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|Sender=Dancer Rea
|Recipients=Everyone in Keffa
|Content=With a turned up nose, the Duke followed his lady, hand on standard Thalmarkin-issue calvary sword. He'd left his pack with the carriage, and he felt naked without it....but walking around Keffa with a bag of daemon worship seemed like a bad idea. The hair on the back of his neck stood up as he looked to the twin pillars of light in the sky. These Obeahains did not know what they were messing with, nor did those assembled. The Veil between worlds was thin, and he could feel it fluctuating wildly across his very skin. By Akkan, this was the closest anyone had gotten in the last-
His musings were cut short by none other then Duncan drunkenly staggering up to him. Without a word, Dancer smacked the boy across his chin, before leaning down to hiss in his ear.
"Keep to the shadows, fool. Don't you understand the danger we are in?"
Dancer pushed the unfortunate drunkard back to the ground, before sauntering away. Damn foolish boy.
In a matter of minutes, Anyte and Dan reached the square, bustling with people....and reeking of blood. Dancer held his seethed sword in white knuckles, magic bristling up and down his skin, and looked to Anyte for guidance.
|Title=Duke of the Northeast Wind, Baron of Jedinchel
|Sender=Alice Schwarzherzig
|Recipients=Everyone in Keffa
|Content=Alice and the Morgul Guard arrived in Keffa atop black destriers. The Morgul guard wore identical garb, not showing one shred of flesh, clad in the charcoal colored armor of their order, their great helms unnerving to passerby. Alice dressed similarly, save she wore a hood instead of a helm, and the mediocre Coat of Tyranny adorned her torso. Silently they road through the streets of Keffa, the banner of Carn Dum held high, the ambassador's seal clearing any challenge made.
They rode towards the light, towards the palace, and the temple. A crowd had gathered in the main square, and the presence of Obian troops, and troops from the Vale marked Alice's destination. They approached silently, and halted before the assembled troops. Without a word, they dismounted as one. Alice made a few simple gestures, and the Morgul guard fanned out, sporting greatbows carved from ebony.
Alice approached, lowering her hood, the guards parting upon seeing the medallion she wore about her neck. Alice looked upon Saoirse and Jecht, and offered a bow, her right arm outstretched, palm to the ground, and her left arm behind her back.
"Your eminence, your Imperial Majesty. I am Carn Dum, and in this instance, I am proud to say, I am Irondale."
|Title=Ambassador of Irondale, Duchess of Carn Dum
|Sender=Jheda Orobar
|Recipients=Everyone in Keffa
|Content="My Lord, we just confirmed Queen Bae, Duchess Anyte and Duke Dancer arrived in the city. They seem to be making their way to the Temple Square. You should know it's very crowded there, the air thick with tension and barely controlled violence. All that's needed is for someone to light the fuse and the situation will explode."
Jheda was looking at a strange catch phrase, 'IT IS COMING ', painted on the statue of a man holding his lance in a rather suggestive way. This piece of modern art was intriguing to say the least. He would have to track down the artist. Unger could use a fresh touch.
When the scout finished his report, Jheda turned around to face him. "Thank you. Let me know if someone else of interest arrives. And try to find out if we can get closer to these magic pilars."
Not much later, way in front of him, Jheda spotted Anyte and Dancer. The Queen was probably somewhere close. Jheda ordered his men to silently secure a perimeter around them and to be ready to intervene when necessary. He himself would shadow them more closely. They would no doubt sense his presence, and call for him if he was needed.
Jheda watched them go and started laughing. A Lady taking her puppy for a walk. Some things never changed.
|Title=Margrave of Unger
| colspan=5| '''Light Show Slows'''
message to everyone in the vicinity of Keffa - 17 hours, 28 minutes ago
Crackling energy sparked as Moira's individual stones approached the light before being set in a circle upon the temple dome. The moment the circle was completed was the moment Gustav stepped into the Light below.
And in that moment, bold agyrian gold shot up the column of light from the dome upward, the transitioning lights below unphased. The golden hue flooded the clouds and rained light-shards upon the city. Those struck seemed suddenly more content with life.
Then the whole column again filled with a colour, this time from the base of the temple, a dark vordulian crimson. And again filled the clouds and rained light-shards upon the city. Those struck seemed suddenly more ambitious in life.
The column was left rotating between the previous yellow, red, black, green.
Within the temple, Gustav walked into the Light under the mistaken belief it held an open portal, so strong his conviction he nearly willed it so. But mortal will is never enough alone. And so he stepped into the Light. And stepped out of the Light a moment later, his flesh melting, even his bones melting into a goop, the momentum of his stepping into the light flinging Gustav Goop across a third of the room and it's unfortunate priestly inhabitants, just as the column of light filled with dark vordulian crimson.
After the second set of stones were set upon the temple roof, the rotating lights slowed. Not noticed immediately, but after careful timing by scholars, they concluded the lights now lasted 21 minutes each, rather than 15.
Elsewhere, the spilt blood of the vordul ritualists in the square seemed to give off its own light.
|Recipients=Everyone in Keffa
|Content=Polli had ignored the chaos around her as she had before the first attempted
ritual had been ruined by the agent stepping upon the chalk. This time, the ritualwork by her and Godfrey Greybrook seemed to be having a stronger effect, even as Emilia's soldiers were engaged in a Herculean, against all odds, effort of defending the ritual.  In ignoring the surrounding chaos, Polli's life was on the line, and she just didn't seem to care, so intense was here single-minded focus upon the ritual.
But when the Grandmistress spoke, Polli finally reacted, "The Pillar is the Eternal Emperor's affair."
|Recipients=Everyone in Keffa
|Content=Imperator Arjan de Zueww of the Shattered Vales,
No portal has been opened.
For Nova,
|Sender=Arjan de Zueww
