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You've single handed-ly ruined poetry! Forget my name!
You've single handed-ly ruined poetry! Forget my name!
|Sender=Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Personal message to Aila Storme)
Fair Lady Aila
Are our names synonymous? I hadn't noticed and the fact that you did shows maybe we are meant to be.
''"Exarch, is my love-"''
Is this another subtle hint of your affection towards me? I must say I am flattered but we should progress our relationship more casually. That said I am very open to you marching on over here for a "dual." I might have a few new techniques to teach you.
As for me getting a good days work you need not worry. I am more then capable of handling my General duties with plenty of time to write my fair lady. That said I will away...
until my next letter.
Much affection,

Revision as of 15:04, 16 April 2020

Letter from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Personal message to Aila Storme)

Lady Strome

You might find it odd to receive a letter from myself but I just had to contact you.

I originally hail from the continent of Beluaterra where I new a girl by the name of Svari Strome. I wanted to know if there was any relation between you and herself. I'm always trying to learn anything of Beluaterra since my own departure from the continent.

Best Regards,
Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Letter from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Personal message to Luna Tempest)

A letter is returned with rushed, but readable handwriting. It is evidently from the hand of Aila herself, and not a scribe due to the deep scars in the parchment caused by her angrily used quill.

You have much nerve contacting me at all, Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale, Dame of Evora Marshal of the Shadow Legion. My men have bled on the field fighting your kingdom. Well, luckily I am of a good nature this day.

The Beluaterra branch of the family is not one the rest of us acknowledge, my removed cousin Kerrigan Storme begat the Bastard Svari and shipped himself off with her off to pass as nobility, so in short there is no relation.

The whole situation is a source of much shame, i'd appreciate if you kept it close to the chest but know it is no bother to me if you intend to use the information against me. Luckily for the bastard the roots of our family have been put to rest with the retirement of our Uncle Ross, save me there is no one left to challenge her claims for what very little they are worth now.

I pray the Beluaterra "Stormes" meet a similar fate as the rest of us. It seems we are a dying breed across the board i'd rather the bastards line not be the one to survive it all.
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Letter from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Personal message to Aila Storme)

Lady Aila

Well you are certainly something aren't you. We might be enemies but we can still be civilized. I have regular correspondence with your fellow countrymen.

Also despite your attitude you are quite forthcoming with personal family secrets. I must admit I find you an enigma, quite hard to read indeed.

I never knew this of Svari though I did not know her overly well. This is an interesting fact I could hold over her and possibly my sister should I ever see her again in the future so thank you for that.

Either way I was gauging your interest in a possible personal rapport between us. It seems I might have to just pester you instead.

In the Shadow,
Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Letter from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Personal message to Luna Tempest)

A family secret it is not, the whole family knows of their folly and I will sing of it to anyone who will listen, enemy or not.

I wonder how our king would feel to know a viper such as yourself has correspondence with his men? It worried that there are those among me who would do such a hing. What goal would you have opening a rapport with me?

I suppose we are in fact enigmas to eachother.
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Letter from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Personal message to Aila Storme)

Lady Aila Storme

Once again you prove yourself quite unique. I would think most would try to hide such a fact of their kin, but you proudly sing it for all to hear. Very interesting.

The impression I get from King Kay is he would not mind as I have written letters to him in the past. As well correspondence with other Perdanese nobles has showed me most are accepting and open regardless of being an enemies.

What goal would I have opening a rapport with you? Well the hope was we could be civilized and perhaps discuss cultures and customs so that we as the younger nobles could possibly bridge the divide between our realms. I see now that might have been a mistake. Instead I shall continue to write you because I quite enjoy it. Trying to figure you out is now a quest of knowledge if anything. What makes you tick, what makes you feel, what do you love if anything. However if for nothing else writing you letters seems to annoy you which I find quite humorous.

Sincerely yours,
Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Letter from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Personal message to Luna Tempest)

This is the last time I will say this, that bastard is not my kin and I care not what you do with the information as spreading it would only aid in her downfall.You Shadowdale soldiers are all alike you treat us as if we're some strange foreign body to riddle out when we are no different then you aside from your ridiculous titles.

Well "Grey Exarch" time the only custom you should concern yourself is our custom of crushing Shadowdale whelps, for that is what I love. If the king entertains your foolishness it is not my place to question or help it just know going after the youth of his army for information will get you nowhere when it comes to the true blooded nobles of house Storme.
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Letter from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Personal message to Aila Storme)

Lady Aila

I fail to see how asking about your cultures and customs is trying to gain strategic information. Is this your casual attempt to offer some?

Your love is crushing Shadowdale whelps? Well then your life must be quite boring. I personally love reading a good book, or a walk amongts the buildings of any great city. You can't be such a one dimensional person I simply refuse to believe as such.

Either way do as you must. Myself and my ridiculous titles will continue to do what I must.

Oh Aila, so filled with malice and hate,

A simple friendship I wish to create,

But it seems only on a battlefield,

That our fate will truly be revealed.

In the Shadow,
Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale

Roleplay from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Roleplay to all Nobles of Perdan)

A scribe shudders timidly while reading a small verse of poetry in front of Dame Aila, who listed with a grasp on her goblet so tight the scribe could stare at the blood draining from her fingers as he continued on.

"Oh Aila, so filled with malice and hate,

A simple friendship I wish to create,

But it seems only on a battlefield,

That our fate will truly be revealed. "

"A POEM!?" Aila's goblet cracked upon impact with the ground as she commanded the scribe to write, grimacing as he fumbled to uncover his ink and find a quill. Once ready she began a rant that kept him scribbling so fast half the words landed on the writing desk he used- he would have to re-write it before sending. "​Are the council members of Shadowdale so idle that all they have to do is pester knights in neighboring realms? Away with you Tempest! The fact that our names are synonyms grows more embarrassing by the letter. Do I have many interests? Aye but none of them could be shared by a Shadow creeping do-nothing such as yourself. A good days work, Exarch, is my love- learning that activity would do you well. I've half a mind to march over there and duel you myself just for the audacity of wasting so much of my time, but alas snipping the head of the Shadow king's slug of a commander would be such a favor I fear it would be traitorous toward Perdan!

You've single handed-ly ruined poetry! Forget my name! END THERE SEND IT!"

Sweating, the scribe looked down at what he had created "...M'milady... are you sure you want to send this to the enemy general?"


"Right away!"
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Letter from Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix
(Personal message to Luna Tempest)

Are the council members of Shadowdale so idle that all they have to do is pester knights in neighboring realms? Away with you Tempest! The fact that our names are synonyms grows more embarrassing by the letter. Do I have many interests? Aye but none of them could be shared by a Shadow creeping do-nothing such as yourself. A good days work, Exarch, is my love- learning that activity would do you well. I've half a mind to march over there and duel you myself just for the audacity of wasting so much of my time, but alas snipping the head of the Shadow king's slug of a commander would be such a favor I fear it would be traitorous toward Perdan!

You've single handed-ly ruined poetry! Forget my name!
Lady Aila Storme, Dame of Aix

Letter from Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
(Personal message to Aila Storme)

Fair Lady Aila

Are our names synonymous? I hadn't noticed and the fact that you did shows maybe we are meant to be.

"Exarch, is my love-"

Is this another subtle hint of your affection towards me? I must say I am flattered but we should progress our relationship more casually. That said I am very open to you marching on over here for a "dual." I might have a few new techniques to teach you.

As for me getting a good days work you need not worry. I am more then capable of handling my General duties with plenty of time to write my fair lady. That said I will away...

until my next letter.

Much affection,
Lady Luna Tempest, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale