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Exhaling slowly Aldo points with a heavy hand at a near by bag on the table, "I have been informed that you are looking to become the Tribune. The office has long been empty, so I doubt you will have much competition."
Exhaling slowly Aldo points with a heavy hand at a near by bag on the table, "I have been informed that you are looking to become the Tribune. The office has long been empty, so I doubt you will have much competition."

Waiting while Fey pulls out the silver seal (which Fey can design) Aldo continues, "Plebeians can't read and they are famous for their ignorance, so to ensure they know who is Tribune I had this made when the law passed. I've had to hold on to it for far too long now and if all goes well soon it will be yours, so I thought it best to give it to you now."
Waiting while Fey pulls out the silver seal Aldo continues, "Plebeians can't read and they are famous for their ignorance, so to ensure they know who is their new Tribune I had this made for you. I'd planned to surprise you in more pleasant surroundings, but we live in dangerous times so I thought it best to give it to you now."

Pausing he smiles faintly, "Along with my thanks."
Pausing he smiles faintly, "Along with my thanks."

Latest revision as of 03:42, 23 May 2020

Roleplay from Fey Twix
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Fey scours the retreated troops, frantically looking, looking... finally she finds those she seeks, those wearing the Consul's colours.

"You there! Where is Aldo? I saw him struck down..."

The soldier shakes his head. "He was, Lady, but he should be all right in a few days. He is in with the healers, and they will do their best."

Fey nods to the man, and gives a wry little smile to the scribe nearby, who is holding a pile of scrolls for the Consul that will just have to wait until he is well.
Fey Twix (Countess of Bil Havil)

Roleplay from Fey Twix
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Wiping a grimy hand across her forehead, Fey surveys the encampment. The few tents that are left standing are brightly lit from within, the soldiers banding together and attempting to rekindle some fair spirits in their time of darkness. Over half the tents were trampled in the last battle and had not been re-pitched, reflecting the over half their forces that were now, like their tents, no longer standing.

The Healers' quadrant of the camp had taken over the tents in the best repair, and were abuzz with activity and noise, strained faces going to and fro with buckets and steaming pails of water, rations, blankets, bits of monsters and Daimons on trays, clankings and moans...

Many of the soldiers that had fared well were hovering about the healers' tents, peering anxiously every time the door-flaps were lifted for any glimpse of their wounded comrades within. Fey shared that same anxiety; three of her noble comrades were in there as well - Tan, Zathans, and most upsettingly, Aldo.

While she had been reassured that they should be alright and only needed rest and some fresh changes of bandages, she had trouble standing outside doing naught but gawk. The soldiers were even getting so close to the tents as to impede the healers doing their work.

Seeing a few of her own soldiers doing a bit of peering, she had an idea. "Oi, ladies, I've a job for you!" They look up, startled, and form a quick rank for their leader.

"Psh, all the formality, look what organized battle has done with you eh?" She winks. "Kidding. I'm proud of you all. It's been that fast thinking that's gotten you this far. Now, I know our dear Captain and a few of the others are in those tents and you're worried, but with everyone hanging about, the healers can't get their work done!"

A few of the soldiers exchange guilty looks as Fey continues. "So, seeing as you've nothing better to do than hang about getting under other peoples' feet, I have a job for you. Stand sentry outside these tents and organize the gawkers to run and fetch whatever it is the healers need. If they don't want to help, send them on their way! They can help with standing watch or cooking food elsewhere, or even hang about, so long as nobody is left under the healers' feet. Got it?"

The Squad, glad to be allowed to remain near the tents but with a purpose to keep their minds off worrying, salute smartly as one. They organize between themselves who is to be where, and then disperse to posts around the tents. Fey sighs.

"Good form, that. Now if only I could get my mind out of the worried frame, too..." she goes to take a post by the central healers' tent, finding a perch on a barrel to await news of her friends' recovery.
Fey Twix (Countess of Bil Havil)

Roleplay from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Sitting up and blinking his eyes Aldo wastes little time in waving off the healers attempt to keep in in bed and unrolls the Scroll of Time with a flourish.