|Recipients=Everyone in Keffa
|Content=Maybe the portal isn't open Avice but something tells me there's still danger around the corner. Stay sharp and keep your weapons to hand!
|Title=Imperator of Shattered Vales
|Sender=Yao Ling Pryde
|Recipients=Everyone in Keffa
|Content=The column of light glowed golden and Yao Ling saw the magic change as golden shards of light rained down from the clouds.  One of them pierced her robes, her skin, and what seemed like it had to be her soul.  The peace and contentment she had been trying to project over the city filled her more completely than she had felt in... she could not remember.
"Whoa," she whispered, just in time to watch the column shift colors again.  Deep red this time it was, and it filled the clouds with the whiff of a kind of magic she had not seen in a very long time.  There was blood in this, but she could not feel any concern over that fact.  A detached part of her mind knew there should be a reason to worry about it, but she was feeling so... content right now.  All the world was good and right, and things would work out.  Then the red shards of light rained down and Yao Ling saw one hit Betty.
The younger woman blossomed in that moment, suddenly seeming more alive and vibrant than ever before.  Yao Ling remembered her father standing on the battlements of Creasur so long ago, with just that look of determination.  It was good to see that spark return to this world.
Then Yao Ling turned back to the square and looked towards the Obian temple with the sense that a time had come.
"I think it is time we meet our friends over there," Yao Ling whispered in a contented tone.  "Could you see if that could be arranged?"
"I shall arrange it, Mistress," Betty said and charged off the wall like she was the living impersonation of a bull.
Oh yes.  It was so good to have that back.  Life was... good.
|Title=Sophos of Nothoi
|colspan=5| '''Magic In The Air'''
The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.
|Sender=Godfrey Greybrook
|Recipients=Everyone in Keffa
As Godfrey focussed on the goblet and poured his will unto it, the lights in sky flickered and changed to a dark Vordul crimson. Resting on his knees in his prayer position, Godfrey's eyes closed and pressed two fingers to his blood oath scar.
This is the sign from the Eternal Emperor the faith needed, blood magic is the strongest of all magic. For it is sacred, especially those whom have embraced the oath. Progress cannot come without pain and sacrifice. Yet, there was little remorse for the death that must of occurred.
The Prophet knew of Gustav's resolve but also potential teachings and understandings to defer from the theocratic truth. Yet, the Duke knew he was loyal to the Eternal Emperor's vision, regardless of his interpretation. Thus, he gave a small obituary to himself:
"May the lord rest his mortal concerns and fight alongside our champion, for his soul was tortured but he followed the Eternal Emperor's footsteps, carrying pain and suffering that we all must learn from, for humanity can only be saved through hardship. In Sacred Blood."
Stepping up from his position and gathering his items, he did not expect the events to turn in such a way. Yet, these signs cannot be doubted. Has the Eternal Emperor chosen Poli as his champion? Yet, she is not noble... What does that mean? She bares his word without knowing it's significance. Does Xlair summon her to the other side?
Whatever the cause, her destiny must not be intercepted as he strode to Poli's side with his ritual dagger unsheathed.
"Poli, your arrival here is a sign that the Eternal Emperor wishes to usher change. You must be inducted to the faith, offer your wrist to me and repeat after me. From here, I will see your destiny through as his prophet:
"From this day forward,
I am Sworn to the Eternal Emperor.
As it has been given, it can be taken, by his word.
Through him I shall have power.
Through him I shall have immortality.
Through him, and only him, shall I have absolution.
For now, and forever.
So do I swear, In Blood Eternal."
|Title=Ambassador of Vordul Sanguinis, Duke of Vordul Sanguinis
|Sender=Kristina Chamberlain
|Recipients=Everyone in Keffa
|Content=She looked down at the large laundry skip now housing the remnants of Gustav Kuriga, though she imagined they would be finding bits of him for the weeks and months to come. It felt somewhat disrespectful that anyone should end up in such a vessel, but here he was. Her irritation returned hot on the heels of her brimming concern.
Time was a concept of which she often felt there was either too much or too little... something she was always far too aware of, but even more so the days since the ritual had begun... she at once wished it was over but, sensing the taints of corruption that may be little more than guilt or paranoia, she bore the vain hope that it would never reesolve and simply be... or not be. And now Yxevarii was, in the midst of this chaos, arranging a magisterium with the likes of Yao Ling Pryde... she remembered the woman well enough as one of the chief supporters and advisors of her brother, a wise enough soul, but Daishi to her iron core. The situation was well beyond such interventions, a magisterium had a place before a single spell was cast, not as they now bore witness to the fruits of their labours.
How long did it take to get the pipers to the chamber... how long before some other desperate fool did something to corrupt the equilibrium of the column... an equilibrium that perhaps Moira of all people could help her control, or at least understand.
She motioned the Templar forward: "Escort.... ah.... his Grace from the chamber. Then find the Grand Templar,  let him know what has happened and what needs to happen moving forward." The man looked a little blank. "The ladies Avice, Viviene and Dolores need to be brought to the ritual chamber,  along with as many of the eight as can be found. Keffa is heading for utter chaos and we need to control and consolidate as soon as soon and as best we can."
She resisted the urge to go back to pacing, trying not to look at the pulsating column, instead her eyes found Moira again. "Its not a portal Moira, well not in the strictest terms anyway... it is a combination of faith, scrollwork and portal magic. The gold of the core is primal... but such a combinations puts me more in mind of the Flow.... help me Moira, help me to see it so that we gave a chance, however slim to balance it."
|Title=Baroness of Zwering, Priestess of Obeah

