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==Section 1==
===The Maiden, the Madman, and the Widow===
*[[Foote Family/Eva Foote/Chapter 1|Prologue and Chapter 1]]
*[[Foote Family/Eva Foote/Chapter 2|Chapter 2]]
: The sunlight shone upon the small garden of my family estate. I was busy watering the flowers around the small fruit tree at the center of the clearing. The sound of the devout at the nearby temple to the Veiled Goddess gently filled the air. My mother was not too pleased with my decision to join the army of the Sacred Obia'Syela. She would have been furious if she found out that I did so after my grandfather's encouragement. I could hear my mom's voice now, "don't listen to that old man," she would say, "you know he is not right in the head."  My grandfather was definitely not of sound mind but he can be very convincing.
: Eva brushed her long crimson hair out of her face with one hand and a picked single fruit from the tree. Her grandfather, Peterson, loved the fruit in the evenings. She never knew the name of it and anytime she asked her grandfather he would start talking in some strange tongue. Eva walked inside the manor and into the library. There her grandfather was sitting behind a large wooden desk writing intensely. The old man had long unkempt hair and a large beard. On his face were a few tattoos that were faded and of unknown origin. Eva spoke gently, "here you go grandfather." He quickly looked up from the page and happily took the crimson fruit without saying anything. Eva took a look at the page but could not make sense of what he was writing. Her mother, Jessica, always said that it was the writings of a mad man and it didn't have any meaning. Eva broke the silence, "I will write when I get the chance." Peterson looked at Eva and quickly spoke, "yes, yes,yes...OH!" The old man almost jumped out of his chair. Eva was startled and by the sudden outburst. Peterson took a dagger from off the floor next to him and handed it to Eva. "This dagger," he bellowed, "was given to me many years ago and now it is yours." Eva was speechless and looked at the dagger. The sheath was of a maroon color and the handle was some type of goldish metal. It had some engravings on it but she could not tell what they meant. "Oh, thank you," she exclaimed, "I will always carry it." The old man smiled and said, "well off with you! Your destiny awaits." Eva smiled saying goodbye and headed out of the library.
: I looked at my mother who stood near the front door of the manor. Her face expressed anger but her eyes showed a look of worrisome despair. I knew I could not convince her that everything would be alright. There were no words of comfort for a mother who knew that death could soon befall her only child. "I suppose this is farewell," I said softly. Mother looked at me and shook her head. "Why in Obeah's name are you doing this stupid thing?" she asked. Still she could not understand that I needed to go out and fight for my realm, it is a family tradition after all. "It is my duty to serve Obia'Syela," I answered, "to the best of my abilities and I think I will make a fine commander!" My mother's face contorted into confusion. "What are you talking about," mother said, "the family is that of merchants and bankers!" I felt hot and spoke without a thought, "that isn't what grandfather said!" My mother's jaw dropped and she spoke in a rage, "that old insane drunkard!" He is behind this? Oh I should have known his delusions were behind this. That old man has never fought and neither did your father! In Obeah's name Eva, you're only seventeen!" My heart sank, I knew I shouldn't tell her about his stories. "Goodbye mother," I let out with a sigh, "I'll write to you as soon as possible." Mother stormed off without saying goodbye. Perhaps she was right, maybe these were the fairy tales of a madman. I guess it doesn't matter though, it is too late to turn back now.
===The Dame and the Brute===
....Eva walked down the cobblestone road towards the barracks in the Templar Nexus of Rines. The city of Moonlight was covered in a thick blanket of clouds. Not a single beam of sunlight peared through the dense cover. The early morning rain dripped from the sky and onto the bustling streets.  The air was stiff and a morose scent seemed to linger around the buildings. The cacophony of the peasants working their craft rang through the district, not a single distinct sound could be heard. Eva looked at the open field beside the wooden barracks. There was a group of archers taking shots at targets. The sound of the peasants faded into oblivion as the bowstrings were released and the arrows slammed into the wooden targets.
....Eva entered the training grounds as the rain continued to fall onto her crimson hair. She approached the new captain of the Foote Guard for the first time. Her steps grew slower, sinking into the muddy ground ever so slightly. She looked at the tall man as he roared at the archers. The young dame's heart raced and with every step her pace slowed.  As the captains broad figure grew larger, Eva felt a jolt running through every nerve in her body. A weight of a thousand stones were shackled upon her back.
<br>...."Captain Erich," softly came from Eva's small rosey red lips. Her words fell upon no ears and her chest swelled as she drew in a deep breath. "Captain Erich," Eva spoke in a faux firmness as her words finally reached the man's ears standing before her.
<br>....Erich turned around,  revealing his scowling face. The immense amber beard helped cover a broad jaw. His large nose, disfigured by a fist or two from the past, sat between his dark chestnut eyes. The thick brown eyebrows moved up away from his eyes as they looked down the young dame's body. A look at the dark leather blouse baring the sigil of House Foote sewn into the arms.  "Well," his voice boomed, "get on wit' it!"
<br>....The deep thunderous voice jolted Eva before she cleared her throat. "I am," she started to look away from the looming figure, "Eva Foote. I am..."
<br>...."Obeah's sake," Erich interrupted, "drop the formalities 'n' get on wit' it!"
<br>....Eva's eyes peered up from the ground at the captain of the guard. "I am your commander."
<br>....Erich smiled upon hearing the words. His hand rose and the backs of his fingers brushed her cheek. "Sucha pretty lass, the battlefiel' is no place fo' ya."
<br>....Eva's jaw tightened and her eyebrows furled as her head moved away from the rough hand. "Do not touch me," she protested before a short pause, "and it is 'my lady' to you."
<br>....Erich chucked, "as ya wish."
<br>....Eva felt her blood boil, "your pay is to be docked, such is the price for disrespect."
<br>...."Respect fo' what?" Erich roared as he took a step towards the young dame, "the only blood ya spilt has be'n from 'tween ya legs.
<br>....Eva's heart and soul sank into the ground as Erich towered over her. She searched for words but could not find them and her hands shook slightly at her sides.
<br>....Erich looked into the young dame's olive green eyes and his tone softed slightly, "ya have cammand of me and my men due to gold. Not respect." Erich took a step back and turned back towards the archers who were looking at the two. "Ya plan on shootin' us with arrows?" Erich barked, "Fo'ward face!"