Pacing the length of history as the words shift and change before him Aldo suddenly halts and points to a passage with a smile, "The paths have changed. We have the settings to fight screech now. Archers in 2, infantry in 3 and cavalry in 4, then we get the charge, not they."

Feeling giddy from his loss of blood and the good news Aldo closes the scroll with a snap and pushes outside to gaze about the collected soldiers and battlefield littered with the corpses of screech daimons.

Holding his robe closed against the north wind, he ignores the soul scream and watches with satisfaction as the soldiers still standing burn the bodies of the slain. With healers trailing behind him wringing their hands, Aldo wanders to loom over one of the remains.

Studying the creature he notes the arrows that had punctured the exposed lungs, and the fact that the wounds were closing even as he watched. There was still more then enough time for the crews to burn the creature, but Aldo was feeling impatient, and recites the litany he had learned so long ago.

As the purple black flame of Incindia erupted from the creature's corpse Aldo fights to keep himself standing, the strain of his wounds and the Gifts of the Gods a bit more then he could handle.

Watching the flames burn down to nothing, Aldo heads back to the tent to rest, with healers helping to support his weight, but not before saying, "I would see Fey, and then Dorgund."
Aldo Unti (Consul of Melhed)

Roleplay from Fey Twix
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Fey wakes from a short and fitful sleep to hear a page tapping at the door of her tent.

"Hmm? Yes? What is it? You may enter."

The young girl opens the tent flaps a smidgen and slips inside, offering a small note to Fey. "The Consul has summoned you, Lady. He awaits you in the healers' tents."

Fey brightens at this. "Ah, finally. Thanks, miss." The young girl takes off and Fey rubs the sleep from her eyes. First one foot, then the other find their cold boots, and she hauls herself up. Cloak, hat.... scarf? She looks for the offending garment, finds it hidden behind her pallet, and dons it before exiting the tent.

Moments later she is inside the main healers' tent. She finds Lord Aldo resting, eyes alert and even cheery despite his exhausted and somewhat sprawled position. "You called, Aldo?"
Fey Twix (Countess of Bil Havil)

Roleplay from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Setting down the report of openly practicing wizards Aldo nods to Fey, "That I did." Gesturing to the nearby stool, "Do have a seat."

His breathing laboured due to wounds, the man studies the Countess mindful of all the things he could say. He'd heard of her exploits, that last charge had routed the beasts and no doubt saved many of his men. Then she had searched unceasingly until she found word of him.

Exhaling slowly Aldo points with a heavy hand at a near by bag on the table, "I have been informed that you are looking to become the Tribune. The office has long been empty, so I doubt you will have much competition."

Waiting while Fey pulls out the silver seal Aldo continues, "Plebeians can't read and they are famous for their ignorance, so to ensure they know who is their new Tribune I had this made for you. I'd planned to surprise you in more pleasant surroundings, but we live in dangerous times so I thought it best to give it to you now."

Pausing he smiles faintly, "Along with my thanks."
Aldo Unti (Consul of Melhed)

Roleplay from Dyan Twix
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Dyan's eyes blazed as he surveyed the damage before him. Lastfell had been "saved", but for how long? Valentia's lands were being plundered by the Daimons and turned into unholy Breeding Grounds, right along Melhed's border. Desperate times, indeed.

A messenger was running across the camp, stopping to address each noble as encountered. Dyan turned to meet him. "Young man, what is your news?"

The boy stopped, red-faced, and called to the scarred cavalier, "Rafferty has been taken, Lord. Reports say all the civil servants have been killed or eaten. Our passageway to Lin Helon is severed." The gruesome message, so oft repeated, seemed to have lost its life coming from the boy, who recited it with empty and emotionless tone. Dyan threw up his hands in frustration.

"Blast it all! We hold one fortress to be taken down in another. How are we to overcome this..."