Revision as of 23:58, 30 September 2020


The Cafe The Square The Kings The Temple The Street
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa

Soldiers march. Shouts. Screams. Red blood stains Keffan blue.
Ravens fly. Rain comes. A second light joins the first. The Weave strains.
Children run home. Windows shutter. Ekrem shouts to flee over thunder.
The rain’s soft kiss marks Nerta’s cloak, yet the minstrel only hums to himself.
Always she arrives too late. After monsters ruin lives.
Not today.

“Come on Jacinda, it’s time to die for something!”
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Jheda Orobar
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
It wasn't so long ago that Jheda passed through the City of Keffa, while scouting for enemy forces. Today, the war with Irondale and Nothoi was history, and Obia'Syela reclaimed their Holy City. The nearly ruined city showed many signs of civilisation being restored. Old buildings being repaired, new ones constructed. The streets and markets crowded with people from all over Beluaterra, looking for opportunity and business. From what his scouts told him, many nobles from several Realms were here too. That wasn't a surprise. They came attrackted by the enormous pilar of light shooting to the sky, same as him.

That wasn't the only reason he was here though. Sure he would investigate what was happening, but while he was here, with many of his former friends, he would look into the possibilty of building bridges between Thalmarkin and Obia'Syela. Besides that, he would also keep an eye on his Queen and try to keep her safe.

"So you're telling me they used 8 magic stones to create that pilar? And many fear they can't control it and it will cause death?" Jheda looked at his informant with disbelieve. "Can't say I'm impressed. I only need two stones to erect my own enormous pilar, and the beam it will eject will surely create life. Amateurs."

"Anyway, send the scouts out, have them map the canals in the city. Also, if they find places smelling like onions, make sure they report it so I can avoid them. And send word to the people running the show here, to thank them for their hospitality."
Jheda Orobar (Margrave of Unger)
Magic in the Air

The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.

Magic in the Air

The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.

Magic in the Air

The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.

Magic in the Air

The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.

Magic in the Air

The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.

Roleplay from Dancer Rea
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
Life is full of lines. Lines to pay for goods, lines to march in file, several lines on court day. Dancer was not used to being in lines, however. He was much more used to being the reason the line was made.

The carriage rocked back and forth as they moved up yet another spot in the endless lines outside of Keffa. A light rain sprinkled outside the carriage, not enough to make the road muddy, but the clouds on the horizen promised to remedy that.


Further in the line. Dancer could see the walls now, so they must be getting close to the front of the line. He looked acroos the carriage, to Anyte. She was reading some missives they had received on the way here. Dancer had gotten several as well, but he found it difficult to concentrate on much...not with the magic in the air making his hair stand on end.


"State your name and business."

"Duchess Anyte, and Duke Dancer, here on a diplomatic visit."

Ha. Such fancy words for 'because the Queen said so,' Dancer thought grumply. A soldier poked his head in the window quickly, and disappeared again with a curt nod. With another creak, the carriage began making its way deeper into the city, ever closer to the column of light.
Dancer Rea (Duke of the Northeast Wind, Baron of Jedinchel)
Roleplay from Vahanian Blint
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
Vahanian's eyes scanned the assembled crowd and the Vordul forces in front of him. Reins of his destrier in one hand, sword in the other. A light rain began to fall, though he barely noticed. His mind was focused on the blood magic being wrought in his city. His arm ached and throbbed at the magic in the air, the shards of a portal stone long exploded embedded deep beneath the skin were both a blessing and a curse. They caused a great deal of pain when magic was being worked, but they were also a warning, a warning against and to magic. All surgical attempts to remove them had resulted in.... misfortune. He could taste the blood on the air, it tasted of iron and stank of death. He waited, at the right hand of the Grandmistress, for her next action.

Across the square he saw one of his aides appear and nod to him, his message to the Grand Inquisitor had been delivered and accepted. Her forces would be arriving shortly.

He ignored the searing pain in his arm, he knew it would pass, it always did. The old Templar's eyes scanned the crowd again, his practiced eye looking for threats.
Vahanian Blint (Grand Templar of Obia'Syela, Duke of Amen Keffa, Margrave of Keffa)
Roleplay from Maxima
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
As the day was slowly being devoured by the night Maximia walked the city streets of Keffa. She was sent here by her Lord for two reasons. One was to unravel whatever it was that was going on with these strange lights in this strange place. Two, she was to find the camp of Lady Fiorina Margaretener and deliver her a letter from her Lord. As far as first was concerned Maximia had no illusions - foul magic was at play, apparently orchestrated by scions of the Veiled Goddes. She hated them, as any true Mordokian would, and despised their ways. The second reason Maximia enjoyed. Her Lord's romantic conquests were not as nearly as efficient as his military ones, yet the Lady had a winsome guard in her service who winked at her the last time she met him during the tournament in Iato. Here, there could be something for her as well, she thought. The irresistible pulchritude of the night was enchanting. As any true hunter, Maximia loved it and adored it. In the night her senses became clear, her instincts merciless, yet her prey for this night would be just to find a noblewoman. "Oi! You! A letter for your Lady." She yelled at the winsome guard few hours later once she located where Lady Fiorina was staying.
Maxima (Commoner of Ar Agyr)
Roleplay from Skade
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
Skade weaved her way through the crowds, occassionally bludgeoning someone out of her way with her staff. The city was chaos, but such was to be expected. She had noted the passage of the Emperor, just a knight when they had met, and moved towards him, only to he stopped by his guards.

"I bring a message from the Duchess of Carn Dum." She stated, and was shoved back by the guards, who laughed at the peasant woman. She produced a seal from her robes.