<br>....The archers turned back towards the target and Eva watched as the orders were given. Her thoughts raced and her doubts soared as the sound of the bowstrings rang out once again.
==Chapter 1: Early Morning Rain==
(set stage based on previous)
===Leaving Rines===
....Eva looked up at the smoke rising from the campfire. The stars were shimmering like diamonds in the moonless sky. The sound of men shouting and laughing as they risk their weeks pay echoed through the camp outside of Rines. Eva looked down from the sky and at Captain Erich who sat on a log across the fire from her. Erich silently gnawed on a piece of roasted hare as he peered into the flames. Augustin, Eva's military advisor, sat to the right of the fire. He was an older man with short gray hair, clean shaven, and a wrinkled face.
<br>...."Reports came earlier that we lost a battle to the undead in Rii," Eva spoke softly. Her eyes moved from Erich to Augustin.
<br>...."It is only natural to be nervous m'lady," Augustin reassured Eva.
<br>...."I'm not nervous," Eva exclaimed defensively.
<br>...."Ya shou'd be," Erich spoke without looking up from the flames, "the undead will not care how much gold ya have. The undead will not care what ya family name is. They'll rip ya limb from limb if they get a hold of ya. If ya are lucky, lil dove, ya will not have to fight 'em wit' the sword. Either way, ya will get to see the reality of war. With the ground soaked in blood, arms unattached from the chest, organs exposed, and the eyes...the eyes that will stare into ya soul with a look of terror." Erich laughed before tipping his head back to finished his ale. His eyes returned to the fire as he continued to eat his dinner.
<br>....Eva's eyes dropped from Erich's face to the fire. It was quiet once more around the fire. At dawn they will move towards Rii, Eva's first battle seemed to be just over the horizon.
===Arrival in Rii===
....Eva looked down at the map laid out on the table in the small tent. Augustin stood across the table from her and started to explain the situation.
<br>...."We are here near the hills along the coast in Rii," Augustin spoke plainly, "we will  travel west through this valley to Rueffilo. Grand Inquisitor Maura Arnickles Renodin wants to expand and train the militia in Rueffilo. The local militia in Rueffilo is inadequate, they are not prepared for an attack from the undead or monsters. While The Enlightenment is capable of beating the undead and monsters, they can not be every where at once. Militia are important for the defense of our lands, m'lady."
<br>...."Are there any reports of enemies in the regions around Rueffilo?"
<br>...."The scouts have not found any, m'lady, but we should always be on guard and ready for an attack."
<br>....Eva looked up as Captain Erich walked into the tent. "You're late," she spoke firmly as Erich walked up next to Augustin.
<br>...."Aren't we all late lil dove," Erich's voice was deep and a little raspy, "we missed the counter attack that killed all 'em foul creatures."
<br>...."We made good time," Eva replied, "we couldn't get here any sooner."
<br>....Erich smiled, "we could have marched through the night. Ya can't avoid the battle forever."
<br>....Eva looked down at the map away from Erich's large grin. "We will be leaving soon for Rueffilo. There we will help organize the local militia."
<br>...."Waste of time," Erich's voice boomed, "we shou'd be huntin' the bastards instead of standin' 'round."
<br>...."Perhaps," Eva looked up from the map and to Erich, "but those are the orders. Go prepare the men."
<br>....Erich chuckled "as ya wish lil dove."
<br>....Eva watched Erich leave the tent, his broad frame barely made it through the opening. "Think I'll replace him once we get back to Rines," she spoke quietly so just Augustin could hear and looked at the advisor.
<br>....Augustin looked into Eva's blueish green eyes, "I do not think this would be wise, m'lady. He is a good fighter and has the respect of the men. That respect will keep those men in line and following orders when things get tough. I know he is hard to handle, m'lady, but he is as good of a captain as you will find."
<br>....Eva looked back down at the map, resting her hands on the table. "Maybe you're right," she sighed, "but I can't stand the insolence."
===The Dagger===
....Eva walked through the camp outside of the main town in the center of Rueffilo. The ground was moist from recent rain. The town has been subject to many attacks from the undead recently and productivity was at a crawl. Food was scarce but the peasants who remained were still faithful that Obia'Syela could protect them in the long run. The local administration was under great strain and control of the region seemed to be slipping. It is unclear if the realm will be able to hold onto the region. The population has been decimated and the local militia was almost nonexistent.
<br>....Eva entered the main tent where Augustin was beside the map on the table. Augustin's brown eyes hung above some black rings and straddled a modest nose. The years have started to show and his clean shaven face was starting to wrinkle. He wasn't a tall man but Eva still only came to around his shoulders. He wore plate armor that bore the Foote sigil, a broad tree with a crescent moon beside it.
<br>...."M'lady," Augustin spoke respectfully.
<br>....Eva walked around the table and called for her squire, Gerard.
<br>....Gerard, a short man almost the same height as Eva, walked into the tent and approached Eva. "Yes, m'lady?"
<br>...."Help me with my armor," Eva commanded.
<br>...."Yes, m'lady," Gerard acquiesced and started to help undo the straps of Eva's plate armor. The armor was finely polished and not a single dent or scratch on it.
<br>...."This is a dreary place," Eva looked at Augustin as Gerard unstrapped her armor. "I can't wait to leave here. There are better things to do then trying to organize and train these peasants."
<br>....Augustin stood silently watching as Eva removed her plate. Gerard hung the armor in the corner of the tent and asked if the young dame needed anything else. Eva dismissed the squire and sighed as her eyes looked down at the map.
<br>...."We have orders to return to Rines," Eva informed Augustin, "we will march with the main army to the main road in Ardmore and then onto Rines. Do we still have all the food we need?"
<br>...."Yes, m'lady," Augustin answered, "I would suggest that we give the men the day off before we march."
<br>...."Fine," Eva answered, "go find Erich and give him the order."
<br>...."Yes, m'lady" Augustin left the tent.
