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== Sweet Letters ==
|Sender=Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Personal message to Aila Storme)
Lady Aila
I hope you are keep safe these days. With all the wild reports the continent over and a smoke plum so massive coming from the Chaos Temple we can see it in Shadowdale does not bode well. Please keep in touch, I would die to hear anything bad happened to you.
Let us hope fate will let us meet again some day. There are certainly some words that will not go unsaid next time we meet.
|Sender=Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Personal message to Luna Tempest)
Speak your words now sweet Luna.
I am attending the King on matters regarding Kalmar's switching of hands. As a result I stand in Bastad and as I write this to you a large plume of black smoke lingers over the Chaos Temple swept toward the mainland of Nivemus from what I can see.
So far the air is clear here but the King is nervous to process into the black cloud and so we are holding here until things become more stable.
I saw the declaration against you today. Your old allies as you know only stick together to a point. When the benefit runs out I'm sure they will betray one another as they always do; and spin some untruth to paint themselves heroes.
I speak of myself too readily. I do think of you though Luna and often. Your falcon gives good company and since the strangeness all began clings closer to me then ever. How is your city? And what is it like being a duchess? I can only imagine what it would be like to be involved in a duchies dealings as a whole.
More, how are you? You are always so concerned with me I hardly hear a word about yourself.

Revision as of 22:33, 24 August 2020

First Letters

Letter from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Personal message to Aila Storme)

Lady Storme

You might find it odd to receive a letter from myself but I just had to contact you.

I originally hail from the continent of Beluaterra where I new a girl by the name of Svari Storme. I wanted to know if there was any relation between you and herself. I'm always trying to learn anything of Beluaterra since my own departure from the continent.

Best Regards,
Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Letter from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Personal message to Luna Tempest)

A letter is returned with rushed, but readable handwriting. It is evidently from the hand of Aila herself, and not a scribe due to the deep scars in the parchment caused by her angrily used quill.

You have much nerve contacting me at all, Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale, Dame of Evora Marshal of the Shadow Legion. My men have bled on the field fighting your kingdom. Well, luckily I am of a good nature this day.

The Beluaterra branch of the family is not one the rest of us acknowledge, my removed cousin Kerrigan Storme begat the Bastard Svari and shipped himself off with her off to pass as nobility, so in short there is no relation.

The whole situation is a source of much shame, i'd appreciate if you kept it close to the chest but know it is no bother to me if you intend to use the information against me. Luckily for the bastard the roots of our family have been put to rest with the retirement of our Uncle Ross, save me there is no one left to challenge her claims for what very little they are worth now.

I pray the Beluaterra "Stormes" meet a similar fate as the rest of us. It seems we are a dying breed across the board i'd rather the bastards line not be the one to survive it all.
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Letter from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Personal message to Aila Storme)

Lady Aila

Well you are certainly something aren't you. We might be enemies but we can still be civilized. I have regular correspondence with your fellow countrymen.

Also despite your attitude you are quite forthcoming with personal family secrets. I must admit I find you an enigma, quite hard to read indeed.

I never knew this of Svari though I did not know her overly well. This is an interesting fact I could hold over her and possibly my sister should I ever see her again in the future so thank you for that.

Either way I was gauging your interest in a possible personal rapport between us. It seems I might have to just pester you instead.

In the Shadow,
Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Letter from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Personal message to Luna Tempest)

A family secret it is not, the whole family knows of their folly and I will sing of it to anyone who will listen, enemy or not.

I wonder how our king would feel to know a viper such as yourself has correspondence with his men? It worried that there are those among me who would do such a hing. What goal would you have opening a rapport with me?

I suppose we are in fact enigmas to eachother.
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Letter from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Personal message to Aila Storme)

Lady Aila Storme

Once again you prove yourself quite unique. I would think most would try to hide such a fact of their kin, but you proudly sing it for all to hear. Very interesting.

The impression I get from King Kay is he would not mind as I have written letters to him in the past. As well correspondence with other Perdanese nobles has showed me most are accepting and open regardless of being an enemies.

What goal would I have opening a rapport with you? Well the hope was we could be civilized and perhaps discuss cultures and customs so that we as the younger nobles could possibly bridge the divide between our realms. I see now that might have been a mistake. Instead I shall continue to write you because I quite enjoy it. Trying to figure you out is now a quest of knowledge if anything. What makes you tick, what makes you feel, what do you love if anything. However if for nothing else writing you letters seems to annoy you which I find quite humorous.

Sincerely yours,
Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Letter from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Personal message to Luna Tempest)

This is the last time I will say this, that bastard is not my kin and I care not what you do with the information as spreading it would only aid in her downfall.You Shadowdale soldiers are all alike you treat us as if we're some strange foreign body to riddle out when we are no different then you aside from your ridiculous titles.

Well "Grey Exarch" time the only custom you should concern yourself is our custom of crushing Shadowdale whelps, for that is what I love. If the king entertains your foolishness it is not my place to question or help it just know going after the youth of his army for information will get you nowhere when it comes to the true blooded nobles of house Storme.
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Letter from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Personal message to Aila Storme)

Lady Aila

I fail to see how asking about your cultures and customs is trying to gain strategic information. Is this your casual attempt to offer some?

Your love is crushing Shadowdale whelps? Well then your life must be quite boring. I personally love reading a good book, or a walk amongts the buildings of any great city. You can't be such a one dimensional person I simply refuse to believe as such.

Either way do as you must. Myself and my ridiculous titles will continue to do what I must.

Oh Aila, so filled with malice and hate,

A simple friendship I wish to create,

But it seems only on a battlefield,

That our fate will truly be revealed.

In the Shadow,
Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Roleplay from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Roleplay to all Nobles of Perdan)

A scribe shudders timidly while reading a small verse of poetry in front of Dame Aila, who listed with a grasp on her goblet so tight the scribe could stare at the blood draining from her fingers as he continued on.

"Oh Aila, so filled with malice and hate,

A simple friendship I wish to create,

But it seems only on a battlefield,

That our fate will truly be revealed. "

"A POEM!?" Aila's goblet cracked upon impact with the ground as she commanded the scribe to write, grimacing as he fumbled to uncover his ink and find a quill. Once ready she began a rant that kept him scribbling so fast half the words landed on the writing desk he used- he would have to re-write it before sending. "​Are the council members of Shadowdale so idle that all they have to do is pester knights in neighboring realms? Away with you Tempest! The fact that our names are synonyms grows more embarrassing by the letter. Do I have many interests? Aye but none of them could be shared by a Shadow creeping do-nothing such as yourself. A good days work, Exarch, is my love- learning that activity would do you well. I've half a mind to march over there and duel you myself just for the audacity of wasting so much of my time, but alas snipping the head of the Shadow king's slug of a commander would be such a favor I fear it would be traitorous toward Perdan!

You've single handed-ly ruined poetry! Forget my name! END THERE SEND IT!"

Sweating, the scribe looked down at what he had created "...M'milady... are you sure you want to send this to the enemy general?"


"Right away!"
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Letter from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Personal message to Luna Tempest)

Are the council members of Shadowdale so idle that all they have to do is pester knights in neighboring realms? Away with you Tempest! The fact that our names are synonyms grows more embarrassing by the letter. Do I have many interests? Aye but none of them could be shared by a Shadow creeping do-nothing such as yourself. A good days work, Exarch, is my love- learning that activity would do you well. I've half a mind to march over there and duel you myself just for the audacity of wasting so much of my time, but alas snipping the head of the Shadow king's slug of a commander would be such a favor I fear it would be traitorous toward Perdan!

You've single handed-ly ruined poetry! Forget my name!
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Letter from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Personal message to Aila Storme)

Fair Lady Aila

Are our names synonymous? I hadn't noticed and the fact that you did shows maybe we are meant to be.

"Exarch, is my love-"

Is this another subtle hint of your affection towards me? I must say I am flattered but we should progress our relationship more casually. That said I am very open to you marching on over here for a "dual." I might have a few new techniques to teach you.

As for me getting a good days work you need not worry. I am more then capable of handling my General duties with plenty of time to write my fair lady. That said I will away...

until my next letter.

Much affection,
Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Letter from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Personal message to Luna Tempest)


Stop with this far reaching romance talk, any man of Perdan is worth 100 shadowdale generals. Your affections go unreturned and shall remain unreturned. As for teaching me you would have to learn something worth knowing first!

How many times must I tell you to leave me be? I have important things to attend and your consistent drabble is nothing more the a nuisance! You will not have such nerve once I find you at our next battle and have you answer for your disrespect towards house Storme.
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Letter from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Personal message to Aila Storme)

Oh Lady Aila Storme

Again you bring up romance. You must have it stuck on your mind as I only ever wanted a personal rapport as I stated in my early letters. Once again I am very flattered but the temper is a little unbecoming. It does have its charms I won't deny but some might think it unladylike.

You say any man of Perdan is worth 100 Shadowdale generals. I would think not. Any man's value is that of a single man regardless of his realm. I find men typical, boring and oh so predictable. Give me any woman form Perdan, Shadowdale, anywhere over any man period.

I don't see how I have disrespected house Storme but it matters not. My armies scouts have proven your threat idle. I would have loved to meet you once again on the battlefield my fair lady but alas unless you can somehow grow wings and fly to the coming battlefield it is not meant to be. For one lecturing myself about duties while being late herself is quite amusing.

Anyway in lieu of meeting on the battlefield know that you can write me anytime any day and I will respond.

Thinking of next time we meet,

(Scout Report Bursa, fresh)
Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

The Fields of Ar Mosul

Roleplay from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Message sent to everyone in Ar Mosul)

Her hasty departure from the lists had continued on to a hasty ride back to the front. Tempest's last letter had been equally obnoxious to her previous yet there was a darker intent behind this one sent on the eve of their battle. Among the ashes of the battle Aila held the handwritten message crumpled in her hand as she stared across the muddy battlefield at the enemy force's retinues mobilizing to carry out new orders. I was too late.

The shame of it all was becoming too much for her, while she occupied herself with games Luna commanded a winning battle... Her stare turned to a grimace and Aila felt tears threaten to spring into her eyes the more she thought about it.

The clash of steel ringing in a nearby village jolted her from her wallowing in regret and instead gave her an idea... A peasant mob would be the perfect way to put herself back in a position to take on to teach the world what it meant to antagonize a lady of house Storme. In a snap decision her archers joined with enemy forces Aila marched her retinue of archers right beside Shadowdale soldiers and to her surprise no one either noticed or cared that she was there. Whichever the case it put her in the perfect position to spy out the Tempest banners and as a result the generals tacticians tent.