"I said I bear a message. This seal marks me a servant of the Ambassador of Irondale. I must deliver the message to the Emperor."
Skade (Commoner of Irondale)
Roleplay from Kristina Chamberlain
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
Rounding the bend in the stairwell she was confronted by the splattered ichor up the bottom steps and on the walls of the passage. Templars and acolytes looked sheepishly from their tasks with mops, capes, towels, indeed anything that could be used to scoop up the exploded remnants of the body formally known as Gustav Kuriga.

"What... what by Obeah has happened?"

One of the Templars who seemed to have been coordinating the cleansing, stepped forward, studiously avoiding eye contact. "Deepest apologies Prelate," he began unsure whether to stand to attention or bend in supplication. The effect was that he nervously bobbed from foot to foot like some child needing to relieve himself. "The man ran in like something not right, Prelate... he jumped at the column.... and well..."

She let the word hang in the air a moment. "Well?" She prompted him.

"Ah.... well.... he.... well he kind of.... pulped."

"Pulped?" Moira had arrived at her back, her eyes wide as she took in the scene.

The Templar reddened further seeking words to describe something he found basically indescribable. Looking to his colleagues he noted that they had studiously and vigorously resumed cleaning. "He hit the column, like he hit a wall... then he went sort of stretchy right around the column.... then he was... well you can see... pulped." The last word was barely a whisper under the golden flare of the Prelates unrelenting gaze.

"What madness..." at least she knew now not to try and enter the column. She turned her attention back to the Templar: "So was it a Templar or an acolyte?" Not that it mattered....

His eyes met hers at that. "No Prelate, it was Ambassador Kuriga of the Vordulists."

Kristina Chamberlain (Baroness of Zwering, Priestess of Obeah)
Roleplay from Ellen Vorn
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
"What a beautiful day today is!" Ellen thinks as she walks around one of the open air markets that has popped up since the ritual started. This wondering around the city has become a bit of a habit since there are new people and things coming to the city everyday. Today what has caught her eye is a type of food that she hasn't had the opportunity to try before. It was called Popped corn. Quite the weird idea but intriguing none the less. After buying a bag and trying some Ellen fell in love with the snack as she continues her walk she hears a commotion coming from the area around the main temple where the ritual is going on. Ellen walks into the square hoping to find some entertainment after hearing the noise that was coming from the area it must have been something quite fun. Ellen instead finds some chaos unfolding in the square and a large number of soldiers blocking the sight of what is going on. So Ellen waiting to find out what is going on quietly watches the chaos while enjoying her new favorite snack.
Ellen Vorn (Baroness of Dald)
Roleplay from Angyll
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
A tall thin man ran barefoot across the street and dashed into a shop on the street side, slamming the door behind him and leaning against the door breathing heavily. Long silver hair fell over his shoulders in a mess, his thin torso covered (barely) by what appears to be a child's shirt that came no where close to his waist where an oddly mismatched set of trousers hung loosely, appearing to be military attire generally worn beneath the greaves rather than stand alone trousers. As his eyes looked across the room, seeing many frightened and many distracted customers within the small Cafe, some looking his way curiously.

His lips curl into a broad smile as he steps forward slowly, almost demurely, one barefoot landing heel to toe of his other bare foot as his hips swagger. A dirty right hand reaches up and he oh so gently brushes some of the long hair from his face, leaving streaks of blood and grime on his canvas white face.

"How do you do?" He said softly, politely.

"Oh hello." He said said to the next person he passed.

"Oh staaawwwp" he said, acting embarrassed as people looked at his barely covered torso, the child shirt stopping just above the belly button to show his hip bones from the low riding guard pants.

"Oh hello to you too." He said happily as he made his way past another and finally to "a" counter, not "thee" counter, but "a" counter, where he stood and stared at the blank wall opposite.

"One wine please, make it a double, but only if it's been thoroughly filtered off a woman's left thigh." he said, to no one.

He then stood there, petting his hair softly and waiting in the cafe and trying not to draw attention to himself.
Angyll (Commoner of Obia'Syela)
Roleplay from Timsen Quasath
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
Timsen approached the area where the pillars of light were shifting and shimmering. As he had approached there were several riots and mobs around the city, as people focused their nervous energies on whatever theatre was occurring nearby. Timsen saw ruling nobility from all over the continent, and avoided them completely. This was no time for polite or political talk, but one of observation and action. Timsen planted himself in front of the pillars, his Slingers forcing space amongst the rabble and respecting other nobles. Arms crossed and eyes squinted, Timsen monitored the lights for anything daimonic.
Timsen Quasath (Duke of Providence, Margrave of Vozzessdor)
Roleplay from Wren the Watcher
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
“Come on Jacinda, it’s time to die for something!”

Wren popped up from behind the table where she had been waiting and watching defensively.

"Nerta friend will not die. I'm coming with you!"

She tossed her fluffy mottled brown cloak back over both shoulders and rushed to catch her friends as they made their way out the door, barely avoiding a lean and swaggering individual on his way in.

Profane things happen. The Old Gods watch. We will be strong and they will see.
Wren the Watcher (Foederati)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
Nerta laughs and squeezes Wren's shoulder as her sister slips from the crowd, “Wren! Were you spying on us again? I’m glad to see you.”

Dodging the swaggering stranger, Nerta continues heedless of if he can hear, “Is there anything in the Old Man’s books about this? I know we’re on a locus and we’ve got Augur Blooded crawling out of the woodwork. Oh right and at least six armies, so I could use some good news right now…”
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Angyll
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
...“Come on Jacinda, it’s time to die for something!”