<br>....Eva looked at the map before taking a seat in the small wooden chair at her side. She rested her hand on the dagger her grandfather gave her. Eva hasn't taken the time to actually look at it and she became curious. The dagger smoothly slid out of the maroon sheath and Eva looked at the blade before her. The handle was engraved with some odd markings that appeared to be letters and was a gold color. The handle curved at the end and a red garnet was enshrined on the side near the butt of the handle. The blade was sharp and about the length of her forearm. The blade seemed to be expertly forged and the metal still looked new. Eva put the dagger back in it's sheath and stood up from the chair. It was midday but there seemed to be nothing to do. She decided to go to her tent and read the letters that have piled up. This morning a letter from her mother came in and she was eager to hear of what is happening back in the Temple District of Rines. Eva longed to be home and her first time leaving the city has been uneventful.
===The First Battle of Ardmore===
....A strong wind ripped through the plains as Eva stood just behind the formation of archers under her command. The land was flat and covered with abandoned farms. In this field, just outside of the village Malangton in Ardmore, the troops lined up ready to march onto a small horde of undead. Malangton is the largest village in Ardmore and is the location of the traditional Seat of the Viscount. Ardmore has been ravaged as of late, the population falling, production plummeting, and the local administration fractured.
<br>....Eva felt a chill come over her as the wind rushed against her sweat-soaked skin. There weren't many gaps in her plate armor but the wind seemed to find a way. The sun was setting to the right of the formation. The five commanders present in Ardmore met just a couple hours ago. They heard reports of a group of undead killing the few local farmers left in the area west of Malangton. The number of undead seemed to vary, some said fifty, some said 80, one even claimed three hundred. An exact number could not known but they knew that they needed to attack. Everything else seemed set in stone, they would approach the farm from the north. This would prevent the sun from being in their eyes. They would deploy the archers in the front. The infantry would move in front of the archers as the horde came in close. All that was left, was to move out.   
<br>....The army of the Enlightenment came to a halt as the undead appeared in the distance. Eva's heart felt like a battering ram against her chest. Her eyes gazed into the horde running towards her. It was a mix of rotting flesh and exposed bone. They carried broadswords and round shields. Some wore armor, others simple cloth. Those that did wear armor had on only leather or chain-mail. Eva spoke with Augustin just before the march out of Malangton. Augustin spoke of the undead and their origins. Eva heard the tale of how the dead were resurrected with black magic. The dead would then come back and do but one thing: destroy. They would roam the lands killing all they could find. A sword or arrow will fell an undead but such a thing is only temporary. The only way to prevent them from coming back is to burn them.
<br>....The sound of Sir Tom Derik, Knight of Rines, giving his archers the order to ready their arrows came from Eva's left. Following along Eva let out the same order.
<br>...."Archers!" her voice strained under the yell, "Ready!" She looked on as the men in front of her placed an arrow against the bowstring. "Aim!" The soldiers pulled the string back and pointed the arrows towards the sky. Eva heard the sound of bowstrings snapping forward to her left. "Fire!" she yelled. A volley of arrows rained down upon the approaching horde. The horde continued to run towards them, leaving only a few behind on the ground.
<br>...."Ready!" Eva commanded, "Aim!" The infantry from the rear started to go past the archers in the front. "Fire!" Eva screamed and another volley of arrows fell upon the undead. She watched as the undead clashed with the infantry in front of the archers. The sound of dull blades clashing against the shields of the living echoed through the plains. Eva watched as both the living and the undead fell by the sword. Some screams rose above the cacophony as soldiers felt the sting of steel. Her mind was entranced by the violent scene before her.
<br>...."Aim carefully," the deep voice of Erich came from nearby, "'n' fire at will!" The sound of bowstrings snapping forward resumed at an irregular pace. Erich briefly looked back at the young dame, who was frozen behind the formation, before starting to fire a crossbow into the fray.
<br>....The battle raged and some of the banners fell to the ground. Most of the soldiers in front of the archers seemed to have fallen and the line seemed to be on the verge of breaking. Eva's breathing became shallow and quick. Her mind was scattered and she struggled with what to do. The undead were going to be rushing towards her soon. She put her hand onto the handle of her sheathed sword and waited. A cheer began to break out from the soldiers on the front. Eva took a deep breath and the cool air ran through her. She let out the air with a sigh of relief as the battle seemed to be over.
<br>....After the battle the soldiers began gathering the wounded and piling up the dead. Both the fallen friends and foe were to be burned. The risk of this horde returning with the addition of soldiers from the Enlightenment could not be taken. Eva walked among the bodies, looking into the faces of the dead and the mix of blood and soil. A tightness gripped her chest and her mind was blank. The cry of a young man came from in front of Eva. She knelt down at his side, her eyes cast upon the man's mutilated torso. His fate seemed to be sealed and it was unlikely that he would survive long.
<br>...."I don't want to die," his voice shook as he struggled to breath, "I don't want to die."
<br>....Eva did not know what to say, what could she say? The young man with short blonde hair speckled with crimson blood was going to die. Even Eva knew that he could not be saved. She looked into his ocean blue eyes and witnessed the fear of a man lost in a sea of sorrow. Eva did not know his name, where he was from, his age, nothing. This was the first time that her eyes gazed at this face. She wondered how old he was, she thought he must be about seventeen, at most nineteen.
<br>...."Lady," he spoke with pauses as his chest quickly expanded and contracted, "I have a wife in Melbura, a small village in Melegra." The young man's eyes became moist and didn't leave Eva's. "Tell her," his voice softened, "tell her..."
<br>....Eva looked into the deep blue eyes of the now dead man. Her cheek became moist and her body felt heavy. The young dame gently pulled the dead man's eyelids down to cover those unflinching eyes. She stood up wiping a tear from her cheek and started to walk slowly back towards Malangton. Eva looked down to her right as she passed more dead. A young lady with a hefty gash at the joint of her neck and shoulder, a middle aged man with a sword still buried into his stomach, and a person who's face was disfigured by multiple blows with a blunt sword. Eva's throat was dry and she felt queasy as she started to look down to her left. She walked by more dead, the decaying flesh falling from the skull of a fallen undead, a twisted face covered with terror, the silent unblinking brown eyes of a young woman. A look of terror on this woman's face stuck in Eva's mind.