Her Archers were commanded to continue on following the Marshals orders after the skirmish while Aila took on her one banner and stayed behind, alone.

Driving the pole that bore the crest of house Storme into the muddy earth fifty meters from Luna's bannermen Aila drew her bow and knocked an arrow, taking careful aim.

This could either go very well or very badly but Aila had made up her mind what needed to be done the minute she saw the scout report attached to that letter. This ends today on pain of death or not, house Storme would suffer no further insult from Shadowdales court while she still drew breath.

She loosed an arrow toward the camp accurately enough to alert her soldiers without hitting anyone, in an attempt to be clear that she was only there for one person.

Lady Storme continued stubbornly launching arrows in Luna's direction one after another this lone archer made it clear she was looking for her attention and if that wasn't obvious enough she would even call across the field at her in a long antagonizing sing-song "Luuuuuuna" while carefully watching baffled soldiers no doubt try and make the decision to just kill her themselves or get Luna.
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Roleplay from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Message sent to everyone in Ar Mosul)

The Grey Exarch has retired to her tent for the evening hoping to conclude some business before much needed rest when one of Luna's lieutenants can be heard outside,

"Um my Lady, there is some women outside taking poorly aimed shots in our direction"

Lady Tempest thinks for a moment before replying, "What the hell, who would that be."

"She is standing next to a banner my Exarch; a sable, a per bend sinister azure, over all a falcon argent"

"Oh? OH!" Luna exclaims, "Very interesting I am surprised Lady Aila came all this way. I must have aggravated her quite something with my last letter. Excellent! Lieutenant Sebastian take a few men and go collect Lady Storme and bring her to my tent. If she refuses, drag her here but do not harm Aila."

A few moments later Luna's soldiers bring in a very beautiful young slender blonde woman who is very clearly irate with her arms crossed and her brow furrowed.

Before Aila could say anything Lady Tempest speaks first to her lieutenant, "Sebastian, relieve the lady with the murderous stare of her weapons please and then wait outside."

Both women stare each other down, Aila wearing a frown glaring daggers at a smirking Luna while Lady Storme begrudgingly handed over her bow then unlatched the sword from her belt before handing them off to be taken from her outside of the tent.

"Well well well," the Grey Exarch starts speaking boastfully, "Lady Aila I presume. You must truly be smitten with me to come all this way just to meet me. I'll say when I first wrote you on account of your family name I never imagined I would gain an admirer who would cross mountains, fail to meet on the battlefield on time, come the day after alone marching among a 1000 enemy soldiers to just outside my tent crying out my name longingly." Lady Luna Tempest sits at her strategy table, everything still laid out bare for Lady Storme to see and kicks her boots up on the table.

The Grey Exarch continues "I am extremely flattered and you are very adorable but as I wrote you earlier we should first develop a friendship before we take this any further."

Holding down a chuckle Luna inquires "So fair Lady Aila, what would you say to change my mind and gain my affection?"
Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Roleplay from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Message sent to everyone in Ar Mosul)

Every word Luna spoke caused the pounding of blood in Aila's heart to quicken with the anger growing within her. On the table that separated them she saw plans, formations, the tactics that her allies had gone up again left out carelessly as if to brag.

She continued on with her taunts, her accusations, the way Luna twisted words so readily in her letters she did just as well in person. The second the word affection came from her mouth Aila swung, not at the Grey Exarch but at her desk sending the papers, quills, tiny squad markers clattering to the ground and leaving the work top clear for her fist to slam down onto it in an explosive show of rage.


The blonde woman reeled back from the desk, continuing to roar threats at the enemy loud enough for every man for a mile to hear, pausing only as she was out of breath from shouting with teeth bared at Luna like an animal "THIS ENDS NOW! You will die with a sword in hand FIGHT ME!"
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Letter from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Duel Request Sent to Luna Tempest)

Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix has challenged you to a duel of honour till death. You have 3 days to answer the challenge. In order to resolve the duel, both of you have to be in the same region. Her challenge was accompanied by these words:

House Storme demands satisfaction! "THIS ENDS NOW! You will die with a sword in hand FIGHT ME!"
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Roleplay from Lord Maccio Aurelle, Margrave of Akesh Temple
(Message sent to everyone in Ar Mosul)

- "A'ight fellas, we arrived late but 'ere we are! After this warmup we'll march onwards to Perdan fer our share o' lootin' n' some southern wench booty! Ah hah!"

- "My lord, a letter from Lady Luna. Our orders."

- "A'ight, lemme see."

Maccio opened the envelope with haste and little care, almost tearing it apart in the process, and unfolded the message. It was short - very. But not many words are needed to enrage this man.

- "Concluded my arse! I ain't come down 'ere to return with nothin'! What about the gold those mutts must be hidin' in their regions far away from the frontier? Aren't we goin' after it? Aren't we goin' to burn, sack and pillage their villages until they starve!? Why did we come 'ere in the first place!?"

- "My lord, you should ca-"


- "A-as you wish, my lord..."

Lord Maccio stormed out of his tent and headed towards Luna's. Her servants and guards tried to stop him since she was busy with an unexpected - and murderous - visitor, but he entered anyways. There, he saw Luna sitting with her feet on top of a table, a smug grin on her face, as a second lady professed her love for her. Maccio's anger turned into confusion, and quietly left the tent, looking left and right with his eyes wide open.

- "Well, that was unexpected." - Maccio muttered to himself - "Maybe she really did like the wenches I offered her, all the way back in Akesh. And now, it seems she's become quite

the seducer... My, how quick they grow up... I'm so proud..."
Lord Maccio Aurelle, Margrave of Akesh Temple

Roleplay from Ser Jaques Talos, Knight of Braga
(Message sent to everyone in Ar Mosul)

As Jaques sat cleaning his sword he heard the shouting, first a woman, then a man and then a woman again. He Smiled and called his messenger.

'Something interesting is happening?, wait there.'

He quickly penned a letter

'Take this to marshal Tempest, and this one to Lord Aurelle, and get some Venison.'

The messenger left as Jacques got some men to set up seats outside the tent facing the marshals encampment, and some wine with two goblets.
Ser Jaques Talos, Knight of Braga

Letter from Ser Jaques Talos, Knight of Braga
(Personal Message to Luna Tempest)

My Lady Marshal, If you do not wish to get your hands dirty i could fight this upstart? I am not fully confident in my skills with the sword, but could be good fun.

if you decide to do it yourself, please feel free to join me for some wine after to quench your thirst.

Humbly yours
Ser Jaques Talos, Knight of Braga

Roleplay from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Message sent to everyone in Ar Mosul)

Lady Tempest continued to sit in her chair amused with herself as Lady Storme's anger turned into a full fledged outburst as Aila scattered everything on the table before Luna all over her tent.

The young lady might have been slender and petite looking but her voice was as booming as a full grown bear's while Lady Storme unleashed the insults that culminated in Aila blurting out a duel request. Aila was so loud and busy screaming she didn't even notice that another Lord had entered Luna's tent in time for Margrave Aurelle to hear how smitten she was with the Grey Exarch. Luna just gave Maccio a glance as he left the tent almost immediately looking somewhat bewildered.

Luna stood up before replying much more calmly than the rage filled Lady, "There you did it again, just as you do in your letters. You said smitten a whole five times. How am I to take these advances? Clearly you have something in your subconscious and obviously you want me to pick up on it."

The Grey Exarch eyed the five foot something stack of rage across the table from her before continuing, "As for the duel I think not. If you wanted to fight me to the death perhaps you should not have been late for the battle. What was it you said to me, oh yes

A good days work, Exarch, is my love- learning that activity would do you well

It seems if you practiced what you preach you would have had ample opportunity earlier this very day."
Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Roleplay from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Message sent to everyone in Ar Mosul)

The ease with which she spouted insult after insult at Aila offended every sensibility the young noble had. The audacity, the nerve, the cheek, the gall and to reject her duel after all of it was salt in the wounds. The smug, satisfied look on the enemy before he was enough to make her physically ill as Luna continued on to make assumptions about her attendance or lackthereof, Aila stood overtaken by a maddening mix of anger and deep regret- She desperately wished she could've fought that battle, win or loss.

Aila was shouted out, words failed her, with her duel rejected and Tempest showing no sign of letting up on her assault the Lady Storme took fate into her own hands and struck at Luna with all her might from across the desk using her full reach to drive a fist straight at Luna's nose.
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Roleplay from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Message sent to everyone in Ar Mosul)

Lady Aila could not take anymore taunts from Luna and lunged across the table to assault the Grey Exarch. With a simple fist flying across the table with almost no thought on Aila's part Lady Tempest practically sighed as she grabbed Storme's extended arm and used Aila's own momentum against her flipping her clear over the desk and on to the mat behind.

Leaving the angry Aila on the mat Luna walked towards the entrance of her tent while saying, "Go home Aila."

As Lady Storme picked herself up off the floor Lady Tempest addressed lieutenant Sebastian still standing outside, "Lieutenant, see that Lady Aila Storme is returned safely to her armies lines and don't dare let anyone harm her or it will be your head Sebastian."

Sebastian parted the tent entrance as Aila approached him to collect her effects and leave.

Just before Lady Storme parted Luna had to make one last whispered quip, "I'll be sure to write you as soon as I'm home my dear."

Lady Aila leaves quietly with some of the Tempest Rangers in tow leaving Luna to realize Aila is leaving not angry but dejected which quickly wiped the smirk off the Grey Exarch's face.
Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Uncommon Ground

Letter from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Personal message to Aila Storme)

Lady Aila Storme

I trust you found your own army safely? I must say I never imagined we would get to meet properly, at least not until a time of peace. You shattered my expectations quite spectacularly. Let no man, woman, lord or king say you are not brave. In fact you might be the bravest lady in all existence.

However I digress. How fair you my smitten admirer? I am well finally back in Shadowdale. The trip was long and mostly lonely. Nay a fair lady in sight.

I hope our meeting did not sour you on me... well anymore than you are already sour with me I suppose. Either way enclosed is another poem,

Fair Lady Aila

Hair golden as the sunrise

Brave as any man

Looking forward to your reply,
Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Letter from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Personal message to Luna Tempest)


I made it back. I debated replying to you at all but I suppose after letting me leave safely I do owe you that much even if it was after embarrassing me. Your poetry is improving but only by a slight amount.