The thin man's head tilted to the side, looking around the Cafe for the sound. As his pale grey eyes wandered the crowd he saw people running, almost even bumping into him as he leaned at the counter.

He picked up on many words that he liked, such as "spying", "crawling", "six" and his bare feet carried him quickly behind Wren before the door could close behind her.

...so I could use some good news right now…”

"Oh you aaaare in luck!" Angyll declared, arriving next to Nerta and company as if he was their traveling companion.

"Did you know, that great bright lights are both blinding AND welcoming?!" He implored, eyes darting from each of the people to make sure they heard the really good news.

Sensing a pause he quickly thought of more good news.

"Okay Okay." He put his grime covered hand sticky with deep red and black on his chin, tapping his finger on his lip.

"Oh yes! More good news is the one armed man found his other arm! Right inside the PORTAL!"

He crooked his elbow and put his other arm behind his back as he re-enacted it.

"He said Give me back my arm you BASTARDS! then vwoooop!" he paused again, features lit up awaiting praise, assured this must be the good news.
Angyll (Commoner of Obia'Syela)
Roleplay from Moira
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
Moira felt a deepening nausea as they descended several flights of stairs into the Temple complex proper, its freshly constructed walls limned in the jarring sickly glare of the immaterium. This was madness! To wilfully rend the veil separating the world of flesh from the ever-churning warp of the Flow? Even the Balancewalkers only dared cross the trackless gulfs of ancient space and time when necessity demanded! But here this sorceress of Ora was, this worshipper of false goddesses, pitching an entire city into that maelstrom of ungovernable possibilities...

They turned a corner and her eyes alighted on the bloody remains of a man. She knew it was a man not by its shape which was now largely unrecognisable, but because at the very same instant her mortal eyes saw the remains, her second sight watched a young man sacrificing his own flesh for a Daemon's lies as a grizzled old man stood watching, unreconciled to the forgiveness he'd been shown. The whisper of a name echoed out of phase across the realms: Kuriga. Gustav Kuriga. It meant nothing to her but she could tell he'd been a warrior, and that like Kristina and herself his life had been deeply intertwined with the otherworld.

The first time Moira had learned of portals and the realms beyond she'd been a young knight, a blooded veteran of the Oberndorf and Akesh Temple campaigns with that determined disbelief in the supernatural common to Fontan's warrior aristocracy. True the Elven Foe had a certain way with steel and craft which stretched the bounds of reason, and the Balancewalkers were always a shadowy presence, but there was nothing magical.

That was before Hannibal returned from the dead, hurtling headlong from the hell his crimes had bought him into the midst of bloody battle, his shrivelled arm clutched to his side...

"Pulped?" Moira watched the scramble of activity as Kristina put the fear of their god into her servants, "A poor death for a brave man... or perhaps one last scream of defiance by a broken one..."

She could respect that.
Moira (Adventurer of Ar Agyr)
Roleplay from Anyte Luitolf
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
It was a long travel, but finally, Keffa could be seen in the distance. It had been a long time since Anyte had stepped foot in Obia, and the last thing she remembered of it as she fled north was watched her home go up in flames and her sister disappear into the night chased down by inquisitors unjustly. It was true that she had since exchanged peaceful letters with both the ruler and grand inquisitor of Obia, but words could only go so far. To her, this was not only official business on behalf of the Kin, but also personal business to see if they had changed as much as they had claimed. Trust was something to be earned, and the fact she even felt safe enough to show up, at least to her, spoke wonders in and of itself.

As the carriage pulled to a stop in the city, she heard a strange may ask their purpose. Dancer stepped out first, and answered him, while Anyte pushed past them both on the way out with the help of Isemay and Allova. Anyte gazed about the city, one she had never set foot in before even though she was born an 'Obian'. The worst part was the temple in the distance. She knew the history of it, and the story coupled with what happened in the south turned her stomach slightly.

"You there," She snapped at the man that had spoken to Dancer while hobbling over leaning heavily on her walking cane, "Tell me where the diplomatic assembly is. Don't worry about him, he is duke and observer from Thalmarkin, I am the official Ambassador here at my Queen's request."
Anyte Luitolf (Ambassador of Thalmarkin, Duchess of The Bathory)
Roleplay from Duncan Blackstone
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
Duncan bowed to the Tao ladies and said “Well, I got to go, I think I see my boss.”

Duncan drunkly stumbled over, he thought he saw Dancer and walked over, he found Dancer and Anyte.

Duncan smiled and walked over, though his walk was far from straight due to all of his alcohol “LORD DANCER, MISSTRESS, hic, how have you two been, it’s been so long my masters since we last spoke.” Duncan fell over slightly and pushed himself up, grinning at Dancer.
Duncan Blackstone (Commoner of Thalmarkin)
Roleplay from Valian Stone Daubeny
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
Valian stood, he glared at Blint but then nodded and gave a thankful smile to Saoirse.

He turned to his men “Withdraw to the Temple, protected the Prelate, I must find Elizabeth and Viviane.”

Valian ran off towards the coffeehouse, he saw her run into.
Valian Stone Daubeny (Knight of Ossmat)
Roleplay from Baelunìataisharà Blue
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
As Princess Anyte stepped from her carriage and called for an attendant, Bae slipped from the rear of the vehicle, and stole into the city. Weaponless, barring the two daggers, she disappeared from sight, no rustle coming from her black and white armor.

Her unit had entered the city before her in twos and threes, having dispersed before crossing the border into Keffa. They were all within shouting distance, for now. This was standard with the Queen, upon entering a populated city. Her soldiers were used to it by now, and knew of her penchant to explore alone. Nothing they could day would ever deter her, and her captain had worked hard to be allowed to remain with earshot.