<br>....Eva gazed forward and tried to not look down as she walked towards Malangton. Images of the dead flooded Eva's thoughts. Each one with a story, each one a daughter or son. Some fathers, some wives. They come from all walks of life, farmers, fishers, cobblers. Their homes are from all corners of the realm, the farms of Cjelegy, some fishing village in Melegra, and even the city of Rines. There are only two things that they all share: they were poor and now they are dead.
====After the Battle====
<br>....The fire crackled in the middle of the camp as a clear night sky loomed over the plains in Avengmil. Eva, Augustin, and Erich sat around the fire in silence.  Augustin looks over at Eva as she stares at the fire.
<br>...."M'lady," Augustin spoke gently, "if I may. I've seen that look on your face before. Oh it was a long time ago now. I remember my wife had the same expression once, silent and empty. I didn't even notice at the time." Augustin paused a moment as he glanced at the fire before his eyes returned to Eva. "I made her a promise," Augustin continued, "that I wouldn't be so focused on my own ambitions, ignoring the people around me. I'm a man of my word..."
<br>...."Man of too many words," Erich interrupted as he drew Augustin's attention.
<br>...."Maybe," Augustin chuckled, "maybe." The gray-haired man turned his eyes back towards the young dame, "M'lady, what's troubling you?"
<br>....Eva's green eyes stayed fixed on the fire and she quietly cleared her throat. "The reports say that sixty-seven soldiers died on that farm. Sixty-seven lives ended, they will not have a wife to return to." Eva looked at the slightly wrinkled face of Augustin, "they will never have a chance at a wife or a family of their own." Eva looked back at the flames dancing in the center of the small gathering. "I can still see their faces, frozen in pain and terror. I can still hear the cries of the dying."
<br>....Augustin's umber eyes moved away from Eva and towards the flames. "They made a great sacrifice, m'lady, no doubt," he said shaking his head before looking back towards Eva. "Such sacrifice is necessary, if we didn't risk our lives killing these beasts then they would kill hundred more. We fight to prevent the deaths of others."
<br>....Erich let out a burly laugh, "no one fights for that (bad word 's' removed)." The robust captain looked into the eyes of the older man. "We fight for gold, glory, and the simple pleasure of killin'. Gold for a woman or child back home or a lay on the road. Glory for a name that gets ya a lay. That's why I fight, not that (bad word 's' removed) ya spewin'. The glorious field of battle leads to the lay we all long for," Erich laughed and gulped the last of his ale.
<br>....Eva's face scrunched as she looked at Erich, "You're a barbarian. War is not a field of glory, it is a field of despair." The young dame let out a sigh as she looked away from Erich, "death doesn't care about your glory, it takes all of us. I heard Sir Jenas was wounded in that fight. He could have easily been killed. I could have been killed." Eva looked at the captain, "you could have been killed."
<br>....The large captain looked at the much smaller lady, "had they made it through the lines, ya definitely would not have made it lil dove."
<br>...."All of us run the risk of dying on the battlefield," Augustin spoke calmly, "that is why we train so hard, it is kill or be killed in war."
===The Return Home===
====Meeting with Grandfather====
....The Foote manor house had not changed a bit in the six months* Eva had been gone. Eva was glad to be home and wanted to see her family. Their lives surely must have changed even if the estate hasn't. Eva walked into the library and the childhood memories of the place flooded her mind. The walls were covered with books and scrolls. This room wasn't very big but Eva wondered if it only seemed that way because of the bookshelves taking up so much room. On the right side of the room stood a desk with piles of papers and books sitting on the dark wood surface. Behind the desk sat an elderly man with a crown of long gray hair around a large bald spot. His beard looked unkempt and hung down his chest as his eyes stayed fixed on the papers in front of him. Eva smiled at the familiar sight, a welcomed certainty in uncertain times.
<br>...."Grandfather," she said has the edges of her lips pushed her cheeks aside.
<br>...."Yes, yes," Peterson spoke without looking up from the pages.
<br>....Eva's brow scrunched into a perplexed express. "Grandfather," she spoke walked towards the desk, "it's me Eva."
<br>....The old man looked up from the pages and at the young dame. "Yes, yes," his voice was monotone, "I know who you are, I'm not crazy." His chestnut eyes gazed at the servant bearing a pitcher of water walking towards his desk. "You've been off with John for the last six months," his expression and voice seemed to light up, "tell me everything!"
<br>....Eva felt uneasy and wondered how her grandfather had been doing. She heard the name John a few times before from the elderly man but normally only late at night and after some wine. "Well," Eva began as she took a seat at the front of the desk, "we marched to Rii first, it was a wonderful land full of grassy hills. Not many people seem to live there, I only remember seeing one village as we marched out of Rii and to Rueffilo." Eva watched the servant leave the library as she continued with the story, "in Rueffilo we had to help prepare a the defenses of a local village...I can never remember the name, oh well, it's not important. That was a mess, I don't think they will last long. From there we got orders to return home and we started back. We stayed in a town called Malangton in Ardmore. The undead have been quite a nuisance there, so many farms abandoned." Eva paused as her mind drifted back to the battlefield, "the, uh, town was probably a nice place long ago. We only stayed the one night so I didn't get a chance to see the area. Then we marched along the road and here we are. Back in Rines."
<br>....Peterson took a long drink of water and put the goblet back onto the desk. "Sounds like quite an adventure for a young lady," his voice was dry, "tell me of your companions, you must have met some people."
<br>...."I have met some interesting people. Let's see, there's Augustin, I don't know his family name. It was recommended that I hire a military advisor and his name was mentioned so I hired him. He is a gentle, caring man, so unlike most of the others I have met. I think he is probably as old as father would have been if he were still alive. Maybe a little older, I don't know. Augustin about average height, a pretty normal man physically. Unlike Erich, who is the captain of the guard. He is a massive, I've never seen such a large man before. He is a brute in all regards, body of a beast and mind of a troglodyte. Oh how tired I am have hearing him gnaw on his meat and spew vulgarities."
<br>....Another servant entered the room without Eva noticing, "Sir," the young boy spoke nervously, "dinner is ready."