Rose's are red,

Blood is too,

I'm stuck at a gala and

I'd rather be fighting with you.
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Roleplay from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Personal message to Aila Storme)

A short time ago:

Lady Tempest was a little stung by Aila's most recent letter. It seemed the fair Lady Storme was developing some bite of her own even if it was more direct and less subtle. Still as result Luna wanted to make her next reply something special for the Lady from Perdan and she had just the idea.

High in the mountains of Evora Lady Tempest would capture a majestic white falcon as a gift for Aila and more importantly to deliver Luna's next letter. The Grey Exarch had some experience in falconry but only with eagles and not actual falcons. Still it would not take Lady Tempest long as she only had to train the beautiful bird to deliver a single letter to a sole dame.

The night of the Gala:

Aila leans against the railing of the Wayfares Gambit taking in the evening gala when a single falcon swoops down and lands right beside the lady. Startled, Lady Storme spills her wine on the gleaming deck before turning to face the bird in silent shock. Standing tall and proud the bird looked her right in the eye, as if on a mission. Glancing towards the falcons feet a letter was visible. A letter sealed with purple wax stamped with a displayed eagle. The Eagle of House Tempest.

The Letter:

Dearest Aila

I quite enjoyed your last letter, so much I just had to get you a gift. I hope you love the beautiful falcon that is now by your side. A proud majestic bird from the peaks of Evora. I have never trained a falcon before so I was quite surprised by how easy I found the task. Probably because I have falconry experience taming eagles so naturally if one can tame the kings and queens of the sky one can clearly tame the knights as well.

This most majestic bird is named Luna, as its pure white plumage is as pure and brilliant as a full moon. It seemed only fitting. I hope this bird will serve you well. Luna is a loyal, fierce and wise bird, I expect she will never abandon her master as I trained her for you and only you my lady Aila.

I hope you will think of me every time you see her.

Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Roleplay from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Message to all nobles of Perdan)

Silent shock turned to silent horror as Aila put the pieces together one by one... A beautiful white Falcon, the letter, the seal. Aila had no fear of falcons, House Storme were falconers in Dwilight and so were they on the East Continent but her fingers trembled all the same as she freed the letter from the Falcon as it stood still at attention as stout as any soldier.

Lady Storme dared not look around herself, unwilling to discover any shocked onlookers; with any luck no one had even noticed this giant bird land silently next to her on the rail like a ghost in the night. Without a letter opener she simply ripped around the seal and opened the letter to read- lips pulled into a serious expression as her eyes darted over the familiar handwriting.

When she finished her hand snapped to her side with the letter crushed in a white knuckled fist, thoughts of embarrassment were forgotten as she looked the falcon in the eye with the bitterness only a woman scorned could muster. Luna...The Grey Exarch was a Falconer, a better one then Aila- Head of House Storme- House of Falconers-.

And she named it Luna.And it was more beautiful then any bird she had ever seen a Storme master. And it was now here with her at a gala and seemed to have no intention of leaving her side, its keen eyes piercing her very soul. Yet it wasn't those eyes that sent a chill down her spine in the end, it was the realization that somehow Luna had knew exactly where she was tonight. Memories of foreboding scout reports just before their last battle came to mind, and suddenly Aila was wondering if this was something she should bring to a Marshal.
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Letter from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Personal message to Luna Tempest)


Your gift arrived during the Gala. Evora you say? No man in Perdan could ever claim such a prize so I thank you for the rare gift. Everyone agrees it was delicious and the training made it all the easier to plop into the pot.

I fear I have no gift to send you in return, if I had any idea you felt that close I would've prepared something for you too. Perhaps some Peranese delicacies you have yet to try. Make sure you eat every bite.

Most Smitten,
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Letter from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Personal message to Aila Storme)

Most Rude Aila

You did WHAT?! to Luna!

Well how did she taste? Was Luna at least moist and succulent?

But do not fret I will train you another falcon if you wish, but only if you promise to pledge your undying love to Luna II. Also I fear I won't find another pure white falcon. On second though perhaps I should make the second bird a chicken. I can't name it Luna then though because that doesn't fit. I also can't name it Aila because that is just not true. Oh decisions what would I name this new bird.

Oh I know I shall name it Vix!

Oh but also how rude of myself as well. How was your Gala? Did you meet any fancy young gentlemen worth looking at? I am sure you looked stunning and drew all eyes your way.

Most Smote,
Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Letter from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Personal message to Luna Tempest)

Loony Luna,

So smug you must be after circumventing the painfully predictable gap in Nascots defenses, if only you had been present in Ar Mosul perhaps the general that did bother to show up wouldn't have squandered your advantage by tarrying. This of course is not to be mistaken as a compliment, as being more clever then your allies in your particular case is no accomplishment at all.

I want you to know not one of my arrows was wasted on them at all, no my arrows are saved for Shadowdale alone just ask your man Aurelle, oh wait

You can't.
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

A Titans Ruling

Letter from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Personal message to Aila Storme)

Oh Aila

It seems fate never wants us to meet again. Oh poor me, I'll never get to see those gleaming hazel eyes once more. Oh Woe is me, if I am to never lay eyes on the fair haired lady Aila one more time I might as well throw myself from the terrace of my Mountain Manor in Evora to the frigid brook within the deep valley below.

The gods forced an olive branch of peace,

Upon all the realms of the land,

Every war was to cease,

But would future conflict really be banned?

Ambitions must have grown to great,

Had things really become so distressing,

So in a move that would changes everyone's fate,

A divine act that would leave everyone guessing.

What if one only fought for the heart of a Dame,

Surly a war fought for love would be considered just,

If the gods cannot agree sincerely that is a shame,

For I feel something much more than just lust.

Oh Fair Lady Aila if only you just knew,

How much I truly care for you.

Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Letter from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Personal message to Luna Tempest)

Grey Exarch,

We find ourselves in uncommon times as the gods give us a chance to make right the mistakes of our fathers. You've seen through what has repelled so many and your poem has touched my heart; I feel now I owe you some explanation. Your first letter to me revealed that you grew up in Beluaterra, a place I have never been but that mentioned causes me great pain. I have grown up here, in East Continent in Perdan. This is my home.

Shadowdale and Perdan have been at war longer than I can remember, as a child knights from Shadowdale were what stalked the woods, the tap on your window at night, all the things to keep children from wandering too far from their parents' side. My father raised me alone here after leaving his family home in Dwilight, the tale of my mother is not one of interest but of legality; so I will instead apologize to you with a tale of three brothers.

In Dwilight the Storme Family has a Holde, a defensive castle with everything you'd need to survive a siege and not much more than that. My grandfather married and had four children; Three brothers and a little girl. The eldest brother Kerrigan was tall, strong, and skilled with a sword. He took to the sea young, sailing was his passion. Next was my father Canas, like Kerrigan he was taught to use a sword, ride, hunt with the falcons but unlike his brother his feet stayed firmly on land. Ross the youngest boy was born weak, barely thriving yet grew up into a soldier regardless; An archer like me. Their sister sister too was born weak, the youngest of all the children Isabella who because of her condition never took up arms at all.

The weakness I speak of is in the heart; A fainting condition where when the blood pumps too vigorously it caused them to faint.

Kerrigan the eldest disappeared often and reappeared at his convenience, everyone doubted his leading ability with him hardly able to stay on dry land and disobeying everything his father told him yet it was returning with a baby girl on his arm that was the final insult. Given the choice of the titles or the bastard, Kerrigan left with his baby. Svari. My Aunt left with him too, Isabella the weak of heart. It broke my grandfather. My father said after losing two children he became impossible to live with, as he wasn't easy to get along with before.

I remind you I was not born during these times; Svari is years older then I. I came after when my father also had enough and left; Unlike his eldest brother my father always conducted himself with honour... The sickening irony of it being that my father so pitied his weaker baby brother for being tied to Dwilight and Stormeholde when it was he who was truly the worse off. He rode off to work one day and they say he fell right off his horse dead before he hit the cobbles. Why couldn't he have just fainted. (Aila has scratched something out here)

Ross remained in Dwilight till his father died, the heir of the family, I hadn't heard much from him in the last while; he's retired early and I didn't ask why because you can probably assume the same as I by this far into the letter. As a result I remain the sole active noble for the family.

My past I lay before you.

A history of brothers three

that I hope will help you see what is truly me.

Will peace last long enough to see a Tempest home?

In your city Karbala I wish to roam.

Bitter irony become a theme;

As hate for Shadowdale becomes a dream.
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Letter from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Personal message to Aila Storme)

Lady Aila

I thank you for sharing your personal story with me. I appreciate it more than you may ever know. I would like to share some of my own story with you if it would be allowed.

I am the younger sister of two daughters. My elder sister Sol was very much considered my superior to our parents. They used me nothing more than a tool to further the family name and my sister's legacy. While I don't hold any hatred for my sister as this was not her doing but the result of my parent’s awful actions. Resolved to find my own way I fled Beluaterra by myself with almost nothing. I happened to land in Shadowdale when I first arrived in East Continent, and became a student at the Grey University of Karbala.

During my years of study I would come to learn about some of what you experienced in Perdan although mostly from a more northern perspective. However I came to learn that injustice and atrocities are committed the world over. You will be hard pressed to find a history book that shows a clean past for any single realm or peoples. So I have strayed away from painting the world so black and white because the truth is everything is more grey. I feel for your pain and suffering, I sincerely do, but I also feel for the pain of suffering of all people. The world is a cruel and harsh mistress.

So this is why I am of the opinion that the past should be kept where it belongs, in the history books and tomes. That way we may study and learn from past mistakes but not be doomed to repeat them. Animosity only leads to conflict which always leads to pain. Wars will never be stopped, but I feel anyone is capable of waging an honourable war. Subjective, I know as a defender is always going to suffer at the hands of an aggressor but sadly there will always be a time where diplomacy fails, that's just the way the world is.

Which brings us to today as fate has given the world another chance. A fresh start and we would be foolish to waste it. I loved your poem and it now feels like we can finally begin to develop a friendship which was all I ever wanted when I first wrote you. I don't have many people I can truly call friend in this world. Sure the Shadow King has always been kind to me but that is simply not the same thing. I can consider the various lords and knights under my command friends as well but again it is not the same thing. I hope you understand what I mean.