She entered a square sometime later, open to the sky. The deep purple blush of predawn colored the eastern sky, and was complimented by the striking hues of the beam of light climbing skyward.

"Later," she grumbled, turning her back on the brightening sky.

"What?," came a hoarse whisper from the shadows?

Bae hung her head in mock disappointment. "Get out here, Flavonia."

Her captain stepped from a shadow not four paces from the Queen.

"You call that a 'loose tail?'" Bae gestured at the hiding place. "How did you even... Never mind. Did you at least find a good brothel while you were six feet up my arse?"

" Ah, no, my Queen. But I think Skanaro did." Flavonia gestured at a dark recess directly behind Bae.

" You've got to be kidding me," Bae hissed.

"You'll like this one, though, my Queen," mumbled Skanaro, heading off the way Bae had come from.

"I had better, Skanaro, or you're going to limping tomorrow."
Baelunìataisharà Blue (Queen of Thalmarkin)
Letter from Saoirse MacArbin
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
Queen Baelunìataisharà, Welcome to Keffa. Events so far are rather chaotic as some have already taken advantage of our hospitality, but certainly, it cannot be claimed that matters will be boring.
Saoirse MacArbin (Grandmistress of Obia'Syela)
Roleplay from Phelan Dragonborn
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
Phelan watched with great interest as the beautiful Yao Ling moved away from the crowds, and Phelan shadowed her. She entered a temple of some sort and Phelan moved to the shadows near the doorway. A light similar to the one in the square shone in this temple. How could this be? The light was from the Goddess, was this other temple connected to his veiled Goddess?

As Phelan stood there considering this revelation, a pretty young woman hurriedly entered the temple. She looked nervous, and checked all around her. Somehow she did not see Phelan.

He could hear them talking in the temple in hushed tones; they spoke of something the Daimons would not enjoy and then Yao Ling said "Now I need you to do something else for me. If matters go badly for me, you must run." The young woman wanted to argue, but Yao Ling insisted "Your willingness to stay is why you should go," Phelan felt drawn into the temple. "I humbly offer you my services great lady." Phelan stumbled over the words, suddenly embarrassed by his impulsive actions.

Yao Ling looked at him suspiciously. "I do not know you, you are not from Nothoi"

"No, great lady, I am but a common man in service to my lady cousin in the Vales. But I fear things could be dangerous for you and I would offer my protection for you as I protect Lady Katalyfae, the Praetrix of the Vales.
Phelan Dragonborn (Commoner of Shattered Vales)
Roleplay from Yao Ling Pryde
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
Yao Ling could see the panic in the air.

The failed magic fired off all around the city proclaimed it.

The movings of bodies and soundings of voices revealed it.

Those who started it worried that they were losing control.

Those who sought to change it worried that they could not.

Everyone wondered what was going on.

Her eyes caught on a flight of ravens coming down to land on the walls of the Temple of Daishi.

They looked at her and did not seem worried.

Yao Ling wondered why.

The lead raven cocked her head to the side and Yao Ling met her single eye for a long moment.

Then Yao Ling nodded.

The ravens flew away.

Yao Ling turned back to the square and did not know if she could do what needed to be done.

There was so much magic. So much fear.

It needed something different. Something better.

Yao Ling played her hands over the walls of the Temple of Daishi and began to push her will into the storm surrounding them.




Yao Ling Pryde (Sophos of Nothoi)
Roleplay from Yao Ling Pryde
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
Yao Ling examined the young man who had approached her.

The man who had made it into the temple and through all of her acolytes to speak to her.

She saw him but did not know.

A dove landed on a vase next to him and looked at Yao Ling. It's head turned back and forth, giving her first one eye and then the other.

Yao Ling nodded.

The dove flew away.

Yao Ling turned back to the man.

"Fulfill your oaths and services," she said with a smile. "I shall accept whatever you are willing to give in defense of humanity."
Yao Ling Pryde (Sophos of Nothoi)
Roleplay from Saoirse MacArbin
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
The soldier saluted at the Duchess, though his voice was hesitant.

"Not sure there's a diplomatic assembly, as such, Your Grace, too much other madness happening, but the last report has the Grandmistress in the temple square, down this road here. The Emperor went that way earlier, not sure where he might be though."

The shouts could be heard, and tension felt, all the way at the gates, and Anyte and Dancer could likely smell the blood from the recent abortive battle with the one Vordulian.
Saoirse MacArbin (Grandmistress of Obia'Syela)
Roleplay from Jacinda the Driven
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
Jacinda, as usual, had no idea what was going on. So, as usual, she focused on what she could do. She drew two short blades and took up a protective position beside Nerta and Wren as they moved.

"I'll keep the path clear, and leave what path to the two of you and the ancestor spirit."

She warily skirted the strange man in the front of the cafe, and kept her eyes roaming, watching for threats, and waiting to see what monsters they were killing today.
Jacinda the Driven (Commoner of Ar Agyr)
Roleplay from Anyte Luitolf
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
Anyte looked the soldier up and down, clearly untrusting of the man. The tension of the Ambassador was so obvious that it might as well have been visible. Some might chalk it up to the magic being flung and latently hanging in the air, but those that knew her would know differently. Those that knew her would know she still didn't trust the Obian government overly much.

"The Grandmistress is that way, you say," She asked pointed toward the square, "And what Emperor do you speak of? There are several realms whose ruler claims the lofty title of 'Emperor' that I know of."