<br>...."Yes, yes, we will begin shortly" Peterson said as he looked at the young boy. Peterson chuckled and looked back at Eva with a smile, "Thomas was always an uncultured man but a warrior like no other."
<br>....Eva watched as the servant finally left the room before turning her attention back to her grandfather. "His name is Erich, grandfather, not Thomas."
<br>...."Oh I know that," Peterson snarled and made a dismissive gesture with his hands as his focus seemed to turn towards the papers on the desk. "You should train with Erich, he could teach you a good deal about how to handle yourself in a fight."
<br>....Eva scoffed, "the less time I spend with that beast the better."
<br>...."You have to learn how to fight if you are going to live in this world. Erich will help you with the fight and Augustin will help you with the command. In time you will be a competent soldier fit to lead." Peterson looked towards the door and yelled, "more water!"
<br>....A servant entered the room shortly after with a pitcher in hand and walked towards the empty goblet.
<br>...."No, no, no," Peterson turned towards his right as the servant froze, "leave the damned book over there where it belongs Henry."
<br>....Eva glanced over towards the bookshelf to Peterson's right and saw no one there. She took a deep breath.
<br>...."Well the water doesn't poor itself," Peterson snapped at the servant who quickly began to pour the water. "Where were we my dear," he turned his attention back to Eva.
<br>...."I must get going grandfather, I have a lot of work to do while in the city. I will see you soon." Eva waved slightly and started to leave the library with a half frown on her face.
<br>...."Farewell child," Peterson spoke as Eva was walking out of the room. "Where are you going," he snapped, "leave the pitcher here!"
<br>....Eva had left the room and started to think about how much worse her grandfather has gotten. He had fits before but nothing like this, he was barely coherent and had much more of a temper. Even though he was not all that well, perhaps, he was right. Maybe Augustin and Erich will help her grow into the role of a commander. Eva decided she would go to the barracks and get Erich to train with her. If she was going to survive in the future battles she had to be ready to defend herself.
*''(OoC: in RL this time period is obviously not 6 weeks, it was about the span of 11 days. I converted the time for the game based on the seasons in game. A season is roughly 22 days in game and 3 months or 12 weeks in RL. Since the RL time of 11 days is roughly half an in-game season I made it half an RL season which would be 6 weeks.)''
====Training with Erich====
....The sun baked the hard dirt surface next to the barracks in the Templar Nexus of Rines. Eva walked determinedly towards Erich who was looming over an equipment stand against the wooden walls of the barracks. He wore a dark brown vest of hardened leather that covered most of a dull blue linen tunic that went down to his knees where the chestnut chausses took over. Eva stopped in front of the man towering over her and looked up at his inquisitive face.
<br>...."I want you to help me improve my skills with the sword," Eva spoke in a faux bravado.
<br>....Erich looked down the body of the young dame and noted the plate armor bearing the Foote sigil, a tree with a crescent moon in the background, on the breastplate. "In that?" he asked with a smirk.
<br>...."I want to train in the same equipment that I would have on during a battle," Eva looked down at her armor as she spoke.
<br>....Erich's face became plain as he rose a canteen towards his mouth and gulped down some water. He looked into Eva's bluish green eyes, "Sounds like a waste of time to me."
<br>....The young dame sighed and was not ready to give up so easily, "that wasn't a request, that was an order." She swallowed and tried to keep her calm.
<br>...."As ya wish lil dove," Erich grumbled as he pulled a short training sword from the equipment rack and shoved it into Eva's chest knocking her back to her back foot. He grabbed a long training sword from the rack. "First lesson," Erich spoke firmly as he circled around Eva's right towards the center of the clearing, "don't wear plate, ya look like a bloody fool."
<br>....Eva was perplexed, "you wear plate," her eyebrows furled.
<br>...."I am bigger than ya," Erich raised one of his bushy eyebrows, "plate is better for powerful warriors, not lil doves."
<br>....Eva raised her shield in her left hand up to cover her torso and readied her sword in her right hand. She watched Erich closely as he held his sword down low as if he was going to continue talking. The sweat began to drop from her forehead as he heart beat rose. With a sudden movement the long sword rose from the ground and came down upon her. Eva flinched as she rose her shield and felt the blow glance off her shield. She swung in a slow side step to the right and her sword long blade of her opponent. In a grimace she fell to the ground as a large boot slammed into her torso. The wind left her body and she struggled to retrieve it as her eyes looked to the clear blue sky. A rough face appeared from the side of her vision.
<br>...."Ya too weak for plate, makes ya slow," Erich voice echoed in the young dame's ears as he reached down and pulled Eva up.
<br>....Eva struggled for breath as she watched Erich walk away from her. She sensed an opportunity and lunged towards his back. The brawny figure turned smoothly slamming his sword into hers with a clang and quickly raising it again against her throat.
<br>...."Keep ya shield up."
<br>....The broad shouldered man stepped back away from the petite woman with a smile before coming forward again. He swung towards Eva's right side and she pivoted to block the blow with her shield. With a quick sweep of his leg Erich hit the back of Eva's thin legs and knocked her down again. A deep laugh filled the field and Eva struggled to her feet again.
<br>...."Have to be quicka lil dove," Erich said with a smile, "use ya strengths, speed 'n' cunnin'. Cunnin' to stay away from fights, 'n' speed to run away." Erich made a running gesture with his two fingers before starting back towards the equipment rack. "It's time to train the men, we'll continue anotha day. When ya aren't a fool in plate but a fool in leatha!" Erich laughed deeply.
<br>....Eva didn't say a word and walked towards the equipment rack. She put the training sword away and left timidly. The armor was heavy on her tired bones making her movements slower than normal. The first step in improving her ability to fight did not go as planned. She made her way inside the barracks to find Augustin. Even if she could not fight, she must learn to lead the troops.
====Advice from Augustin====
....Eva and Augustin walked out of the barracks into the field where the soldiers were training. The sound of Erich barking orders and arrows striking their target rang through the air. Augustin looked over the men and started the conversation.
<br>...."With the new recruits we are up to forty archers, they are a welcomed addition and will help relieve the infantry on the front lines." Augustin looked at Eva, still in her armor, who stood next to him.
<br>...."Orders arrived earlier," Eva spoke softly with her focus on the archers training, "we will be leaving for Avengmil in the morning. There is a large horde in Ardmore and we will be part of the expedition to clear them out. Some of those new recruits may not make it, may be dead in two days or less."
<br>...."Many may die m'lady, all may survive. How many die will depend on how well they fight and how well you lead them."
<br>...."Either way there will be soldiers on the front lines and there will be dead."
<br>...."That is always the case and will always be. You have to get used to it. You have to lead them and keep the deaths as low as possible. Confidence is important, you can't be timid and lead them. I am not in charge, m'lady, and neither is Erich, you are. The only way you will learn is to move forward. Take aim at something and move forward. You'll make mistakes, you'll get some people killed. Over time you will learn from your mistakes and you can take aim at something else with the knowledge of what you did wrong before. Eventually you'll hit your target, keeping as many people alive as possible while still doing what is needed to be done."
<br>....Eva was silent as she watched the bows being raised towards a row of targets. She knew that Augustin was right but wasn't sure if she could handle the journey. The arrows struck their target and Eva let out a sigh. "I'll see you in the morning Augustin," she spoke quietly and turned towards the aging man, "I should visit home one last time before we leave." Augustin bid farewell and Eva walked away from the field. The weight of the armor felt as if it was growing and her pace was slow. They had been in the city for over a day and Eva had yet to speak with her mother. She would never forgive herself if she didn't at least visit her once.
====Motherly Love====
....Eva's mother, Jessica, was the daughter of a successful merchant in Rines. Her family has a long history in Rines, dating back as far as anyone in the family can remember. She married Gilbert Foote about twenty years ago at the age of twenty-two. It was a loving marriage but tragedy struck fifteen years ago when Gilbert died of a fever. Jessica Foote never remarried and spent the last fifteen years raising Eva and running the estate.
<br>....Now her golden brown hair had hints of gray and was tied back. She wore a velvet dress that gracefully covered her small frame. The years have not been too kind to her but she was still a pleasant looking woman. Jessica is not as thin as she once was and her weight has grown beyond optimal for her below average height. Most of her face was still wrinkle free but crows feet hung below her hazel eyes.
<br>....Jessica stood with Eva, still in her plate armor, at the end of the Great Hall of the Foote manor house. They stood next to a large long table for the members of the family and honorable guests. A large number of tables were stacked against the right wall. When the time comes to eat, these tables are arranged in rows perpendicular to the family table. The left wall was furnished with banners, the banners alternated between a display of the realm's emblem and the Foote sigil. Both side walls went up to the height of two men before slanting in towards each other and reaching a flat ceiling where metal chandeliers hung for lighting at night. The slanted sections were covered in a row of windows for lighting during the day.
<br>...."I don't have time for this," Eva protested.
<br>...."You wish to be the lady of the family then you will have to make time."
<br>...."I'm off commanding archers for the Enlightenment, for the Oracle, I am not here enough to manage the estate, to hold court for the local peasants."
<br>...."Oh dear, bailiff Gregor will take of things when you are gone. When you are in the city you will take care of the estate."
<br>....Eva shook her head, "and what exactly will you be doing?"
<br>...."Me," Jessica's head moved down slightly as her hand reached towards her chest, "I will see towards the families finances, can't have that in Gregor's hands. The man wouldn't have a copper at the end of the day if you gave him one hundred gold coins." Jessica chuckled slightly before continuing, "Eva, my dear, instead of getting yourself killed at some Obeah forsaken corner of the world why don't you stay here and run the estate?"
<br>...."Ahh," Eva nodded her head, "I should have known that was what you wanted."
<br>...."Yes, I'm a horrible mother for not wanting her daughter going out with rapists, murderers, and thieves to fight a bunch of beasts and then end up dead in the middle of field."
<br>...."I'm not quitting," Eva said defiantly as she walked out of the great hall. She certainly had a desire to stay in Rines instead of going back out to fight but the rebellious desire of youth was stronger than fear.
===The Second Battle of Ardmore===
====Augustin's Story====
....The campfire burned in the night on the border of Avengmil and Ardmore. Outside of a few sentries all the soldiers were busy drinking and gambling. Games of dice were popular among the soldiers as the ale flowed endlessly. The recent stay in Rines allowed for a large resupply and at Augustin's advise Eva made sure to get a large amount of ale. It would be good for morale before battle he said. Currently, Augustin, Erich, and Eva sit around the fire as the ashes pile at the bottom of the burning logs. The sound of crickets echo through the silent plains.
<br>...."Rumors are that the horde of beasts and undead have finally broken our control of Ardmore," Augustin broke the silence, "tomorrow will be a tough battle, much harder than the previous battle." Augustin looked at Eva who continued to stare into the fire.
<br>...."Aye," Erich's deep voice boomed, "n there are two things ya need before a good battle. Plenty of drink and a lovely lay. Have plenty of drink but no women."
<br>...."Guess you will have to settle with just a drink then," Augustin answered looking at Erich.
<br>...."Unless ya want to roll," Erich looked to Eva as she rolled her eyes and looked back at the fire. "maybe after the battle then lil dove." Erich laughed loudly as he stood up. "I need more ale," Erich finished his drink before walking off.
<br>...."Ignore him," Augustin turned to Eva, "soldiers tend to forget their manners before battle."
<br>...."Just before battle?" Eva asked with a half smiled looking at Augustin.
<br>...."Well Captain Erich," he chuckled, "he never had manners to forget."
<br>....Eva laughed lightly before silence befell the area. The two could hear Erich in the distance roaring as it sounded like he started to gamble with the others. A crackle and a pop came from the fire as some embers rose into the air before drifting into the distance. Eva slide her crimson hair behind her ear and cleared her throat.
<br>...."We've spent many days together," Eva started, "tell me about your life, where do you call home?"
<br>...."You want to know about my life? It is a common tale, not too interesting."