Turning from the messenger, Dyan heads out to a small shrine nearby. He lights a flame to the Dark Mistress and watches its black-purple glow eat the darkness surrounding it. His last temple visit had heralded no answers, no clues. What was he to think of his Old Gods? Were their eyes elsewhere? Shaking his head to clear it, he reaches into his pouch for Daimon remains from the last battle - claws, teeth, bones. He turns each over thoughtfully in his hands before placing them on the stone plinth to be eaten by the all-consuming flame.

Now he crouches, rocking back on his heels to wait. His muscles sore and complaining from the last battle, he ignores their plight to remain strong, motionless, in the face of the Gods.

Long minutes tick by... some of the claws are as yet unconsumed. Dyan fingers his old monster scar, tracing its path across his face without thinking. He is reminded again of the strange beauty of the claws, how intricate and unique they are in their killing power. The flames lick slowly across the vicious claws in front of his eyes, tame, almost idle, no purposeful consumption at all.

"Well?" he questions to the Darkness. "Am I to sit in blind faith awaiting your whim? I know well I have proven my strength, time and time again, and yet still I bring you the proofs and am ignored. Where is your Reward for the Brave? Where is your Wolf Lord's respect for the maintenance of Order? Where is your Ice Queen's Knowledge?" He exhales the rest of his breath in frustration. "Perhaps it is weakness to believe in such power that has granted me nothing. Proven nothing. It is weakness to show tireless respect to an unworthy host, strength to do that which shall benefit my people and I directly."

He rolls forward again, onto his toes in the crouch, feeling the heat of the black-purple flames on his scarred face. "And thus I decide. A Hero shall I be to my people, and you may watch in admiration at my strength, but I shall never be one of Yours. I am Human, and I will fight with my people, and you on your throne may sit and do as you please. I have no care for you, silent unmoving Mistress."

He casts a handful of sand across the flame, extinguishing it all too easily. It goes out with a soft "puff" and a twirl of delicate purple smoke. Dyan grimaces and stands, dusting his hands.

"There. Let it be done with you. I no longer believe in your all-powerful omnipotence. You have not smitten us thus far, and you shall not now. Perhaps you cannot." To himself, Dyan adds, "I must not let those of the sect know of my divergence as yet. I have nothing to replace their Faith with, and since I will still be a symbol of strength, well..."

He spins on his heel to head back to camp, monsterclaw cloak tinkling. "...none shall know the difference. Our 'Gods' have been ignoring us anyway. Perhaps the Daimons are too powerful for them. But they are not too powerful for Humankind, and that is whom I lead."
Dyan Twix (Count of Rengo)

Roleplay from Dorgund Miles
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
The slaughter had been horrible, but no more than previous battles the Wolves of the North had faced thus far with the daimon hordes. Despite the excellent equipment forged in Agyr, and the exceptional training the Melhed military men went through, the daimons still seemed nearly undefeatable. Yet, somehow, morale still held.

Headed back from the "victory" in Lastfell, Dorgund had but only his personal retinue with him. All of his men had been lost in the battle, and now it was his duty to find more men. More men to feed the daimons... He couldn't shake the images of those horrible beasts laying waste to the front lines. He kept himself distracted as best he could with duty.

It wasn't until Agyr that a messenger from the Consul was finally able to reach him. Catching Dorgund in the dining hall of the Duke's estate, he quickly had a letter written up to send back to Aldo.


These times allow little chance for meetings or rest, but I suspect we will both be passing through Rengo as the sun sets. Though I cannot provide the best accomidations, I will make camp east of the westerly town and await your arrival.

Dorgund Miles (Imperator of Melhed, Duke of Mhed)

Roleplay from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Reading over the invatation from Dorgund Aldo frowns, and rubs his chin. Taking up the quill he slowly scratches out a reply,

Imperator Dorgund,

I'm afraid I am not yet well enough to travel and so we shall have to meet again another time. Do keep up the good work.
Aldo Unti (Consul of Melhed)