Perhaps maybe you would like to visit Karbala. The city is beautiful, the great avenues, the grand market and there are even some original eleven buildings from the days of ancient Sirion still standing the test of time. With my station I am more than confident that I can secure passage for a lone dame of a foreign realm now that we find ourselves at peace. The thought of getting to see you again in such a setting fills me with joy. So in the meantime enjoy this map I personally made of Karbala during my studies at the Grey University.

I look for your reply,

Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Letter from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Personal message to Luna Tempest)

Grey Exarch,

I wish to see your mountain Estate in Evora; it would do the falcon good as well as myself. I will be bringing an escort, Smiddich Fontaine.

We will be leaving from Perdan City soon and I will keep you informed of our progress as we travel.

Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Letter from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Personal message to Aila Storme)

Lady Aila

The change in destination is somewhat disappointing but acceptable. I will not turn down a reason to see you again and my home is quite comfortable. Your escort is indeed welcome as well, however if you were attempting to mislead who your escort truly is by writing only his name it has not worked. I have never met the man before but I am aware of who Duke Smiddich Fontaine is. I wouldn't be a very good general if I did not know the name of one of the most powerful men in Perdan.

Both of you are welcome, and will be afforded protection under my banner during your trip to Shadowdale. As such I expect you both to act responsibly during your visit as any slights will be placed squarely upon my shoulders.

Let me know when you start your journey as I am currently in Karbala and it will take me two days to arrive in Evora.

I look forward to seeing your fair face again soon.

Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Letter from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Personal message to Luna Tempest)

Grey Exarch,

We depart from bescanon this evening. It pleases me very much that our preparations are coming together. I shouldve known you would see straight through my ruse. I hoped to make our travel more safe.

Between you and I the Duke seems very nervous.
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Letter from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Personal message to Aila Storme)

Lady Aila

Excellent news. I have already departed Karbala and it seems we should arrive in Evora on the same day. I have sent word ahead and had my manor prepared so that both you and the Duke will find suitable quarters.

One question my Lady, will you and the Duke be sharing a room or should I have separate rooms prepared?

Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Letter from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Personal message to Luna Tempest)

Dear Luna,

The Duke will expect accommodations befitting his station; a room himself least of all I expect. I however need nothing elaborate as you might have guessed. We are in Troyes as I write this. Falcon Luna is having a good time hunting rabbits along the way; I feel she knows that we are headed to her home.
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

An Unorthodox Party in the Mountains

Roleplay from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Message sent to everyone in Evora)

Luna arrived at her breathtaking Mountain Manor home in Evora with time to have her staff prepare for the coming guest. Lady Tempest’s estate was nestled between the indomitable snowy peaks of Evora on one side and tall steep cliffs overlooking a valley stream below on the other. The grounds were encompassed by tall iron fencing that was guarded diligently for the Grey Exarch was hosting a very important event.

The courtyard was spectacular; a large ornate fountain is the first thing one would see passing through the main gate. The crystal clear water is a testament to the purity of the pristine landscape all around. A small reflection pool was present near the fountain surrounded by beautiful aged cherry trees. A lone statue was at the center of the pool, the founder of the estate whose name was lost to history. Everything was surrounded by all manner of wild forest flowers making the grounds a bouquet of colours.

A few other buildings like the stables were present but hidden among the thick trees. The Mountain Manor itself was a massive building with tall peaked roofs and plenty of terraces; the largest of which protruded from the side of the manor directly above the valley below.

The Grey Exarch was in the courtyard ordering various staff and soldiers around. The interior had already been prepped but Luna found the grounds wanting. Shouting orders at her Lieutenant, Lissa, to clean this and trim that however Lady Tempest would be out of time as she could already see the banners off in the distance.

Luna’s guest and all their retainers arrived through the main gate with ease as all the Grey Exarch’s men were well informed to receive her esteemed guest; Dame of Aix, Aila Storme of Perdan and her escort Duke of Perdan, Smiddich Fontaine, Ambassador of Perdan. The latter was still quite the surprise for Lady Tempest despite knowing that the man was coming. Not once had Aila ever mentioned the Duke before this trip. How did such a dame even become close with such a man?

As the guests were preparing to dismount Luna approached the duo offering her hand to help Lady Aila from her steed; She arrived atop a fine black warhorse that looked a long way down for the little lady. Once both were dismounted in front of the grand stone fountain Luna introduced herself, “Fair Lady Aila you already know me all too well, however Duke Fontaine I have never had the pleasure! Well, maybe once on the battlefield.”

Lady Tempest would bow before continuing, “I am Luna of the house Tempest and Grey Exarch of Shadowdale. Allow me to welcome you into my home. It may not be as well appointed as what your grace is used to but I am sure you will find it comfortable.”

Luna would give both her guests a smile, “Lady Aila does you a disservice Duke of Perdan, I knew you were older but not once did she mention how handsome you are. I can see why Aila likes you. You will however be happy to know that when I contacted Lady Aila over accommodations she demanded quarters fitting your station.”

“Rumor has it you are the great Pirate Duke of Perdan,” Lady Tempest motions towards the fountain where a model warship not quite unlike one you would find in a bottle is floating around in the rushing water, “I hope you find these accommodations to your liking.” Luna contains a chuckle while pointing towards the model boat.

Lady Storme peered into the large fountain as Luna pointed and let out a jovial laugh instantly; realizing somewhere there was a broken bottle without it's ship in the name of this horrendous joke.

Luna admires Aila’s easy laughter before pressing on, “I jest, of course a state suite has been prepared for the Duke and Lady Aila can stay in my quarters as requested, shall we retreat inside? A grand feast has been prepared in anticipation of your arrival.”

Walking towards the Mountain Manor the Grey Exarch concludes her introduction, “Oh and one last thing my precious guests, I have extended an invitation to my liege Baroness Brigdha Dubhaine. She may join us at some point during your visit, I hope you don’t mind as this is her land after all.”

Lady Tempest turns to face the Duke and the Dame while servants open the great oak doors of the manor behind her, “Welcome to Shadowdale.”

Tempest Family/Cartography_Archive#Mountain_Manor_in_Evora
Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Roleplay from Duke Smiddich Fontaine, Ambassador of Perdan
(Message sent to everyone in Evora)

“Rumor has it you are the great Pirate Duke of Perdan”, - Lady Luna Tempest

The man who alighted his horse took her hand in the practised manor of a professional statesman, “Lady Exarch, you do us a great honor. Perdan and I are overjoyed at the invitation and the accommodations. I must admit, I don’t think I’ve ever been up here! It’s beautiful… exotic, in a way”.

He takes off his duster and a broadbrimmed hat; they are whisked away in a moment by a porter. The Duke is tall and broad, patently a warrior; some said, among the greatest swordsmen of the era. His clothes, although sturdy and made for travel, were fine and tailored, his fingers decked with silver and steel. Dark hair – some wisps of grey - was pulled back and tied with a silver toggle, a sharp goatee manicured. He walked with a brave swagger, armed with a sabre which was perfect for travel on horseback; rumour said he favoured the cutlass at home, of course, and lately a more urban rapier.

The Black Bladed Duke chuckled at the model warship, sinking down onto his haunches to admire it, and spin the wheel with his finger, “I make these, at home!”, he said with a boyish excitement, “So much of my life before was at sea, it just made sense. Honestly, it is fine and patient work, and satisfying. I should have brought one with, for you – I apologise. I feared it would not make the trip. Instead!”, he uttered, rescuing a case from his stewards as they departed with his gear.

The box itself was already a treasure, of darkly stained walnut with inlaid pearls, and a nautical theme of mosaic ships at sea made with shell and lacquer. Inside, laying on a bed of silk was a blade, of sorts, long and sharp and transleucent. “Trolls tooth”, he said simply, “I fought them once or twice, in the deepest south when the ice came. Saw one bite clear through a mans thigh, tear another apart. They were beautiful… and deadly”, he says to the two ladies. “And a mouth full of these!”

He withdrew the tooth, as long as a mans forearm; it glittered in the sun as if it were ice or crystal. “With careful honing, it takes a good edge; be sure to have your smiths bind the hilt well, as any touch can cut. The pirate knight of Perdan replaced it carefully into the case and snapped it shut.

“I hate to stand on protocol, but is there anyone else we aught to greet before we continue? We already caused a bit of a stir on the way here, and I’d hate for anyone else to get offended.”
Duke Smiddich Fontaine, Ambassador of Perdan

Roleplay from Baroness Brigdha Dubhaine, Ambassador of Shadowdale
(Message sent to everyone in Evora) "Protocol is ever the foe of comfort m'lord," an elegant woman dressed in simple robes and of indeterminate age stood on the far side of the fountain, though quite as to why no one had noticed her before now was just another of those little mysteries which characterised the comings and goings of Baroness Brigdha Dubhaine, Lady of Evora and personal envoy of The Shadow King.
Baroness Brigdha Dubhaine, Ambassador of Shadowdale

Roleplay from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Message sent to everyone in Evora)

How endearing it was so see him take genuine pleasure in something so simple and small, she couldn't help but imagine him in that big ornate chamber concentrating on tiny boats in his spare moments. Luna's awful boat joke had won her a laugh from Lady Storme but the Duke's admiration of the little toy had warmed Aila's heart. Swiftly, he retrieved the gift he had carried all this way for Luna from one of his men and she got to see the contents. Of course; a gift worth more then everything and Storme has owned ten times over.

Standing by admiring the two of them as they interacted for the first time Aila began sizing up Luna not as a potential target but instead as a person; a woman. Outside of her big ugly armor she was rather comely with her rare combination of raven dark hair and bright blue eyes. She had a physique as hard as you would expect from a fighting woman yet did not stand near as tall as a man. With Luna standing beside Smiddich, Aila was able to realize in that moment that they were of the same height seemingly and the memory of Luna deflecting her attack so easily once again stung in her heart. Somehow she had convinced herself Luna was this beast of a woman but now she could see no; She is no beast but she must instead work very hard.

By the look of lady Luna's estate she had no need for more money and it seemed likely that the tooth would in fact make it to becoming a weapon for Shadowdale's Grey Exarch.