<br>....Eva tilted her head and looked into the aging face of her advisor, "if we're going to spend so much time together I should at least know more about you."
<br>...."Well," Augustin began, "I am a Cjelbriji through and through. My mother said her family always lived in Cjelegy and many served in the militia there, known as Cjelbram. I grew up the son of a fisherman in a small village on the coast. Spent much of my childhood on the sandy beaches looking out at the boats. A vision that I will cherish until the end of my days."
<br>...."Go on," Eva insisted.
<br>...."You can be persistent m'lady," Augustin smiled, "I joined the Cjelbram when I was sixteen and served for twelve years before I was made a captain. Was a great honor, the men and myself had a grand ole time in Rueffilo that night. Ahh to be young again." Augustin paused in reflection before continuing, "I served as a captain until I got the offer to be your military advisor. Now here we are."
<br>...."What about your wife?"
<br>...."My wife?"
<br>...."Yes, you said before that you had a wife, tell me about her."
<br>....Augustin hesitated before continuing, "In Rueffilo, the night I became a captain, we were all drinking at some local tavern in town. I saw the most beautiful woman with golden hair and pale blue eyes. She was serving drinks and having a laugh with all those around. I knew that she was the one, I could feel it the very first time our eyes met. It felt like our souls, in that moment, danced together as all else stood still. Nothing mattered for that second and then it was gone and the cacophony of soldiers filled the room again. The next day I found her in town, took three hours but I found her." Augustin laughed as he looked into Eva's green eyes, "there we were standing in the mud as people emptied their chamber pots into the road, none of that mattered. Her beauty could not be smeared with the pouring of (bad word 's' removed) around us.  I asked her right there as I stood in mud and (bad word 's' removed) to marry me, I didn't know her name but I knew I wanted her. Even with such an abrupt proposal she smiled as she politely declined. I did not give up though, she was the one, I could not give up. I spent the next month in that tavern trying to get her to say yes. I learned everything about her piece by piece, her name, her family history, everything she was willing to share. Eventually the order came to leave and I spent my last night in town ordering more than I can drink just to spend a few more moments with her. The night was almost over and I knew I had to piss but I was so drunk I could not find myself." Augustin laughed again and noticed Eva's smile at the amusing tale. "There I sat at my lowest moment, I was too drunk to be ashamed and I asked again as she brought me another ale. She said yes finally, probably just to shut me up. The next morning I was able to convince the lord I was serving to allow me to stay long enough to get married. Thus, I had the lady of my dreams, Caroline Zaratuska."
<br>....Eva shifted on the hard log beneath her bottom and crossed her legs. "I hope to meet her one day, maybe we can make a small detour next time we are nearby. Is she still in Rueffilo?"
<br>...."No, we moved to my home in Cjelegy."
<br>...."Well then, we will definitely visit soon!" Eva was excited and kept her eyes on Augustin who just stared into the flames silently. "Do you have any kids?"
<br>...."I had one," Augustin nodded keeping his eyes on the dancing flames, "a fever took him when he was two."
<br>....The smile dropped from Eva's face as she softly spoke, "I'm sorry." Her gaze went down towards the ground.
<br>...."I remember the night he passed," Augustin struggled to speak as he kept his face dry, "Caroline stayed with him all night and held him. It was all I could do to take him from her arms in the morning. She didn't say a word for the next couple days, only wept. I couldn't cheer her up, I couldn't even cheer myself up. Drank every night before I was summoned to Rines. I was a captain, I couldn't stay home forever. So, I left on a two month long campaign. When I returned..." Augustin paused for sometime as his cheek moistened, he ran the back of his hand under his nose and gazed into the fire. "Caroline was dead. She hung herself shortly after I left. I didn't know until I got home. Unlike lords and ladies, us commoners don't have messengers."
<br>....There was a long pause as Eva did not know any words of comfort and Augustin tried to keep his view of honorable composure. The sound of soldiers was starting to fade as the night drew heavy. A full moon shone directly overhead in the clear night sky.
<br>...."I can still see her," Augustin stumbled on, "in my dreams, the golden hair, the round freckle below her right ear...the small birthmark on her clavicle, the scar near her hip from some drunken fool at the tavern...the warmth of her breath on my neck as we lay at night, the sound of her laugh..." Not a word was spoken for a while, the time passed slowly as a cool breeze swam through the camp. Augustin stood up, wiping his face dry. "I think Erich had the right idea, time for some ale."
<br>....Eva watched Augustin leave in silence. She quietly contemplated on what she should have said, some form of comforting words. No, she thought, words can't soothe the wounds of the soul.
====The Early Morning Rain====
....In the early morning rain, Eva stood looking out towards the northern farmlands of Turington. Not a word was spoken, not a movement was made. The blood dripped from her leather armor and water dropped from her crimson hair. On the horizon the Cliffs of Wilton rose up over the battlefield. As the rain fell on her, the image of the cliffs and the battlefield faded to the memory of soldiers in formation.
<br>....Eva knelt down and felt the dew on the grass with her finger tips. She watched as her bare hand glided over the green blades. The strong wind chilled her moist fingers as she let out a sigh. Eva looked up at the soldiers lined up in front of her. "With this wind the archers will have a tough time hitting their target," she thought, "closer we are the more our arrows will hit their target." She stood up and mounted her white horse in order to see over the soldiers. A horde of undead and monstrous beasts came from the fields of the local farm and towards them.
<br>....Eva made a decision and gave out the command, "Forward, march!"
<br>...."M'lady," Augustin shifted on his horse as he looked at Eva, "I think it would be best to stay here."
<br>...."You said I needed to lead," Eva spoke firmly, "that is what I am doing."
<br>....Augustin nodded and looked forward at Erich who stood next to the formation of archers. "Ya heard her," Erich's voice boomed, "get ya arses movin'!"