After waiting a few moments, Anyte started shuffling toward the Square with the help of Isemay and Allova, her trusted matron guards. "Nevermind," she called over her shoulder, "I'll just seek the Grandmistress. Surely she knows what is happening in her own realm."
Anyte Luitolf (Ambassador of Thalmarkin, Duchess of The Bathory)
Roleplay from Dancer Rea
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
With a turned up nose, the Duke followed his lady, hand on standard Thalmarkin-issue calvary sword. He'd left his pack with the carriage, and he felt naked without it....but walking around Keffa with a bag of daemon worship seemed like a bad idea. The hair on the back of his neck stood up as he looked to the twin pillars of light in the sky. These Obeahains did not know what they were messing with, nor did those assembled. The Veil between worlds was thin, and he could feel it fluctuating wildly across his very skin. By Akkan, this was the closest anyone had gotten in the last-

His musings were cut short by none other then Duncan drunkenly staggering up to him. Without a word, Dancer smacked the boy across his chin, before leaning down to hiss in his ear.

"Keep to the shadows, fool. Don't you understand the danger we are in?"

Dancer pushed the unfortunate drunkard back to the ground, before sauntering away. Damn foolish boy.

In a matter of minutes, Anyte and Dan reached the square, bustling with people....and reeking of blood. Dancer held his seethed sword in white knuckles, magic bristling up and down his skin, and looked to Anyte for guidance.
Dancer Rea (Duke of the Northeast Wind, Baron of Jedinchel)
Roleplay from Alice Schwarzherzig
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
Alice and the Morgul Guard arrived in Keffa atop black destriers. The Morgul guard wore identical garb, not showing one shred of flesh, clad in the charcoal colored armor of their order, their great helms unnerving to passerby. Alice dressed similarly, save she wore a hood instead of a helm, and the mediocre Coat of Tyranny adorned her torso. Silently they road through the streets of Keffa, the banner of Carn Dum held high, the ambassador's seal clearing any challenge made.

They rode towards the light, towards the palace, and the temple. A crowd had gathered in the main square, and the presence of Obian troops, and troops from the Vale marked Alice's destination. They approached silently, and halted before the assembled troops. Without a word, they dismounted as one. Alice made a few simple gestures, and the Morgul guard fanned out, sporting greatbows carved from ebony.

Alice approached, lowering her hood, the guards parting upon seeing the medallion she wore about her neck. Alice looked upon Saoirse and Jecht, and offered a bow, her right arm outstretched, palm to the ground, and her left arm behind her back.

"Your eminence, your Imperial Majesty. I am Carn Dum, and in this instance, I am proud to say, I am Irondale."
Alice Schwarzherzig (Ambassador of Irondale, Duchess of Carn Dum)
Roleplay from Jheda Orobar
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
"My Lord, we just confirmed Queen Bae, Duchess Anyte and Duke Dancer arrived in the city. They seem to be making their way to the Temple Square. You should know it's very crowded there, the air thick with tension and barely controlled violence. All that's needed is for someone to light the fuse and the situation will explode."

Jheda was looking at a strange catch phrase, 'IT IS COMING ', painted on the statue of a man holding his lance in a rather suggestive way. This piece of modern art was intriguing to say the least. He would have to track down the artist. Unger could use a fresh touch.

When the scout finished his report, Jheda turned around to face him. "Thank you. Let me know if someone else of interest arrives. And try to find out if we can get closer to these magic pilars."

Not much later, way in front of him, Jheda spotted Anyte and Dancer. The Queen was probably somewhere close. Jheda ordered his men to silently secure a perimeter around them and to be ready to intervene when necessary. He himself would shadow them more closely. They would no doubt sense his presence, and call for him if he was needed.

Jheda watched them go and started laughing. A Lady taking her puppy for a walk. Some things never changed.
Jheda Orobar (Margrave of Unger)
Light Show Slows

message to everyone in the vicinity of Keffa - 17 hours, 28 minutes ago Crackling energy sparked as Moira's individual stones approached the light before being set in a circle upon the temple dome. The moment the circle was completed was the moment Gustav stepped into the Light below.

And in that moment, bold agyrian gold shot up the column of light from the dome upward, the transitioning lights below unphased. The golden hue flooded the clouds and rained light-shards upon the city. Those struck seemed suddenly more content with life.

Then the whole column again filled with a colour, this time from the base of the temple, a dark vordulian crimson. And again filled the clouds and rained light-shards upon the city. Those struck seemed suddenly more ambitious in life.

The column was left rotating between the previous yellow, red, black, green.

Within the temple, Gustav walked into the Light under the mistaken belief it held an open portal, so strong his conviction he nearly willed it so. But mortal will is never enough alone. And so he stepped into the Light. And stepped out of the Light a moment later, his flesh melting, even his bones melting into a goop, the momentum of his stepping into the light flinging Gustav Goop across a third of the room and it's unfortunate priestly inhabitants, just as the column of light filled with dark vordulian crimson.

After the second set of stones were set upon the temple roof, the rotating lights slowed. Not noticed immediately, but after careful timing by scholars, they concluded the lights now lasted 21 minutes each, rather than 15.

Elsewhere, the spilt blood of the vordul ritualists in the square seemed to give off its own light.

Roleplay from Polli
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
Polli had ignored the chaos around her as she had before the first attempted

ritual had been ruined by the agent stepping upon the chalk. This time, the ritualwork by her and Godfrey Greybrook seemed to be having a stronger effect, even as Emilia's soldiers were engaged in a Herculean, against all odds, effort of defending the ritual. In ignoring the surrounding chaos, Polli's life was on the line, and she just didn't seem to care, so intense was here single-minded focus upon the ritual.

