there are spears before me and knives both real and metaphorical at my back. There are few I would trust more to have my back than you my friend." She patted his shoulder. "So come to my tents, the healers will tend you and we will feed you on Mother Ollies cakes and toast those you have lost. Then... and don't argue... Fat Bastard will carry you back home." Over the years the horse had become lean and muscular, so very far from the fat bastard she had 'liberated' from the Westmoor Academy, but the name had stuck regardless. "Tonsure will review the recruits in Perdan for you and meet you when you are ready to hire your next batch."
Lorelai Chamberlain, Dame of Aix

Roleplay from Jacelyn Goldwater, Knight of Bisciye
Message sent to All Nobles of Perdan (32 Recipients) - 2020-12-11 01:07
In Brive

"Thank you, Lori, I'm in your debt."

Jacelyn fell to his knees, holding her hand before him as if it was sacred.

"I need no healer, it will heal by itself. It almost had already. But what about you, how have you been in the past days? We have last talked quite some time ago, do you remember? It was near Aldburg. I suppose we can talk as we walk to your camp, or else we will have to spend the night here."
Jacelyn Goldwater, Knight of Bisciye

Roleplay from Lorelai Chamberlain, Dame of Aix
Message sent to All Nobles of Perdan (32 Recipients) - 2020-12-11 03:29
In Brive

She scanned the darkening horizon and quickly decided that here was not the place for now.

"No, you will come to my camp, I still want the healers to see you, and you have to know that Mother Ollie will be making an inordinate fuss of you." He didn't resist this time, rising at her gentle tug. The progress was meandering and slow though, partly his wounds and partly his wine, she didn't care though, just concerned and happy of his company.

"Well, I had some experience of prison life back in Yssrgard... which was interesting... and when I say interesting I mean dull... I was prepared, at least psychologically, for torture and taunts, but there was little of either. So I paid my ransom and set out for Perdan.... Bloody Yssrgardians decided to make sport of chasing me down, was worthwhile though because it made me watchful of the roads and the fact that they were assembling a force to take a shot at Meuse again."

The fresh air and the walk seemed to be bringing Jace back to himself. "Anyway, there was a tournament and half the nobility had done off for that, but Delphine managed to pull what was left together to make a show of force that sent Yssrgard back home... and now there's another tournament and they are back."

"Some amazing news though, on my way through Abadan, my scouts reported a lone noble, you'll never guess who it was... well is?" She waited less than a heartbeat for his reply. "My uncle!... well my half uncle. Uncle Goran, my grandmother spent years looking for him to no avail and I just walk straight into him so to speak in Abadan of all places... isn't that amazing! Better still he has sworn loyalty to Perdan so I am looking forward to seeing him soon."

The warm glow of her camp was coming into view, she could smell the fires roasting meats and hear the strains of song, complaints and camaraderie that seemed to accompany her warriors. "So I went to see Dustiria yesterday... she still hasn't decided on sanctions or reparations for Apollyon... its not that I don't sympathise, sitting in judgement on a friend can't be easy, but she doesn't seem to get that procrastination weakens her and let's everyone else come to conclusions on what judgement should be. I can't say she was best pleased, but I would sooner tell her the facts to her face as mutter behind her back. Hopefully she sees it for what it is... or else I have probably lost a friend."

The small warm barrel that was Mother Ollie was upon them mere minutes after they reached the camp. "Is that good Sir Goldwater?" A Maunt by training and personality, she had little use for formality pulling the tall noble down into a hug, she paid no heed to his discomfiture, instead linking his free arm. "We have been worried about you young man," she looked at him in earnest, frowning at the poor bandaging of his chest. "A bath, a hot meal and the healers for you tonight son..."
Lorelai Chamberlain, Dame of Aix

Roleplay from Jacelyn Goldwater, Knight of Bisciye
Message sent to All Nobles of Perdan (36 Recipients) - 2020-12-12 21:15
In Brive

"Thank you, my dame. A true pleasure to meet you."

Once seated in her tent, with a hot meal in front of him and an old healer checking his wounds, Jacelyn continued, his tongue stuttering from ale.

"Apollyon, or Cailinn, or whatever, is a sad story. I offered him my help in renouncing legacy of his ancestors, but he refused. Would you believe it? A few weeks after, he's rotting in jail for terrible crimes he did due to this exact legacy. Oh well. I did what I could, but I did it mainly for Nemean."
Jacelyn Goldwater, Knight of Bisciye

Roleplay from Lorelai Chamberlain, Dame of Aix
Message sent to All Nobles of Perdan (36 Recipients) - 2020-12-12 23:12
In Brive

"I really don't know what is going on with Cailin, I'm sure he will pull it around.... as time goes on I can't see him being banned or executed, but there will be a long way to go."

The old Maunt was virtually force feeding Jacelyn in her maternal flurry, but she had to acknowledge he already looked visibly better.

She stared at the drink in her hand. "I miss Nemean, he always made time for everyone..." she reached across to Jace again smiling sadly and squeezing his hand. "I am so pleased I found you today... because of today I know tomorrow will be better.... Jace?"

His soft breathing came with a peaceful look to his face as sleep claimed him.
Lorelai Chamberlain, Dame of Aix