<br>....The white stallion under Eva walked forward behind the archers. The horde grew larger in Eva's vision as they drew in closer. Range was becoming less of an issue and the order to halt was given. The ground seemed to shake as large beasts on two legs with a head like a bear and claws like a lion stampeded towards them. A deep breath filled her lungs before violently rushing out with the command to fire. Arrows rained down at the approaching beasts as the yell of infantry men filled the air. The archers fired again as the soldiers rushed up from behind Eva. Her heart sank as the beasts and the undead drew in close. In front of her eyes, soldier and beast clash. In that moment she realized that they were too close to the fight as two enormous beasts poured through the lines. Men flew to the sides as one collided with her archers. Archers became involved in a melee and fought for their lives. Wielding a great sword Erich towered above most of the others in the unit. The towering figure was still only came up to the muscular chests of the roaring creatures that rampaged through the formation. A young woman in leather and chain-mail near the front lines fell to the ground as the beast slashed his great claw across her chest. As she hit the ground the muscular beast was stabbed from three directions. His roar filled the area but he did not fall, he merely turned towards the attackers. The giant creature leaped towards Erich and the two other men. With a slash to the right a soldier fell and the two others thrust their blades at the beast once more. This time the heart of the beast was hit, and with a gush of blood the swords withdrew.
<br>....Eva watched the scene unfolding in front of her, both beasts were dead but so were some of her archers. In front of them was a scuffle between the infantry and more beasts and the undead. The archers gathered their senses and carefully fired another volley. As the bowstrings snapped forward, Eva flinched slightly.
<br>....The memory snapped out of Eva's vision as she lifted a canteen of wine to her lips. She gulped down the last of it as the early morning rain continued to fall. Eva wiped her mouth leaving a mixture of blood, rain, and wine behind. Her mind was still on the battlefield in the distance. Only her body remained her on the outskirts of the farmlands as she stood emptily with a vision floated before her. In front of her bluish green eyes the scene emerged.
<br>....Infantry fell down as a group of undead and burly beasts punched their way through. Eva's eyes were wide open as the foe ran into the archers. She gripped the hilt of her her sword and drew it from her side. Her heart beat fast and hard beneath the leather armor. The horse shifted below her and she struggled to stay atop the steed. With her newfound balance she felt the early morning rain that started to fall and the cold wind on her cheeks. A creature of rot wielding a mace and in farmers clothes came stumbling towards her. The horse began to shift in panic to the left, Eva slashed at the undead striking a killing blow. Relief overcame her as she survived the first test. Eva looked up and saw her second test, a huge beast with mange and patches of black fur trotted towards her. With eyes wide open she felt a panic, with a quick gasp she felt herself flung from the saddle. The horse bucked and threw the young dame to the ground. In a quick moment she regained her senses. The mud dug under her fingernails as she jumped back up to her feet. She pulled the round shield from her back and prepared for what was to come.
<br>....The muscular creature drew in close and Eva stood with a shield in the front and a sword to the side. The mud and water splashed up from the ground with each thud of the creatures human-like feet. Drops of rain fell onto her face from her muddied crimson hair. Her breathing sped up as time slowed down. The beast swung with it's sharp claws at Eva's chest. She stepped to the side and raised her shield as she swung her sword. With a thud Eva felt her arm hit her side and the sword drop from her hand. The muddy land was slippery as Eva struggled to get to her feet. She saw the beast bearing down upon her. The black fur around the bear-like mouth dripped with water and blood. Its teeth were yellow and red, its breath smelled of death. Eva could not get to her feet nor to her sword. She closed her eyes in a grimace. Darkness. Silence. A large weight suddenly crashed down onto Eva's chest. The only sensation she felt was the early morning rain. Her eyes bolted open as she looked down at the blood pouring from the beasts head on her chest.
<br>...."Time to go lil dove," Erich yanked Eva off the ground by the collar of her armor. The two began to run from the field. The ground sank beneath her feet as she looked back at the beasts and undead that tore apart soldiers in their wake. The vision stuck in her mind as she looked back to what lay in front of her.
<br>....Eva felt dizzy as the blood dripped off of her and onto the ground. She looked down, away from the battlefield in the distance. The mixture of mud and blood seemed to be ever present. A canteen of wine was thrust into her chest and she looked to her right to see Erich. No words were spoken as Eva took the canteen and drank as much as she could. She sat down on the ground with an ache in her heart and looked towards the Cliffs of Wilton. An eagle soared over the cliffs and towards her. Eva licked her lips, tasting the sweet wine that caressed her tongue. She watched the eagle intensely and longed to be able to trade places with that eagle. To fly away from this place and go back to Rines. Back to a simpler time where her only worries were tending to the garden and harvesting fruit from the tree for her grandfather. A place where the cold sting of death and loss was not ever present. Such a place seemed so far away as she was stuck here on the ground, cold and drunk.
<br>....With a flap of its golden brown wings the eagle soared above the early morning rain. Its cold brown eyes gazing down at the ground where many soldiers fell. In one puddle lay an archer from Rines, son of a blacksmith, named Timothy, dead. In another puddle, an infantryman, ripped to shreds and only their leg sits in this patch of dirt. Next to the leg lay a pike-man, a son of a farmer in Ajitmon, named Igor, dead.  Rotting corpses that clamored to life only to be returned to the grave lay between Igor and another unnamed soldier. In the midst of the still bodies a beast ripped into the chest of another dead man. A former captain, a son of a fisherman in Cjelegy, named Augustin. His familiar face weathered with the years and eyes open to the sky. The beast ate at his torso as the early morning rain fell upon its back and the eagle flew away.
===Chapter Summary(spoilers)===
To be filled soon.
==Chapter 2: High Noon==
==Chapter 2: High Noon==

Revision as of 17:22, 11 October 2018

(this page may be moved in the future if it gets too large)

Section 1

Chapter 2: High Noon

(set stage based on previous)

Chapter Summary (spoilers)

To be filled when RPs are posted

Chapter 3: The Setting Sun

(set stage based on previous)

Chapter Summary (spoilers)

To be filled when RPs are posted

Chapter 4: The Rising Moon

(set stage based on previous)

Chapter Summary (spoilers)

To be filled when RPs are posted

Chapter 5: The (redacted)

(set stage based on previous)

Chapter Summary (spoilers)

To be filled when RPs are posted

Summary (short telling of story)

To be filled for those that want a quick read of what happened in Ch.1 through Ch.5