Just as they were about to enter the manor the soft voice of another woman caught Aila's ear and she was quick to reel around to witness the sudden and unexplained appearance of a robed Lady who she could not recognize. This stranger stood apart from them; the misty display of the water feature obscuring a face already foreign to the young Lady Aila. She reached out grasping her Duke's arm gingerly in a gesture to both notify him of this new woman that appeared with no carriage and no horse seemingly out of thin air and also one of guarded cautiousness toward her.
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Roleplay from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Message sent to everyone in Evora)

Lady Tempest received the gift from the Duke with contained excitement. The “Troll’s Tooth as he called it looked like it would make an excellent blade and she fully intended to use it as such. Luna would have the ornate box and the treasure within handed off to Lissa; who despite being shouted at earlier was still standing firm ready to serve.

“Lissa bring this to my quarters and be careful about it” the Grey Exarch ordered before turning towards the Duke once again, “A beautiful gift, your grace, probably more than I deserve considering it has barely been a month since I ordered an invasion of Nascot but I will graciously accept. I will be sure to meet with Shadowdale’s finest smith to have it prepared for myself.”

While walking towards the Manor Lady Tempest would take notice that something or someone startled Lady Aila. Turning around revealed that someone was nothing other than Luna’s liege; Baroness Dubhaine.

“Ah my liege, who else but yourself could arrive in such a mysterious fashion, almost as if you emerged from the shadows themselves for no one knows this land better than you.” Lady Tempest would proclaim before formally introducing the Lady to her guest, “Duke Fontaine, Lady Storme allow me to introduce my liege; Lady Brigdha Dubhaine, Baroness of Evora and Ambassador of Shadowdale.”

The Grey Exarch would ask and motion everyone towards the manor once again while asking a question of each guest.

“So fair Lady Aila how did you find the road?”

“Duke Fontaine, you hand some trouble along the way? I hope it wasn’t caused by any of my men.”

“Baroness Dubhaine, I hope that I have kept the Mountain Manor estate maintained to your liking.”
Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Roleplay from Baroness Brigdha Dubhaine, Ambassador of Shadowdale
(Message sent to everyone in Evora)

"Your Grace, it's a pleasure to renew our acquaintance. I trust your journey East was an uneventful one?" there was genuine affection in the Baroness's eyes as she offered the Duke a slender hand with a surprisingly firm grip, "With all the trouble on the roads of late I've taken the liberty of arranging extra security for your stay though I doubt anyone will be foolish enough to risk Lady Luna's wrath."

The extra security wasn't really necessary, not here in Brigdha's own Demesne, but it never hurt to remind guests that the high passes were guarded.
Baroness Brigdha Dubhaine, Ambassador of Shadowdale

Roleplay from Duke Smiddich Fontaine, Ambassador of Perdan
(Message sent to everyone in Evora)

Duke Fontaine, you had some trouble along the way? I hope it wasn't caused by any of my men." - Lady Luna Tempest,

"Not at all", said the Duke with a grin, "Though we did available ourselves to some cellar door sales at the Morshes wineries on the way here. I had no idea there were so many vineyards along the river!". The Duke walks and talks easily, a statesman if not a trained spokesman, "It was, perhaps, an unfortunate route, and completely my fault. If it has stirred any difficulty among the Eponlynn, I apologise, and shall forward the aggrieved parties my sincerest".

It was hard to tell whether there was a hint of mirth, a touch of smirk in the pirate lords demeanor.

He patted Lady Ailas hand as she grasped his arm, "I just wanted to take advantage of the current political situation and get out of the city, certainly not to cause anyone discomfort or alarm. Actually, I've always looked at Evora on the map and wondered - is it a mountain? A forest? A lake? I am pleasantly surprised to discover that it is all three!"

"Your Grace, it's a pleasure to renew our acquaintance. I trust your journey East was an uneventful one?" - Lady Brigdha Dubhaine

"The pleasure is mine, your Worship", said the Black-Bladed Duke, taking her hand warmly. "I believe we last met in the lists - or perhaps the tournament ground. In any case, perhaps in this renewed era of peace - or at least, fewer wars, for now - there will be more call for these social events. It would please me - and our council - if we took this opportunity to meet in a more official capacity, and see if we can't bang out something a little more permanent. But! That was not the reason for our visit, so there it no call for it to take centre stage."

He takes a deep breath; the air is _thin_ up here!

"Perhaps, ladies, you would entertain my curiosity and take us to most convenient and tallest vantage point? I'd like to see the view up from up here!"
Duke Smiddich Fontaine, Ambassador of Perdan

Roleplay from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Message sent to everyone in Evora)

Aila lets Fontaine answer for her, falling silent while the the more seasoned statesmen made his show. Her Falcon flies overhead, swooping and diving in the mountain winds it loves and likely missed.

The cool mountain breeze then sweeps over the courtyard as the Duke mentions an era of peace causing Aila to shiver; She would never question him here but after the climb to the Manor the distant smell of roasted meat within the warm home called to her more then a cliff-side ever could. She had to admire the energy he had at any rate.

"Lady Luna sent us a map" Aila reminded him "There is a lookout only accessible from the manor as far as I can tell; as well as another beyond those cherry trees" She had spent quite a bit of time staring down at that map Luna had drawn her, yet another talent Aila was a bit jealous of. How did she manage to get so very good at so very much? Since turning of age Aila could mainly only recall marching, fighting...This was not the time to think of it.

"I can smell dinner from here" Aila said in a very Aila-like way, always teetering on the edge of annoyance. "If you'd like to admire the view i'd like to admire the food as you do" the young knight declared while disappearing inside the great wooden doors removing her riding cloak as she did.

She knew she had a funny way of getting along, or rather not getting along with people yet seemed not to care most of the time how others perceived her. Commoners least of all as Luna's staff moved out of the little Knights way while she followed her nose to the manors dining hall. Doormen posted let her in instantly and she was the first to witness the spread Luna had put on for the Duke. The stone room consisted of vaulted ceilings long windows made with glass so old it appeared to be dripping like water and obscuring the scenery outside. Banners of Shadowdale and house Tempest hung from the walls among tapestry's that showed their ancient age despite the care that had gone into their maintenance over the years. On the heavy oaken tables there was set enough for them and every member of staff and perhaps a small village as well. Roasts of haunches and fowl Aila did not even recognize arranges on beds of roasted onions dripping with juice. Sweetbreads, pigeon pie and apples roasted with spices sat beside mountain berry cakes frosted in sugar.

"Forget the view outside the view inside suits me more" she declared to the delight of a serving girl who poured her a cup of sweet red wine "Leave it to a man hm?" She said cryptically as the serving girl replied with an amused but incredulous look as Aila sat alone at the table.

"I can see why Lady Luna likes you Milady you've a fine humor"

"Humor?? Oh. Yes...Aila the amusing they call me" Perhaps if the girl had known what they really called Aila she wouldn't have laughed so readily as she left Aila with her drink.
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Roleplay from Baroness Brigdha Dubhaine, Ambassador of Shadowdale
(Message sent to everyone in Evora) "An unusual lass," Brigdha's eyes tracked the young dame's progress through the Manor House, a boisterous bruise of swirling energetic yellows with an undercurrent of purple self-doubt, "Though doubtless age will temper that."
Baroness Brigdha Dubhaine, Ambassador of Shadowdale

Roleplay from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Message sent to everyone in Evora)

Lady Tempest watched as Aila boldly stated her intention marching into her manor while listening to her own liege's apt description of the young golden haired noble.

"Lady Storme might be the bravest and boldest lady I have ever met. No qualms about stating her intentions and following through regardless of who she is addressing. Gods I love that fiery spirit." the Grey Exarch affirms.

Luna faces the Duke to address his earlier question, "Well the most convenient and tallest vantage point would be the manor terrace which just so happens to lie beyond the great hall. From there one can see the entire valley below with its crystal clear brook and misty waterfalls... It's even a great place to dispose of unruly guest. Again I jest, forgive me, your grace, my liege, Aila's very pretense make me want to pester others. I simply cannot help myself."

The Grey Exarch makes her way to the manor just entering the door, "If your grace and my liege would like have moment with each other please feel free and allow me to excuse myself. I shall have the servant pour everyone a glass on wine and meet you all on the Eagles Perch."
Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Roleplay from Baroness Brigdha Dubhaine, Ambassador of Shadowdale
(Message sent to everyone in Evora)

"The Valley Pool is one of East Continent's hidden gems Your Grace, and Lady Luna's estate enjoys the most spectacular vantage point from which to drink in its atmosphere." Brigdha's voice was light like the clean summer air at this high altitude as she drew close to the Ambassador, offering him her elegant, dignified arm, "I'd be honoured to share your first impressions."

She'd felt a strong temptation to claim the Manor for herself when she first moved to Evora, to play the role of The Baroness with splendour and power commensurate to the wealth in gold that flowed from the fabled Temple Delvings. Even after all her years as an ascetic, possessed of the full might of a Balancewalker, still the venal conceits of the Facies were a danger to be guarded against...

Recognising her own frailty she'd opted instead to raise her simple brock upon the craggy stone ramparts of an ancient hill fort, nestled between the vertiginous peaks far above them at the headwaters of the mighty Bescanon. There where in ancient days some petty chieftain had ruled from a rude wooden hall the river burst from its underground fountains already fully-formed, a white torrent rushing headlong to the Western Ocean, bearing with it the rich volcanic sediment which nourished the river valley and gave the vineyards their distinctive vintage.

Cual Dubhaine she'd named that place in Old Fontanese - Mount Dubhaine in the common tongue - and as many strange rumours surounded it as the Lady by whose command it burst forth one night from the rocky escarpment, a modest fortress to be sure compared to the mighty citadel complex of Akesh, and yet a vital chokepoint in the complex web of mountain passes which snaked their way through the torturous peaks, every approach guarded by sharp eyes and deadly shafts. For this was the playground of the Ghost Watch, that rumoured association of men and women who'd from time to time been remarked about The Shadow King's business abroad and yet whose loyalty was ultimately to House not Throne.
Baroness Brigdha Dubhaine, Ambassador of Shadowdale

Roleplay from Duke Smiddich Fontaine, Ambassador of Perdan
(Message sent to everyone in Evora)

Smiddich looks on with amusement and concern as Aila patters off to enjoy the repast; the porters and staff they brought with simply shrug and go back to unloading the wagon and saddlebags brought with, and storing it as directed. None of them will likely get to sample and of the finery inside except for scraps and leavings, but it sure does smell tasty.

"An unusal lass," - Lady Brigdha Dubhaine

"She is at that, your Worship", says the Duke of Perdan, rescuing a small barrel from atop the luggage being wheeled inside, "I hope you don't mind, but I brought you mead from home; our local knights seem to be in the liquor business in one way or another, representing breweries, wineries, distillieries and meaderies. I have to say, I was a brandy man before, but the sweet melomel is pleasant, after dinner, with a smoke."