But when the Grandmistress spoke, Polli finally reacted, "The Pillar is the Eternal Emperor's affair."
Polli (Adventurer)
Roleplay from Avice
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
Imperator Arjan de Zueww of the Shattered Vales,

No portal has been opened.

For Nova,
Avice (Adventurer)
Roleplay from Arjan de Zueww
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
Maybe the portal isn't open Avice but something tells me there's still danger around the corner. Stay sharp and keep your weapons to hand!
Arjan de Zueww (Imperator of Shattered Vales)
Roleplay from Yao Ling Pryde
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
The column of light glowed golden and Yao Ling saw the magic change as golden shards of light rained down from the clouds. One of them pierced her robes, her skin, and what seemed like it had to be her soul. The peace and contentment she had been trying to project over the city filled her more completely than she had felt in... she could not remember.

"Whoa," she whispered, just in time to watch the column shift colors again. Deep red this time it was, and it filled the clouds with the whiff of a kind of magic she had not seen in a very long time. There was blood in this, but she could not feel any concern over that fact. A detached part of her mind knew there should be a reason to worry about it, but she was feeling so... content right now. All the world was good and right, and things would work out. Then the red shards of light rained down and Yao Ling saw one hit Betty.

The younger woman blossomed in that moment, suddenly seeming more alive and vibrant than ever before. Yao Ling remembered her father standing on the battlements of Creasur so long ago, with just that look of determination. It was good to see that spark return to this world.

Then Yao Ling turned back to the square and looked towards the Obian temple with the sense that a time had come.

"I think it is time we meet our friends over there," Yao Ling whispered in a contented tone. "Could you see if that could be arranged?"

"I shall arrange it, Mistress," Betty said and charged off the wall like she was the living impersonation of a bull.

Oh yes. It was so good to have that back. Life was... good.
Yao Ling Pryde (Sophos of Nothoi)
Magic In The Air

The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.

Roleplay from Godfrey Greybrook
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
As Godfrey focussed on the goblet and poured his will unto it, the lights in sky flickered and changed to a dark Vordul crimson. Resting on his knees in his prayer position, Godfrey's eyes closed and pressed two fingers to his blood oath scar.

This is the sign from the Eternal Emperor the faith needed, blood magic is the strongest of all magic. For it is sacred, especially those whom have embraced the oath. Progress cannot come without pain and sacrifice. Yet, there was little remorse for the death that must of occurred.

The Prophet knew of Gustav's resolve but also potential teachings and understandings to defer from the theocratic truth. Yet, the Duke knew he was loyal to the Eternal Emperor's vision, regardless of his interpretation. Thus, he gave a small obituary to himself:

"May the lord rest his mortal concerns and fight alongside our champion, for his soul was tortured but he followed the Eternal Emperor's footsteps, carrying pain and suffering that we all must learn from, for humanity can only be saved through hardship. In Sacred Blood."

Stepping up from his position and gathering his items, he did not expect the events to turn in such a way. Yet, these signs cannot be doubted. Has the Eternal Emperor chosen Poli as his champion? Yet, she is not noble... What does that mean? She bares his word without knowing it's significance. Does Xlair summon her to the other side?

Whatever the cause, her destiny must not be intercepted as he strode to Poli's side with his ritual dagger unsheathed.

"Poli, your arrival here is a sign that the Eternal Emperor wishes to usher change. You must be inducted to the faith, offer your wrist to me and repeat after me. From here, I will see your destiny through as his prophet:

"From this day forward,
I am Sworn to the Eternal Emperor.
As it has been given, it can be taken, by his word.
Through him I shall have power.
Through him I shall have immortality.
Through him, and only him, shall I have absolution.
For now, and forever.
So do I swear, In Blood Eternal."
Godfrey Greybrook (Ambassador of Vordul Sanguinis, Duke of Vordul Sanguinis)
Roleplay from Kristina Chamberlain
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
She looked down at the large laundry skip now housing the remnants of Gustav Kuriga, though she imagined they would be finding bits of him for the weeks and months to come. It felt somewhat disrespectful that anyone should end up in such a vessel, but here he was. Her irritation returned hot on the heels of her brimming concern.

Time was a concept of which she often felt there was either too much or too little... something she was always far too aware of, but even more so the days since the ritual had begun... she at once wished it was over but, sensing the taints of corruption that may be little more than guilt or paranoia, she bore the vain hope that it would never reesolve and simply be... or not be. And now Yxevarii was, in the midst of this chaos, arranging a magisterium with the likes of Yao Ling Pryde... she remembered the woman well enough as one of the chief supporters and advisors of her brother, a wise enough soul, but Daishi to her iron core. The situation was well beyond such interventions, a magisterium had a place before a single spell was cast, not as they now bore witness to the fruits of their labours.

How long did it take to get the pipers to the chamber... how long before some other desperate fool did something to corrupt the equilibrium of the column... an equilibrium that perhaps Moira of all people could help her control, or at least understand.

She motioned the Templar forward: "Escort.... ah.... his Grace from the chamber. Then find the Grand Templar, let him know what has happened and what needs to happen moving forward." The man looked a little blank. "The ladies Avice, Viviene and Dolores need to be brought to the ritual chamber, along with as many of the eight as can be found. Keffa is heading for utter chaos and we need to control and consolidate as soon as soon and as best we can."

She resisted the urge to go back to pacing, trying not to look at the pulsating column, instead her eyes found Moira again. "Its not a portal Moira, well not in the strictest terms anyway... it is a combination of faith, scrollwork and portal magic. The gold of the core is primal... but such a combinations puts me more in mind of the Flow.... help me Moira, help me to see it so that we gave a chance, however slim to balance it."
Kristina Chamberlain (Baroness of Zwering, Priestess of Obeah)