"Lady Storme might be the bravest and boldest lady I have ever met!" - Lady Luna Tempest

"Certainly strong of will, and a... let's call it the singleminded determination of youth!", says the pirate knight; did the Ambassador of Shadowdale crack a smile at that?

"I would love to see the sights from the eyrie, before it gets too late", says Smiddich, "I miss the thrill of the crows nest and having that wonderful view. You aught to see the cliffs from my study in the Ducal palace though!", says the Duke wistfully. He offers his arm to the Shadowdale Ambassador, "That's not out of the realms of possibility now, though. Lead on, your Worship!"
Duke Smiddich Fontaine, Ambassador of Perdan

Roleplay from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Message sent to everyone in Evora)

Almost instantly she had asked for music and music came; to her delight a counter tenor lutist took up a stool nearby and asked Lady Storme what sort of music she liked. A most unexpected but instant answer from the young knight "A song of love" won a smile from the bard before he began his tune; with no one there to groan at her request he began a sickly sweet ballad about a woman from the southern kingdoms and her champion for Aila to listen to as she picked at a berry cake and sipped her wine. She seemed entirely unbothered to be alone not having come to make a show but rather see the Grey Exarch outside of a battlefield; as circumstances made that rather hard at the moment she settled for checking things out herself and so far she was impressed by Luna and her home.

Hidden behind a dreamy look at a comely young bard, Aila gave no hint of the creature of doubt that lurked in her heart. It had been there since the Gala, it had marched with her South and marched with her North and it sat with her now still at Luna's table. She would continue to watch the bard closely, his sweet words falling on deaf ears as internally she pondered her true place in all this.
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Roleplay from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Message sent to everyone in Evora)

Luna made her way to the great hall to see Aila already enjoying the food, wine and apparently the bard who was playing a horrendous love song.

Wasting no time Lady Tempest informed a servant to pour some wine for her two guests who had still yet to enter the greathall while having another servant pour glass for herself. Wine in hand she boldly walked towards Lady Storme and sat down right beside her.

"Oh I love this song." Luna exclaimed while sneaking the bard a menacing glare for he undoubtedly knew the Grey Exarch did in fact not love the song but the implication was clear. Shut up and play.

Looking into Lady Storme's eyes while caressing her golden locks Luna would speak softly, "You look fabulous my fair lady, riding clothes or not all you need to wear are those beautiful hazel eyes and that flowing golden mane. Also what's this I see." Lady Tempest would look down towards Lady Storme's bosom, "A falcon crest and a falcon's whistle. You are a true falconer through and through aren't you. However you know Aila you never did tell me how Luna tasted."

The Grey Exarch would grab her glass on wine and take a large gulp awaiting with anticipation of Lady Aila's reaction. Would it be another duel request or something more friendly?
Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Roleplay from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Message sent to everyone in Evora)

Lady Storme had been thoroughly distracted with her thoughts, stirred by Luna sitting close at her side. She hid her surprise behind a sip of wine before turning to face the other woman. At once the realization that Luna liked a good love song as well as she did made her smile at once and her resulting compliment was met with a well practiced flattered act that she used every time someone commented on the golden made as Luna called it. Her straying eyes however were not something she was used to getting from any noble in Perdan.

Innocent Aila let out her somewhat shocked breath as she resolved that Luna had simply noticed her chains and wanted a look; the mention of Luna her falcon softened her still. Deft fingers picked the small whistle out of her shirt and she pulled it off over her head, sweeping her hair over once shoulder as she did so. She offered it to Luna, revealing a tiny tarnished silver whistle cast in the shape of an otter "I didn't eat her. I was trying to hurt you." for once the little knight did not sound annoyed. "And I brought the whistle for you." In an uncharacteristic move, away from her Duke she would admit "House Storme has no treasure, or riches that a banker or merchant would care for. I can only offer things that /I/ care for.You gave me a companion that I shouldn't have taken for granted; then an invitation to a place I never thought I would come to in peace. This is all I have to repay you. My father taught me to hunt with it, it's shrill...Probably not much good to you. It's not much good to me either. But it's been close to my heart for many years so I hope you'll keep it close to yours."

She sat back now, the one to drink as she waited for Luna's reply; Internally daring her to try and refuse the meager gift.
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Roleplay from Duke Smiddich Fontaine, Ambassador of Perdan
(Message sent to everyone in Evora)

Smiddich allows Brigdha to lead them slowly on a tour of the mountain oasis, taking in the expansive height of the settlement. Though small, it must have been an impressive feat to build on such a precipice. Being used to sails and masts, and living on somewhat of a precipice himself, Smiddich was no stranger to vertigo and dizzying heights.

"Your Worship", he says plainly, once they had reached a lookout and enjoyed the view, "My presence here must be confusing", admits the Duke of Perdan.

"It must be unseemly to you for a man of my age and stature", he clears his throat, "To be escorting a slip of a knight so much my junior. Her relationship with Lady Luna is baffling and full of juvenile spite, but I believe it has no true toxicity at its core. The two threaten each other, perhaps, in a contest of wealth and power... but I perceive also a mite of jealousy and adolescent curiosity. If not from both sides, then at least from one to another."

The Duke turns away for a time, not wishing to dwell on that subject overmuch.

"These are truly strange times", he admits, in the overstatement of the century, "And the council and I are truly baffled that the previously wholly antagonistic war machine of the North has ground to a halt. Both Perdan and Shadowdale are now of a like; full to brimming with idealistic new knights, pressing at our borders for give, and clamoring to find ways to entertain them without causing an international incident. It must be that every realm refuses to send the declaration of war without the best cause, lest they be identified as the aggressor."

Smiddich turns to address her face to face, "Brigdha, Perdan the realm - the one that people want to hate? It doesn't exist any more. There was a time when we might have deserved what was coming to us but those responsible are gone, and if not, gone from any position of power. All that my young knights have known is this war, and not the reasons for it. Believe us, we have not shied from our awful past, but we have tried to be the better for it."

He shifts uncomfortably, "I know that everyone is clamoring for allies, now. No-one wants to be the one sitting out of this dance. I want Shadowdale to know that Perdan has endorsed a peace treaty between our two nations; no more war between us. We'll come to your defense if you suffer for it; if Shadowdale is overwhelmed, you can count on our support. We're nearby and have plenty of knights eager to move North across the river, if it comes to that. However, I understand that you have been allied with Sirion, Eponlynn and Nivemus for a long time. You may still owe them a debt, if not fealty, and we understand that. What I'm offering you - Shadowdale - _right now_ is the first right of refusal. We will not be offering it to Eponlynn or Sirion, and my hand will not be extended for long. I beg you to grasp it!"

The black bladed Duke composes himself, "If not a peace treaty, then one of neutrality, perhaps? Formalised; not to go without saying as we had with Nivemus, or Caligus. For those nations too look for allies. The deep south has finally gotten its act together and with the Vixen merger, their strength is now undeniable. They'll look north for vengeance, without a doubt."

He sighs, "Aila and I shall depart in the morning. I thank you most kindly for your hospitality. I believe we best go and check on the girls before any blood is spilled!"
Duke Smiddich Fontaine, Ambassador of Perdan

Roleplay from Baroness Brigdha Dubhaine, Ambassador of Shadowdale
(Message sent to everyone in Evora)

"Children are indeed a concern when left unwatched for too long, much like a boiling kettle," Brigdha's voice betrayed just the merest hint of amusement in contrast to her otherwise serene facade, an enigmatic gesture which did nothing to dispel the somewhat disconcerting sense that she often knew far more than she was letting on.

"I think it's quite charming that our two young ladies have formed such a strong attachment despite their mismatched natures, and I see in their rivalry something not entirely dissimilar to the tension between our peoples," even though the Duke towered over the Baroness her presence somehow seemed undiminished by the comparison. They began their leisurely walk back towards the Manor House and their waiting refreshments, as if the heavenlies were leisurely descended on the peaks of Evora to speak of matters pecular to their estate.

Here and there a bird's fulsome screech pierced the evening quiet as the sun sank behind the snow-capped peaks, spreading a sea of purple and orange across the escarpment whilst the sheer sides of the Valley Pool receded into deep shadow. The air would soon turn chill as the last weak light of day guttered into ashen twilight, limning the woodlands below with a delicate rime of hoarfrost even at this time of year. But here in the heights watchful eyes would continue their silent vigil, limbs huddled in thick woolen cloaks within their unseen hides.

"A younger generation seeks a place in this world Smiddich, just as your generation did before them, and mine before that. Few amongst men remember all the sorrows of our past let alone of the times before," Brigdha stroked a whisp of hair from her face, sable strands gliding effortlessly over unwrinkled skin, "Yet there are other powers in these lands who do remember. Once men perhaps, but not of our lineage, to whom the spilled blood of ancient days still screams for vengeance. And there are things immeasurably older. Darker. Unforgiving. Minds which slumbering dream great and dreadful dreams."

"Have you ever heard of The Great Serpent? The Dragon of Elfland?" she stopped, turning to face the Duke and holding his gaze for the briefest moment, a moment which stretched to eternity and back as a flood of images and emotions crashed in no particular order into his consciousness. Smiddich reeled, struck with a vertigo alien to him and the priestess steadied him. Was this a dream? Sorcery? There was no rock on which to anchor the experience as faces cascaded before his eyes, elf and man and orc, and a babel of tongues filled his ears. But there was an anchor sure enough. A sword forged when the world was young, and two malevolent lidless eyes, serpentine brimstone chasms. The vision was gone in the instant but it left an imprint permanently etched in the Duke's memory and in subtle ways the world seemed new to the Pirate Lord's eyes.

"Whilst the dragon slumbers so do I, a curse from Elven youth, but when the dragon rises in ecstasy, I’ll be that serpent’s proof!" their lips moved in unison as the doggerel passed to her by Meristenzio now passed to Smiddich.​​​​
Baroness Brigdha Dubhaine, Ambassador of Shadowdale

Roleplay from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Message sent to everyone in Evora)

Lady Tempest paid the utmost attention to Lady Aila as she unveiled her gift for the Grey Exarch. At first Luna was a little disappointed that Lady Storme seemly did not understand or did not care for earlier advances but as Aila spoke it became evident that she was so pure of heart she couldn't possibly understand how the Grey Exarch truly felt.

"But it's been close to my heart for many years so I hope you'll keep it close to yours." - Aila Storme

Luna was deeply touched by the Dame's gift. What would seem quite a meager gift to most meant the world to Lady Tempest, she even had to hold back a tear or two while receiving the silver whistle from Aila's out stretched hand.

Holding Aila's hand in her own along with the silver whistle Luna would speak to her fair haired friend, "Lady Aila you have me at a loss. Your gift already means the world to me. I do not measure worth in amounts of gold but in quality of character. If you say this whistle has been close to your heart it's as if you have given me a very piece of your own heart and I will treasure it always."

Studying the whistle carefully Luna saw it was cast in the shape on an otter giving the gift even more significance as the animal was said to symbolize friendship, peace and kindness. The Grey Exarch wasted no time slipping the silver chain of the otter whistle over her head to rest securely around her neck giving it one more glance before looking back into Aila's gentle face.

"I wonder!" Luna exclaims jumping from her seat grabbing Lady Storme by the hand and dragging her along, "Come with me, I wish to show you something on the terrace and your gift should be perfect to call him."

The Grey Exarch proceeds to lead her guest along until they are both standing out in the brisk mountain air with the very last light of the sun to soon be hidden behind the tall mountains around. Luna pressed the whistle to her lips and unleashes a loud shrill then looks towards the sky. A few moments pass but nothing appears, the sky is as beautiful as ever but is complete empty except for its failing color in the darkness. Luna looks back to Aila slightly disappointed when from below the terrace a great gust of wind rises and a massive brown eagle along with it.

Ever the master hunter and the king of the sky the great bird surprised both ladies and perched upon the roof above, sharp deadly talons gripping and breaking some of the clay tiles underneath. He would spread his wings wide once stretching at least 10 feet wide before folding them majestically aside and staring down at the two women below.

Luna could barely contain her excitement grabbing both Lady Storme's hands and speaking to the Dame, "Aila this is Apollo, my friend nay my kindred spirit. We crossed paths the last full moon but I had not seen him since. He is a omen of my destiny and I had hoped he would come to the call of your whistle. Its seems my fate is not only entwined with this symbol of freedom but also with you my fair lady."

Letting go of Aila's hand and looking back at the towering eagle Luna continued, "If only you could get to see his majesty up closer but i'm afraid Apollo is still a free spirit, a wild king. I regret that he will never be tamed to command, perhaps a testament to our own fates my Lady."
Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Roleplay from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Message sent to everyone in Evora)

The gratefulness Luna received her gift in truth was relief to Aila; the little whistle was a relic from the days her little fingers did not serve her to whistle for her falcons and the trinket was her late fathers dear solution. As she pulled the necklace over her neck Aila helped by pulling the raven black braid through and let it rest on Luna's shoulder. At once her hand was clasped in Luna's and she was pulled to her feet then across the great hall of her estate to a Terrance attached as the Grey Exarch exclaimed about meeting /him/ "Him what do you mean him?"

Aila winces at the sound of the shrill whistle; she had played with it on the way to Evora but she hadn't realized quite how deafening it was for everyone around it. Something about Luna seemed defeated in the moments after the whistle, Aila put a hand on her shoulder in unknowing reassurance, as she was about to ask what the matter was a brown flash carried on the wind caused her to jump; startled. The great bird Aila recognized at once as an eagle spread it's wings in a rather threatening display Aila cling to the arm of the other knight in shock and awe.

Dame Aila had a look that could only be described as dumbfounded as Luna grasped both of her hands and explained excitedly what she had just witnessed. The jealousy that always plagued Aila seemed to have shown itself once again as when Luna let go of her, Aila disappeared at once into the dining hall without a word. A long moment passed before she would emerge again with leg of a lamb still dripping with fat, the bone clutched in one hand as she inched toward the giant beast without any hint of wanting or needing permission.

Fascination overtook caution as the lady falconer moved close; offering outstretched to Apollo as he stared down at her with keen eyes that reflected the dancing light of the torches set out on the terrace. "It's for you" she insisted, taking another cautious step forward.

The swift snap of a break longer then her hand made her breath catch in her throat but she did not jump away or even move an inch as he ripped the gift out of her grasp and pinned it under one foot and began tearing away at the flesh swallowing huge chunks at a time as Aila sized him up in absolute delight. "Kings don't need taming, do they handsome fellow" she spoke softly, too softly to hide the trembling inside her. "Nothing to regret about it at all"

The opportunity to stroke his feathers was right there, yet Aila valued her archers fingers too much to chance it. Once he finished his snack she backed away to Luna again, having drank in her fill of the massive animal up close. She would resist the urge to gush to Luna about it all; instead she grasped Luna's hand in hers remaining silent to watch her kindred spirit with quiet and keen interest until he took his leave.
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Roleplay from Duke Smiddich Fontaine, Ambassador of Perdan
(Message sent to everyone in Evora)

“Have you ever heard of The Great Serpent? While the Dragon slumbers, so do I, a curse from Elven youth, but when the dragon rises in ecstasy, I’ll be that serpents proof!” Lady Brigda Dubhaine

Smiddich felt his lips moving unbidden, uttering those words. A snake, a sword, an elven youth. How much did she know? His hand flexed reflexively, dancing over the hilt of his sabre as if to ward off the serpents gaze; or that of the Shadowdale Ambassador. For all that he despised spellcasting and the mythical world, pirates were superstitious and too much of her vignette rang with truth.

“I’m sure I have not, your Excellency”, he says at last, turning up the collar of his cloak against a suddenly frigid blast of cold. “But I thank you for the tour, the view, and your attention. If you will allow me to pen Perdan’s official offer, I shall leave it for your review before we depart, tomorrow. Now – we had best turn our attention to our knights, I fancy, should be left alone no longer!”

He escorts the priestess down the cliffs again, but it is uncertain who is supporting whom. Twice, Smiddich is struck with a bout of vertigo – unimaginable! – and once the surefooted pirate slips on a loose rock which clatters to the ground. The world seems out of focus and sounds jangle discordant in his ears.

At dinner, and during the evenings conversation, he is dour and distracted, easily startled by light and sound. He drinks heavily, but eats little, and the one cigar he takes burns low without his intervention. Is the Duke lost in the perils of diplomacy, his thoughts reeling with treaties and the wages of war? Or is the subtle susurrous of the slumbering serpent insinuated into his psyche already?

He stands, suddenly, unsteadily, “Ladies”, he utters, addressing Aila, Luna and Brighda, “I fear I must retire. The long journey and the thin mountain air does not agree with me. My apologies, please; if you will see me to the accomodations, I would be obliged. Thankyou for entertaining us here, in the heart of Evora. The trip has been eventful, and I hope, fruitful for our nations. Think on peace, and if not peace, then at least, not war.”

With that, he turns and swirls off down the corridor, brooding with sour thoughts, to pen a treaty he fears will never be signed. In the morning, he rises early and urges his men to prepare horses.

It is clear he has not slept.

Aila is the only one astute enough to notice, meekly (for the Duke snaps at her once for tarrying), that the grey streak in his hair has disappeared, replaced with ravendark.
Duke Smiddich Fontaine, Ambassador of Perdan

Friendly Relations

Letter from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Personal message to Luna Tempest)

(A letter is delivered along with a very small box, inside is a trinket in the form of a cheap ring with a setting made of moonstone, shaped like a crescent moon)


I've been home and settled into my new scouting position just recently; that's right my eye is on the border so don't even think about it.

I jest of course.

I hope you're doing alright, I know we left in rather a hurry yet the Duke now seems more vital then ever. Perhaps it truly was the air? He does make his living on the waters edge afterall. Thank you again for inviting us to your home; I've not stopped telling everyone what a lovely spot you've got since I've been back.

Recently I was in Perdan for repairs and I saw something that made me think of you- yes it's very "on the nose" I have one too.
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Letter from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Personal message to Aila Storme)

Lady Aila

Again you bestow upon me another gift I don't deserve however I will treasure it all the same.

I am happy to hear you made it safely home though I do miss you my lady. Perhaps with you watching the border so closely I will have to invade just to see your lovely face once again!

The Duke seemed a nice man but perhaps you are right, a life on the sea is quite different than life in the mountains. It is quite easy for one to come down from the heights and adjust but not so simple when opposite.

However now more than ever I hope the Duke is living up to his title and station. With the death of King Kay, my condolences by the way, your realm will need impeccable leadership. I fear any sign of weakness will draw both Eponllyn and Sirion to your borders in short order, so despite the circumstances you and all of Perdan need to come off looking as strong as ever.

As for the ring I will treasure it even more knowing you wear its twin. What was it I said way back when we first started writing each other. Oh yes, it seems Tempest and Storme are truly meant to be.

Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Letter from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Personal message to Luna Tempest)


Your appreciation for such a tiny trinket is charming.

The death of the king is a great loss to us all. He saw Perdan through some trying times and always guided the realm with a steady, ever just hand. A ceremony is being held for him in Brive, lead by a Priestess of Leandra. I do not know if I should attend- it's a very emotional affair and you know how I can be around -feelings-.

As a result of the kings death there is being held an election for the next, Kingsley, Renodin and Fontaine are all running. Three guesses who my money is on. I can sense that he is not confident in the face of the tragically handsome golden Paladin of Perdan Renodin yet I think he underestimates just what a git many of us see him as.

Tomorrow we see the result of the election. A hunt in his honour is also being held; they are inviting foreigners I wonder did Renodin think of Shadowdale...? Is anything of interest going on in the North? I have had my head down working for the last few days in Perdan...News outside of the city has escaped me entirely.

Your Friend

Lady Aila Storme

Dame of Aix
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Letter from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Personal message to Luna Tempest)

Thank you for helping us Luna; Every day we are brought some new promise some new agreement... I am glad that I have you to parse the lies and help me help King Smiddich get to the bottom of the falsehoods that lie in the North.

I have been whispering ideas of a shared colony with Shadowdale in the Chaos Isle in the ears of Ambassadors in Perdan... Perhaps you could do the same

Together we can sway the fate of the Continent.

Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Letter from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Personal message to Aila Storme)

Tempest and Storme sway the fate the fate of the Continent? Blow the fate the fate of the Continent?

Oh I know Tempest and Storme, Storme and Tempest, sorry pedantic either order is fine by me.


Storme and Tempest zephyr the fate of the Continent!

Yes, I quite like the sound of that.

Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Letter from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Personal message to Luna Tempest)

You are quite the poet Luna; I hope everything is already in the North. News coming South is contradicting itself left and right- it is difficult to know what to believe. You are wise enough and high enough in command likely to have a better grasp on it then I.

How does it go in Nivemis? Are you fighting on the front lines?

I worry

Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Letter from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Personal message to Aila Storme)

Lady Aila

I am myself fighting in Nivemus. So far the campaign is going well as Nivemus lacks a substantial mobile force. However the Shadow King was wounded during the first siege of Kazakh and still not recovered. I worry for him but it became untenable to remain by his side as Nivemus fully exploited the strategical situation of his wounding.

The diplomatic situation in the north is a mess. It seems not only to our allies seek to block us at every corner but they might also be going behind out backs to make their own deal with Perdan. They accuse us of tearing the north apart yet would gladly sacrifice everything to see we get nothing.

Stay safe,

Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Letter from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Personal message to Luna Tempest)


Rumors reached me this afternoon of your battle in Greatbridge- They speak of you appearing to lead your men in the vanguard wearing Bloody Platemail of Avamar. I know it is a foolish thing for a Perdanese archer to say but, Gods, I wish I could've been there win or loss. I prayed to Leandra last night that you would win, I pray again today that you reply to me with news of good health .

I'm sorry about your king, has he rebounded yet? He is a young man from all accounts a healthy one so I hope he rejoins you on the front soon.

You should know the letter you shared with me the other day made my blood boil...Westmoor looks most inviting, perhaps we will meet somewhere in the middle one day. I told the King as much.

Sending Love,
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Letter from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Personal message to Aila Storme)

Lady Aila

Your concern for me is touching. I am doing fine, our current campaign is coming to an end as we have been deployed in Nivemus for too long. However after a proper refit we will be returning in short order and we will not be so kind as the first campaign. Diplomacy has again reach a standstill so its time to escalate the conflict as its the only way we will get any satisfaction.

The Shadow King is finally on his feet again thank the Shadows as I was worried for a moment there we would have an empty throne at such a critical time for Shadowdales future.

How are you my lady? I hope all is well with you in Perdan?

Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Letter from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Personal message to Luna Tempest)

Aila's letter arrives in a lumpy state, when opened the note is wrapped in a hand made Perleone banner bought at the tourney grounds.

Sweet Luna,

I know in your position both politically and literally as Grey Exarch you cannot attend the Tourney, I was reluctant to attend as I am not much for competition hunting being more my talent...I ended up going and Ubent is as awful as I remember but the activity, the colorful banners and the drink make it a little easier to forget the fact that there is a ghost for every stone and cobble of this place.

They're selling some bric -a-brak, it is not much but perhaps will make you feel a bit more like you are here.

Wish me luck, I will joust for you (so if I fail you will take some blame!)

Your champion,
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Letter from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Personal message to Aila Storme)

Lady Aila

Again you bestow me with another gift. You again might not think it means much but quite the contrary it means a lot.

Dealing with the politics of the north is quite exhausting. Some days I wonder if it wouldn't be better just to quit is all leave it behind and live under a rock somewhere.

I'm practically a farmer at this point considering the sheer number of pest I must deal with in our fields. Snakes, weasels a few piles of dung. The north seems to have it all. They will say anything and everything to maintain their precious status quo and I am quite frankly sick of it. If the gods gave me the powers they gave my sister Sol I swear I would burn this entire world down. Perhaps that's why she always seemed somewhat temperamental. It's one thing to be upset at the world, but to actually have real power to do something about it but you cannot out of some sense of civility would be infuriating. Perhaps I should write her, its been 6 years since I last said anything to my sister. That's quite a depressing thought now that I think about it and entirely my own fault. Sol doesn't even know where I went, hell she doesn't even know that I am alive.

Anyway sorry I am rambling about my problems and you don't deserve that.

I hope the tournament went well for you. It would have been nice to abandon my duties if even only for a week and joined you but alas I could not.

Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Letter from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Personal message to Luna Tempest)

Sweet Luna,

I have been roaming the Chaos Temple for days now, it is a sorrowful place- I feel I am the only one who feels the ghosts howling on the wind in the ancient place. I have spend much of my time walking the coast, the walls you warned me of are visible from across the channel; yet all I can think is how I am glad that these lands are not for us. If Tideweaver and his ilk can lay their heads down here in peace they are welcome to it, the sights are wonderful but there is a sadness here; it feels nothing like home.

I am alone here, the colonists are all very strange men and some bad news from my family has left me feeling more lonesome then here. I grow unhappy, I wish you were here. At least Luna my falcon is happy as can be, I think the temple reminds her of the mountains.

Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Letter from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Personal message to Aila Storme)

Fair Lady Aila

I can't say I have even been to the Chaos Isles however when I was studying them for my map work they did indeed seem a bleak place. Why anyone would be looking to colonize them is beyond myself. You are right to let them have it, keep the best land for yourselves and let the rabble fight or the leftovers.

It is good to hear at least Luna is enjoying her time. I supposed she has become quite the fisher now as well?

Also you received some bad news from your family? Do you wish to discuss it? I might not seem the most sympathetic person but I will gladly help you carry any burden.

Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

War Returns to East Continent

Letter from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Personal message to Luna Tempest)

Fearsome Luna

The rumors of your victory flew all the way to Perdan swiftly. By all accounts it was a well fought battle on your part yet I still worry; I hope you are alright.

When you have rested well and long and your scribes have compiled the battle report i wonder if i could see it? My motivation is simple curiosity. I have not much say in the tactics deployed in Perdan but I do have interest in them and the report of a siege of such a large city would be something fine to look at.
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Roleplay from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Personal message to Aila Storme)

A large flat rectangular package covered in leather and many layers of paper arrives at the Ducal Palace of Perdan addressed to Dame Aila and King Smiddich with a letter addressed to the Lady.

Dear Aila

With our conquest of Fontan complete and our banner waving over the city I wanted to take a moment and find you a proper gift to commemorate the occasion. While moving into Fontan's Castle I found that there was simply too many distasteful portraits of their former King Rowan so I thought perhaps you might like one for a little target practice.

Don't worry i'll be sure to find you a more proper gift in due time I just figured this was an excellent way to get these gaudy paintings off my walls.

I would also like to extend an invitation, if you have the time you should make a visit to Fontan and see the city first hand. Might want to wait a few weeks however while we get the city back into shape as its quite the mess from the siege.

Yours Always,
Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Letter from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Personal message to Luna Tempest)

Sweet sweet Luna

What an unbelievably generous gift Luna I love it. The King is building a new Palace among all the chaos and this will be a perfect fixture for the new firing range- few things have I received in my life as thoughtful as this. Congratulations on your new title as well; A city Lord; My Luna; You are set for life! All you need now is a good man and a few dozen babies to shore up the family line hm?

I jest about the last bit; but I really am so happy for you. Your King surprises me every time I hear of him. He treats the new knights like gold and the old knights even better, no one our age could even dream of having a city in Perdan no matter how hard they worked... He acts quickly and decisively, and rumors have it he is not hard to look at to boot. It is refreshing to see among the Northern Lords. Nivimus and Epollyon are ruled by fat spoiled swine, Sirion by a Carrion bird choose it's course by the smell of spoiled blood on the wind. Calligus ruled by a sad, browbeaten man who seems only to mourn his easy lifestyle rather then his home and has hardly the guts to get out and fight at all.

Your King, and my King, might be the two greatest men in all the East Continent. I have grown in Perdan and seen war all my life, I was a little girl when Perdan City was sieged- Do you think I can ever forget the sound of Northern armies battering at the gates?- We thought we would all die but it got much worse then that. We were humiliated over and over and I grew tired of war long before I was old enough to fight- Anyone working to dismantle the alliances that have done that to my home has my love?

They may not work together, but together they are trying to change things. You have a great hand in that Luna- it's a wonder to behold. You truly deserve all your success in this life. I hope one day I can earn the same.
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Letter from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Personal message to Aila Storme)

Fair Lady Aila

I am so glad you love the gift, I was a little worried it wouldn't be in the best taste but I feel as if I know you quite well now so it makes me happy to see that affirmed.

A good man and a few dozen babies you say. Well perhaps one baby but I think I would prefer a Fair Lady to a good man. Don't get me wrong men have their uses but I usually find them quite boring. I feel like I have said as such before but anyway I digress.

Your comments about the northern lords brought me a fair chuckle, they are fat spoiled swine aren't they. I am glad to see that Perdan might be making a move against them as well finally. Talon Lionel was preaching high and mighty ideals to all the generals which is quite the farce coming from a snake. I have already saw fit to pass this scout report along to Alyssa but perhaps you would like to view it as well.

I see you are complimenting my King, Lindow. Yes he is quite pleasant to look at and is all around an amazing man. I am not sure what he cares more for, Shadowdale or his young nobility. He has no qualms about supporting Shadowdalians in earnest. It might interest you to know he is also looking for a wife and asked me to help in this regard. You don't happen to know any worthy young beautiful bachelorettes from Perdan that might be interested in such an arrangement do you?

Anyway I look forward to the day we can finally have another heart to heart meeting. It has been too long since that day in Evora.

Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Sweet Letters

Letter from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Personal message to Aila Storme)

Lady Aila

I hope you are keep safe these days. With all the wild reports the continent over and a smoke plum so massive coming from the Chaos Temple we can see it in Shadowdale does not bode well. Please keep in touch, I would die to hear anything bad happened to you.

Let us hope fate will let us meet again some day. There are certainly some words that will not go unsaid next time we meet.

Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Letter from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Personal message to Luna Tempest)

Speak your words now sweet Luna.

I am attending the King on matters regarding Kalmar's switching of hands. As a result I stand in Bastad and as I write this to you a large plume of black smoke lingers over the Chaos Temple swept toward the mainland of Nivemus from what I can see.

So far the air is clear here but the King is nervous to process into the black cloud and so we are holding here until things become more stable.

I saw the declaration against you today. Your old allies as you know only stick together to a point. When the benefit runs out I'm sure they will betray one another as they always do; and spin some untruth to paint themselves heroes.

I speak of myself too readily. I do think of you though Luna and often. Your falcon gives good company and since the strangeness all began clings closer to me then ever. How is your city? And what is it like being a duchess? I can only imagine what it would be like to be involved in a duchies dealings as a whole.

More, how are you? You are always so concerned with me I hardly hear a word about yourself.
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix